.ig The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Junegunn Choi Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. .. .TH fzf 1 "Mar 2016" "fzf 0.11.4" "fzf - a command-line fuzzy finder" .SH NAME fzf - a command-line fuzzy finder .SH SYNOPSIS fzf [options] .SH DESCRIPTION fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. .SH OPTIONS .SS Search mode .TP .B "-x, --extended" Extended-search mode. Since 0.10.9, this is enabled by default. You can disable it with \fB+x\fR or \fB--no-extended\fR. .TP .B "-e, --exact" Enable exact-match .TP .B "-i" Case-insensitive match (default: smart-case match) .TP .B "+i" Case-sensitive match .TP .BI "-n, --nth=" "N[,..]" Comma-separated list of field index expressions for limiting search scope. See \fBFIELD INDEX EXPRESSION\fR for details. .TP .BI "--with-nth=" "N[,..]" Transform each item using index expressions within finder .TP .BI "-d, --delimiter=" "STR" Field delimiter regex for \fB--nth\fR and \fB--with-nth\fR (default: AWK-style) .SS Search result .TP .B "+s, --no-sort" Do not sort the result .TP .B "--tac" Reverse the order of the input .RS e.g. \fBhistory | fzf --tac --no-sort\fR .RE .TP .BI "--tiebreak=" "CRI[,..]" Comma-separated list of sort criteria to apply when the scores are tied. .br .br .BR length " Prefers item with shorter length" .br .BR begin " Prefers item with matched substring closer to the beginning" .br .BR end " Prefers item with matched substring closer to the end" .br .BR index " Prefers item that appeared earlier in the input stream" .br .br - Each criterion should appear only once in the list .br - \fBindex\fR is only allowed at the end of the list .br - \fBindex\fR is implicitly appended to the list when not specified .br - Default is \fBlength\fR (or equivalently \fBlength\fR,index) .SS Interface .TP .B "-m, --multi" Enable multi-select with tab/shift-tab .TP .B "--ansi" Enable processing of ANSI color codes .TP .B "--no-mouse" Disable mouse .TP .BI "--color=" "[BASE_SCHEME][,COLOR:ANSI]" Color configuration. The name of the base color scheme is followed by custom color mappings. Ansi color code of -1 denotes terminal default foreground/background color. .RS e.g. \fBfzf --color=bg+:24\fR \fBfzf --color=light,fg:232,bg:255,bg+:116,info:27\fR .RE .RS .B BASE SCHEME: (default: dark on 256-color terminal, otherwise 16) \fBdark \fRColor scheme for dark 256-color terminal \fBlight \fRColor scheme for light 256-color terminal \fB16 \fRColor scheme for 16-color terminal \fBbw \fRNo colors .B COLOR: \fBfg \fRText \fBbg \fRBackground \fBhl \fRHighlighted substrings \fBfg+ \fRText (current line) \fBbg+ \fRBackground (current line) \fBhl+ \fRHighlighted substrings (current line) \fBinfo \fRInfo \fBprompt \fRPrompt \fBpointer \fRPointer to the current line \fBmarker \fRMulti-select marker \fBspinner \fRStreaming input indicator \fBheader \fRHeader .RE .TP .B "--black" Use black background .TP .B "--reverse" Reverse orientation .TP .BI "--margin=" MARGIN Comma-separated expression for margins around the finder. .br .br .RS .BR TRBL " Same margin for top, right, bottom, and left" .br .BR TB,RL " Vertical, horizontal margin" .br .BR T,RL,B " Top, horizontal, bottom margin" .br .BR T,R,B,L " Top, right, bottom, left margin" .br .br Each part can be given in absolute number or in percentage relative to the terminal size with \fB%\fR suffix. .br .br e.g. \fBfzf --margin 10%\fR \fBfzf --margin 1,5%\fR .RE .TP .BI "--tabstop=" SPACES Number of spaces for a tab character (default: 8) .TP .B "--cycle" Enable cyclic scroll .TP .B "--no-hscroll" Disable horizontal scroll .TP .BI "--hscroll-off=" "COL" Number of screen columns to keep to the right of the highlighted substring (default: 10). Setting it to a large value will cause the text to be positioned on the center of the screen. .TP .B "--inline-info" Display finder info inline with