2016-02-25 05:10:20 +00:00
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash -O nullglob
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
FISH_CONFIG := $(XDG_CONFIG_HOME)/fish/config.fish
FISHER_HOME := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
2016-02-01 20:16:33 +00:00
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
MAN1 := $(wildcard $(MAN)/man1/*.md)
2016-03-09 04:24:47 +00:00
DOCS := $(MAN1:%.md=%.1)
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0
* Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was
incorrectly merging any existing user configuration
file and the generated Fisherman configuration.
Closes #21.
* Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding
plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when
interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23.
* Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that
was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there
was at least on failure.
* Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install
to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s
behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to
standard error. Closes #20.
* Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing
plugins from the cache by mistake.
* Add feature to Makefile to download the index for
the first time in order to provide auto-complete
before the user can install/update/search, actions
which would case the index to be updated.
* Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks
* Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable
that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option.
Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if
you are in a bad connection.
* Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing
plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the
relevant files to be copied during the install
process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a
plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a
symbolic link to the directory will be created making
local testing more convenient as you are not required
to update the plugin's repository to test changes
within Fisherman. If you are testing using
[Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset
the shell session.
* Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify
creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use
`fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current
set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases
to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases
are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases
use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help
config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete
if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases
saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias
(fisher --alias)`.
* Add short options for new and old fisher flags:
* `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias`
→ `-a`
* Improve help message for failed installs. Closes
* Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct
common misspellings, for example when installing a
oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh.
* :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by
extracting the implementation of the different
`fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions.
`completions/fisher.fish` relies heavily in
`fisher_search` to query what plugins are available
to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous
calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`,
etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to
pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options,
etc. Closes #27. @namandistro
* Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until
now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***,
etc. flags consistently. Also display available
commands after `make install` to improve usability.
* Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether
the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already
in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs
it as if the `--link` flag was specified.
* Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute
path to the closest directory of the given items if
they are valid local paths. Related #19.
* Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins
if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher
install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)`
and if `--link` is used, create a symlink.
* Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items
with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin
with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from
local paths. Related #19.
* Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this
command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self`
and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the
standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher
--list | fisher update -`. Closes #25.
* Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***.
Thanks @colstrom.
* Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return
the base names of all directories in the path by
default. To get the full path use printf `printf
"$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)`
* Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag
(again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the
standard input for a name, URL or local path and
calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache.
For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for
an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository
until there is a match with the given URL and return
the path in the cache of that repository. Finally,
if the input is a
* Revert #3. The reason `getopts.fish` was in its
own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a
standalone, dependency free cli parser solution,
arguably slightly faster than having Awk read
`getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement
is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used
by every single command and future commands and
plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we
so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
2016-01-07 17:44:28 +00:00
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
.PHONY: all test flush uninstall release
2016-02-13 11:37:49 +00:00
@echo "** Reload your shell and type 'fisher' to get started **"
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
2016-02-13 11:37:49 +00:00
fish -c "fishtape test/*.fish"
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
2016-02-13 11:37:49 +00:00
sed -E '/set (fisher_home|fisher_config) /d;/source \$$fisher_home/d' \
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
2016-02-13 11:37:49 +00:00
$(call MSG,"Reload your shell to apply changes.")
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
release: $(FISHER_HOME)
2016-02-13 11:37:49 +00:00
if [ "`git -C $^ status --short --porcelain | xargs`" = "M VERSION" ]; then\
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
echo "`git -C $^ describe --abbrev=0 2>/dev/null || echo \*` -> $(VERSION)";\
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.5.0
Add user key bindings support.
Recall $fisher_home/functions are always before user
functions in $fish_function_path. This was an early design
decision in order to prevent users from redefining core
functions by mistake or by means other than using plugins
(recommended). In other words, you are free to create a
plugin that modifies a Fisherman core function, but you
can't redefine a Fisherman function privately by saving it
to your user config fish. If you found a bug in a Fisherman
function, instead of creating a private patch send it
upstream. If you created a function that overrides a
Fisherman core feature, create a plugin. This way the
community can benefit from your code whenever you are ready
to publish it.
By default, Fisherman provides no fish_user_key_bindings,
so if the user has already defined their own
fish_user_key_bindings that one will not be affected.
Now, plugins can define their own key bindings inside a
fish_user_key_bindings.fish or key_bindings.fish at the root
of their repository or inside a functions directory. You can
put your key bindings inside a function or not. If you put
it inside a function, the function name must be the same as
the file without the .fish extension.
