You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

137 lines
3.7 KiB

function fisher_uninstall -d "Disable / Uninstall Plugins"
set -l option
set -l items
set -l error /dev/stderr
getopts $argv | while read -l 1 2
switch "$1"
case _
set items $items $2
case a all
set option $option all
case f force
set option $option force
case q quiet
set error /dev/null
case help h
Fisherman v0.2.0 * Improved README, added links to screencasts, updated documentation with new changes and fixed other typos and composition errors. * Removed `fisher update --cache` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher update` and `fisher uninstall --all` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher uninstall`. * Fisherman does not move initialization / configuration files following the convention `name` to `$fisher_config/functions`, but to `$fisher_config/conf.d` now and evaluates each `*` inside at shell start as usual. Closes #13. * Added `fisher --cache[=base]` option to retrieve contents in `$fisher_cache`, eliminating flaky usage of `find(1)`. Closes #11. * Fisherman now generates information about plugins installed via custom URLs. For the description, a shortened version of the URL is used. For the URL the full URL is used. For tags, the URL is fuzzily checked and tags such as _theme_, _plugin_, _config_ and _omf_ are added. The tag _orphan_ is added by default as well. Finally, the author is generated by retrieving the e-mail or username of the author of the first commit in the plugin's repository. Closes #9 and #14. * Changed `--path-in-cache` to `--translate.` This function translates an name or supported URL/URL variation into a path inside `$fisher_cache`. This allows you to treat plugins installed via custom URLs almost like regular plugins if they are installed. Closes #8. * Fixed a bug with `mktemp` failing on some systems. Closes #7. Thanks @tobywf. * Added [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][code_of_conduct]. Closes #6. * Fisherman can now unload themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session. Closes #5. * Fisherman can now load themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session using `exec fish`. Shoddy themes, for example those failing to declare global variables with the `-g` flag still require the session to be reset. See [**related**][bobthefish-19]. Closes #4. * Move `getopts` implementation to `share/getopts.awk`. Closes #3. * Support dots inside URIs in `fisher --validate`. Closes #2.
9 years ago
printf "usage: fisher uninstall [<name or url> ...] [--force] [--quiet] [--help]\n\n"
printf " -f --force Delete copy from cache \n"
printf " -q --quiet Enable quiet mode \n"
printf " -h --help Show usage help \n"
case \*
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
printf "fisher: Ahoy! '%s' is not a valid option\n" $1 >& 2
fisher_uninstall --help >& 2
return 1
set -l count 0
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
set -l index 1
set -l total (count $items)
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
set -l elapsed (date +%s)
Fisherman v0.2.0 * Improved README, added links to screencasts, updated documentation with new changes and fixed other typos and composition errors. * Removed `fisher update --cache` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher update` and `fisher uninstall --all` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher uninstall`. * Fisherman does not move initialization / configuration files following the convention `name` to `$fisher_config/functions`, but to `$fisher_config/conf.d` now and evaluates each `*` inside at shell start as usual. Closes #13. * Added `fisher --cache[=base]` option to retrieve contents in `$fisher_cache`, eliminating flaky usage of `find(1)`. Closes #11. * Fisherman now generates information about plugins installed via custom URLs. For the description, a shortened version of the URL is used. For the URL the full URL is used. For tags, the URL is fuzzily checked and tags such as _theme_, _plugin_, _config_ and _omf_ are added. The tag _orphan_ is added by default as well. Finally, the author is generated by retrieving the e-mail or username of the author of the first commit in the plugin's repository. Closes #9 and #14. * Changed `--path-in-cache` to `--translate.` This function translates an name or supported URL/URL variation into a path inside `$fisher_cache`. This allows you to treat plugins installed via custom URLs almost like regular plugins if they are installed. Closes #8. * Fixed a bug with `mktemp` failing on some systems. Closes #7. Thanks @tobywf. * Added [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][code_of_conduct]. Closes #6. * Fisherman can now unload themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session. Closes #5. * Fisherman can now load themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session using `exec fish`. Shoddy themes, for example those failing to declare global variables with the `-g` flag still require the session to be reset. See [**related**][bobthefish-19]. Closes #4. * Move `getopts` implementation to `share/getopts.awk`. Closes #3. * Support dots inside URIs in `fisher --validate`. Closes #2.
