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# Contributing Guidelines
## Welcome!
Thank you for considering contributing to the development of this project's
development and/or documentation. Just a reminder: if you're new to this project
or to OSS and want to find issues to work on, please check the following labels
on issues:
- [help wanted][helpwantedlabel]
- [docs][docslabel]
- [good first issue][goodfirstissuelabel]
To see all labels and their meanings, [check this wiki page][labelswiki].
This guide borrows **heavily** from [@mbland's go-script-bash][gsb] (with some
sections directly quoted), which in turn was
drafted with tips from [Wrangling Web Contributions: How to Build
a][moz] and with some inspiration from [the Atom project's file][atom].
## Table of contents
* [Contributing Guidelines](#contributing-guidelines)
* [Welcome!](#welcome)
* [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
* [Quick links <g-emoji alias="link" fallback-src="" ios-version="6.0">🔗</g-emoji>](#quick-links-)
* [Contributor License Agreement](#contributor-license-agreement)
* [Code of conduct](#code-of-conduct)
* [Asking questions and reporting issues](#asking-questions-and-reporting-issues)
* [Updating documentation](#updating-documentation)
* [Environment setup](#environment-setup)
* [Workflow](#workflow)
* [Testing](#testing)
* [Coding conventions](#coding-conventions)
* [Formatting](#formatting)
* [Naming](#naming)
* [Function declarations](#function-declarations)
* [Variable and parameter declarations](#variable-and-parameter-declarations)
* [Command substitution](#command-substitution)
* [Process substitution](#process-substitution)
* [Conditionals and loops](#conditionals-and-loops)
* [Generating output](#generating-output)
* [Gotchas](#gotchas)
* [Open Source License](#open-source-license)
* [Credits](#credits)
## Quick links &#x1f517;
- [Gitter channel →][gitterurl]: These messages sync with the IRC channel
- [IRC Channel (#bats on freenode) →][ircurl]: These messages sync with Gitter
- [Code of conduct →][CODE_OF_CONDUCT]
- [License information →][LICENSE]
- [Original repository →][repohome]
- [Issues →][repoissues]
- [Pull requests →][repoprs]
- [Milestones →][repomilestones]
- [Projects →][repoprojects]
## Contributor License Agreement
Per the [GitHub Terms of Service][gh-tos], be aware that by making a
contribution to this project, you agree:
* to license your contribution under the same terms as [this project's
license][osmit], and
* that you have the right to license your contribution under those terms.
See also: ["Does my project need an additional contributor agreement? Probably
[osmit]: #open-source-license
## Code of conduct
Harrassment or rudeness of any kind will not be tolerated, period. For
specifics, see the [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][] file.
## Asking questions and reporting issues
### Asking questions
Please check the [README][] or existing [issues][repoissues] first.
If you cannot find an answer to your question, please feel free to hop on our
[gitter][gitterurl] [![Gitter](]( or [via IRC (#bats on freenode)][ircurl].
### Reporting issues
Before reporting an issue, please use the search feature on the [issues
page][repoissues] to see if an issue matching the one you've observed has already
been filed.
### Updating or filing a new issue
#### Information to include
Try to be as specific as possible about your environment and the problem you're
observing. At a minimum, include:
#### Installation issues
1. State the version of Bash you're using `bash --version`
1. State your operating system and its version
1. If you're installing through homebrew, run `brew doctor`, and attach the
output of `brew info bats-core`
#### Bugs/usage issues
1. State the version of Bash you're using `bash --version`
1. State your operating system and its version
1. Command line steps or code snippets that reproduce the issue
1. Any apparently relevant information from the [Bash changelog][bash-changes]
Also consider using:
- Bash's `time` builtin to collect running times
- a regression test to add to the suite
- memory usage as reported by a tool such as
### On existing issues
1. DO NOT add a +1 comment: Use the reactions provided instead
1. DO add information if you're facing a similar issue to someone else, but
within a different context (e.g. different steps needed to reproduce the issue
than previous stated, different version of Bash or BATS, different OS, etc.)
