Handle the case when the user tries to install a plugin that is
a function, but a directory of the same name already exists in
the current working directory.
* Fix bug in fisher_config_color_reset not declaring path variable.
* Silence Git checkout standard error to prevent update failures in some edge cases.
* Revise and correct errors in the documentation and README.
* Add more instrumentation to fisher_plugin_disable.
* Minor doc updates.
* Deprecate fisher --list in favor of a new command
fisher list. The behavior is roughly the same. See
fisher help list for usage. tl;dr: Use list to query
the local system / cache and search to query the index.
* Teach fisher_plugin_walk about fish_postexec,
fish_command_not_found and fish_preexec event emitters
and erase them during uninstall if they were defined in
a snippet.
* Fisherman now recognizes the following aliases by default:
i for install, u for update, l for list, s for search and
h for help.
* Rewrite documentation to be simpler and more consistent.
* Fisherman can install "functions" now. If you have created
a function interactively, you can run fisher install name
of the function and a directory will be created in
$PWD/name of the function and installed as usual.
* Fisherman now detects if users have modified their fish
prompt using fish_config and if so, uninstalls $fisher_prompt.
* Search results now truncate plugin descriptions based in
the width of the terminal screen.
* Install/Update/Uninstall CLI was retouched.
Looking behind and Ahead
On Jan, 1st, Fisherman 0.1.0 departed from the bay of
"my hard drive" and today 1.0.0 has finally shipped.
Things are still a little rough and knotty, what did
you think? But 1.0.0 means all the basic things are
Internally, we may still push some large changes, more
robust tests; at ~300 there are still areas a bit dry.
On the outside, Fisherman will change little, I hope.
That's a feature. If you want a more colorful CLI,
concurrent updates, or another bit here and there,
we may work something out.
This release means more time to focus on the plugin
ecosystem, but the adventures are far from over.
* Deprecate fisher --list in favor of a new command fisher list.
The behavior is roughly the same. See fisher help list for
usage. tl;dr: Use list to query the local system / cache and
search to query the index.
* Teach fisher_plugin_walk about fish_postexec,
fish_command_not_found and fish_preexec event emitters and
erase them during uninstall if they were defined in a snippet.
* Fisherman now recognizes the following aliases by default:
i for install, u for update, l for list, s for search and h
for help.
* Large documentation rewrite. Better, simpler, more concise
and more consistent.
* Fisherman now detects if users have modified their fish
prompt using fish_config and if so, uninstalls $fisher_prompt.
* Search now has a color display mode enabled by default when listing
records for human consumption, but continues to produce easy to parse
output when selecting specific fields.
* The following example queries:
* fisher search --name
* fisher search --url
* fisher search --name --url
* fisher search --tag=prompt --name
and so forth continue to display easy to parse output.
* The following example queries:
* fisher search
* fisher search --name=fishtape
* fisher search --tag=prompt
* fisher search --author=joe
display in color by default and support multiple formats using the
--format option described below. The colors used are selected from
$fish_color_* variables for best results.
* To disable color output, use --no-color. To customize the display
format use any of the following keywords:
* --format=*oneline* (default)
* --format=*short*
* --format=*verbose*
* --format=*longline*
* --format=*raw*
* Search now shows unique records when listing --authors only. #128
Improve __fisher_name name resolution from paths or URLs
more accurately. Now correctly process names paths such
as fisher-plugin-*, fisher-theme-* and other permutations.
The update mechanism updates master only. If you are working in branch
foo, the branch name is saved and restored later. First attempt a naive
git pull --rebase origin master, and if that fails, abort the rebase,
fetch origin master, reset to head and clean directory.
Remove scripts directory in favor of using the functions/ or root
for sharing scripts. Using a scripts directory does not solve the
main problem of sharing scripts with the same name, so this addition
was deemed of little value. In the future, a more robust way to avoid
name collisions when sharing scripts would be nice to have, but at
the moment having a scripts directory is not solving this problem
but just adding clutter to the configuration.
+ Now __fisher_plugin_uninstall_handler is aware of a third argument,
`option` that can be used to indicate the event handler or uninstall
file abot any options available in `fisher uninstall`, namely, --force.
+ In addition, the uninstaller mechanism no longer receives the name of
the plugin, as this information is usually already available to plugins
+ Finally, a path to the parent directory where the uninstall.fish file
is located is given instead of the full path to the file. Again, the
plugin usually knows the name of the file, `uninstall.fish`.
Split help command functionality into individual functions
for cosistent with the way other commands are structured,
and improve tab completion times by skipping the overhead
of calling fisher_help directly.