the query .TP .BI "--prompt=" "STR" Input prompt (default: '> ') .TP .BI "--toggle-sort=" "KEY" Key to toggle sort. For the list of the allowed key names, see \fB--bind\fR. .TP .BI "--bind=" "KEYBINDS" Comma-separated list of custom key bindings. Each key binding expression follows the following format: \fBKEY:ACTION\fR .RS e.g. \fBfzf --bind=ctrl-j:accept,ctrl-k:kill-line\fR .RE .RS .B AVAILABLE KEYS: (SYNONYMS) \fIctrl-[a-z]\fR \fIalt-[a-z]\fR \fIf[1-4]\fR \fIenter\fR (\fIreturn\fR \fIctrl-m\fR) \fIspace\fR \fIbspace\fR (\fIbs\fR) \fIalt-bspace\fR (\fIalt-bs\fR) \fItab\fR \fIbtab\fR (\fIshift-tab\fR) \fIesc\fR \fIdel\fR \fIup\fR \fIdown\fR \fIleft\fR \fIright\fR \fIhome\fR \fIend\fR \fIpgup\fR (\fIpage-up\fR) \fIpgdn\fR (\fIpage-down\fR) \fIshift-left\fR \fIshift-right\fR \fIdouble-click\fR or any single character .RE .RS \fBACTION: DEFAULT BINDINGS (NOTES): \fBabort\fR \fIctrl-c ctrl-g ctrl-q esc\fR \fBaccept\fR \fIenter double-click\fR \fBbackward-char\fR \fIctrl-b left\fR \fBbackward-delete-char\fR \fIctrl-h bspace\fR \fBbackward-kill-word\fR \fIalt-bs\fR \fBbackward-word\fR \fIalt-b shift-left\fR \fBbeginning-of-line\fR \fIctrl-a home\fR \fBcancel\fR \fBclear-screen\fR \fIctrl-l\fR \fBdelete-char\fR \fIdel\fR \fBdelete-char/eof\fR \fIctrl-d\fR \fBdeselect-all\fR \fBdown\fR \fIctrl-j ctrl-n down\fR \fBend-of-line\fR \fIctrl-e end\fR \fBexecute(...)\fR (see below for the details) \fBexecute-multi(...)\fR (see below for the details) \fBforward-char\fR \fIctrl-f right\fR \fBforward-word\fR \fIalt-f shift-right\fR \fBignore\fR \fBkill-line\fR \fBkill-word\fR \fIalt-d\fR \fBnext-history\fR (\fIctrl-n\fR on \fB--history\fR) \fBpage-down\fR \fIpgdn\fR \fBpage-up\fR \fIpgup\fR \fBprevious-history\fR (\fIctrl-p\fR on \fB--history\fR) \fBselect-all\fR \fBtoggle\fR \fBtoggle-all\fR \fBtoggle-down\fR \fIctrl-i (tab)\fR \fBtoggle-in\fR (\fB--reverse\fR ? \fBtoggle-up\fR : \fBtoggle-down\fR) \fBtoggle-out\fR (\fB--reverse\fR ? \fBtoggle-down\fR : \fBtoggle-up\fR) \fBtoggle-sort\fR (equivalent to \fB--toggle-sort\fR) \fBtoggle-up\fR \fIbtab (shift-tab)\fR \fBunix-line-discard\fR \fIctrl-u\fR \fBunix-word-rubout\fR \fIctrl-w\fR \fBup\fR \fIctrl-k ctrl-p up\fR \fByank\fR \fIctrl-y\fR .RE .RS With \fBexecute(...)\fR action, you can execute arbitrary commands without leaving fzf. For example, you can turn fzf into a simple file browser by binding \fBenter\fR key to \fBless\fR command like follows. .RS \fBfzf --bind "enter:execute(less {})"\fR .RE \fB{}\fR is the placeholder for the double-quoted string of the current line. If the command contains parentheses, you can use any of the following alternative notations to avoid parse errors. \fBexecute[...]\fR \fBexecute~...~\fR \fBexecute!...!\fR \fBexecute@...@\fR \fBexecute#...#\fR \fBexecute$...$\fR \fBexecute%...%\fR \fBexecute^...^\fR \fBexecute&...&\fR \fBexecute*...*\fR \fBexecute;...;\fR \fBexecute/.../\fR \fBexecute|...|\fR \fBexecute:...\fR .RS This is the special form that frees you from parse errors as it does not expect the closing character. The catch is that it should be the last one in the comma-separated list. .RE \fBexecute-multi(...)\fR is an alternative action that executes the command with the selected entries when multi-select is enabled (\fB--multi\fR). With this action, \fB{}\fR is replaced with the double-quoted strings of the selected entries separated by spaces. .RE .TP .BI "--history=" "HISTORY_FILE" Load search history from the specified file and update the file on completion. When enabled, \fBCTRL-N\fR and \fBCTRL-P\fR are automatically remapped to \fBnext-history\fR and \fBprevious-history\fR. .TP .BI "--history-size=" "N" Maximum number of entries in the history file (default: 1000). The file is automatically truncated when the number of the lines exceeds the value. .TP .BI "--header=" "STR" The given string will be printed as the