You can read on how to do that here: [Information to include][#information-to-include]
1. DO remember that you can use the *Subscribe* button on the right side of the
page to receive notifications of further conversations or a resolution.
## Updating documentation
We love documentation and people who love documentation!
If you love writing clear, accessible docs, please don't be shy about pull
requests. Remember: docs are just as important as code.
Also: _no typo is too small to fix!_ Really. Of course, batches of fixes are
preferred, but even one nit is one nit too many.
## Environment setup
Make sure you have Bash installed per the [Environment setup in the
## Workflow
The basic workflow for submitting changes resembles that of the [GitHub Git
Flow][github-flow] (a.k.a. GitHub Flow), except that you will be working with
your own fork of the repository and issuing pull requests to the original.
1. Fork the repo on GitHub (look for the "Fork" button)
1. Clone your forked repo to your local machine
1. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
1. Develop _and [test](#testing)_ your changes as necessary.
1. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
1. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
1. Create a new [GitHub pull request][gh-pr] for your feature branch based
against the original repository's `master` branch
1. If your request is accepted, you can [delete your feature branch][rm-branch]
and pull the updated `master` branch from the original repository into your
fork. You may even [delete your fork][rm-fork] if you don't anticipate making
further changes.
## Testing
- Continuous integration status: [![Tests](](
## Coding conventions
- [Formatting](#formatting)
- [Naming](#naming)
- [Variable and parameter declarations](#variable-and-parameter-declarations)
- [Command substitution](#command-substitution)
- [Conditions and loops](#conditionals-and-loops)
- [Gotchas](#gotchas)
### Formatting
- Keep all files 80 characters wide.
- Indent using two spaces.
- Enclose all variables in double quotes when used to avoid having them
interpreted as glob patterns (unless the variable contains a glob pattern)
and to avoid word splitting when the value contains spaces. Both scenarios
can introduce errors that often prove difficult to diagnose.
- **This is especially important when the variable is used to generate a
glob pattern**, since spaces may appear in a path value.
- If the variable itself contains a glob pattern, make sure to set
`IFS=$'\n'` before using it so that the pattern itself and any matching
file names containing spaces are not split apart.
- Exceptions: Quotes are not required within math contexts, i.e. `(( ))` or
`$(( ))`, and must not be used for variables on the right side of the `=~`
- Enclose all string literals in single quotes.
- Exception: If the string contains an apostrophe, use double quotes.
- Use quotes around variables and literals even inside of `[[ ]]` conditions.
- This is because strings that contain '[' or ']' characters may fail to
compare equally when they should.
- Exception: Do not quote variables that contain regular expression patterns
appearing on the right side of the `=~` operator.
- _Only_ quote arguments to the right of `=~` if the expression is a literal
match without any metacharacters.
The following are intended to prevent too-compact code:
- Declare only one item per `declare`, `local`, `export`, or `readonly` call.
- _Note:_ This also helps avoid subtle bugs, as trying to initialize one
variable using the value of another declared in the same statement will
not do what you may expect. The initialization of the first variable will
not yet be complete when the second variable is declared, so the first
variable will have an empty value.
- Do not use one-line `if`, `for`, `while`, `until`, `case`, or `select`
- Do not use `&&` or `||` to avoid writing `if` statements.
- Do not write functions entirely on one line.
- For `case` statements: put each pattern on a line by itself; put each command
on a line by itself; put the `;;` terminator on a line by itself.
### Naming
- Use `snake_case` for all identifiers.
### Function declarations
- Declare functions without the `function` keyword.
- Strive to always use `return`, never `exit`, unless an error condition is
severe enough to warrant it.
- Calling `exit` makes it difficult for the caller to recover from an error,
or to compose new commands from existing ones.
### Variable and parameter declarations
- _Gotcha:_ Never initialize an array on the same line as an `export` or
`declare -g` statement. See [the Gotchas section](#gotchas) below for more
- Declare all variables inside functions using `local`.
