'use strict' const fs = require('fs') const tty = require('tty') const blessed = require('@medv/blessed') const stringWidth = require('string-width') const reduce = require('./reduce') const print = require('./print') const find = require('./find') const config = require('./config') module.exports = function start(filename, source) { // Current rendered object on a screen. let json = source // Contains map from row number to expand path. // Example: {0: '', 1: '.foo', 2: '.foo[0]'} let index = new Map() // Contains expanded paths. Example: ['', '.foo'] // Empty string represents root path. const expanded = new Set() expanded.add('') // Current search regexp and generator. let highlight = null let findGen = null let currentPath = null const ttyFd = fs.openSync('/dev/tty', 'r+') const program = blessed.program({ input: tty.ReadStream(ttyFd), output: tty.WriteStream(ttyFd), }) const screen = blessed.screen({ program: program, smartCSR: true, fullUnicode: true, }) const box = blessed.box({ parent: screen, tags: false, left: 0, top: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', mouse: true, keys: true, vi: true, ignoreArrows: true, alwaysScroll: true, scrollable: true, }) const input = blessed.textbox({ parent: screen, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 1, width: '100%', }) const search = blessed.textbox({ parent: screen, bottom: 0, left: 0, height: 1, width: '100%', }) const autocomplete = blessed.list({ parent: screen, width: 6, height: 7, left: 1, bottom: 1, style: config.list, }) screen.title = filename box.focus() input.hide() search.hide() autocomplete.hide() screen.key(['escape', 'q', 'C-c'], function () { program.disableMouse() // If exit program immediately, stdin may still receive setTimeout(() => process.exit(0), 10) // mouse events which will be printed in stdout. }) screen.on('resize', function () { render() }) input.on('submit', function () { if (autocomplete.hidden) { apply() } else { // Autocomplete selected let code = input.getValue() let replace = autocomplete.getSelected() if (/^[a-z]\w*$/i.test(replace)) { replace = '.' + replace } else { replace = `["${replace}"]` } code = code.replace(/\.\w*$/, replace) input.setValue(code) autocomplete.hide() update(code) // Keep editing code input.readInput() } }) input.on('cancel', function () { if (autocomplete.hidden) { apply() } else { // Autocomplete not selected autocomplete.hide() screen.render() // Keep editing code input.readInput() } }) input.on('update', function (code) { update(code) complete(code) }) input.key('up', function () { if (!autocomplete.hidden) { autocomplete.up() screen.render() } }) input.key('down', function () { if (!autocomplete.hidden) { autocomplete.down() screen.render() } }) input.key('C-u', function () { input.setValue('') update('') render() }) input.key('C-w', function () { let code = input.getValue() code = code.replace(/[\.\[][^\.\[]*$/, '') input.setValue(code) update(code) render() }) search.on('submit', function (pattern) { let regex const m = pattern.match(/^\/(.*)\/?([gimuy]*)$/) if (m) { try { regex = new RegExp(m[1], m[2]) } catch (e) { // Wrong regexp. } } highlight = regex if (highlight) { findGen = find(json, highlight) findNext() } else { findGen = null currentPath = null } search.hide() search.setValue('') box.height = '100%' box.focus() program.cursorPos(0, 0) render() }) search.on('cancel', function () { highlight = null currentPath = null search.hide() search.setValue('') box.height = '100%' box.focus() program.cursorPos(0, 0) render() }) box.key('.', function () { box.height = '100%-1' input.show() if (input.getValue() === '') { input.setValue('.') complete('.') } input.readInput() screen.render() }) box.key('/', function () { box.height = '100%-1' search.show() search.setValue('/') search.readInput() screen.render() }) box.key('e', function () { expanded.clear() walk(json, path => expanded.size < 1000 && expanded.add(path)) render() }) box.key('S-e', function () { expanded.clear() expanded.add('') render() // Make sure cursor stay on JSON object. const [n] = getLine(program.y) if (typeof n === 'undefined' || !index.has(n)) { // No line under cursor let rest = [...index.keys()] if (rest.length > 0) { const next = Math.max(...rest) let y = box.getScreenNumber(next) - box.childBase if (y <= 0) { y = 0 } const line = box.getScreenLine(y + box.childBase) program.cursorPos(y, line.search(/\S/)) } } }) box.key('n', function () { findNext() }) box.key(['up', 'k'], function () { program.showCursor() let rest = [...index.keys()] const [n] = getLine(program.y) if (typeof n !