fisher-tutorial(7) -- A tutorial introduction to Fisherman ========================================================== ## DESCRIPTION This document tells you how to start using Fisherman key features. ## INSTALLING PLUGINS Install a plugin. ``` fisher install ``` *plugin* can be name registered in the Fisherman index, a URL to a Git repository or a path in the local system. Plugins are collected in a special location inside the Fisherman's configuration directory known as the cache. ## UPDATE AND UNINSTALL Update a plugin. ``` fisher update ``` Uninstall a plugin. ``` fisher uninstall ``` ## LIST AND SEARCH The list command displays all the plugins you have installed. The search command queries the index to show what's available to install. List installed plugins. ``` fisher list debug * fishtape > shellder * spin @ wipe ``` The legend consists of: `*` Indicate the plugin is currently installed
`>` Indicate the plugin is a prompt
`@` Indicate the plugin is a symbolic link
Search the index. ``` fisher search ... * debug Conditional debug logger errno POSIX error code/string translator * fishtape TAP producing test runner flash Flash-inspired, thunder prompt fzf Efficient keybindings for fzf get Press any key to continue ... > shellder Powerline prompt optimized for speed ... ``` Get detailed information about a plugin. ``` fisher search shellder > shellder by simnalamburt Powerline prompt optimized for speed ``` Search plugins using tags. ``` fisher search --tag={git,test} ... * fishtape TAP producing test runner git-branch-name Get the name of the current Git branch git-is-repo Test if the current directory is a Git repo git-is-dirty Test if there are changes not staged for commit git-is-stashed Test if there are changes in the stash ... ``` ## PLUMBING Fisherman commands are pipe aware. Plumb one with another to create complex functionality. Update all the plugins in the cache. ```fish fisher list | fisher update - ``` Install all the plugins that are currently disabled. ```fish fisher list --disabled | fisher install ``` ## DOTFILES When you install a plugin, Fisherman updates a file known as *fishfile* to track what plugins are currently enabled. To customize its location: ```fish set -g fisher_file ~/.dotfiles/fishfile ``` ## PLUGINS Plugins can be utilities, prompts, commands or snippets. ### UTILITIES Utilities are plugins that define one or more functions which are mean to be used in the CLI directly by the user. This example walks you through creating *wtc*, a plugin based in *github/ngerakines/commitment* random commit message generator. * Create a directory and initialize a Git repository. ```fish mkdir wtc cd wtc git init git remote add origin ``` * Add the wtc function. ```fish function wtc -d "Generate a random commit message" switch "$argv" case -h --help printf "Usage: wtc [--help]\n\n" printf " -h --help Show usage help\n" return end curl -s end ``` * Install the plugin. ```fish fisher install . wtc (\ /) (O.o) (> <) Bunny approves these changes. ``` * Commit changes and push to your remote origin when you are done. ```fish git add --all git commit -m "What the commit?" git push origin master ``` #### SUBMIT To submit wtc to the official index. ```fish fisher install submit fisher submit ``` This will create a PR in the Fisherman index repository. Once the PR is approved, Fisherman users will be able to install wtc if they have the latest index. ```fish fisher install wtc ``` See `fisher help submit` for more submit options. #### COMPLETIONS Create a completions directory and add a completions file. ```fish mkdir completions cat > completions/ complete --command wtc --short h --long help --description "Show usage help" ^ ``` Alternatively, use `__fisher_complete` to create completions from wtc usage output. ``` wtc --help | __fisher_complete wtc ``` #### MAN Create a man/man1 directory and add a man(1) page for wtc. There are utilities that can help you generate man pages from various text formats. For example, pandoc(1) and ronn(1). To create a man page manually. ```fish mkdir -p man/man1 cat > man/man1/wtc.1 .TH man 1 "Today" "1.0" "wtc man page" .SH NAME wtc \- Generate a random commit message .SH SYNOPSIS wtc [--help] .SH OPTIONS -h, --help: Display help information. .SH SEE ALSO ^C ``` #### DEPENDENCIES A plugin can list dependencies to other plugins using a *fishfile*. Create a new file in the root of your project and add the name or URL of your desired dependencies. ```fish cat > fishfile my_plugin ^D ``` ### PROMPTS Prompts, also known as themes, are plugins that modify the appearance of the shell prompt. Create a `fish_prompt` function. ```fish function fish_prompt printf "%s (%s) >> " (prompt_pwd) Fisherman end ~ (Fisherman) >> type here ``` To add a right prompt, create a `fish_right_prompt` function. ```fish function fish_right_prompt printf "%s" (date +%H:%M:%S) end ``` Save the functions to a directory and install the prompt as a plugin. ```fish mkdir my_prompt cd my_prompt functions fish_prompt > functions fish_right_prompt > fisher install . ``` ### COMMANDS Commands are plugins that extend the Fisherman CLI adding new `fisher `. Create a function `fisher_` ```fish function fisher_time -d "Say hello" printf "It's %s\n" (date +%H:%M) end ``` Test it works ```fish fisher time It's 6:30 ``` Make it a plugin ```fish fisher install fisher_time ``` This creates a new directory fisher_time in the current working directory and installs the plugin. The following example implements a command to format plugin information into columns. ```fish function fisher_info -d "Display information about plugins" switch "$argv" case -h --help printf "Usage: fisher info [...]\n\n" printf " -h --help Show usage help\n" return end for item in $argv fisher search $item --name --info end | sed -E 's/;/: /' | column end fisher install fisher_info ``` ### SNIPPETS Snippets are plugins that run code at the start of the shell. Snippets must be placed inside a sub directory named conf.d. The following example implements the fish_postexec hook to display the runtime of the last command in milliseconds. ```fish mkdir -p runtime/conf.d cd runtime cat > conf.d/ function fish_postexec --on-event fish_postexec printf "%sms\n" $CMD_DURATION > /dev/stderr end ^D fisher install ./postexec ``` ## SEE ALSO fisher(1)