git-secret-init - initializes git-secret repository. ==================================================== ## SYNOPSIS git secret init ## DESCRIPTION `git-secret-init` should be run inside a `git` repo to set up the .gitsecret directory and initialize the repo for git-secret. Until repository is initialized with `git secret init`, all other `git-secret` commands are unavailable. If a .gitsecret directory already exists, `git-secret-init` exits without making any changes. Otherwise, a .gitsecret directory is created with appropriate sub-directories, and patterns to ignore git-secret's `random_seed_file` and not ignore `.secret` files are added to `.gitignore`. (See [git-secret(7)]( for information about renaming the .gitsecret folder with the SECRETS_DIR environment variable, and changing the extension git-secret uses for secret files with the SECRETS_EXTENSION environment variable. ## OPTIONS -h - shows this help. ## MANUAL Run `man git-secret-init` to see this note. ## SEE ALSO [git-secret-usage(1)](, [git-secret-tell(1)](