9 years ago
if set -q items[1]
printf "%s\n" $items
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
__fisher_file -
end | __fisher_validate | __fisher_cache | while read -l path
if not test -d "$path"
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
switch "$path"
case file:///\*
set path (printf "%s\n" $path | sed 's|file://||')
case \*
printf "fisher: '%s' path not found\n" $path > $error
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
set -l name (printf "%s\n" $path | __fisher_name)
printf "Uninstalling " > $error
switch $total
case 0 1
printf ">> %s\n" $name > $error
case \*
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
printf "(%s of %s) >> %s\n" (math 1 + $index) $total $name > $error
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
set index (math $index + 1)
for file in $path/{*,functions{/*,/**/*}}.fish
set -l base (basename $file)
switch $base
Fisherman v0.2.0 * Improved README, added links to screencasts, updated documentation with new changes and fixed other typos and composition errors. * Removed `fisher update --cache` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher update` and `fisher uninstall --all` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher uninstall`. * Fisherman does not move initialization / configuration files following the convention `name` to `$fisher_config/functions`, but to `$fisher_config/conf.d` now and evaluates each `*` inside at shell start as usual. Closes #13. * Added `fisher --cache[=base]` option to retrieve contents in `$fisher_cache`, eliminating flaky usage of `find(1)`. Closes #11. * Fisherman now generates information about plugins installed via custom URLs. For the description, a shortened version of the URL is used. For the URL the full URL is used. For tags, the URL is fuzzily checked and tags such as _theme_, _plugin_, _config_ and _omf_ are added. The tag _orphan_ is added by default as well. Finally, the author is generated by retrieving the e-mail or username of the author of the first commit in the plugin's repository. Closes #9 and #14. * Changed `--path-in-cache` to `--translate.` This function translates an name or supported URL/URL variation into a path inside `$fisher_cache`. This allows you to treat plugins installed via custom URLs almost like regular plugins if they are installed. Closes #8. * Fixed a bug with `mktemp` failing on some systems. Closes #7. Thanks @tobywf. * Added [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][code_of_conduct]. Closes #6. * Fisherman can now unload themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session. Closes #5. * Fisherman can now load themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session using `exec fish`. Shoddy themes, for example those failing to declare global variables with the `-g` flag still require the session to be reset. See [**related**][bobthefish-19]. Closes #4. * Move `getopts` implementation to `share/getopts.awk`. Closes #3. * Support dots inside URIs in `fisher --validate`. Closes #2.
9 years ago
case {$name,fish_{,right_}prompt}.fish
functions -e (basename $base .fish)
if test "$base" =
source $__fish_datadir/functions/ ^ /dev/null
case {init,before.init,uninstall}.fish
Fisherman v0.2.0 * Improved README, added links to screencasts, updated documentation with new changes and fixed other typos and composition errors. * Removed `fisher update --cache` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher update` and `fisher uninstall --all` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher uninstall`. * Fisherman does not move initialization / configuration files following the convention `name` to `$fisher_config/functions`, but to `$fisher_config/conf.d` now and evaluates each `*` inside at shell start as usual. Closes #13. * Added `fisher --cache[=base]` option to retrieve contents in `$fisher_cache`, eliminating flaky usage of `find(1)`. Closes #11. * Fisherman now generates information about plugins installed via custom URLs. For the description, a shortened version of the URL is used. For the URL the full URL is used. For tags, the URL is fuzzily checked and tags such as _theme_, _plugin_, _config_ and _omf_ are added. The tag _orphan_ is added by default as well. Finally, the author is generated by retrieving the e-mail or username of the author of the first commit in the plugin's repository. Closes #9 and #14. * Changed `--path-in-cache` to `--translate.` This function translates an name or supported URL/URL variation into a path inside `$fisher_cache`. This allows you to treat plugins installed via custom URLs almost like regular plugins if they are installed. Closes #8. * Fixed a bug with `mktemp` failing on some systems. Closes #7. Thanks @tobywf. * Added [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][code_of_conduct]. Closes #6. * Fisherman can now unload themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session. Closes #5. * Fisherman can now load themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session using `exec fish`. Shoddy themes, for example those failing to declare global variables with the `-g` flag still require the session to be reset. See [**related**][bobthefish-19]. Closes #4. * Move `getopts` implementation to `share/getopts.awk`. Closes #3. * Support dots inside URIs in `fisher --validate`. Closes #2.
