You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package algo
10 years ago
FuzzyMatchV1 finds the first "fuzzy" occurrence of the pattern within the given
text in O(n) time where n is the length of the text. Once the position of the
last character is located, it traverses backwards to see if there's a shorter
substring that matches the pattern.
a_____b___abc__ To find "abc"
*-----*-----*> 1. Forward scan
<*** 2. Backward scan
The algorithm is simple and fast, but as it only sees the first occurrence,
it is not guaranteed to find the occurrence with the highest score.
*-----*--* ***
FuzzyMatchV2 implements a modified version of Smith-Waterman algorithm to find
the optimal solution (highest score) according to the scoring criteria. Unlike
the original algorithm, omission or mismatch of a character in the pattern is
not allowed.
The new V2 algorithm is slower than V1 as it examines all occurrences of the
pattern instead of stopping immediately after finding the first one. The time
complexity of the algorithm is O(nm) if a match is found and O(n) otherwise
where n is the length of the item and m is the length of the pattern. Thus, the
performance overhead may not be noticeable for a query with high selectivity.
However, if the performance is more important than the quality of the result,
you can still choose v1 algorithm with --algo=v1.
Scoring criteria
- We prefer matches at special positions, such as the start of a word, or
uppercase character in camelCase words.
- That is, we prefer an occurrence of the pattern with more characters
matching at special positions, even if the total match length is longer.
e.g. "fuzzyfinder" vs. "fuzzy-finder" on "ff"
- Also, if the first character in the pattern appears at one of the special
positions, the bonus point for the position is multiplied by a constant
as it is extremely likely that the first character in the typed pattern
has more significance than the rest.
e.g. "fo-bar" vs. "foob-r" on "br"
- But since fzf is still a fuzzy finder, not an acronym finder, we should also
consider the total length of the matched substring. This is why we have the
gap penalty. The gap penalty increases as the length of the gap (distance
between the matching characters) increases, so the effect of the bonus is
eventually cancelled at some point.
e.g. "fuzzyfinder" vs. "fuzzy-blurry-finder" on "ff"
- Consequently, it is crucial to find the right balance between the bonus
and the gap penalty. The parameters were chosen that the bonus is cancelled
when the gap size increases beyond 8 characters.
- The bonus mechanism can have the undesirable side effect where consecutive
matches are ranked lower than the ones with gaps.
e.g. "foobar" vs. "foo-bar" on "foob"
- To correct this anomaly, we also give extra bonus point to each character
in a consecutive matching chunk.
e.g. "foobar" vs. "foo-bar" on "foob"
- The amount of consecutive bonus is primarily determined by the bonus of the
first character in the chunk.
e.g. "foobar" vs. "out-of-bound" on "oob"
import (
10 years ago
var DEBUG bool
10 years ago
func indexAt(index int, max int, forward bool) int {
if forward {
return index
return max - index - 1
8 years ago
// Result contains the results of running a match function.
type Result struct {
// TODO int32 should suffice
Start int
End int
Score int
const (
scoreMatch = 16
scoreGapStart = -3
scoreGapExtention = -1
// We prefer matches at the beginning of a word, but the bonus should not be
// too great to prevent the longer acronym matches from always winning over
// shorter fuzzy matches. The bonus point here was specifically chosen that
// the bonus is cancelled when the gap between the acronyms grows over
// 8 characters, which is approximately the average length of the words found
// in web2 dictionary and my file system.
bonusBoundary = scoreMatch / 2
// Although bonus point for non-word characters is non-contextual, we need it
// for computing bonus points for consecutive chunks starting with a non-word
// character.
bonusNonWord = scoreMatch / 2
// Edge-triggered bonus for matches in camelCase words.
// Compared to word-boundary case, they don't accompany single-character gaps
// (e.g. FooBar vs. foo-bar), so we deduct bonus point accordingly.
bonusCamel123 = bonusBoundary + scoreGapExtention
// Minimum bonus point given to characters in consecutive chunks.
// Note that bonus points for consecutive matches shouldn't have needed if we
// used fixed match score as in the original algorithm.
bonusConsecutive = -(scoreGapStart + scoreGapExtention)
// The first character in the typed pattern usually has more significance
// than the rest so it's important that it appears at special positions where
// bonus points are given. e.g. "to-go" vs. "ongoing" on "og" or on "ogo".
