.ig The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Junegunn Choi Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. .. .TH fzf 1 "Jun 2024" "fzf 0.54.0" "fzf - a command-line fuzzy finder" .SH NAME fzf - a command-line fuzzy finder .SH SYNOPSIS fzf [options] .SH DESCRIPTION fzf is an interactive filter program for any kind of list. It implements a "fuzzy" matching algorithm, so you can quickly type in patterns with omitted characters and still get the results you want. .SH OPTIONS .SS Note .TP Most long options have the opposite version with \fB\-\-no\-\fR prefix. .SS Search mode .TP .B "\-x, \-\-extended" Extended-search mode. Since 0.10.9, this is enabled by default. You can disable it with \fB+x\fR or \fB\-\-no\-extended\fR. .TP .B "\-e, \-\-exact" Enable exact-match .TP .B "\-i, \-\-ignore\-case" Case-insensitive match (default: smart-case match) .TP .B "+i, \-\-no\-ignore\-case" Case-sensitive match .TP .B "\-\-literal" Do not normalize latin script letters for matching. .TP .BI "\-\-scheme=" SCHEME Choose scoring scheme tailored for different types of input. .RS .B default .RS Generic scoring scheme designed to work well with any type of input. .RE .RE .RS .B path .RS Additional bonus point is only given to the characters after path separator. You might want to choose this scheme over \fBdefault\fR if you have many files with spaces in their paths. .RE .RE .RS .B history .RS Scoring scheme well suited for command history or any input where chronological ordering is important. No additional bonus points are given so that we give more weight to the chronological ordering. This also sets \fB\-\-tiebreak=index\fR. .RE .RE .TP .BI "\-\-algo=" TYPE Fuzzy matching algorithm (default: v2) .br .BR v2 " Optimal scoring algorithm (quality)" .br .BR v1 " Faster but not guaranteed to find the optimal result (performance)" .br .TP .BI "\-n, \-\-nth=" "N[,..]" Comma-separated list of field index expressions for limiting search scope. See \fBFIELD INDEX EXPRESSION\fR for the details. When you use this option with \fB\-\-with\-nth\fR, the field index expressions are calculated against the transformed lines (unlike in \fB\-\-preview\fR where fields are extracted from the original lines) because fzf doesn't allow searching against the hidden fields. .TP .BI "\-\-with\-nth=" "N[,..]" Transform the presentation of each line using field index expressions .TP .BI "\-d, \-\-delimiter=" "STR" Field delimiter regex for \fB\-\-nth\fR, \fB\-\-with\-nth\fR, and field index expressions (default: AWK-style) .TP .BI "\-\-disabled" Do not perform search. With this option, fzf becomes a simple selector interface rather than a "fuzzy finder". You can later enable the search using \fBenable\-search\fR or \fBtoggle\-search\fR action. .SS Search result .TP .B "+s, \-\-no\-sort" Do not sort the result .TP .B "\-\-tail=NUM" Maximum number of items to keep in memory. This is useful when you want to browse an endless stream of data (e.g. log stream) with fzf while limiting memory usage. .RS e.g. \fB# Interactive filtering of a log stream tail \-f *.log | fzf \-\-tail 100000 \-\-tac \-\-no\-sort \-\-exact\fR .RE .TP .B "\-\-track" Make fzf track the current selection when the result list is updated. This can be useful when browsing logs using fzf with sorting disabled. It is not recommended to use this option with \fB\-\-tac\fR as the resulting behavior can be confusing. Also, consider using \fBtrack\fR action instead of this option. .RS e.g. \fBgit log \-\-oneline \-\-graph \-\-color=always | nl | fzf \-\-ansi \-\-track \-\-no\-sort \-\-layout=reverse\-list\fR .RE .TP .B "\-\-tac" Reverse the order of the input .RS e.g. \fBhistory | fzf \-\-tac \-\-no\-sort\fR .RE .TP .BI "\-\-tiebreak=" "CRI[,..]" Comma-separated list of sort criteria to apply when the scores are tied. .br .br .BR length " Prefers line with shorter length" .br .BR chunk " Prefers line with shorter matched chunk (delimited by whitespaces)" .br .BR begin " Prefers line with matched substring closer to the beginning" .br .BR end " Prefers line with matched substring closer to the end" .br .BR index " Prefers line that appeared earlier in the input stream" .br .br - Each criterion should appear only once in the list .br - \fBindex\fR is only allowed at the end of the list .br - \fBindex\fR is implicitly appended to the list when not specified .br - Default is \fBlength\fR (or equivalently \fBlength\fR,index) .br - If \fBend\fR is found in the list, fzf will scan each line backwards .SS Interface .TP .B "\-m, \-\-multi" Enable multi-select with tab/shift\-tab. It optionally takes an integer argument which denotes the maximum number of items that can be selected. .TP .B "+m, \-\-no\-multi" Disable multi-select .TP .B "\-\-no\-mouse" Disable mouse .TP .BI "\-\-bind=" "KEYBINDS" Comma-separated list of custom key bindings. See \fBKEY/EVENT BINDINGS\fR for the details. .TP .B "\-\-cycle" Enable cyclic scroll .TP .B "\-\-wrap" Enable line wrap .TP .BI "\-\-wrap\-sign" "=INDICATOR" Indicator for wrapped lines. The default is '↳ ' or '> ' depending on \fB\-\-no\-unicode\fR. .TP .B "\-\-no\-multi\-line" Disable multi-line display of items when using \fB\-\-read0\fR .TP .B "\-\-keep\-right" Keep the right end of the line visible when it's too long. Effective only when the query string is empty. .TP .BI "\-\-scroll\-off=" "LINES" Number of screen lines to keep above or below when scrolling to the top or to the bottom (default: 3). .TP .B "\-\-no\-hscroll" Disable horizontal scroll .TP .BI "\-\-hscroll\-off=" "COLS" Number of screen columns to keep to the right of the highlighted substring (default: 10). Setting it to a large value will cause the text to be positioned on the center of the screen. .TP .B "\-\-filepath\-word" Make word-wise movements and actions respect path separators. The following actions are affected: \fBbackward\-kill\-word\fR .br \fBbackward\-word\fR .br \fBforward\-word\fR .br \fBkill\-word\fR .TP .BI "\-\-jump\-labels=" "CHARS" Label characters for \fBjump\fR mode. .SS Layout .TP .BI "\-\-height=" "[~]HEIGHT[%]" Display fzf window below the cursor with the given height instead of using the full screen. If a negative value is specified, the height is calculated as the terminal height minus the given value. fzf \-\-height=\-1 When prefixed with \fB~\fR, fzf will automatically determine the height in the range according to the input size. # Will not take up 100% of the screen seq 5 | fzf \-\-height=~100% Adaptive height has the following limitations: .br * Cannot be used with top/bottom margin and padding given in percent size .br * Negative value is not allowed .br * It will not find the right size when there are multi-line items .TP .BI "\-\-min\-height=" "HEIGHT" Minimum height when \fB\-\-height\fR is given in percent (default: 10). Ignored when \fB\-\-height\fR is not specified. .TP .BI "\-\-tmux" "[=[center|top|bottom|left|right][,SIZE[%]][,SIZE[%]]]" Start fzf in a tmux popup (default \fBcenter,50%\fR). Requires tmux 3.3 or later. This option is ignored if you are not running fzf inside tmux. e.g. \fB# Popup in the center with 70% width and height fzf \-\-tmux 70% # Popup on the left with 40% width and 100% height fzf \-\-tmux right,40% # Popup on the bottom with 100% width and 30% height fzf \-\-tmux bottom,30% # Popup on the top with 80% width and 