[vim] Add g:fzf_action for customizing key bindings

Close #189
Junegunn Choi 9 years ago
parent 2add45fe2f
commit 853012ceef

@ -276,34 +276,17 @@ If you have set up fzf for Vim, `:FZF` command will be added.
" With options
:FZF --no-sort -m /tmp
" Bang version starts in fullscreen instead of using tmux pane or Neovim split
Similarly to [ctrlp.vim](https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim), use enter key,
`CTRL-T`, `CTRL-X` or `CTRL-V` to open selected files in the current window,
in new tabs, in horizontal splits, or in vertical splits respectively.
Note that the environment variables `FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND` and `FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS`
also apply here.
If you're on a tmux session or using Neovim, `:FZF` will launch fzf in a
split-window whose height can be adjusted with `g:fzf_height` (default:
'40%'). However, the bang version (`:FZF!`) will always start in fullscreen.
In GVim, you need an external terminal emulator to start fzf with. `xterm`
command is used by default, but you can customize it with `g:fzf_launcher`.
" This is the default. %s is replaced with fzf command
let g:fzf_launcher = 'xterm -e bash -ic %s'
" Use urxvt instead
let g:fzf_launcher = 'urxvt -geometry 120x30 -e sh -c %s'
If you're running MacVim on OSX, I recommend you to use iTerm2 as the launcher.
Refer to the [this wiki
page](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/wiki/On-MacVim-with-iTerm2) to see how
to set up.
Note that the environment variables `FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND` and
`FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS` also apply here.
#### `fzf#run([options])`

@ -308,23 +308,26 @@ function! s:callback(dict, temps)
return lines
let s:default_action = {
\ 'ctrl-m': 'e',
\ 'ctrl-t': 'tabedit',
\ 'ctrl-x': 'split',
\ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit' }
function! s:cmd_callback(lines) abort
if empty(a:lines)
let key = remove(a:lines, 0)
if key == 'ctrl-t' | let cmd = 'tabedit'
elseif key == 'ctrl-x' | let cmd = 'split'
elseif key == 'ctrl-v' | let cmd = 'vsplit'
else | let cmd = 'e'
let cmd = get(s:action, key, 'e')
for item in a:lines
execute cmd s:escape(item)
function! s:cmd(bang, ...) abort
let args = extend(['--expect=ctrl-t,ctrl-x,ctrl-v'], a:000)
let s:action = get(g:, 'fzf_action', s:default_action)
let args = extend(['--expect='.join(keys(s:action), ',')], a:000)
let opts = {}
if len(args) > 0 && isdirectory(expand(args[-1]))
let opts.dir = remove(args, -1)
