const fs = require('fs') const tty = require('tty') const blessed = require('neo-blessed') const stringWidth = require('string-width') const indent = require('indent-string') const chalk = require('chalk') module.exports = function start(input) { const ttyFd = fs.openSync('/dev/tty', 'r+') const program = blessed.program({ input: tty.ReadStream(ttyFd), output: tty.WriteStream(ttyFd), }) const screen = blessed.screen({ program: program, smartCSR: true, fullUnicode: true, }) screen.title = 'fx' screen.key(['escape', 'q', 'C-c'], function (ch, key) { return process.exit(0) }) screen.on('resize', render) const box ={ parent: screen, tags: true, left: 0, top: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', keys: true, vi: true, alwaysScroll: true, scrollable: true, }) const test ={ parent: screen, hidden: true, tags: true, width: '100%', }) const scrollSpeed = (() => { let prev = new Date() return () => { const now = new Date() const lines = now - prev < 20 ? 3 : 1 // TODO: Speed based on terminal. prev = now return lines } })() box.on('wheeldown', function () { box.scroll(scrollSpeed()) screen.render() }) box.on('wheelup', function () { box.scroll(-scrollSpeed()) screen.render() }) // TODO: fx input // const inputBar = blessed.textbox({ // parent: screen, // bottom: 0, // left: 0, // height: 1, // width: '100%', // keys: true, // mouse: true, // inputOnFocus: true, // }) const expanded = new Set() expanded.add('') // Root of JSON box.key('e', function () { walk(input, path => expanded.add(path)) render() }) box.key('S-e', function () { expanded.clear() expanded.add('') render() }) function walk(v, cb, path = '') { if (!v) { return } if (Array.isArray(v)) { cb(path) let i = 0 for (let item of v) { walk(item, cb, path + '[' + (i++) + ']') } } if (typeof v === 'object' && v.constructor === Object) { cb(path) let i = 0 for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(v)) { walk(value, cb, path + '.' + key) } } } const space = 2 let index = new Map() let row = 0 function print(input) { row = 0 index = new Map() return doPrint(input) } function doPrint(v, path = '') { const eol = () => { row++ return '\n' } if (typeof v === 'undefined') { return void 0 } if (v === null) { return chalk.grey.bold(v) } if (typeof v === 'number' && Number.isFinite(v)) { return chalk.cyan.bold(v) } if (typeof v === 'boolean') { return chalk.yellow.bold(v) } if (typeof v === 'string') { return } if (Array.isArray(v)) { index.set(row, path) if (!expanded.has(path)) { return '[\u2026]' } let output = '[' + eol() const len = v.length let i = 0 for (let item of v) { const value = typeof item === 'undefined' ? null : item // JSON.stringify compatibility output += indent(doPrint(value, path + '[' + i + ']'), space) output += i++ < len - 1 ? ',' : '' output += eol() } return output + ']' } if (typeof v === 'object' && v.constructor === Object) { index.set(row, path) if (!expanded.has(path)) { return '{\u2026}' } let output = '{' + eol() const entries = Object.entries(v).filter(noUndefined) // JSON.stringify compatibility const len = entries.length let i = 0 for (let [key, value] of entries) { const part = + ': ' + doPrint(value, path + '.' + key) output += indent(part, space) output += i++ < len - 1 ? ',' : '' output += eol() } return output + '}' } return JSON.stringify(v) } function noUndefined([key, value]) { return typeof value !== 'undefined' } box.on('click', function (mouse) { const pos = box.childBase + mouse.y const line = box.getScreenLines()[pos] if (mouse.x >= stringWidth(line)) { return } const path = index.get(pos) if (expanded.has(path)) { expanded.delete(path) } else { expanded.add(path) } render() }) function render() { const content = print(input) // TODO: Move to own fork of blessed. let row = 0 for (let line of content.split('\n')) { if (stringWidth(line) > box.width) { test.setContent(line) const pad = test.getScreenLines().length - 1 const update = new Map() for (let [i, path] of index.entries()) { if (i > row) { index.delete(i) update.set(i + pad, path) } } row += pad for (let [i, path] of update.entries()) { index.set(i, path) } } row++ } box.setContent(content) screen.render() } box.focus() render() }