sticky header. The lines are displayed in the given order from top to bottom regardless of \fB--reverse\fR option, and are not affected by \fB--with-nth\fR. ANSI color codes are processed even when \fB--ansi\fR is not set. .TP .BI "--header-lines=" "N" The first N lines of the input are treated as the sticky header. When \fB--with-nth\fR is set, the lines are transformed just like the other lines that follow. .SS Scripting .TP .BI "-q, --query=" "STR" Start the finder with the given query .TP .B "-1, --select-1" Automatically select the only match .TP .B "-0, --exit-0" Exit immediately when there's no match .TP .BI "-f, --filter=" "STR" Filter mode. Do not start interactive finder. When used with \fB--no-sort\fR, fzf becomes a fuzzy-version of grep. .TP .B "--print-query" Print query as the first line .TP .BI "--expect=" "KEY[,..]" Comma-separated list of keys that can be used to complete fzf in addition to the default enter key. When this option is set, fzf will print the name of the key pressed as the first line of its output (or as the second line if \fB--print-query\fR is also used). The line will be empty if fzf is completed with the default enter key. .RS e.g. \fBfzf --expect=ctrl-v,ctrl-t,alt-s,f1,f2,~,@\fR .RE .TP .B "--sync" Synchronous search for multi-staged filtering. If specified, fzf will launch ncurses finder only after the input stream is complete. .RS e.g. \fBfzf --multi | fzf --sync\fR .RE .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND Default command to use when input is tty .TP .B FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS Default options. e.g. \fBexport FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--extended --cycle"\fR .SH EXIT STATUS .BR 0 " Normal exit" .br .BR 1 " No match" .br .BR 2 " Error" .br .BR 130 " Interrupted with \fBCTRL-C\fR or \fBESC\fR" .SH FIELD INDEX EXPRESSION A field index expression can be a non-zero integer or a range expression ([BEGIN]..[END]). \fB--nth\fR and \fB--with-nth\fR take a comma-separated list of field index expressions. .SS Examples .BR 1 " The 1st field" .br .BR 2 " The 2nd field" .br .BR -1 " The last field" .br .BR -2 " The 2nd to last field" .br .BR 3..5 " From the 3rd field to the 5th field" .br .BR 2.. " From the 2nd field to the last field" .br .BR ..-3 " From the 1st field to the 3rd to the last field" .br .BR .. " All the fields" .br .SH EXTENDED SEARCH MODE Unless specified otherwise, fzf will start in "extended-search mode". In this mode, you can specify multiple patterns delimited by spaces, such as: \fB'wild ^music .mp3$ sbtrkt !rmx\fR .SS Exact-match (quoted) A term that is prefixed by a single-quote character (\fB'\fR) is interpreted as an "exact-match" (or "non-fuzzy") term. fzf will search for the exact occurrences of the string. .SS Anchored-match A term can be prefixed by \fB^\fR, or suffixed by \fB$\fR to become an anchored-match term. Then fzf will search for the items that start with or end with the given string. An anchored-match term is also an exact-match term. .SS Negation If a term is prefixed by \fB!\fR, fzf will exclude the items that satisfy the term from the result. .SS Exact-match by default If you don't prefer fuzzy matching and do not wish to "quote" (prefixing with \fB'\fR) every word, start fzf with \fB-e\fR or \fB--exact\fR option. Note that when \fB--exact\fR is set, \fB'\fR-prefix "unquotes" the term. .SS OR operator A single bar character term acts as an OR operator. For example, the following query matches entries that start with \fBcore\fR and end with either \fBgo\fR, \fBrb\fR, or \fBpy\fR. e.g. \fB^core go$ | rb$ | py$\fR .SH AUTHOR Junegunn Choi (\fIjunegunn.c@gmail.com\fR) .SH SEE ALSO .B Project homepage: .RS .I https://github.com/junegunn/fzf .RE .br .br .B Extra Vim plugin: .RS .I https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim .RE .SH LICENSE MIT