40% height fzf \-\-tmux top,80%,40%\fR .TP .BI "\-\-layout=" "LAYOUT" Choose the layout (default: default) .br .BR default " Display from the bottom of the screen" .br .BR reverse " Display from the top of the screen" .br .BR reverse\-list " Display from the top of the screen, prompt at the bottom" .br .TP .B "\-\-reverse" A synonym for \fB\-\-layout=reverse\fB .TP .BI "\-\-border" [=BORDER_OPT] Draw border around the finder .br .BR rounded " Border with rounded corners (default)" .br .BR sharp " Border with sharp corners" .br .BR bold " Border with bold lines" .br .BR double " Border with double lines" .br .BR block " Border using block elements; suitable when using different background colors" .br .BR thinblock " Border using legacy computing symbols; may not be displayed on some terminals" .br .BR horizontal " Horizontal lines above and below the finder" .br .BR vertical " Vertical lines on each side of the finder" .br .BR top " (up)" .br .BR bottom " (down)" .br .BR left .br .BR right .br .BR none .br If you use a terminal emulator where each box-drawing character takes 2 columns, try setting \fB\-\-ambidouble\fR. If the border is still not properly rendered, set \fB\-\-no\-unicode\fR. .TP .BI "\-\-border\-label" [=LABEL] Label to print on the horizontal border line. Should be used with one of the following \fB\-\-border\fR options. .br .B * rounded .br .B * sharp .br .B * bold .br .B * double .br .B * horizontal .br .BR "* top" " (up)" .br .BR "* bottom" " (down)" .br .br e.g. \fB# ANSI color codes are supported # (with https://github.com/busyloop/lolcat) label=$(curl \-s http://metaphorpsum.com/sentences/1 | lolcat \-f) # Border label at the center fzf \-\-height=10 \-\-border \-\-border\-label="╢ $label ╟" \-\-color=label:italic:black # Left-aligned (positive integer) fzf \-\-height=10 \-\-border \-\-border\-label="╢ $label ╟" \-\-border\-label\-pos=3 \-\-color=label:italic:black # Right-aligned (negative integer) on the bottom line (:bottom) fzf \-\-height=10 \-\-border \-\-border\-label="╢ $label ╟" \-\-border\-label\-pos=\-3:bottom \-\-color=label:italic:black\fR .TP .BI "\-\-border\-label\-pos" [=N[:top|bottom]] Position of the border label on the border line. Specify a positive integer as the column position from the left. Specify a negative integer to right-align the label. Label is printed on the top border line by default, add \fB:bottom\fR to put it on the border line on the bottom. The default value \fB0 (or \fBcenter\fR) will put the label at the center of the border line. .TP .B "\-\-no\-unicode" Use ASCII characters instead of Unicode drawing characters to draw borders, the spinner and the horizontal separator. .TP .B "\-\-ambidouble" Set this option if your terminal displays ambiguous width characters (e.g. box-drawing characters for borders) as 2 columns. .TP .BI "\-\-margin=" MARGIN Comma-separated expression for margins around the finder. .br .br .RS .BR TRBL " Same margin for top, right, bottom, and left" .br .BR TB,RL " Vertical, horizontal margin" .br .BR T,RL,B " Top, horizontal, bottom margin" .br .BR T,R,B,L " Top, right, bottom, left margin" .br .br Each part can be given in absolute number or in percentage relative to the terminal size with \fB%\fR suffix. .br .br e.g. \fBfzf \-\-margin 10% fzf \-\-margin 1,5%\fR .RE .TP .BI "\-\-padding=" PADDING Comma-separated expression for padding inside the border. Padding is distinguishable from margin only when \fB\-\-border\fR option is used. .br .br e.g. \fBfzf \-\-margin 5% \-\-padding 5% \-\-border \-\-preview 'cat {}' \\ \-\-color bg:#222222,preview\-bg:#333333\fR .br .RS .BR TRBL " Same padding for top, right, bottom, and left" .br .BR TB,RL " Vertical, horizontal padding" .br .BR T,RL,B " Top, horizontal, bottom padding" .br .BR T,R,B,L " Top, right, bottom, left padding" .br .RE .TP .BI "\-\-info=" "STYLE" Determines the display style of the finder info. (e.g. match counter, loading indicator, etc.) .BR default " On the left end of the horizontal separator" .br .BR right " On the right end of the horizontal separator" .br .BR hidden " Do not display finder info" .br .BR inline " After the prompt with the default prefix ' < '" .br .BR inline:PREFIX " After the prompt with a non-default prefix" .br .BR inline\-right " On the right end of the prompt line" .br .BR inline\-right:PREFIX " On the right end of the prompt line with a custom prefix" .br .TP .BI "\-\-info\-command=" "COMMAND" Command to generate the finder info line. The command runs synchronously and blocks the UI until completion, so make sure that it's fast. ANSI color codes are supported. \fB$FZF_INFO\fR variable is set to the original info text. For additional environment variables available to the command, see the section ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES EXPORTED TO CHILD PROCESSES. e.g. \fB# Prepend the current cursor position in yellow fzf \-\-info\-command='echo \-e "\\x1b[33;1m$FZF_POS\\x1b[m/$FZF_INFO 💛"'\fR .TP .B "\-\-no\-info" A synonym for \fB\-\-info=hidden\fB .TP .BI "\-\-separator=" "STR" The given string will be repeated to form the horizontal separator on the info line (default: '─' or '\-' depending on \fB\-\-no\-unicode\fR). ANSI color codes are supported. .TP .B "\-\-no\-separator" Do not display horizontal separator on the info line. A synonym for \fB\-\-separator=''\fB .TP .BI "\-\-scrollbar=" "CHAR1[CHAR2]" Use the given character to render scrollbar. (default: '│' or ':' depending on \fB\-\-no\-unicode\fR). The optional \fBCHAR2\fR is used to render scrollbar of the preview window. .TP .B "\-\-no\-scrollbar" Do not display scrollbar. A synonym for \fB\-\-scrollbar=''\fB .TP .BI "\-\-prompt=" "STR" Input prompt (default: '> ') .TP .BI "\-\-pointer=" "STR" Pointer to the current line (default: '▌' or '>' depending on \fB\-\-no\-unicode\fR) .TP .BI "\-\-marker=" "STR" Multi-select marker (default: '┃' or '>' depending on \fB\-\-no\-unicode\fR) .TP .BI "\-\-marker\-multi\-line=" "STR" Multi-select marker for multi-line entries. 3 elements for top, middle, and bottom. (default: '╻┃╹' or '.|'' depending on \fB\-\-no\-unicode\fR) .TP .BI "\-\-header=" "STR" The given string will be printed as the sticky header. The lines are displayed in the given order from top to bottom regardless of \fB\-\-layout\fR option, and are not affected by \fB\-\-with\-nth\fR. ANSI color codes are processed even when \fB\-\-ansi\fR is not set. .TP .BI "\-\-header\-lines=" "N" The first N lines of the input are treated as the sticky header. When \fB\-\-with\-nth\fR is set, the lines are transformed just like the other lines that follow. .TP .B "\-\-header\-first" Print header before the prompt line .TP .BI "\-\-ellipsis=" "STR" Ellipsis to show when line is truncated (default: '..') .SS Display .TP .B "\-\-ansi" Enable processing of ANSI color codes .TP .BI "\-\-tabstop=" SPACES Number of spaces for a tab character (default: 8) .TP .BI "\-\-color=" "[BASE_SCHEME][,COLOR_NAME[:ANSI_COLOR][:ANSI_ATTRIBUTES]]..." Color configuration. The name of the base color scheme is followed by custom color mappings. .RS .B BASE SCHEME: (default: \fBdark\fR on 256-color terminal, otherwise \fB16\fR; If \fBNO_COLOR\fR is set, \fBbw\fR) \fBdark \fRColor scheme for dark 256-color terminal \fBlight \fRColor scheme for light 256-color terminal \fB16 \fRColor scheme for 