// The amount of the extra bonus should be limited so that the gap penalty is
// still respected.
bonusFirstCharMultiplier = 2
type charClass int
const (
charNonWord charClass = iota
func posArray(withPos bool, len int) *[]int {
if withPos {
pos := make([]int, 0, len)
return &pos
return nil
func alloc16(offset int, slab *util.Slab, size int, clear bool) (int, []int16) {
if slab != nil && cap(slab.I16) > offset+size {
slice := slab.I16[offset : offset+size]
if clear {
for idx := range slice {
slice[idx] = 0
return offset + size, slice
return offset, make([]int16, size)
func alloc32(offset int, slab *util.Slab, size int, clear bool) (int, []int32) {
if slab != nil && cap(slab.I32) > offset+size {
slice := slab.I32[offset : offset+size]
if clear {
for idx := range slice {
slice[idx] = 0
return offset + size, slice
return offset, make([]int32, size)
func charClassOfAscii(char rune) charClass {
if char >= 'a' && char <= 'z' {
return charLower
} else if char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z' {
return charUpper
} else if char >= '0' && char <= '9' {
return charNumber
return charNonWord
func charClassOfNonAscii(char rune) charClass {
if unicode.IsLower(char) {
return charLower
} else if unicode.IsUpper(char) {
return charUpper
} else if unicode.IsNumber(char) {
return charNumber
} else if unicode.IsLetter(char) {
return charLetter
return charNonWord
func charClassOf(char rune) charClass {
if char <= unicode.MaxASCII {
return charClassOfAscii(char)
return charClassOfNonAscii(char)
func bonusFor(prevClass charClass, class charClass) int16 {
if prevClass == charNonWord && class != charNonWord {
// Word boundary
return bonusBoundary
} else if prevClass == charLower && class == charUpper ||
prevClass != charNumber && class == charNumber {
// camelCase letter123
return bonusCamel123
} else if class == charNonWord {
return bonusNonWord
return 0
func bonusAt(input util.Chars, idx int) int16 {
if idx == 0 {
return bonusBoundary
return bonusFor(charClassOf(input.Get(idx-1)), charClassOf(input.Get(idx)))
func normalizeRune(r rune) rune {
if r < 0x00C0 || r > 0x2184 {
return r
n := normalized[r]
if n > 0 {
return n
return r
func normalizeRunes(runes []rune) []rune {
ret := make([]rune, len(runes))
copy(ret, runes)
for idx, r := range runes {
if r < 0x00C0 || r > 0x2184 {
n := normalized[r]
if n > 0 {
ret[idx] = normalized[r]
return ret
type Algo func(caseSensitive bool, normalize bool, forward bool, input util.Chars, pattern []rune, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (Result, *[]int)
func FuzzyMatchV2(caseSensitive bool, normalize bool, forward bool, input util.Chars, pattern []rune, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (Result, *[]int) {
// Assume that pattern is given in lowercase if case-insensitive.
// First check if there's a match and calculate bonus for each position.
// If the input string is too long, consider finding the matching chars in
// this phase as well (non-optimal alignment).
N := input.Length()
M := len(pattern)
switch M {
case 0:
return Result{0, 0, 0}, posArray(withPos, M)
case 1:
return ExactMatchNaive(caseSensitive, normalize, forward, input, pattern[0:1], withPos, slab)
// Since O(nm) algorithm can be prohibitively expensive for large input,
// we fall back to the greedy algorithm.
