package complete import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "" "" "" ) var flags = []string{ "--help", "--raw", "--slurp", "--themes", "--version", "--yaml", "-h", "-r", "-s", "-v", } var globals = []string{ "JSON.stringify", "JSON.parse", "YAML.stringify", "YAML.parse", "Object.keys", "Object.values", "Object.entries", "Object.fromEntries", "Array.isArray", "Array.from", "len", "uniq", "sort", "map", "sortBy", "groupBy", "chunk", "zip", "flatten", "reverse", "keys", "values", } func Complete() bool { compLine, ok := os.LookupEnv("COMP_LINE") if ok && len(os.Args) == 3 { doComplete(compLine, os.Args[2]) return true } compZsh, ok := os.LookupEnv("COMP_ZSH") if ok { doComplete(compZsh, lastWord(compZsh)) return true } return false } func doComplete(compLine string, compWord string) { if strings.HasPrefix(compWord, "-") { compReply(filterReply(flags, compWord)) return } args, err := shlex.Split(compLine) if err != nil { return } compWord = shlex.Parse(compWord) var flagYaml bool for _, arg := range args { if arg == "--yaml" { flagYaml = true break } } // Remove flags from args. args = filterArgs(args) isSecondArgIsFile := false if len(args) == 0 { return } else if len(args) == 1 { fileComplete(compWord) return } else if len(args) == 2 { isSecondArgIsFile = isFile(args[1]) if !isSecondArgIsFile { fileComplete(compWord) return } } else { isSecondArgIsFile = isFile(args[1]) } if isSecondArgIsFile { if globalsComplete(compWord) { return } file := args[1] hasYamlExt, _ := regexp.MatchString(`(?i)\.ya?ml$`, file) if !flagYaml && hasYamlExt { flagYaml = true } input, err := os.ReadFile(file) if err != nil { return } // If input is bigger than 1MB, skip completion. if len(input) > 1024*1024 { return } if flagYaml { input, err = yaml.YAMLToJSON(input) if err != nil { return } } codeComplete(string(input), args, compWord) } } func globalsComplete(compWord string) bool { if compWord == "" { // We will not complete globals if compWord is empty, // as we want to show only object keys. return false } reply := filterReply(globals, compWord) if len(reply) > 0 { compReply(reply) return true } return false } func codeComplete(input string, args []string, compWord string) { args = args[2:] // Drop binary & file from the args. if compWord == "" { args = append(args, ".__keys()") } else { if len(args) > 0 { last := args[len(args)-1] last = dropTail(args[len(args)-1]) last = last + ".__keys()" last = balanceBrackets(last) args[len(args)-1] = last } } var code strings.Builder code.WriteString(prelude) code.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("let json = %s\n", input)) for _, arg := range args { if arg == "" { continue } code.WriteString(Transform(arg)) } code.WriteString("\n__keys\n") out, err := goja.New().RunString(code.String()) if err != nil { return } if array, ok := out.Export().([]interface{}); ok { prefix := dropTail(compWord) var reply []string for _, key := range array { reply = append(reply, prefix+key.(string)) } compReply(filterReply(reply, compWord)) } } func filterArgs(args []string) []string { filtered := make([]string, 0, len(args)) for _, arg := range args { found := false for _, flag := range flags { if arg == flag { found = true break } } if !found { filtered = append(filtered, arg) } } return filtered } func fileComplete(compWord string) { var matches []string dir, filePrefix := filepath.Split(compWord) if dir == "" { dir = "." } pattern := filepath.Join(dir, filePrefix+"*") files, err := filepath.Glob(pattern) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error reading directory:", err) return } for _, match := range files { relativePath, err := filepath.Rel(".", match) if err != nil { continue } matches = append(matches, relativePath) } compReply(matches) }