You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

129 lines
3.1 KiB

package main
type searchResult struct {
path string
index int
start, end int
type searchResultGroup struct {
key []*searchResult
value []*searchResult
delim *searchResult
openBracket *searchResult
closeBracket *searchResult
comma *searchResult
// TODO: Implement search.
// TODO: Uncomment all code blocks.
func (m *model) doSearch(s string) {
//re, err := regexp.Compile("(?i)" + s)
//if err != nil {
// m.searchRegexCompileError = err.Error()
// m.searchInput.Blur()
// return
//m.searchRegexCompileError = ""
//results := newDict()
//addSearchResult := func(path string, indexes [][]int) {
// if indexes != nil {
// sr := searchResult{}
// prev, ok := results.get(path)
// if ok {
// sr = prev.(searchResult)
// }
// sr.value = indexes
// results.set(path, sr)
// }
//dfs(m.json, func(it iterator) {
// switch it.object.(type) {
// case nil:
// line := "null"
// found := re.FindAllStringIndex(line, -1)
// addSearchResult(it.path, found)
// case bool:
// line := stringify(it.object)
// found := re.FindAllStringIndex(line, -1)
// addSearchResult(it.path, found)
// case number:
// line := it.object.(number).String()
// found := re.FindAllStringIndex(line, -1)
// addSearchResult(it.path, found)
// case string:
// line := fmt.Sprintf("%q", it.object)
// found := re.FindAllStringIndex(line, -1)
// addSearchResult(it.path, found)
// case *dict:
// keys := it.object.(*dict).keys
// for _, key := range keys {
// line := fmt.Sprintf("%q", key)
// subpath := it.path + "." + key
// indexes := re.FindAllStringIndex(line, -1)
// if indexes != nil {
// sr := searchResult{}
// prev, ok := results.get(subpath)
// if ok {
// sr = prev.(searchResult)
// }
// sr.key = indexes
// results.set(subpath, sr)
// }
// }
// }
//m.searchResults = results
//m.showSearchResults = true
func (m *model) jumpToSearchResult(at int) {
//if m.searchResults == nil || len(m.searchResults.keys) == 0 {
// return
//m.showCursor = false
//m.searchResultsCursor = at % len(m.searchResults.keys)
//desiredPath := m.searchResults.keys[m.searchResultsCursor]
//lineNumber, ok := m.pathToLineNumber.get(desiredPath)
//if ok {
// m.cursor = m.pathToLineNumber.indexes[desiredPath]
// m.SetOffset(lineNumber.(int))
// m.render()
//} else {
// m.expandToPath(desiredPath)
// m.render()
// m.jumpToSearchResult(at)
3 years ago
func (m *model) expandToPath(path string) {
m.expandedPaths[path] = true
if path != "" {
3 years ago
func (m *model) nextSearchResult() {
//m.jumpToSearchResult((m.searchResultsCursor + 1) % len(m.searchResults.keys))
func (m *model) prevSearchResult() {
//i := m.searchResultsCursor - 1
//if i < 0 {
// i = len(m.searchResults.keys) - 1
func (m *model) resultsCursorPath() string {
//if m.searchResults == nil || len(m.searchResults.keys) == 0 {
// return "?"
//return m.searchResults.keys[m.searchResultsCursor]
return ""