mirror of
synced 2024-11-01 03:20:29 +00:00
This is because as a git tool, it wants to open each file separately. Neovim and diffview plugin provide a handy UI to manage multiple files in diff and merge
60 lines
935 B
60 lines
935 B
{%@@ if profile == "mko-laptop" @@%}
email = marko.korhonen@rossum.fi
{%@@ else @@%}
email = marko@korhonen.cc
{%@@ endif @@%}
name = Marko Korhonen
signingkey = F2B9F713E7ED627336DD85E444FA3F28CD931BB0
signoff = true
gpgsign = true
gpgSign = true
signoff = true
signoff = true
prompt = false
conflictstyle = diff3
tool = nvim
keepBackup = false
prompt = false
[mergetool "nvim"]
cmd = nvim +DiffviewOpen
rebase = merges
mergetest = !git switch test && git pull && git merge --no-ff -m \"Merge $1 features to test\" $1
upstream = !git push -u origin HEAD
sync = !git pull && git push
recommit = !git commit -eF $(git rev-parse --git-dir)/COMMIT_EDITMSG
pager = no
defaultBranch = main
helper = cache --timeout=600
helper = !pass-git-helper $@
enabled = true
recurse = true
recurseSubmodules = check