Fisherman was always writing its completion file to $fish_config/completions.
This was incorrect behavior if $fish_path was set to a directory other than
$fish_config (its default).
Note that when using $fish_path to manage functions, completions and snippets,
you opt out fish default locations which are handled for you by the shell and
consequently are responsible for appending your custom $fish_path/functions
and $fish_path/completions directories to $fish_function_path and $fish_complete_path respectively, as well as sourcing snippets (.fish files under $fish_path/conf.d) on shell
- `__fisher_log` doesn't work on <2.2.0 anymore so use `echo` instead
- `command -s` option not available on macOS, so use `type` instead
- `type -q` not available on fish <2.2.0,use `type brew >/dev/null 2>&1`
- `brew up` not needed anymore, it auto updates now
- `brew --HEAD` not needed, latest version is enough
* Add support to fish-theme-* and fish-plugin-* repo names,
otherwise fisherman would end up trying to install the
unknown dependencies.
* Remove support for using `:' as a git tag delimiter when
installing plugins as that was causing full URLs to be
parsed incorrectly.
Use fisher [install] PLUGIN:BRANCH_NAME to install from any
given branch. The default branch is master. You can use `@'
instead of `:' to specify the branch name.
If you install a plugin from BRANCH and later remove it,
the repository in ~/.cache/fisherman/PLUGIN will remain
checked out on BRANCH. To force install from another
branch specify a different branch, e.g. `:master'.
fisher rm PLUGIN
fisher PLUGIN # install PLUGIN from BRANCH
# or
fisher PLUGIN:master # install PLUGIN from master
Updating a plugin always fetches the latest HEAD from
the currently checked out branch.