You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

259 lines
5.7 KiB

10 years ago
package fzf
import (
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
// Reader reads from command or standard input
10 years ago
type Reader struct {
pusher func([]byte) bool
eventBox *util.EventBox
delimNil bool
event int32
finChan chan bool
mutex sync.Mutex
exec *exec.Cmd
command *string
killed bool
wait bool
// NewReader returns new Reader object
func NewReader(pusher func([]byte) bool, eventBox *util.EventBox, delimNil bool, wait bool) *Reader {
return &Reader{pusher, eventBox, delimNil, int32(EvtReady), make(chan bool, 1), sync.Mutex{}, nil, nil, false, wait}
func (r *Reader) startEventPoller() {
go func() {
ptr := &r.event
pollInterval := readerPollIntervalMin
for {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(ptr, int32(EvtReadNew), int32(EvtReady)) {
r.eventBox.Set(EvtReadNew, (*string)(nil))
pollInterval = readerPollIntervalMin
} else if atomic.LoadInt32(ptr) == int32(EvtReadFin) {
if r.wait {
r.finChan <- true
} else {
pollInterval += readerPollIntervalStep
if pollInterval > readerPollIntervalMax {
pollInterval = readerPollIntervalMax
func (r *Reader) fin(success bool) {
atomic.StoreInt32(&r.event, int32(EvtReadFin))
if r.wait {
ret := r.command
if success || r.killed {
ret = nil
r.eventBox.Set(EvtReadFin, ret)
func (r *Reader) terminate() {
r.killed = true
if r.exec != nil && r.exec.Process != nil {
} else {
func (r *Reader) restart(command string, environ []string) {
r.event = int32(EvtReady)
success := r.readFromCommand(command, environ)
10 years ago
10 years ago
// ReadSource reads data from the default command or from standard input
func (r *Reader) ReadSource(root string, opts walkerOpts, ignores []string) {
var success bool
if util.IsTty() {
10 years ago
cmd := os.Getenv("FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND")
if len(cmd) == 0 {
success = r.readFiles(root, opts, ignores)
} else {
// We can't export FZF_* environment variables to the default command
success = r.readFromCommand(cmd, nil)
10 years ago
} else {
success = r.readFromStdin()
10 years ago
10 years ago
func (r *Reader) feed(src io.Reader) {
readerSlabSize, ae := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("SLAB_KB"))
if ae != nil {
readerSlabSize = 128 * 1024
} else {
readerSlabSize *= 1024
readerBufferSize, be := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("BUF_KB"))
if be != nil {
readerBufferSize = 64 * 1024
} else {
readerBufferSize *= 1024
slab := make([]byte, readerSlabSize)
pointer := 0
delim := byte('\n')
if r.delimNil {
delim = '\000'
reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(src, readerBufferSize)
// We do not put a slice longer than 10% of the slab to reduce fragmentation
maxBytes := readerBufferSize / 10
for {
var frags [][]byte
fragsLen := 0
for {
bytea, err := reader.ReadSlice(delim)
if err == bufio.ErrBufferFull {
// Could not find the delimiter in the reader buffer.
// Need to collect the fragments and merge them later.
frags = append(frags, bytea)
fragsLen += len(bytea)
} else {
byteaLen := len(bytea)
if err == nil {
// No errors. Found the delimiter.
if util.IsWindows() && byteaLen >= 2 && bytea[byteaLen-2] == byte('\r') {
bytea = bytea[:byteaLen-2]
byteaLen -= 2
} else {
bytea = bytea[:byteaLen-1]
itemLen := fragsLen + byteaLen
pointer += itemLen
var slice []byte
if itemLen <= maxBytes { // We can use the slab
// Allocate a new slab if it doesn't fit
if pointer > readerSlabSize {
slab = make([]byte, readerSlabSize)
pointer = itemLen
slice = slab[pointer-itemLen : pointer]
} else { // We can't use the slab because the item is too large
slice = make([]byte, itemLen)
if len(frags) > 0 {
// Collect the fragments
n := 0
for _, frag := range frags {
n += copy(slice[n:], frag)
copy(slice[n:], bytea)
} else if byteaLen > 0 {
copy(slice, bytea)
if (err == nil || itemLen > 0) && r.pusher(slice) {
atomic.StoreInt32(&r.event, int32(EvtReadNew))
if err != nil {
10 years ago
func (r *Reader) readFromStdin() bool {
10 years ago
return true
10 years ago
func (r *Reader) readFiles(root string, opts walkerOpts, ignores []string) bool {
r.killed = false
conf := fastwalk.Config{Follow: opts.follow}
fn := func(path string, de os.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return nil
path = filepath.Clean(path)
if path != "." {
isDir := de.IsDir()
if isDir {
base := filepath.Base(path)
if !opts.hidden && base[0] == '.' {
return filepath.SkipDir
for _, ignore := range ignores {
if ignore == base {
return filepath.SkipDir
if ((opts.file && !isDir) || (opts.dir && isDir)) && r.pusher([]byte(path)) {
atomic.StoreInt32(&r.event, int32(EvtReadNew))
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
if r.killed {
return context.Canceled
return nil
return fastwalk.Walk(&conf, root, fn) == nil
func (r *Reader) readFromCommand(command string, environ []string) bool {
r.killed = false
r.command = &command
r.exec = util.ExecCommand(command, true)
if environ != nil {
r.exec.Env = environ
out, err := r.exec.StdoutPipe()
10 years ago
if err != nil {
return false
10 years ago
err = r.exec.Start()
10 years ago
if err != nil {
return false
10 years ago
return r.exec.Wait() == nil
10 years ago