if slab != nil && N*M > cap(slab.I16) {
return FuzzyMatchV1(caseSensitive, normalize, forward, input, pattern, withPos, slab)
if normalize {
pattern = normalizeRunes(pattern)
// Reuse pre-allocated integer slice to avoid unnecessary sweeping of garbages
offset16 := 0
offset32 := 0
// Bonus point for each position
offset16, B := alloc16(offset16, slab, N, false)
// The first occurrence of each character in the pattern
offset32, F := alloc32(offset32, slab, M, false)
// Rune array
offset32, T := alloc32(offset32, slab, N, false)
// Phase 1. Check if there's a match and calculate bonus for each point
pidx, lastIdx, prevClass := 0, 0, charNonWord
for idx := 0; idx < N; idx++ {
char := input.Get(idx)
var class charClass
if char <= unicode.MaxASCII {
class = charClassOfAscii(char)
} else {
class = charClassOfNonAscii(char)
if !caseSensitive && class == charUpper {
if char <= unicode.MaxASCII {
char += 32
} else {
char = unicode.To(unicode.LowerCase, char)
if normalize {
char = normalizeRune(char)
T[idx] = char
B[idx] = bonusFor(prevClass, class)
prevClass = class
if pidx < M {
if char == pattern[pidx] {
lastIdx = idx
F[pidx] = int32(idx)
} else {
if char == pattern[M-1] {
lastIdx = idx
if pidx != M {
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil
// Phase 2. Fill in score matrix (H)
// Unlike the original algorithm, we do not allow omission.
width := lastIdx - int(F[0]) + 1
offset16, H := alloc16(offset16, slab, width*M, false)
// Possible length of consecutive chunk at each position.
offset16, C := alloc16(offset16, slab, width*M, false)
maxScore, maxScorePos := int16(0), 0
for i := 0; i < M; i++ {
I := i * width
inGap := false
for j := int(F[i]); j <= lastIdx; j++ {
j0 := j - int(F[0])
var s1, s2, consecutive int16
if j > int(F[i]) {
if inGap {
s2 = H[I+j0-1] + scoreGapExtention
} else {
s2 = H[I+j0-1] + scoreGapStart
if pattern[i] == T[j] {
var diag int16
if i > 0 && j0 > 0 {
diag = H[I-width+j0-1]
s1 = diag + scoreMatch
b := B[j]
if i > 0 {
// j > 0 if i > 0
consecutive = C[I-width+j0-1] + 1
// Break consecutive chunk
if b == bonusBoundary {
consecutive = 1
} else if consecutive > 1 {
b = util.Max16(b, util.Max16(bonusConsecutive, B[j-int(consecutive)+1]))
} else {
consecutive = 1
b *= bonusFirstCharMultiplier
if s1+b < s2 {
s1 += B[j]
consecutive = 0
} else {
s1 += b
C[I+j0] = consecutive
inGap = s1 < s2
score := util.Max16(util.Max16(s1, s2), 0)
if i == M-1 && (forward && score > maxScore || !forward && score >= maxScore) {
maxScore, maxScorePos = score, j
H[I+j0] = score
if DEBUG {
if i == 0 {
fmt.Print(" ")
for j := int(F[i]); j <= lastIdx; j++ {
fmt.Printf(" " + string(input.Get(j)) + " ")
fmt.Print(string(pattern[i]) + " ")
for idx := int(F[0]); idx < int(F[i]); idx++ {
fmt.Print(" 0 ")
for idx := int(F[i]); idx <= lastIdx; idx++ {
fmt.Printf("%2d ", H[i*width+idx-int(F[0])])
fmt.Print(" ")
for idx, p := range C[I : I+width] {
if idx+int(F[0]) < int(F[i]) {
p = 0
fmt.Printf("%2d ", p)
// Phase 3. (Optional) Backtrace to find character positions
pos := posArray(withPos, M)
j := int(F[0])
if withPos {
i := M - 1
j = maxScorePos
preferMatch := true
for {
I := i * width
j0 := j - int(F[0])
s := H[I+j0]
var s1, s2 int16
if i > 0 && j >= int(F[i]) {
s1 = H[I-width+j0-1]
if j > int(F[i]) {
s2 = H[I+j0-1]
if s > s1 && (s > s2 || s == s2 && preferMatch) {
*pos = append(*pos, j)
if i == 0 {
preferMatch = C[I+j0] > 1 || I+width+j0+1 < len(C) && C[I+width+j0+1] > 0
// Start offset we return here is only relevant when begin tiebreak is used.