9 years ago
set base $name.(basename $base .fish)
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
rm -f $fisher_config/{functions,conf.d}/$base
for file in $path/completions/*.fish
rm -f $fisher_config/completions/(basename $file)
for n in (seq 9)
if test -d $path/man/man$n
for file in $path/man/man$n/*.$n
rm -f $fisher_config/man/man$n/(basename $file)
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
git -C $path ls-remote --get-url ^ /dev/null | __fisher_validate | read -l url
switch force
case $option
rm -rf $path
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
set count (math $count + 1)
set -l file $fisher_config/fishfile
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
if not __fisher_file $file | grep -Eq "^$name\$|^$url\$"
Fisherman v0.2.0 * Improved README, added links to screencasts, updated documentation with new changes and fixed other typos and composition errors. * Removed `fisher update --cache` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher update` and `fisher uninstall --all` in favor of `fisher --cache | fisher uninstall`. * Fisherman does not move initialization / configuration files following the convention `name` to `$fisher_config/functions`, but to `$fisher_config/conf.d` now and evaluates each `*` inside at shell start as usual. Closes #13. * Added `fisher --cache[=base]` option to retrieve contents in `$fisher_cache`, eliminating flaky usage of `find(1)`. Closes #11. * Fisherman now generates information about plugins installed via custom URLs. For the description, a shortened version of the URL is used. For the URL the full URL is used. For tags, the URL is fuzzily checked and tags such as _theme_, _plugin_, _config_ and _omf_ are added. The tag _orphan_ is added by default as well. Finally, the author is generated by retrieving the e-mail or username of the author of the first commit in the plugin's repository. Closes #9 and #14. * Changed `--path-in-cache` to `--translate.` This function translates an name or supported URL/URL variation into a path inside `$fisher_cache`. This allows you to treat plugins installed via custom URLs almost like regular plugins if they are installed. Closes #8. * Fixed a bug with `mktemp` failing on some systems. Closes #7. Thanks @tobywf. * Added [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][code_of_conduct]. Closes #6. * Fisherman can now unload themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session. Closes #5. * Fisherman can now load themes within the same shell, without having to restart the session using `exec fish`. Shoddy themes, for example those failing to declare global variables with the `-g` flag still require the session to be reset. See [**related**][bobthefish-19]. Closes #4. * Move `getopts` implementation to `share/getopts.awk`. Closes #3. * Support dots inside URIs in `fisher --validate`. Closes #2.
