You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
2.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bats
load _test_base
function setup {
install_fixture_key "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER"
set_state_secret_tell "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER"
function teardown {
uninstall_fixture_key "$TEST_DEFAULT_USER"
@test "run 'add' for unignored file" {
local TEST_FILE='test_file'
touch "$TEST_FILE"
echo "content" > "$TEST_FILE"
run git secret add "$TEST_FILE"
rm -f "$TEST_FILE"
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "run 'add' for unignored file with '-i' option" {
local TEST_FILE='test_file.auto_ignore'
touch "$TEST_FILE"
echo "content" > "$TEST_FILE"
run git secret add -i "$TEST_FILE"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
run _file_has_line "$TEST_FILE" ".gitignore"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
rm -f "$TEST_FILE"
@test "run 'add' normally" {
local filename="local_file"
echo "content" > "$filename"
echo "$filename" > ".gitignore"
run git secret add "$filename"
rm -f "$filename" ".gitignore"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
local files_list=$(cat "$SECRETS_DIR_PATHS_MAPPING")
[ "$files_list" = "$filename" ]
@test "run 'add' for file in subdirectory" {
local TEST_FILE='test_file'
local TEST_DIR='test_dir'
mkdir "$TEST_DIR"
echo "content" > "$TEST_DIR/$TEST_FILE"
echo "$TEST_DIR/$TEST_FILE" > ".gitignore"
run git secret add "$TEST_DIR/$TEST_FILE"
rm -rf "$TEST_DIR"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@test "run 'add' twice for one file" {
local filename="local_file"
echo "content" > "$filename"
echo "$filename" > ".gitignore"
run git secret add "$filename"
run git secret add "$filename"
rm -f "$filename" ".gitignore"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "1 items added." ]
local files_list=`cat "$SECRETS_DIR_PATHS_MAPPING"`
[ "$files_list" = "$filename" ]
@test "run 'add' for multiple files" {
local filename1="local_file1"
echo "content1" > "$filename1"
echo "$filename1" > ".gitignore"
local filename2="local_file2"
echo "content2" > "$filename2"
echo "$filename2" >> ".gitignore"
run git secret add "$filename1" "$filename2"
rm -f "$filename1" "$filename2" ".gitignore"
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "2 items added." ]