#!/usr/bin/env bash # # The purpose of this script is to demonstrate how to preview a file or an # image in the preview window of fzf. file=$1 type=$(file --mime-type "$file") if [[ ! $type =~ image/ ]]; then # Sometimes bat is installed as batcat. if command -v batcat > /dev/null; then batname="batcat" elif command -v bat > /dev/null; then batname="bat" else cat "$1" exit fi ${batname} --style="${BAT_STYLE:-numbers}" --color=always --pager=never -- "$file" elif [[ $KITTY_WINDOW_ID ]]; then # 'memory' is the fastest option but if you want the image to be scrollable, # you have to use 'stream' kitty icat --clear --transfer-mode=memory --stdin=no --place="${FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS}x${FZF_PREVIEW_LINES}@0x0" "$file" | sed \$d echo -en "\e[m" elif [[ -n $FZF_PREVIEW_PIXEL_WIDTH ]]; then convert "$file" -resize "${FZF_PREVIEW_PIXEL_WIDTH}x${FZF_PREVIEW_PIXEL_HEIGHT}>" -dither FloydSteinberg sixel:- else file "$file" fi