Remove Vim examples from

Junegunn Choi 9 years ago
parent 7ae877bd3a
commit 60336c7423

@ -286,10 +286,8 @@ customization.
#### `fzf#run([options])`
For more advanced uses, you can call `fzf#run()` function which returns the list
of the selected items.
`fzf#run()` may take an options-dictionary:
For more advanced uses, you can use `fzf#run()` function with the following
| Option name | Type | Description |
| -------------------------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
@ -305,65 +303,7 @@ of the selected items.
| `launcher` | string | External terminal emulator to start fzf with (GVim only) |
| `launcher` | funcref | Function for generating `launcher` string (GVim only) |
_However on Neovim `fzf#run` is asynchronous and does not return values so you
should use `sink` or `sink*` to process the output from fzf._
##### Examples
If `sink` option is not given, `fzf#run` will simply return the list.
let items = fzf#run({ 'options': '-m +c', 'dir': '~', 'source': 'ls' })
But if `sink` is given as a string, the command will be executed for each
selected item.
" Each selected item will be opened in a new tab
let items = fzf#run({ 'sink': 'tabe', 'options': '-m +c', 'dir': '~', 'source': 'ls' })
We can also use a Vim list as the source as follows:
" Choose a color scheme with fzf
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>C :call fzf#run({
\ 'source':
\ map(split(globpath(&rtp, "colors/*.vim"), "\n"),
\ "substitute(fnamemodify(v:val, ':t'), '\\..\\{-}$', '', '')"),
\ 'sink': 'colo',
\ 'options': '+m',
\ 'left': 20,
\ 'launcher': 'xterm -geometry 20x30 -e bash -ic %s'
\ })<CR>
`sink` option can be a function reference. The following example creates a
handy mapping that selects an open buffer.
" List of buffers
function! s:buflist()
redir => ls
silent ls
redir END
return split(ls, '\n')
function! s:bufopen(e)
execute 'buffer' matchstr(a:e, '^[ 0-9]*')
nnoremap <silent> <Leader><Enter> :call fzf#run({
\ 'source': reverse(<sid>buflist()),
\ 'sink': function('<sid>bufopen'),
\ 'options': '+m',
\ 'down': len(<sid>buflist()) + 2
\ })<CR>
More examples can be found on [the wiki
Examples can be found on [the wiki
@ -425,14 +365,6 @@ of fzf to a temporary file.
fzf > $TMPDIR/fzf.result; and vim (cat $TMPDIR/fzf.result)
#### Handling UTF-8 NFD paths on OSX
Use iconv to convert NFD paths to NFC:
find . | iconv -f utf-8-mac -t utf8//ignore | fzf
