#!/usr/bin/env bats load _test_base FILE_TO_HIDE="$TEST_DEFAULT_FILENAME" FILE_TO_HIDE2="$TEST_SECOND_FILENAME" FILE_CONTENTS="hidden content юникод" function setup { install_fixture_key "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER" set_state_initial set_state_git set_state_secret_init set_state_secret_tell "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER" set_state_secret_add "$FILE_TO_HIDE" "$FILE_CONTENTS" set_state_secret_add "$FILE_TO_HIDE2" "$FILE_CONTENTS" } function teardown { rm "$FILE_TO_HIDE" rm "$FILE_TO_HIDE2" uninstall_fixture_key "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER" unset_current_state } @test "run 'hide -F' with missing input file" { mv "$FILE_TO_HIDE" "$FILE_TO_HIDE.was" # move the first file out of the way run git secret hide -F #echo "# output of 'git secret hide -F' is: $output" >&3 # Command must execute normally: [ "$status" -eq 0 ] # secret file for missing file should not be created: local encrypted_file=$(_get_encrypted_filename "$FILE_TO_HIDE") [ ! -f "$encrypted_file" ] # this secret file should be created: local encrypted_file2=$(_get_encrypted_filename "$FILE_TO_HIDE2") [ -f "$encrypted_file2" ] # put back first file so teardown() succeeds mv "$FILE_TO_HIDE.was" "$FILE_TO_HIDE" }