package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" "text/template" "time" "" "" ) // global defaults const optSymlinkDir = "_original" const optFullsizeDir = "_pictures" const optThumbnailDir = "_thumbnails" const optDirectoryMode os.FileMode = 0755 const optFileMode os.FileMode = 0644 const thumbnailExtension = ".jpg" const fullsizePictureExtension = ".jpg" const fullsizeVideoExtension = ".mp4" const videoWorkerPoolSize = 2 const imageWorkerPoolSize = 5 var optIgnoreVideos = false var optDryRun = false // templates const rawTemplate = ` {{ .Title }} {{range .Subdirectories}}
{{range .Thumbnails}} {{end}}
{{end}} {{range .Files}}
{{ .Original }}
{{end}} ` // this function parses command-line arguments func parseArgs() (inputDirectory string, outputDirectory string) { outputDirectoryPtr := flag.String("o", ".", "Output root directory for gallery") optIgnoreVideosPtr := flag.Bool("v", false, "Ignore video files") optDryRunPtr := flag.Bool("d", false, "Dry run - don't make changes, only explain what would be done") flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTION]... DIRECTORY\n\n", os.Args[0]) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Create a static photo and video gallery from all\nsubdirectories and files in directory.\n") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n") flag.PrintDefaults() } flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: missing directories to use as input\n", os.Args[0]) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Try '%s -h' for more information.\n", os.Args[0]) os.Exit(1) } if flag.NArg() != 1 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: wrong number of arguments given for input (expected one)\n", os.Args[0]) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Supply all options before input directory (go standard library limitation).\n") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Try '%s -h' for more information.\n", os.Args[0]) os.Exit(1) } if _, err := os.Stat(flag.Args()[0]); os.IsNotExist(err) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: Directory does not exist: %s\n", os.Args[0], flag.Args()[0]) os.Exit(1) } if _, err := os.Stat(*outputDirectoryPtr); os.IsNotExist(err) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: Directory does not exist: %s\n", os.Args[0], *outputDirectoryPtr) os.Exit(1) } if isEmptyDir(flag.Args()[0]) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: Input directory is empty: %s\n", os.Args[0], flag.Args()[0]) os.Exit(1) } if *optDryRunPtr { optDryRun = true } if *optIgnoreVideosPtr { optIgnoreVideos = true } else { _, err := exec.LookPath("ffmpeg") if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: Can't find ffmpeg in path\n", os.Args[0]) os.Exit(1) } } return *outputDirectoryPtr, flag.Args()[0] } // each file has a corresponding struct with relative and absolute paths // for source files, if a newer thumbnail exists in gallery we set the existing flag and don't copy it // for gallery files, if no corresponding source file exists, the existing flag stays false // all non-existing gallery files will be deleted in the end type file struct { name string relPath string absPath string modTime time.Time exists bool } type directory struct { name string relPath string absPath string modTime time.Time subdirectories []directory files []file } // struct used to fill in data for each html page type htmlData struct { Title string Subdirectories []struct { Name string Thumbnails []string } Files []struct { Filename string Thumbnail string Fullsize string Original string } } // struct used to send jobs to workers via channels type job struct { source string destination string } func checkError(e error) { if e != nil { panic(e) } } func isEmptyDir(directory string) (isEmpty bool) { list, err := ioutil.ReadDir(directory) checkError(err) if len(list) == 0 { return true } return false } func isVideoFile(filename string) bool { switch filepath.Ext(strings.ToLower(filename)) { case ".mp4", ".mov", ".3gp", ".avi", ".mts", ".m4v", ".mpg": return true default: return false } } func isImageFile(filename string) bool { switch filepath.Ext(strings.ToLower(filename)) { case ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".heic", ".png", ".gif", ".tif": return true case ".cr2", ".raw", ".arw": return true default: return false } } func isMediaFile(filename string) bool { if isImageFile(filename) { return true } if !optIgnoreVideos && isVideoFile(filename) { return true } return false } func recurseDirectory(thisDirectory string, relativeDirectory string) (root directory) { = filepath.Base(thisDirectory) asIsStat, _ := os.Stat(thisDirectory) root.modTime = asIsStat.ModTime() root.relPath = relativeDirectory root.absPath, _ = filepath.Abs(thisDirectory) list, err := ioutil.ReadDir(thisDirectory) checkError(err) for _, entry := range list { if entry.IsDir() { if !isEmptyDir(filepath.Join(thisDirectory, entry.Name())) { root.subdirectories = append(root.subdirectories, recurseDirectory(filepath.Join(thisDirectory, entry.Name()), filepath.Join(relativeDirectory, } } else { if isMediaFile(entry.Name()) { root.files = append(root.files, file{name: entry.Name(), modTime: entry.ModTime(), relPath: filepath.Join(relativeDirectory,, entry.Name()), absPath: filepath.Join(thisDirectory, entry.Name()), exists: false}) } } } return (root) } func stripExtension(fullFilename string) (baseFilename string) { extension := filepath.Ext(fullFilename) return fullFilename[0 : len(fullFilename)-len(extension)] } func compareDirectories(source *directory, gallery *directory) { for i, inputFile := range source.files { inputFileBasename := stripExtension( for j, outputFile := range gallery.files { outputFileBasename := stripExtension( if inputFileBasename == outputFileBasename { gallery.files[j].exists = true if !outputFile.modTime.Before(inputFile.modTime) { source.files[i].exists = true } } } } for k, inputDir := range source.subdirectories { for l, outputDir := range gallery.subdirectories { if == { compareDirectories(&(source.subdirectories[l]), &(gallery.subdirectories[k])) } } } } func countChanges(source directory) (outputChanges int) { outputChanges = 0 for _, file := range source.files { if !file.exists { outputChanges++ } } for _, dir := range source.subdirectories { outputChanges = outputChanges + countChanges(dir) } return outputChanges } func createGallery(source directory, sourceRootDir string, gallery directory, fullsizeImageJobs chan job, thumbnailImageJobs chan job, fullsizeVideoJobs chan job, thumbnailVideoJobs chan job) { // Create directories if they don't exist fullsizeDirectoryPath := strings.Replace(filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, source.relPath,, sourceRootDir, optFullsizeDir, 1) createDirectory(fullsizeDirectoryPath) thumbnailDirectoryPath := strings.Replace(filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, source.relPath,, sourceRootDir, optThumbnailDir, 1) createDirectory(thumbnailDirectoryPath) symlinkDirectoryPath := strings.Replace(filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, source.relPath,, sourceRootDir, optSymlinkDir, 1) createDirectory(symlinkDirectoryPath) htmlDirectoryPath := strings.Replace(filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, source.relPath,, sourceRootDir, "", 1) createDirectory(htmlDirectoryPath) for _, file := range source.files { if !file.exists { // Create full-size copy fullsizeFilePath := strings.Replace(filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, file.relPath), sourceRootDir, optFullsizeDir, 1) fullsizeCopyFile(file.absPath, fullsizeFilePath, fullsizeImageJobs, fullsizeVideoJobs) // Create thumbnail thumbnailFilePath := strings.Replace(filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, file.relPath), sourceRootDir, optThumbnailDir, 1) thumbnailCopyFile(file.absPath, thumbnailFilePath, thumbnailImageJobs, thumbnailVideoJobs) // Symlink each file symlinkFilePath := strings.Replace(filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, file.relPath), sourceRootDir, optSymlinkDir, 1) symlinkFile(file.absPath, symlinkFilePath) } } // Recurse into each subdirectory to continue creating symlinks for _, dir := range source.subdirectories { createGallery(dir, sourceRootDir, gallery, fullsizeImageJobs, thumbnailImageJobs, fullsizeVideoJobs, thumbnailVideoJobs) } createHTML(source.subdirectories, source.files, sourceRootDir, htmlDirectoryPath) } func getHTMLRelPath(originalRelPath string, newRootDir string, sourceRootDir string, folderThumbnail bool) (thumbnailRelPath string) { // Calculate relative path to know how many /../ we need to put into URL to get to root of Gallery directoryList := strings.Split(originalRelPath, "/") // Substract filename from length // HTML files have file thumbnails, pictures and links and folder thumbnails - the latter // are one level