Change the version check invocation in install.ps1

When install.ps1 is executed inside MSYS (or cygwin I suspect) cmd
is a shell script that invokes the real cmd.  But in install.ps1 it
tries to open this shell script instead of executing it.

AFAICT the only reason to use cmd /c is to capture stderr because
there is a bug with powersehll; but fzf prints the version information
on stdout so we don't need to care about stderr.  So we can just call
the binary directly.  This avoids the cmd issues.
Tom Ritter 2 years ago
parent 9cb7a364a3
commit 71c005b34a

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ $fzf_base=Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
function check_binary () {
Write-Host " - Checking fzf executable ... " -NoNewline
$output=cmd /c $fzf_base\bin\fzf.exe --version 2>&1
$output= & $fzf_base\bin\fzf.exe --version
if (-not $?) {
Write-Host "Error: $output"
$binary_error="Invalid binary"
