bats(1) -- Bash Automated Testing System ======================================== SYNOPSIS -------- Usage: bats [OPTIONS] bats [-h | -v] is the path to a Bats test file, or the path to a directory containing Bats test files (ending with ".bats") DESCRIPTION ----------- Bats is a TAP-compliant testing framework for Bash. It provides a simple way to verify that the UNIX programs you write behave as expected. A Bats test file is a Bash script with special syntax for defining test cases. Under the hood, each test case is just a function with a description. Test cases consist of standard shell commands. Bats makes use of Bash's `errexit` (`set -e`) option when running test cases. If every command in the test case exits with a `0` status code (success), the test passes. In this way, each line is an assertion of truth. See `bats`(7) for more information on writing Bats tests. RUNNING TESTS ------------- To run your tests, invoke the `bats` interpreter with a path to a test file. The file's test cases are run sequentially and in isolation. If all the test cases pass, `bats` exits with a `0` status code. If there are any failures, `bats` exits with a `1` status code. You can invoke the `bats` interpreter with multiple test file arguments, or with a path to a directory containing multiple `.bats` files. Bats will run each test file individually and aggregate the results. If any test case fails, `bats` exits with a `1` status code. OPTIONS ------- * `-c`, `--count`: Count the number of test cases without running any tests * `-f`, `--filter `: Filter test cases by names matching the regular expression * `-F`, `--formatter `: Switch between formatters: pretty (default), tap (default w/o term), tap13, junit * `-h`, `--help`: Display this help message * `-j`, `--jobs `: Number of parallel jobs (requires GNU parallel) * `--no-tempdir-cleanup`: Preserve test output temporary directory * `--no-parallelize-across-files` Serialize test file execution instead of running them in parallel (requires --jobs >1) * `--no-parallelize-within-files` Serialize test execution within files instead of running them in parallel (requires --jobs >1) * `--report-formatter `: Switch between reporters (same options as --formatter) * `-o`, `--output `: Directory to write report files * `-p`, `--pretty`: Shorthand for "--formatter pretty" * `-r`, `--recursive`: Include tests in subdirectories * `-t`, `--tap`: Shorthand for "--formatter tap" * `-T`, `--timing`: Add timing information to tests * `-v`, `--version`: Display the version number OUTPUT ------ When you run Bats from a terminal, you'll see output as each test is performed, with a check-mark next to the test's name if it passes or an "X" if it fails. $ bats addition.bats ✓ addition using bc ✓ addition using dc 2 tests, 0 failures If Bats is not connected to a terminal--in other words, if you run it from a continuous integration system or redirect its output to a file--the results are displayed in human-readable, machine-parsable TAP format. You can force TAP output from a terminal by invoking Bats with the `--tap` option. $ bats --tap addition.bats 1..2 ok 1 addition using bc ok 2 addition using dc EXIT STATUS ----------- The `bats` interpreter exits with a value of `0` if all test cases pass, or `1` if one or more test cases fail. SEE ALSO -------- Bats wiki: _\-core/bats\-core/wiki/_ `bash`(1), `bats`(7) COPYRIGHT --------- (c) 2017-2018 bats-core organization
(c) 2011-2016 Sam Stephenson Bats is released under the terms of an MIT-style license.