deeper but linked on the same level, thus the hack below var directoryDepth int if folderThumbnail { directoryDepth = len(directoryList) - 3 } else { directoryDepth = len(directoryList) - 2 } var escapeStringArray []string for j := 0; j < directoryDepth; j++ { escapeStringArray = append(escapeStringArray, "..") } return filepath.Join(strings.Join(escapeStringArray, "/"), strings.Replace(originalRelPath, sourceRootDir, newRootDir, 1)) } func createHTML(subdirectories []directory, files []file, sourceRootDir string, htmlDirectoryPath string) { htmlFilePath := filepath.Join(htmlDirectoryPath, "index.html") var data htmlData data.Title = filepath.Base(htmlDirectoryPath) for _, dir := range subdirectories { var thumbnails []string // Link four first thumbnails to folder image for i := 0; i < len(dir.files) && i < 4; i++ { thumbnailRelURL := getHTMLRelPath(stripExtension(dir.files[i].relPath)+thumbnailExtension, optThumbnailDir, sourceRootDir, true) thumbnails = append(thumbnails, thumbnailRelURL) } data.Subdirectories = append(data.Subdirectories, struct { Name string Thumbnails []string }{Name:, Thumbnails: thumbnails}) } for _, file := range files { if isImageFile(file.absPath) { data.Files = append(data.Files, struct { Filename string Thumbnail string Fullsize string Original string }{Filename:, Thumbnail: getHTMLRelPath(stripExtension(file.relPath)+thumbnailExtension, optThumbnailDir, sourceRootDir, false), Fullsize: getHTMLRelPath(stripExtension(file.relPath)+fullsizePictureExtension, optFullsizeDir, sourceRootDir, false), Original: getHTMLRelPath(file.relPath, optSymlinkDir, sourceRootDir, false)}) } else if isVideoFile(file.absPath) { data.Files = append(data.Files, struct { Filename string Thumbnail string Fullsize string Original string }{Filename:, Thumbnail: getHTMLRelPath(stripExtension(file.relPath)+thumbnailExtension, optThumbnailDir, sourceRootDir, false), Fullsize: getHTMLRelPath(stripExtension(file.relPath)+fullsizeVideoExtension, optFullsizeDir, sourceRootDir, false), Original: getHTMLRelPath(file.relPath, optSymlinkDir, sourceRootDir, false)}) } else { fmt.Println("can't create thumbnail in HTML for file", file.absPath) } } if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Would create HTML:", htmlFilePath) } else { cookedTemplate, err := template.New("index").Parse(rawTemplate) checkError(err) htmlFileHandle, err := os.Create(htmlFilePath) checkError(err) defer htmlFileHandle.Close() err = cookedTemplate.Execute(htmlFileHandle, data) checkError(err) htmlFileHandle.Sync() htmlFileHandle.Close() } } func createDirectory(destination string) { if _, err := os.Stat(destination); os.IsNotExist(err) { if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Would create dir", destination) } else { err := os.Mkdir(destination, optDirectoryMode) checkError(err) } } } func symlinkFile(source string, destination string) { if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Would link", source, "to", destination) } else { if _, err := os.Stat(destination); err == nil { err := os.Remove(destination) checkError(err) } err := os.Symlink(source, destination) checkError(err) } } func resizeThumbnailVideo(source string, destination string) { ffmpegCommand := exec.Command("ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", source, "-ss", "00:00:01", "-vframes", "1", "-vf", "scale=200:200:force_original_aspect_ratio=increase,crop=200:200", "-loglevel", "fatal", destination) ffmpegCommand.Stdout = os.Stdout ffmpegCommand.Stderr = os.Stderr // TODO overlay triangle to thumbnail to implicate it's video instead of image err := ffmpegCommand.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Could create thumbnail of video %s", source) } } func resizeFullsizeVideo(source string, destination string) { ffmpegCommand := exec.Command("ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", source, "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-vcodec", "libx264", "-acodec", "aac", "-movflags", "faststart", "-r", "24", "-vf", "scale='min(640,iw)':'min(640,ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease", "-crf", "28", "-loglevel", "fatal", destination) ffmpegCommand.Stdout = os.Stdout ffmpegCommand.Stderr = os.Stderr err := ffmpegCommand.Run() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Could create full-size video of %s", source) } } func resizeThumbnailImage(source string, destination string) { // TODO converge all three operations