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9 years ago
.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
2 years ago
.TH "GIT\-SECRET\-REVEAL" "1" "April 2022" "sobolevn" "git-secret 0.5.0-alpha1"
9 years ago
\fBgit\-secret\-reveal\fR \- decrypts all added files\.
git secret reveal [\-f] [\-F] [\-P] [\-v] [\-d dir] [\-p password] [pathspec]\.\.\.
9 years ago
2 years ago
\fBgit\-secret\-reveal\fR \- decrypts passed files, or all files considered secret by \fBgit\-secret\fR
Under the hood, \fBreveal\fR uses the \fBgpg \-\-decrypt\fR command and your private key (typically from your personal keyring in your home directory) to \fIdecrypt\fR files\.
Therefore, for this operation to succeed, your personal keyring must contain a private key matching one of the public keys which were used to encrypt the secrets \-\- i\.e\., one of the public keys in \fBgit\-secret\fR repo\'s keyring when the file was encrypted\.
9 years ago
\-f \- forces gpg to overwrite existing files without prompt\.
\-F \- forces reveal to continue even if a file fails to decrypt\.
\-d \- specifies `\-\-homedir` option for the `gpg`, basically use this option if you store your keys in a custom location\.
\-v \- verbose, shows extra information\.
9 years ago
\-p \- specifies password for noinput mode, adds `\-\-passphrase` option for `gpg`\.
6 years ago
\-P \- preserve permissions of encrypted file in unencrypted file\.
9 years ago
\-h \- shows help\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBSECRETS_GPG_COMMAND\fR changes the default \fBgpg\fR command to anything else
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBSECRETS_GPG_ARMOR\fR is a boolean to enable \fB\-\-armor\fR mode \fIhttps://www\.gnupg\.org/gph/en/manual/r1290\.html\fR to store secrets in text format over binary
.IP "\(bu" 4
3 years ago
\fBSECRETS_DIR\fR changes the default \fB\.gitsecret/\fR folder to another name as documented at git\-secret(7) \fIhttps://git\-secret\.io/\fR
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBSECRETS_EXTENSION\fR changes the default \fB\.secret\fR file extension
.IP "\(bu" 4
3 years ago
\fBSECRETS_VERBOSE\fR changes the output verbosity as documented at git\-secret(7) \fIhttps://git\-secret\.io/\fR
.IP "\(bu" 4
3 years ago
\fBSECRETS_PINENTRY\fR changes the \fBgpg \-\-pinentry\fR mode \fIhttps://github\.com/gpg/pinentry\fR as documented at git\-secret(7) \fIhttps://git\-secret\.io/\fR
.IP "" 0
2 years ago
Run \fBman git\-secret\-reveal\fR to see this document\.
9 years ago
3 years ago
git\-secret\-init(1) \fIhttps://git\-secret\.io/git\-secret\-init\fR, git\-secret\-cat(1) \fIhttps://git\-secret\.io/git\-secret\-cat\fR, git\-secret\-tell(1) \fIhttps://git\-secret\.io/git\-secret\-tell\fR, git\-secret\-add(1) \fIhttps://git\-secret\.io/git\-secret\-add\fR, git\-secret\-hide(1) \fIhttps://git\-secret\.io/git\-secret\-hide\fR