16-color terminal \fBbw \fRNo colors (equivalent to \fB\-\-no\-color\fR) .B COLOR NAMES: \fBfg \fRText \fBselected\-fg \fRSelected line text \fBpreview\-fg \fRPreview window text \fBbg \fRBackground \fBselected\-bg \fRSelected line background \fBpreview\-bg \fRPreview window background \fBhl \fRHighlighted substrings \fBselected\-hl \fRHighlighted substrings in the selected line \fBcurrent\-fg (fg+) \fRText (current line) \fBcurrent\-bg (bg+) \fRBackground (current line) \fBgutter \fRGutter on the left \fBcurrent\-hl (hl+) \fRHighlighted substrings (current line) \fBquery \fRQuery string \fBdisabled \fRQuery string when search is disabled (\fB\-\-disabled\fR) \fBinfo \fRInfo line (match counters) \fBborder \fRBorder around the window (\fB\-\-border\fR and \fB\-\-preview\fR) \fBscrollbar \fRScrollbar \fBpreview\-border \fRBorder around the preview window (\fB\-\-preview\fR) \fBpreview\-scrollbar \fRScrollbar \fBseparator \fRHorizontal separator on info line \fBlabel \fRBorder label (\fB\-\-border\-label\fR and \fB\-\-preview\-label\fR) \fBpreview\-label \fRBorder label of the preview window (\fB\-\-preview\-label\fR) \fBprompt \fRPrompt \fBpointer \fRPointer to the current line \fBmarker \fRMulti\-select marker \fBspinner \fRStreaming input indicator \fBheader \fRHeader .B ANSI COLORS: \fB\-1 \fRDefault terminal foreground/background color \fB \fR(or the original color of the text) \fB0 ~ 15 \fR16 base colors \fBblack\fR \fBred\fR \fBgreen\fR \fByellow\fR \fBblue\fR \fBmagenta\fR \fBcyan\fR \fBwhite\fR \fBbright\-black\fR (gray | grey) \fBbright\-red\fR \fBbright\-green\fR \fBbright\-yellow\fR \fBbright\-blue\fR \fBbright\-magenta\fR \fBbright\-cyan\fR \fBbright\-white\fR \fB16 ~ 255 \fRANSI 256 colors \fB#rrggbb \fR24-bit colors .B ANSI ATTRIBUTES: (Only applies to foreground colors) \fBregular \fRClears previously set attributes; should precede the other ones \fBbold\fR \fBunderline\fR \fBreverse\fR \fBdim\fR \fBitalic\fR \fBstrikethrough\fR .B EXAMPLES: \fB# Seoul256 theme with 8-bit colors # (https://github.com/junegunn/seoul256.vim) fzf \-\-color='bg:237,bg+:236,info:143,border:240,spinner:108' \\ \-\-color='hl:65,fg:252,header:65,fg+:252' \\ \-\-color='pointer:161,marker:168,prompt:110,hl+:108' # Seoul256 theme with 24-bit colors fzf \-\-color='bg:#4B4B4B,bg+:#3F3F3F,info:#BDBB72,border:#6B6B6B,spinner:#98BC99' \\ \-\-color='hl:#719872,fg:#D9D9D9,header:#719872,fg+:#D9D9D9' \\ \-\-color='pointer:#E12672,marker:#E17899,prompt:#98BEDE,hl+:#98BC99'\fR .RE .TP .B "\-\-highlight\-line" Highlight the whole current line .TP .B "\-\-no\-bold" Do not use bold text .TP .B "\-\-black" Use black background .SS History .TP .BI "\-\-history=" "HISTORY_FILE" Load search history from the specified file and update the file on completion. When enabled, \fBCTRL\-N\fR and \fBCTRL\-P\fR are automatically remapped to \fBnext\-history\fR and \fBprev\-history\fR. .TP .BI "\-\-history\-size=" "N" Maximum number of entries in the history file (default: 1000). The file is automatically truncated when the number of the lines exceeds the value. .SS Preview .TP .BI "\-\-preview=" "COMMAND" Execute the given command for the current line and display the result on the preview window. \fB{}\fR in the command is the placeholder that is replaced to the single-quoted string of the current line. To transform the replacement string, specify field index expressions between the braces (See \fBFIELD INDEX EXPRESSION\fR for the details). .RS e.g. \fBfzf \-\-preview='head \-$LINES {}' ls \-l | fzf \-\-preview="echo user={3} when={\-4..