# ____ ____ # / __/___ / __/ # / /_/_ / / /_ # / __/ / /_/ __/ # /_/ /___/_/ key-bindings.bash # # - $FZF_TMUX_OPTS # - $FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND # - $FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS # - $FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS # - $FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND # - $FZF_ALT_C_OPTS [[ $- =~ i ]] || return 0 # Key bindings # ------------ __fzf_select__() { local opts opts="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --bind=ctrl-z:ignore --reverse --walker=file,dir,follow,hidden --scheme=path ${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS-} ${FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS-} -m" FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND=${FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND:-} FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" $(__fzfcmd) "$@" | while read -r item; do printf '%q ' "$item" # escape special chars done } __fzfcmd() { [[ -n "${TMUX_PANE-}" ]] && { [[ "${FZF_TMUX:-0}" != 0 ]] || [[ -n "${FZF_TMUX_OPTS-}" ]]; } && echo "fzf-tmux ${FZF_TMUX_OPTS:--d${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%}} -- " || echo "fzf" } fzf-file-widget() { local selected="$(__fzf_select__ "$@")" READLINE_LINE="${READLINE_LINE:0:$READLINE_POINT}$selected${READLINE_LINE:$READLINE_POINT}" READLINE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${#selected} )) } __fzf_cd__() { local opts dir opts="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --bind=ctrl-z:ignore --reverse --walker=dir,follow,hidden --scheme=path ${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS-} ${FZF_ALT_C_OPTS-} +m" dir=$( FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND=${FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND:-} FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" $(__fzfcmd) ) && printf 'builtin cd -- %q' "$dir" } if command -v perl > /dev/null; then __fzf_history__() { local output opts script opts="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --bind=ctrl-z:ignore ${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS-} -n2..,.. --scheme=history --bind=ctrl-r:toggle-sort ${FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS-} +m --read0" script='BEGIN { getc; $/ = "\n\t"; $HISTCOUNT = $ENV{last_hist} + 1 } s/^[ *]//; print $HISTCOUNT - $. . "\t$_" if !$seen{$_}++' output=$( set +o pipefail builtin fc -lnr -2147483648 | last_hist=$(HISTTIMEFORMAT='' builtin history 1) command perl -n -l0 -e "$script" | FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" $(__fzfcmd) --query "$READLINE_LINE" ) || return READLINE_LINE=${output#*$'\t'} if [[ -z "$READLINE_POINT" ]]; then echo "$READLINE_LINE" else READLINE_POINT=0x7fffffff fi } else # awk - fallback for POSIX systems __fzf_history__() { local output opts script n x y z d if [[ -z $__fzf_awk ]]; then __fzf_awk=awk # choose the faster mawk if: it's installed && build date >= 20230322 && version >= 1.3.4 IFS=' .' read n x y z d <<< $(command mawk -W version 2> /dev/null) [[ $n == mawk ]] && (( d >= 20230302 && (x *1000 +y) *1000 +z >= 1003004 )) && __fzf_awk=mawk fi opts="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --bind=ctrl-z:ignore ${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS-} -n2..,.. --scheme=history --bind=ctrl-r:toggle-sort ${FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS-} +m --read0" [[ $(HISTTIMEFORMAT='' builtin history 1) =~ [[:digit:]]+ ]] # how many history entries script='function P(b) { ++n; sub(/^[ *]/, "", b); if (!seen[b]++) { printf "%d\t%s%c", '$((BASH_REMATCH + 1))' - n, b, 0 } } NR==1 { b = substr($0, 2); next } /^\t/ { P(b); b = substr($0, 2); next } { b = b RS $0 } END { if (NR) P(b) }' output=$( set +o pipefail builtin fc -lnr -2147483648 2> /dev/null | # ( $'\t '$'\n' )* ; ::= [^\n]* ( $'\n' )* command $__fzf_awk "$script" | # ( $'\t'$'\000' )* FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$opts" $(__fzfcmd) --query "$READLINE_LINE" ) || return READLINE_LINE=${output#*$'\t'} if [[ -z "$READLINE_POINT" ]]; then echo "$READLINE_LINE" else READLINE_POINT=0x7fffffff fi } fi # Required to refresh the prompt after fzf bind -m emacs-standard '"\er": redraw-current-line' bind -m vi-command '"\C-z": emacs-editing-mode' bind -m vi-insert '"\C-z": emacs-editing-mode' bind -m emacs-standard '"\C-z": vi-editing-mode' if (( BASH_VERSINFO[0] < 4 )); then # CTRL-T - Paste the selected file path into the command line if [[ "${FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND-x}" != "" ]]; then bind -m emacs-standard '"\C-t": " \C-b\C-k \C-u`__fzf_select__`\e\C-e\er\C-a\C-y\C-h\C-e\e \C-y\ey\C-x\C-x\C-f"' bind -m vi-command '"\C-t": "\C-z\C-t\C-z"' bind -m vi-insert '"\C-t": "\C-z\C-t\C-z"' fi # CTRL-R - Paste the selected command from history into the command line bind -m emacs-standard '"\C-r": "\C-e \C-u\C-y\ey\C-u`__fzf_history__`\e\C-e\er"' bind -m vi-command '"\C-r": "\C-z\C-r\C-z"' bind -m vi-insert '"\C-r": "\C-z\C-r\C-z"' else # CTRL-T - Paste the selected file path into the command line if [[ "${FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND-x}" != "" ]]; then bind -m emacs-standard -x '"\C-t": fzf-file-widget' bind -m vi-command -x '"\C-t": fzf-file-widget' bind -m vi-insert -x '"\C-t": fzf-file-widget' fi # CTRL-R - Paste the selected command from history into the command line bind -m emacs-standard -x '"\C-r": __fzf_history__' bind -m vi-command -x '"\C-r": __fzf_history__' bind -m vi-insert -x '"\C-r": __fzf_history__' fi # ALT-C - cd into the selected directory if [[ "${FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND-x}" != "" ]]; then bind -m emacs-standard '"\ec": " \C-b\C-k \C-u`__fzf_cd__`\e\C-e\er\C-m\C-y\C-h\e \C-y\ey\C-x\C-x\C-d"' bind -m vi-command '"\ec": "\C-z\ec\C-z"' bind -m vi-insert '"\ec": "\C-z\ec\C-z"' fi