// However finding the accurate offset requires backtracking, and we don't
// want to pay extra cost for the option that has lost its importance.
return Result{j, maxScorePos + 1, int(maxScore)}, pos
// Implement the same sorting criteria as V2
func calculateScore(caseSensitive bool, normalize bool, text util.Chars, pattern []rune, sidx int, eidx int, withPos bool) (int, *[]int) {
pidx, score, inGap, consecutive, firstBonus := 0, 0, false, 0, int16(0)
pos := posArray(withPos, len(pattern))
prevClass := charNonWord
if sidx > 0 {
prevClass = charClassOf(text.Get(sidx - 1))
for idx := sidx; idx < eidx; idx++ {
char := text.Get(idx)
class := charClassOf(char)
if !caseSensitive {
if char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z' {
char += 32
} else if char > unicode.MaxASCII {
char = unicode.To(unicode.LowerCase, char)
// pattern is already normalized
if normalize {
char = normalizeRune(char)
if char == pattern[pidx] {
if withPos {
*pos = append(*pos, idx)
score += scoreMatch
bonus := bonusFor(prevClass, class)
if consecutive == 0 {
firstBonus = bonus
} else {
// Break consecutive chunk
if bonus == bonusBoundary {
firstBonus = bonus
bonus = util.Max16(util.Max16(bonus, firstBonus), bonusConsecutive)
if pidx == 0 {
score += int(bonus * bonusFirstCharMultiplier)
} else {
score += int(bonus)
inGap = false
} else {
if inGap {
score += scoreGapExtention
} else {
score += scoreGapStart
inGap = true
consecutive = 0
firstBonus = 0
prevClass = class
return score, pos
// FuzzyMatchV1 performs fuzzy-match
func FuzzyMatchV1(caseSensitive bool, normalize bool, forward bool, text util.Chars, pattern []rune, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (Result, *[]int) {
if len(pattern) == 0 {
return Result{0, 0, 0}, nil
10 years ago
pidx := 0
sidx := -1
eidx := -1
lenRunes := text.Length()
lenPattern := len(pattern)
if normalize {
pattern = normalizeRunes(pattern)
for index := 0; index < lenRunes; index++ {
char := text.Get(indexAt(index, lenRunes, forward))
10 years ago
// This is considerably faster than blindly applying strings.ToLower to the
// whole string
if !caseSensitive {
// Partially inlining `unicode.ToLower`. Ugly, but makes a noticeable
// difference in CPU cost. (Measured on Go 1.4.1. Also note that the Go
// compiler as of now does not inline non-leaf functions.)
if char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z' {
char += 32
} else if char > unicode.MaxASCII {
char = unicode.To(unicode.LowerCase, char)
10 years ago
if normalize {
char = normalizeRune(char)
pchar := pattern[indexAt(pidx, lenPattern, forward)]
if char == pchar {
10 years ago
if sidx < 0 {
sidx = index
if pidx++; pidx == lenPattern {
10 years ago
eidx = index + 1
if sidx >= 0 && eidx >= 0 {
10 years ago
10 years ago
for index := eidx - 1; index >= sidx; index-- {
tidx := indexAt(index, lenRunes, forward)
char := text.Get(tidx)
if !caseSensitive {
if char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z' {
char += 32
} else if char > unicode.MaxASCII {
char = unicode.To(unicode.LowerCase, char)
pidx_ := indexAt(pidx, lenPattern, forward)
pchar := pattern[pidx_]
if char == pchar {
10 years ago
if pidx--; pidx < 0 {
10 years ago
sidx = index
if !forward {
sidx, eidx = lenRunes-eidx, lenRunes-sidx
score, pos := calculateScore(caseSensitive, normalize, text, pattern, sidx, eidx, withPos)
return Result{sidx, eidx, score}, pos
10 years ago
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil
10 years ago
10 years ago
// ExactMatchNaive is a basic string searching algorithm that handles case
// sensitivity. Although naive, it still performs better than the combination
// of strings.ToLower + strings.Index for typical fzf use cases where input
// strings and patterns are not very long.
// Since 0.15.0, this function searches for the match with the highest
// bonus point, instead of stopping immediately after finding the first match.