\-2}; cat {\-1}" \-\-header\-lines=1\fR fzf exports \fB$FZF_PREVIEW_LINES\fR and \fB$FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS\fR so that they represent the exact size of the preview window. (It also overrides \fB$LINES\fR and \fB$COLUMNS\fR with the same values but they can be reset by the default shell, so prefer to refer to the ones with \fBFZF_PREVIEW_\fR prefix.) fzf also exports \fB$FZF_PREVIEW_TOP\fR and \fB$FZF_PREVIEW_LEFT\fR so that the preview command can determine the position of the preview window. A placeholder expression starting with \fB+\fR flag will be replaced to the space-separated list of the selected lines (or the current line if no selection was made) individually quoted. e.g. \fBfzf \-\-multi \-\-preview='head \-10 {+}' git log \-\-oneline | fzf \-\-multi \-\-preview 'git show {+1}'\fR When using a field index expression, leading and trailing whitespace is stripped from the replacement string. To preserve the whitespace, use the \fBs\fR flag. A placeholder expression with \fBf\fR flag is replaced to the path of a temporary file that holds the evaluated list. This is useful when you multi-select a large number of items and the length of the evaluated string may exceed \fBARG_MAX\fR. e.g. \fB# Press CTRL\-A to select 100K items and see the sum of all the numbers. # This won't work properly without 'f' flag due to ARG_MAX limit. seq 100000 | fzf \-\-multi \-\-bind ctrl\-a:select\-all \\ \-\-preview "awk '{sum+=\\$1} END {print sum}' {+f}"\fR Also, * \fB{q}\fR is replaced to the current query string .br * \fB{n}\fR is replaced to the zero-based ordinal index of the current item. Use \fB{+n}\fR if you want all index numbers when multiple lines are selected. .br Note that you can escape a placeholder pattern by prepending a backslash. Preview window will be updated even when there is no match for the current query if any of the placeholder expressions evaluates to a non-empty string or \fB{q}\fR is in the command template. Since 0.24.0, fzf can render partial preview content before the preview command completes. ANSI escape sequence for clearing the display (\fBCSI 2 J\fR) is supported, so you can use it to implement preview window that is constantly updating. e.g. \fBfzf \-\-preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do (( i % 200 == 0 )) && printf "\\033[2J" echo "$i" sleep 0.01 done'\fR fzf has experimental support for Kitty graphics protocol and Sixel graphics. The following example uses https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/blob/master/bin/fzf\-preview.sh script to render an image using either of the protocols inside the preview window. e.g. \fBfzf \-\-preview='fzf\-preview.sh {}'\fR .RE .TP .BI "\-\-preview\-label" [=LABEL] Label to print on the horizontal border line of the preview window. Should be used with one of the following \fB\-\-preview\-window\fR options. .br .B * border\-rounded (default on non-Windows platforms) .br .B * border\-sharp (default on Windows) .br .B * border\-bold .br .B * border\-double .br .B * border\-block .br .B * border\-thinblock .br .B * border\-horizontal .br .B * border\-top .br .B * border\-bottom .br .TP .BI "\-\-preview\-label\-pos" [=N[:top|bottom]] Position of the border label on the border line of the preview window. Specify a positive integer as the column position from the left. Specify a negative integer to right-align the label. Label is printed on the top border line by default, add \fB:bottom\fR to put it on the border line on the bottom. The default value 0 (or \fBcenter\fR) will put the label at the center of the border line. .TP .BI "\-\-preview\-window=" "[POSITION][,SIZE[%]][,border\-BORDER_OPT][,[no]wrap][,[no]follow][,[no]cycle][,[no]hidden][,+SCROLL[OFFSETS][/DENOM]][,~HEADER_LINES][,default][,