# Release 1. Bump version in [version.go](version.go). 2. Bump version in [snapcraft.yaml](snap/snapcraft.yaml). 3. Bump version in [package.json](npm/package.json). 4. Commit changes. 5. Publish npm package. 6. Trigger [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/antonmedv/fx/actions) (brew, snap, docker). 7. Create a new release on [GitHub](https://github.com/antonmedv/fx/releases/new). 8. Run [build.mjs](scripts/build.mjs) to upload binaries to the release. ```sh npx zx scripts/build.mjs ``` 9. Bump version in [install.sh](https://github.com/antonmedv/fx.wtf/blob/master/public/install.sh) and upload it to [fx.wtf](https://fx.wtf).