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69 lines
2.1 KiB

1 year ago
async function test(name, fn) {
try {
await fn(await import('node:assert/strict'))
} catch (err) {
throw err
async function run(json, code = '') {
const {spawnSync} = await import('node:child_process')
return spawnSync(`echo '${JSON.stringify(json)}' | node index.js ${code}`, {
stdio: 'pipe',
encoding: 'utf8',
shell: true
void async function main() {
await test('passes json as is', async t => {
const {stdout} = await run([{'greeting': 'hello world'}])
t.deepEqual(JSON.parse(stdout), [{'greeting': 'hello world'}])
await test('works with anon func', async t => {
const {stdout} = await run({'key': 'value'}, '\'function (x) { return x.key }\'')
t.equal(stdout, 'value\n')
await test('works with arrow func', async t => {
const {stdout} = await run({'key': 'value'}, '\'x => x.key\'')
t.equal(stdout, 'value\n')
await test('works with arrow func with param brackets', async t => {
const {stdout} = await run({'key': 'value'}, '\'(x) => x.key\'')
t.equal(stdout, 'value\n')
await test('this is json', async t => {
const {stdout} = await run([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], '\' => x * this.length)\'')
t.deepEqual(JSON.parse(stdout), [5, 10, 15, 20, 25])
await test('args chain works', async t => {
const {stdout} = await run({'items': ['foo', 'bar']}, '\'this.items\' \'.\' \'x => x[1]\'')
t.equal(stdout, 'bar\n')
await test('flat map works', async t => {
const {stdout} = await run({master: {foo: [{bar: [{val: 1}]}]}}, '[].bar[].val')
t.deepEqual(JSON.parse(stdout), [1])
await test('flat map works on the first level', async t => {
const {stdout} = await run([{val: 1}, {val: 2}], '.[].val')
t.deepEqual(JSON.parse(stdout), [1, 2])
await test('invalid code argument', async t => {
const json = {foo: 'bar'}
const code = '".foo.toUpperCase("'
const {stderr, status} = await run(json, code)
t.strictEqual(status, 1)
t.ok(stderr.includes(`SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'`))