# Will start rendering after 200ms, update every 100ms
fzf --preview 'for i in $(seq 100); do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done'
# Should print "Loading .." message after 500ms
fzf --preview 'sleep 1; for i in $(seq 100); do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done'
# The first line should appear after 200ms
fzf --preview 'date; sleep 2; date'
# Should not render before enough lines for the scroll offset are ready
rg --line-number --no-heading --color=always ^ |
fzf --delimiter : --ansi --preview-window '+{2}-/2' \
--preview 'sleep 1; bat --style=numbers --color=always --pager=never --highlight-line={2} {1}'
In #1061 we changed the default command to retry with a simpler find
command with fewer arguments if the first find command failed. This was
to support stripped-down verions of find that do not support -fstype
However, this caused an unwanted side-effect of yielding duplicate
entries when the first command failed after producing some lines.
We revert the change in this commit, so the default command will not
work with find without -fstype support. But we now print better error
message in that case so that the user can set up a working
Instead of notifying the event coordinator (EventBox) whenever a new
line is arrived, start a background goroutine that periodically does the
task. Atomic.StoreInt32 is much cheaper than mutex synchronization
that happens during EventBox update.