git-secret-add - starts to track added files. ============================================= ## SYNOPSIS git secret add [-v] [-i] ... ## DESCRIPTION `git secret add` - tells `git secret` which files hold secrets. Adds filepath(s) into `.gitsecret/paths/mapping.cfg`. (It is not recommended to alter `.gitsecret/paths/mapping.cfg` manually.) As of 0.2.6, this command also ensures the filepath is in `.gitignore` as the contents are now considered secret and should not be committed into the repository unencrypted. The `add` action will fail unless there are already users in `git-secret`'s keyring. (See [git-secret(7)]( for information about renaming the .gitsecret folder using the SECRETS_DIR environment variable. ## OPTIONS -v - verbose, shows extra information. -i - does nothing, adding paths to .gitignore is now the default behavior. -h - shows this help. ## MANUAL Run `man git-secret-add` to see this document. ## SEE ALSO [git-secret-init(1)](, [git-secret-tell(1)](, [git-secret-hide(1)](, [git-secret-reveal(1)](