// The solution is much cheaper since there is only one possible alignment of
// the pattern.
func ExactMatchNaive(caseSensitive bool, normalize bool, forward bool, text util.Chars, pattern []rune, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (Result, *[]int) {
if len(pattern) == 0 {
return Result{0, 0, 0}, nil
lenRunes := text.Length()
lenPattern := len(pattern)
if lenRunes < lenPattern {
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil
10 years ago
if normalize {
pattern = normalizeRunes(pattern)
// For simplicity, only look at the bonus at the first character position
10 years ago
pidx := 0
bestPos, bonus, bestBonus := -1, int16(0), int16(-1)
for index := 0; index < lenRunes; index++ {
index_ := indexAt(index, lenRunes, forward)
char := text.Get(index_)
if !caseSensitive {
if char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z' {
char += 32
} else if char > unicode.MaxASCII {
char = unicode.To(unicode.LowerCase, char)
10 years ago
if normalize {
char = normalizeRune(char)
pidx_ := indexAt(pidx, lenPattern, forward)
pchar := pattern[pidx_]
if pchar == char {
if pidx_ == 0 {
bonus = bonusAt(text, index_)
10 years ago
if pidx == lenPattern {
if bonus > bestBonus {
bestPos, bestBonus = index, bonus
if bonus == bonusBoundary {
index -= pidx - 1
pidx, bonus = 0, 0
10 years ago
} else {
index -= pidx
pidx, bonus = 0, 0
if bestPos >= 0 {
var sidx, eidx int
if forward {
sidx = bestPos - lenPattern + 1
eidx = bestPos + 1
} else {
sidx = lenRunes - (bestPos + 1)
eidx = lenRunes - (bestPos - lenPattern + 1)
10 years ago
score, _ := calculateScore(caseSensitive, normalize, text, pattern, sidx, eidx, false)
return Result{sidx, eidx, score}, nil
10 years ago
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil
10 years ago
10 years ago
// PrefixMatch performs prefix-match
func PrefixMatch(caseSensitive bool, normalize bool, forward bool, text util.Chars, pattern []rune, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (Result, *[]int) {
if len(pattern) == 0 {
return Result{0, 0, 0}, nil
if text.Length() < len(pattern) {
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil
10 years ago
if normalize {
pattern = normalizeRunes(pattern)
10 years ago
for index, r := range pattern {
char := text.Get(index)
if !caseSensitive {
char = unicode.ToLower(char)
10 years ago
if normalize {
char = normalizeRune(char)
10 years ago
if char != r {
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil
10 years ago
lenPattern := len(pattern)
score, _ := calculateScore(caseSensitive, normalize, text, pattern, 0, lenPattern, false)
return Result{0, lenPattern, score}, nil
10 years ago
10 years ago
// SuffixMatch performs suffix-match
func SuffixMatch(caseSensitive bool, normalize bool, forward bool, text util.Chars, pattern []rune, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (Result, *[]int) {
lenRunes := text.Length()
trimmedLen := lenRunes - text.TrailingWhitespaces()
if len(pattern) == 0 {
return Result{trimmedLen, trimmedLen, 0}, nil
10 years ago
diff := trimmedLen - len(pattern)
if diff < 0 {
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil
10 years ago
if normalize {
pattern = normalizeRunes(pattern)
10 years ago
for index, r := range pattern {
char := text.Get(index + diff)
if !caseSensitive {
char = unicode.ToLower(char)
10 years ago
if normalize {
char = normalizeRune(char)
10 years ago
if char != r {
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil
10 years ago
lenPattern := len(pattern)
sidx := trimmedLen - lenPattern
eidx := trimmedLen
score, _ := calculateScore(caseSensitive, normalize, text, pattern, sidx, eidx, false)
return Result{sidx, eidx, score}, nil
10 years ago
9 years ago
// EqualMatch performs equal-match
func EqualMatch(caseSensitive bool, normalize bool, forward bool, text util.Chars, pattern []rune, withPos bool, slab *util.Slab) (Result, *[]int) {
lenPattern := len(pattern)
if text.Length() != lenPattern {
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil
match := true
if normalize {
runes := text.ToRunes()
for idx, pchar := range pattern {
char := runes[idx]
if !caseSensitive {
char = unicode.To(unicode.LowerCase, char)
if normalizeRune(pchar) != normalizeRune(char) {
match = false
} else {
runesStr := text.ToString()
if !caseSensitive {
runesStr = strings.ToLower(runesStr)
match = runesStr == string(pattern)
if match {
return Result{0, lenPattern, (scoreMatch+bonusBoundary)*lenPattern +
(bonusFirstCharMultiplier-1)*bonusBoundary}, nil
return Result{-1, -1, 0}, nil