Elijah Newren 525ecc8f8e release: tweak packaging scripts for uploading to PyPI
Clean up the PyPI dist packages, remove unnecessary files, and
streamline the release process:
  * Avoid adding extra unnecessary files to the repo; is code
    and can copy the necessary files into place.
  * Make sure is included so we don't get an UNKNOWN
    Description field.
  * Add a long_description_content_type to avoid parsing errors on the file and rejecting the upload.
  * Define the license and platform fields so they don't show up as
    UNKNOWN either.
  * Remove unnecessary pyproject.toml.  This makes sense for most python
    projects, but since I already have a Makefile with installation
    rules (because I'm trying to be more compatible with git.git just in
    case we ever get merged into it), the pyproject.toml file is
    somewhat duplicative.  Sure, the Makefile won't specify the exact
    versions needed but...meh.
  * Split the release target of the Makefile into github_release and
    pypi_release substeps, to allow them to be run semi-independently.
    Make the pypi_release run a few more steps for me.

Signed-off-by: Elijah Newren <>
2019-12-26 12:32:53 -08:00

141 lines
5.9 KiB

# A bunch of installation-related paths people can override on the command line
prefix = $(HOME)
bindir = $(prefix)/libexec/git-core
localedir = $(prefix)/share/locale
mandir = $(prefix)/share/man
htmldir = $(prefix)/share/doc/git-doc
pythondir = $(prefix)/lib64/python3.6/site-packages
default: build
@echo Nothing to do: filter-repo is a script which needs no compilation.
cd t && time ./run_coverage
# fixup_locale might matter once we actually have translations, but right now
# we don't. It might not even matter then, because python has a fallback podir.
sed -ie s%@@LOCALEDIR@@%$(localedir)% git-filter-repo
# People installing from tarball will already have man1/git-filter-repo.1 and
# html/git-filter-repo.html. But let's support people installing from a git
# clone too; for them, just cheat and snag a copy of the built docs that I
# record in a different branch.
snag_docs: Documentation/man1/git-filter-repo.1 Documentation/html/git-filter-repo.html
mkdir -p Documentation/man1
git show origin/docs:man1/git-filter-repo.1 >Documentation/man1/git-filter-repo.1
mkdir -p Documentation/html
git show origin/docs:html/git-filter-repo.html >Documentation/html/git-filter-repo.html
install: snag_docs #fixup_locale
cp -a git-filter-repo "$(bindir)/"
ln -sf "$(bindir)/git-filter-repo" "$(pythondir)/"
cp -a Documentation/man1/git-filter-repo.1 "$(mandir)/man1/git-filter-repo.1"
cp -a Documentation/html/git-filter-repo.html "$(htmldir)/git-filter-repo.html"
# The remainder of the targets are meant for tasks for the maintainer; if they
# don't work for you, I don't care. These tasks modify branches and upload
# releases and whatnot, and presume a directory layout I have locally.
update_docs: export GIT_WORK_TREE=$(shell mktemp -d)
update_docs: export GIT_INDEX_FILE=$(shell mktemp)
update_docs: export COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
# Sanity check; we'll build docs in a clone of a git repo
test -d ../git
# Avoid spurious errors by forcing index to be well formatted, if empty
git read-tree 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 # empty tree
# Symlink git-filter-repo.txt documentation into git and build it
ln -sf ../../git-filter-repo/Documentation/git-filter-repo.txt ../git/Documentation/
make -C ../git/Documentation -j4 man html
# Take the built documentation and lay it out nicely
mkdir $$GIT_WORK_TREE/html
mkdir $$GIT_WORK_TREE/man1
cp -a ../git/Documentation/*.html $$GIT_WORK_TREE/html/
cp -a ../git/Documentation/git-filter-repo.1 $$GIT_WORK_TREE/man1/
dos2unix $$GIT_WORK_TREE/html/*
# Add new version of the documentation as a commit, if it differs
git --work-tree $$GIT_WORK_TREE add .
git diff --quiet docs || git write-tree \
| xargs git commit-tree -p docs -m "Update docs to $$COMMIT" \
| xargs git update-ref refs/heads/docs
# Remove temporary files
rm -rf $$GIT_WORK_TREE
# Push the new documentation upstream
git push origin docs
# Notify of completion
@echo === filter-repo docs branch updated ===
# Call like this:
# make GITHUB_COM_TOKEN=$KEY TAGNAME=v2.23.0 release
release: github_release pypi_release
# Call like this:
# make GITHUB_COM_TOKEN=$KEY TAGNAME=v2.23.0 github_release
github_release: export FILEBASE=git-filter-repo-$(shell echo $(TAGNAME) | tail -c +2)
github_release: export GIT_INDEX_FILE=$(shell mktemp)
github_release: export COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
github_release: update_docs
test -n "$(GITHUB_COM_TOKEN)"
test -n "$(TAGNAME)"
test -n "$$COMMIT"
# Tag the release, push it to GitHub
git tag -a -m "filter-repo $(TAGNAME)" $(TAGNAME) $$COMMIT
git push origin $(TAGNAME)
# Create the tarball
git read-tree $$COMMIT
git ls-tree -r docs | grep filter-repo \
| sed -e 's%\t%\tDocumentation/%' \
| git update-index --index-info
git write-tree \
| xargs git archive --prefix=$(FILEBASE)/ \
| xz -c >$(FILEBASE).tar.xz
# Make GitHub mark our new tag as an official release
curl -s -H "Authorization: token $(GITHUB_COM_TOKEN)" -X POST \ \
--data "{ \
\"tag_name\": \"$(TAGNAME)\", \
\"target_commitish\": \"$$COMMIT\", \
\"name\": \"$(TAGNAME)\", \
\"body\": \"filter-repo $(TAGNAME)\" \
}" | jq -r .id >asset_id
# Upload our tarball
cat asset_id | xargs -I ASSET_ID curl -s -H "Authorization: token $(GITHUB_COM_TOKEN)" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary @$(FILEBASE).tar.xz$(FILEBASE).tar.xz
# Remove temporary file(s)
rm asset_id
# Notify of completion
@echo === filter-repo $(TAGNAME) created and uploaded to GitHub ===
pypi_release: # Has an implicit dependency on github_release because...
# Upload to PyPI, automatically picking tag created by github_release
cd release && python3 -m venv venv
cd release && venv/bin/pip3 install --upgrade setuptools pip
cd release && venv/bin/pip3 install twine wheel
cd release && venv/bin/python3 sdist bdist_wheel
cd release && venv/bin/twine upload dist/*
# Remove temporary file(s)
cd release && rm -f git-filter-repo
cd release && rm -rf .eggs/ build/ venv/ git_filter_repo.egg-info/
# NOTE TO FUTURE SELF: If you accidentally push a bad release, you can remove
# all but the git-filter-repo-$VERSION.tar.xz asset with
# git push --delete origin $TAGNAME
# To remove the git-filter-repo-$VERSION.tar.xz asset as well:
# curl -s -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_COM_TOKEN" -X GET \
# and look for the "id", then run
# curl -s -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_COM_TOKEN" -X DELETE \