== 'undefined') { rest = rest.filter(i => i < n) } if (rest.length > 0) { const next = Math.max(...rest) let y = box.getScreenNumber(next) - box.childBase if (y <= 0) { box.scroll(-1) screen.render() y = 0 } const line = box.getScreenLine(y + box.childBase) program.cursorPos(y, line.search(/\S/)) } }) box.key(['down', 'j'], function () { program.showCursor() let rest = [...index.keys()] const [n] = getLine(program.y) if (typeof n !== 'undefined') { rest = rest.filter(i => i > n) } if (rest.length > 0) { const next = Math.min(...rest) let y = box.getScreenNumber(next) - box.childBase if (y >= box.height) { box.scroll(1) screen.render() y = box.height - 1 } const line = box.getScreenLine(y + box.childBase) program.cursorPos(y, line.search(/\S/)) } }) box.key(['right', 'l'], function () { const [n, line] = getLine(program.y) program.showCursor() program.cursorPos(program.y, line.search(/\S/)) const path = index.get(n) if (!expanded.has(path)) { expanded.add(path) render() } }) box.key(['left', 'h'], function () { const [n, line] = getLine(program.y) program.showCursor() program.cursorPos(program.y, line.search(/\S/)) const path = index.get(n) if (expanded.has(path)) { expanded.delete(path) render() } }) box.on('click', function (mouse) { const [n, line] = getLine(mouse.y) if (mouse.x >= stringWidth(line)) { return } program.hideCursor() program.cursorPos(mouse.y, line.search(/\S/)) autocomplete.hide() const path = index.get(n) if (expanded.has(path)) { expanded.delete(path) } else { expanded.add(path) } render() }) function getLine(y) { const dy = box.childBase + y const n = box.getNumber(dy) const line = box.getScreenLine(dy) if (typeof line === 'undefined') { return [n, ''] } return [n, line] } function apply() { const code = input.getValue() if (code && code.length !== 0) { try { json = reduce(source, code) } catch (e) { // pass } } else { box.height = '100%' input.hide() json = source } box.focus() program.cursorPos(0, 0) render() } function complete(inputCode) { const match = inputCode.match(/\.(\w*)$/) const code = /^\.\w*$/.test(inputCode) ? '.' : inputCode.replace(/\.\w*$/, '') let json try { json = reduce(source, code) } catch (e) { } if (match) { if (typeof json === 'object' && json.constructor === Object) { const keys = Object.keys(json).filter(key => key.startsWith(match[1])) // Hide if there is nothing to show or // don't show if there is complete match. if (keys.length === 0 || (keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === match[1])) { autocomplete.hide() return } autocomplete.width = Math.max(...keys.map(key => key.length)) + 1 autocomplete.height = Math.min(7, keys.length) autocomplete.left = Math.min( screen.width - autocomplete.width, code.length === 1 ? 1 : code.length + 1 ) let selectFirst = autocomplete.items.length !== keys.length autocomplete.setItems(keys) if (selectFirst) { autocomplete.select(autocomplete.items.length - 1) } if (autocomplete.hidden) { autocomplete.show() } } else { autocomplete.clearItems() autocomplete.hide() } } } function update(code) { if (code && code.length !== 0) { try { const pretender = reduce(source, code) if (typeof pretender !== 'undefined' && typeof pretender !== 'function') { json = pretender } } catch (e) { // pass } } if (code === '') { json = source } findGen = find(json, highlight) render() } function findNext() { if (!findGen) { return } const {value: path, done} = findGen.next() if (!done) { currentPath = '' for (let p of path) { expanded.add(currentPath += p) } render() for (let [k, v] of index) { if (v === currentPath) { const y = box.getScreenNumber(k) box.scrollTo(y) screen.render() } } } } function render() { let content [content, index] = print(json, {expanded, highlight, currentPath}) if (typeof content === 'undefined') { content = 'undefined' } box.setContent(content) screen.render() } render() } function walk(v, cb, path = '') { if (!v) { return } if (Array.isArray(v)) { cb(path) let i = 0 for (let item of v) { walk(item, cb, path + '[' + (i++) + ']') } } if (typeof v === 'object' && v.constructor === Object) { cb(path) let i = 0 for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(v)) { walk(value, cb, path + '.' + key) } } }