$fisher_config/bindings.fish When a plugin with key
bindings is installed for the first time or the only
one with bindings is uninstalled, Fisherman will modify
~/.config/functions/fish_user_key_bindings.fish (or create
it for the first time) and add a single line at the top
of the fish_user_key_bindings function to source the new
$fisher_config/bindings.fish. All the key bindings defined
by the enabled/installed plugins are concatenated and saved
to this file.
This mechanism has the following advantages:
Does not slow down shell start. Does not require Fisherman
to provide his own fish_user_key_bindings by default.
Honors any previously existing user key bindings. Allows
plugin to define their own key bindings and coexist
with the user's key bindings. If the user updates his
fish_user_key_bindings, re-running the function does update
the key bindings. Mega Refactoring
The entire source code of Fisherman received a
major revision and refactoring. The validation and
install/uninstall mechanisms were thoroughly revised and and
broken down into smaller functions easier to test as well as
several other sub parts of the system.
Rewrite fisher search and remove features that are mostly
already covered by fisher --list and remove the ability to
generate information about plugins of unknown origin. The
decision to remove this feature was based in performance
concerns and the result of thinking about the usability
and whether it was really worth the speed tradeoff. The
conclusion is I would rather have better performance and if
I need to query a plugins origin I can always use fisher
--list or fisher --list=url or fisher --list=author.
Add $fisher_update_interval to determine if the index should
update or not when a search query is taking place. The
default value is 10 seconds. This means the index will not
be updated if less than 10 seconds have elapsed since the
last action that triggered an update in the first place. See
Improve Install/Uninstall/Update status output. If a plugin
fails to install decrease the total. If any plugins are
skipped because they are already installed in the case of
fisher install or available in the cache, but disabled in
the case of fisher uninstall they are collected into an
array and displayed in a new section n plugin/s skipped (a,
b, c) at the bottom of the report.
Improve test coverage.
Tightly coupled functions were making testing increasingly
difficult. Most of the test effort was basically testing
whether git clone or git pull. New separation of concerns
makes tests run faster and the difficult install/uninstall
algorithms has better coverage now. Other
Now __fisher_list can list plugins from the cache, a
fishfile/bundle and plugins that are installed/enabled or
disabled. This removes __fisher_file and combines it with
__fisher_list. This also removes fisher -f and replaces it
with fisher -l <file> or fisher --list=<file>.
Rename __fisher_parse_help to __fisher_complete and have the
function create the completions automatically. This allows
you to complete your commands with parseable usage help
faster. The original design was fine, but this change
improves auto-complete performance so it was preferred.
Use __fisher_index_update when building file with Make. This
helps prevent an error when using a fish version < 2.2.0.
See #55 #50 #48.
Add __fisher_index_update to update the index and remove
previously undocumented fisher update --index. This
function is designed to bypass GitHub's server network
cache passing an arbitrary query string to curl like
$fisher_index?RANDOM_NUMBER. This means index updates are
immediately available now.
Add fisher --list=url option to display local plugin url or
Add fisher --list=bare option to display local plugins in
the cache without the * enabled symbol.
Prepend > to the currently enabled theme when using fisher
--list[=cache]. Related #49.
Prepend * to plugin names to indicate they are currently
enabled when using fisher --list[=cache]. See #49.
2016-02-01 19:29:01 +00:00
sed "s/latest-v.\..\..-00B9FF/latest-v$(VERSION)-00B9FF/" $^/README.md > $^/README.md.swap;\
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
mv $^/README.md.swap $^/README.md;\
git -C $^ add README.md;\
git -C $^ add $^/VERSION;\
git -C $^ commit --quiet -m $(VERSION);\
2016-02-13 11:37:49 +00:00
git -C $^ tag $(VERSION) -m v$(VERSION) --force > /dev/null;\
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
echo "Commit changes and update VERSION to tag a new release.";\
2016-02-13 11:37:49 +00:00
mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
echo "set fisher_home $(FISHER_HOME)" | sed "s|/$$||;s|$$HOME|~|" > $@.fisher
echo "set fisher_config $(FISHER_CONFIG)" | sed "s|$$HOME|~|" >> $@.fisher
echo "source \$$fisher_home/config.fish" >> $@.fisher
2016-02-17 21:26:54 +00:00
awk 'FNR==NR{ print; a[$$0]; next } !($$0 in a) || /^$$/' $@ $@.fisher > $@.tmp
2016-04-13 13:48:39 +00:00
cat "$@.tmp" > $@ && rm $@.fisher
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
2016-02-13 11:37:49 +00:00
mkdir -p $@
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
2016-02-01 20:16:33 +00:00
2016-02-13 11:37:49 +00:00
touch $@
2016-01-01 21:12:40 +00:00
2016-03-09 04:24:47 +00:00
%.1 : %.md
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.5.0
Add user key bindings support.
