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52 lines
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//go:build !tcell && !windows
package tui
type Attr int32
func HasFullscreenRenderer() bool {
return false
var DefaultBorderShape BorderShape = BorderRounded
func (a Attr) Merge(b Attr) Attr {
return a | b
const (
AttrUndefined = Attr(0)
AttrRegular = Attr(1 << 8)
AttrClear = Attr(1 << 9)
Bold = Attr(1)
Dim = Attr(1 << 1)
Italic = Attr(1 << 2)
Underline = Attr(1 << 3)
Blink = Attr(1 << 4)
Blink2 = Attr(1 << 5)
Reverse = Attr(1 << 6)
StrikeThrough = Attr(1 << 7)
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) Init() {}
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) Resize(maxHeightFunc func(int) int) {}
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) Pause(bool) {}
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) Resume(bool, bool) {}
Experimental support for Kitty image protocol in preview window Close #3228 * Works inside and outside of tmux * There is a problem where fzf unnecessarily displays the scroll offset indicator at the topbright of the screen when the image just fits the preview window. This is because `kitty icat` generates an extra line after the image area. # A 5-row images; an extra row at the end confuses fzf ["\e_Ga ... \e[9C􎻮̅̅ࠪ􎻮̅̍ࠪ􎻮̅̎ࠪ􎻮̅̐ࠪ􎻮̅̒ࠪ􎻮̅̽ࠪ􎻮̅̾ࠪ􎻮̅̿ࠪ􎻮̅͆ࠪ􎻮̅͊ࠪ􎻮̅͋ࠪ\n", "\r\e[9C􎻮̍̅ࠪ􎻮̍̍ࠪ􎻮̍̎ࠪ􎻮̍̐ࠪ􎻮̍̒ࠪ􎻮̍̽ࠪ􎻮̍̾ࠪ􎻮̍̿ࠪ􎻮̍͆ࠪ􎻮̍͊ࠪ􎻮̍͋ࠪ\n", "\r\e[9C􎻮̎̅ࠪ􎻮̎̍ࠪ􎻮̎̎ࠪ􎻮̎̐ࠪ􎻮̎̒ࠪ􎻮̎̽ࠪ􎻮̎̾ࠪ􎻮̎̿ࠪ􎻮̎͆ࠪ􎻮̎͊ࠪ􎻮̎͋ࠪ\n", "\r\e[9C􎻮̐̅ࠪ􎻮̐̍ࠪ􎻮̐̎ࠪ􎻮̐̐ࠪ􎻮̐̒ࠪ􎻮̐̽ࠪ􎻮̐̾ࠪ􎻮̐̿ࠪ􎻮̐͆ࠪ􎻮̐͊ࠪ􎻮̐͋ࠪ\n", "\r\e[9C􎻮̒̅ࠪ􎻮̒̍ࠪ􎻮̒̎ࠪ􎻮̒̐ࠪ􎻮̒̒ࠪ􎻮̒̽ࠪ􎻮̒̾ࠪ􎻮̒̿ࠪ􎻮̒͆ࠪ􎻮̒͊ࠪ􎻮̒͋ࠪ\n", "\r\e[39m\e8"] * Example: fzf --preview=' if file --mime-type {} | grep -qF 'image/'; then # --transfer-mode=memory is the fastest option but if you want fzf to be able # to redraw the image on terminal resize or on 'change-preview-window', # you need to use --transfer-mode=stream. kitty icat --clear --transfer-mode=memory --stdin=no --place=${FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS}x${FZF_PREVIEW_LINES}@0x0 {} else bat --color=always {} fi '
12 months ago
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) PassThrough(string) {}
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) Clear() {}
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) NeedScrollbarRedraw() bool { return false }
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) Refresh() {}
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) Close() {}
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) Size() TermSize { return TermSize{} }
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) GetChar() Event { return Event{} }
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) MaxX() int { return 0 }
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) MaxY() int { return 0 }
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) RefreshWindows(windows []Window) {}
func (r *FullscreenRenderer) NewWindow(top int, left int, width int, height int, preview bool, borderStyle BorderStyle) Window {
return nil