9 years ago
set -l tmp (mktemp -t fisher.XXX)
if not sed -E '/^ *'(printf "%s|%s" $name $url | sed 's|/|\\\/|g'
)'([ #].*)*$/d' < $file > $tmp
rm -f $tmp
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
printf "fisher: Could not remove '%s' from %s\n" $name $file > $error
return 1
mv -f $tmp $file
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
set elapsed (math (date +%s) - $elapsed)
if test $count = 0
printf "No plugins were uninstalled.\n" > $error
return 1
Ahoy! Fisherman 0.3.0 * Fix a critical bug in the Makefile that was incorrectly merging any existing user configuration file and the generated Fisherman configuration. Closes #21. * Fix a bug in install and uninstall that was adding plugin names to fishfiles instead of the URL when interacting with custom URLs. Probably closes #23. * Fix a bug in install, update and uninstall that was displaying an incorrect plugin count if there was at least on failure. * Fix bug in `fisher install` that causes install to fail even though it succeeds, due to `wait(1)`'s behavior of returning `1` if there is any output to standard error. Closes #20. * Fix bug in `fisher uninstall` that was removing plugins from the cache by mistake. * Add feature to Makefile to download the index for the first time in order to provide auto-complete before the user can install/update/search, actions which would case the index to be updated. * Add link to Slack [room][wharf] in README. Thanks @simnalamburt. * Add new `$fisher_timeout` configuration variable that lets you specify `curl(1)` `--max-time` option. Without this, `curl` could hang for a long time if you are in a bad connection. * Add `fisher install --link` to allow installing plugins creating a symbolic link to each of the relevant files to be copied during the install process. If you use ***`--link`*** to install a plugin that is a _path to a directory_ or file, a symbolic link to the directory will be created making local testing more convenient as you are not required to update the plugin's repository to test changes within Fisherman. If you are testing using [Fishtape][fishtape] you do not even need to reset the shell session. * Add `fisher --alias[=<command>=<alias>]` to simplify creating new aliases for `fisher` commands. Use `fisher --alias` without arguments to list the current set of aliases. Also add auto-complete for aliases to install, update or uninstall. Note that aliases are **not** persisted this way. To save your aliases use `$fisher_alias` as described in `fisher help config`. Also note that aliases are only auto-complete if you call `fisher --alias`. To auto-complete aliases saved to `$fisher_alias` you can do `fisher --alias (fisher --alias)`. * Add short options for new and old fisher flags: * `--file` → `-f` * `--list` → `-l` * `--alias` → `-a` * Improve help message for failed installs. Closes * Improve `fisher --validate` to automatically correct common misspellings, for example when installing a oh-my-fish package, one often types ohmyifsh. * :point_up: Improve auto-complete performance by extracting the implementation of the different `fisher` flags to `__fisher_*` functions. `completions/` relies heavily in `fisher_search` to query what plugins are available to install/update/uninstall. In this process, numerous calls to `fisher --list` and `fisher --validate`, etc., are made. Now, auto-complete does not have to pay the penalty of entering `fisher`, parsing options, etc. Closes #27. @namandistro * Improve `fisher --help` output and show up until now poorly documented ***`--list`***, ***`--file`***, etc. flags consistently. Also display available commands after `make install` to improve usability. * Improve `fisher install` so that it checks whether the plugin you are trying to install, if it is already in the cache, is a symbolic link or not, and installs it as if the `--link` flag was specified. * Improve `fisher --validate` to retrieve the absolute path to the closest directory of the given items if they are valid local paths. Related #19. * Improve install to not `git clone` local plugins if a regular `path/to/file` is given to `fisher install`. Instead, copy to the cache using `cp(1)` and if `--link` is used, create a symlink. * Improve `fisher --validate` to invalidate items with repeated `.` and `-` and allow items that begin with `/` or `./` to support installing plugins from local paths. Related #19. * Modify `fisher update` default behavior. Now this command updates Fisherman by default. Use of `--self` and `--me` is also **deprecated**. To read from the standard input use a dash `-`. For example: `fisher --list | fisher update -`. Closes #25. * Rename `--cache` to more descriptive ***`--list`***. Thanks @colstrom. * Remove `fisher --cache=base` and make it return the base names of all directories in the path by default. To get the full path use printf `printf "$fisher_cache/%s" (fisher --list)` * Rename undocumented `fisher --translate` flag (again) to `fisher --cache`. This function reads the standard input for a name, URL or local path and calculates the plugin's path relative to the cache. For a name this is simple `$fisher_cache/<name>` for an URL, retrieve the remote URL of every repository until there is a match with the given URL and return the path in the cache of that repository. Finally, if the input is a * Revert #3. The reason `` was in its own file originally is because @bucaran wanted a standalone, dependency free cli parser solution, arguably slightly faster than having Awk read `getopts.awk` for each use. The performance improvement is negligible at best, but `getopts` is also used by every single command and future commands and plugins are very likely to use it as well, so we so we might as well use the slightly faster version.
9 years ago
printf "Aye! %d plugin/s uninstalled in %0.fs\n" > $error $count $elapsed