Recall $fisher_home/functions are always before user
functions in $fish_function_path. This was an early design
decision in order to prevent users from redefining core
functions by mistake or by means other than using plugins
(recommended). In other words, you are free to create a
plugin that modifies a Fisherman core function, but you
can't redefine a Fisherman function privately by saving it
to your user config fish. If you found a bug in a Fisherman
function, instead of creating a private patch send it
upstream. If you created a function that overrides a
Fisherman core feature, create a plugin. This way the
community can benefit from your code whenever you are ready
to publish it.
By default, Fisherman provides no fish_user_key_bindings,
so if the user has already defined their own
fish_user_key_bindings that one will not be affected.
Now, plugins can define their own key bindings inside a
fish_user_key_bindings.fish or key_bindings.fish at the root
of their repository or inside a functions directory. You can
put your key bindings inside a function or not. If you put
it inside a function, the function name must be the same as
the file without the .fish extension.
$fisher_config/bindings.fish When a plugin with key
bindings is installed for the first time or the only
one with bindings is uninstalled, Fisherman will modify
~/.config/functions/fish_user_key_bindings.fish (or create
it for the first time) and add a single line at the top
of the fish_user_key_bindings function to source the new
$fisher_config/bindings.fish. All the key bindings defined
by the enabled/installed plugins are concatenated and saved
to this file.
This mechanism has the following advantages:
Does not slow down shell start. Does not require Fisherman
to provide his own fish_user_key_bindings by default.
Honors any previously existing user key bindings. Allows
plugin to define their own key bindings and coexist
with the user's key bindings. If the user updates his
fish_user_key_bindings, re-running the function does update
the key bindings. Mega Refactoring
The entire source code of Fisherman received a
major revision and refactoring. The validation and
install/uninstall mechanisms were thoroughly revised and and
broken down into smaller functions easier to test as well as
several other sub parts of the system.
Rewrite fisher search and remove features that are mostly
already covered by fisher --list and remove the ability to
generate information about plugins of unknown origin. The
decision to remove this feature was based in performance
concerns and the result of thinking about the usability
and whether it was really worth the speed tradeoff. The
conclusion is I would rather have better performance and if
I need to query a plugins origin I can always use fisher
--list or fisher --list=url or fisher --list=author.
Add $fisher_update_interval to determine if the index should
update or not when a search query is taking place. The
default value is 10 seconds. This means the index will not
be updated if less than 10 seconds have elapsed since the
last action that triggered an update in the first place. See
Improve Install/Uninstall/Update status output. If a plugin
fails to install decrease the total. If any plugins are
skipped because they are already installed in the case of
fisher install or available in the cache, but disabled in
the case of fisher uninstall they are collected into an
array and displayed in a new section n plugin/s skipped (a,
b, c) at the bottom of the report.
Improve test coverage.
Tightly coupled functions were making testing increasingly
difficult. Most of the test effort was basically testing
whether git clone or git pull. New separation of concerns
makes tests run faster and the difficult install/uninstall
algorithms has better coverage now. Other
Now __fisher_list can list plugins from the cache, a
fishfile/bundle and plugins that are installed/enabled or
disabled. This removes __fisher_file and combines it with
__fisher_list. This also removes fisher -f and replaces it
with fisher -l <file> or fisher --list=<file>.
Rename __fisher_parse_help to __fisher_complete and have the
function create the completions automatically. This allows
you to complete your commands with parseable usage help
faster. The original design was fine, but this change
improves auto-complete performance so it was preferred.
Use __fisher_index_update when building file with Make. This
helps prevent an error when using a fish version < 2.2.0.
See #55 #50 #48.
Add __fisher_index_update to update the index and remove
previously undocumented fisher update --index. This
function is designed to bypass GitHub's server network
cache passing an arbitrary query string to curl like
$fisher_index?RANDOM_NUMBER. This means index updates are
immediately available now.
Add fisher --list=url option to display local plugin url or
Add fisher --list=bare option to display local plugins in
the cache without the * enabled symbol.
Prepend > to the currently enabled theme when using fisher
--list[=cache]. Related #49.
Prepend * to plugin names to indicate they are currently
enabled when using fisher --list[=cache]. See #49.
2016-02-01 19:29:01 +00:00
-@if type ronn 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then \
ronn --manual=fisherman --roff $? 1>&2 2> /dev/null;\