- Declare temporary file-level variables using `declare`. Use `unset` to remove
them when finished.
- Don't use `local -r`, as a readonly local variable in one scope can cause a
conflict when it calls a function that declares a `local` variable of the same
- Don't use type flags with `declare` or `local`. Assignments to integer
variables in particular may behave differently, and it has no effect on array
- For most functions, the first lines should use `local` declarations to
assign the original positional parameters to more meaningful names, e.g.:
format_summary() {
local cmd_name="$1"
local summary="$2"
local longest_name_len="$3"
For very short functions, this _may not_ be necessary, e.g.:
has_spaces() {
[[ "$1" != "${1//[[:space:]]/}" ]]
### Command substitution
- If possible, don't. While this capability is one of Bash's core strengths,
every new process created by Bats makes the framework slower, and speed is
critical to encouraging the practice of automated testing. (This is especially
true on Windows, [where process creation is one or two orders of magnitude
slower][win-slow]. See [bats-core/bats-core#8][pr-8] for an illustration of
the difference avoiding subshells makes.) Bash is quite powerful; see if you
can do what you need in pure Bash first.
- If you need to capture the output from a function, store the output using
`printf -v` instead if possible. `-v` specfies the name of the variable into
which to write the result; the caller can supply this name as a parameter.
- If you must use command substituion, use `$()` instead of backticks, as it's
more robust, more searchable, and can be nested.
### Process substitution
- If possible, don't use it. See the advice on avoiding subprocesses and using
`printf -v` in the **Command substitution** section above.
- Use wherever necessary and possible, such as when piping input into a `while`
loop (which avoids having the loop body execute in a subshell) or running a
command taking multiple filename arguments based on output from a function or
pipeline (e.g. `diff`).
- *Warning*: It is impossible to directly determine the exit status of a process
substitution; emitting an exit status as the last line of output is a possible
### Conditionals and loops
- Always use `[[` and `]]` for evaluating variables. Per the guideline under
**Formatting**, quote variables and strings within the brackets, but not
regular expressions (or variables containing regular expressions) appearing
on the right side of the `=~` operator.
### Generating output
- Use `printf` instead of `echo`. Both are Bash builtins, and there's no
perceptible performance difference when running Bats under the `time` builtin.
However, `printf` provides a more consistent experience in general, as `echo`
has limitations to the arguments it accepts, and even the same version of Bash
may produce different results for `echo` based on how the binary was compiled.
See [Stack Overflow: Why is printf better than echo?][printf-vs-echo] for
excruciating details.
### Signal names
Always use upper case signal names (e.g. `trap - INT EXIT`) to avoid locale
dependent errors. In some locales (for example Turkish, see
[Turkish dotless i]( lower
case signal names cause Bash to error. An example of the problem:
$ echo "tr_TR.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen tr_TR.UTF-8 # Ubuntu derivatives
$ LC_CTYPE=tr_TR.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=C bash -c 'trap - int && echo success'
bash: line 0: trap: int: invalid signal specification
$ LC_CTYPE=tr_TR.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=C bash -c 'trap - INT && echo success'
### Gotchas
- If you wish to use command substitution to initialize a `local` variable, and
then check the exit status of the command substitution, you _must_ declare the
variable on one line and perform the substitution on another. If you don't,
the exit status will always indicate success, as it is the status of the
`local` declaration, not the command substitution.
- To work around a bug in some versions of Bash whereby arrays declared with
`declare -g` or `export` and initialized in the same statement eventually go
out of scope, always `export` the array name on one line and initialize it the
next line. See:
- [ShellCheck]( can help to identify many of these issues
## Open Source License
This software is made available under the [MIT License][osmit].
For the text of the license, see the [LICENSE][] file.
## Credits
- This guide was heavily written by BATS-core member [@mbland](
for [go-script-bash](, tweaked for [BATS-core][repohome]
- Table of Contents created by [gh-md-toc](
- The [official bash logo]( is copyrighted
by the [Free Software Foundation](, 2016 under the [Free Art License](