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# fx
The JavaScript version of the **fx**. Short for _Function eXecution_ or _f(x)_.
npm i -g fx
Or use **npx**:
cat file.json | npx fx .param
Or use **node**:
cat file.json | node <(curl -s .param
Or use **deno**:
cat file.json | deno run .param
## Usage
Fx treats arguments as JavaScript functions. Fx passes the input data to the first
function and then passes the result of the first function to the second function
and so on.
echo '{"name": "world"}' | fx 'x =>' 'x => `Hello, ${x}!`'
Use `this` to access the input data. Use `.` at the start of the expression to
access the input data without a `x => x` part.
echo '{"name": "world"}' | fx '.name' '`Hello, ${this}!`'
2 years ago
That's it!
## Advanced Usage
Fx has a shortcut for the map function. Fox example `.map(x => x.commit.message)`
can be written without leading dot and without `x =>` parts.
curl | fx 'map(x.commit.message)'
Fx has a special syntax for the flatMap function. Fox example,
`.flatMap(x => x.labels.flatMap(x =>` can be written in the next way.
curl | fx '.[].labels[].name'
## License