void async function main() { const process = await import('node:process') const args = process.argv.slice(2) let input = '' process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8') for await (const chunk of process.stdin) input += chunk let json try { json = JSON.parse(input) } catch (err) { process.stderr.write(`Invalid JSON: ${err.message}\n`) process.exit(1) } let i, code, output = json for ([i, code] of args.entries()) try { output = transform(output, code) } catch (err) { printErr(err) process.exit(1) } if (typeof output === 'undefined') process.stderr.write('undefined\n') else if (typeof output === 'string') console.log(output) else console.log(JSON.stringify(output, null, 2)) function printErr(err) { let pre = args.slice(0, i).join(' ') let post = args.slice(i + 1).join(' ') if (pre.length > 20) pre = '...' + pre.substring(pre.length - 20) if (post.length > 20) post = post.substring(0, 20) + '...' process.stderr.write( `\n ${pre} ${code} ${post}\n` + ` ${' '.repeat(pre.length + 1)}${'^'.repeat(code.length)}\n` + `\n${err.stack || err}\n` ) } }() function transform(json, code) { if ('.' === code) return json if ('?' === code) return Object.keys(json) if (/^(\.\w*)+\[]/.test(code)) return eval(`(function () { return (${fold(code.split('[]'))})(this) })`).call(json) if (/^\.\[/.test(code)) return eval(`(function () { return this${code.substring(1)} })`).call(json) if (/^\./.test(code)) return eval(`(function () { return this${code} })`).call(json) if (/^map\(.+?\)$/.test(code)) { let s = code.substring(4, code.length - 1) if (s[0] === '.') s = 'x' + s return eval(`(function () { return this.map(x => apply(x, ${s})) })`).call(json) } const fn = eval(`(function () { return ${code} })`).call(json) return apply(json, fn) } function apply(json, fn) { if (typeof fn === 'function') return fn(json) return fn } function fold(s) { if (s.length === 1) return 'x => x' + s[0] let obj = s.shift() obj = obj === '.' ? 'x' : 'x' + obj return `x => Object.values(${obj}).flatMap(${fold(s)})` } function uniq(array) { return [...new Set(array)] } function sort(array) { return array.sort() }