into one buffer, err := bimg.Read(source) checkError(err) newImage, err := bimg.NewImage(buffer).Thumbnail(200) checkError(err) newImage2, err := bimg.NewImage(newImage).AutoRotate() checkError(err) if thumbnailExtension == ".jpeg" { newImage3, err := bimg.NewImage(newImage2).Convert(bimg.JPEG) checkError(err) bimg.Write(destination, newImage3) } else { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't figure out what format to convert thumbnail image to: %s\n", destination) } } func resizeFullsizeImage(source string, destination string) { // TODO converge all three operations into one buffer, err := bimg.Read(source) checkError(err) bufferImageSize, err := bimg.Size(buffer) ratio := bufferImageSize.Width / bufferImageSize.Height newImage, err := bimg.NewImage(buffer).Resize(ratio*1080, 1080) checkError(err) newImage2, err := bimg.NewImage(newImage).AutoRotate() checkError(err) if fullsizePictureExtension == ".jpeg" { newImage3, err := bimg.NewImage(newImage2).Convert(bimg.JPEG) checkError(err) bimg.Write(destination, newImage3) } else { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't figure out what format to convert full size image to: %s\n", destination) } } func fullsizeImageWorker(wg *sync.WaitGroup, imageJobs chan job, progressBar *pb.ProgressBar) { defer wg.Done() for job := range imageJobs { resizeFullsizeImage(job.source, job.destination) if !optDryRun { progressBar.Increment() } } } func fullsizeVideoWorker(wg *sync.WaitGroup, videoJobs chan job, progressBar *pb.ProgressBar) { defer wg.Done() for job := range videoJobs { resizeFullsizeVideo(job.source, job.destination) if !optDryRun { progressBar.Increment() } } } func fullsizeCopyFile(source string, destination string, fullsizeImageJobs chan job, fullsizeVideoJobs chan job) { if isImageFile(source) { destination = stripExtension(destination) + fullsizePictureExtension if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Would full-size copy image", source, "to", destination) } else { var imageJob job imageJob.source = source imageJob.destination = destination fullsizeImageJobs <- imageJob } } else if isVideoFile(source) { destination = stripExtension(destination) + fullsizeVideoExtension if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Would full-size copy video", source, "to", destination) } else { var videoJob job videoJob.source = source videoJob.destination = destination fullsizeVideoJobs <- videoJob } } else { fmt.Println("can't recognize file type for full-size copy", source) } } func thumbnailImageWorker(wg *sync.WaitGroup, thumbnailImageJobs chan job) { defer wg.Done() for job := range thumbnailImageJobs { resizeThumbnailImage(job.source, job.destination) } } func thumbnailVideoWorker(wg *sync.WaitGroup, thumbnailVideoJobs chan job) { defer wg.Done() for job := range thumbnailVideoJobs { resizeThumbnailVideo(job.source, job.destination) } } func thumbnailCopyFile(source string, destination string, thumbnailImageJobs chan job, thumbnailVideoJobs chan job) { if isImageFile(source) { destination = stripExtension(destination) + thumbnailExtension if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Would thumbnail copy image", source, "to", destination) } else { var imageJob job imageJob.source = source imageJob.destination = destination thumbnailImageJobs <- imageJob } } else if isVideoFile(source) { destination = stripExtension(destination) + thumbnailExtension if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Would thumbnail copy video", source, "to", destination) } else { var videoJob job videoJob.source = source videoJob.destination = destination thumbnailVideoJobs <- videoJob } } else { fmt.Println("can't recognize file type for thumbnail copy", source) } } func cleanGallery(gallery directory) { for _, file := range gallery.files { if !file.exists { if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Would delete", file.absPath) } else { err := os.Remove(file.absPath) checkError(err) } } } for _, dir := range gallery.subdirectories { cleanGallery(dir) } if isEmptyDir(gallery.absPath) { if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Would remove empty directory", gallery.absPath) } else { err := os.Remove(gallery.absPath) checkError(err) } } } // Check that source directory root doesn't contain a name reserved for our output directories func checkReservedNames(inputDirectory string) { list, err := ioutil.ReadDir(inputDirectory) checkError(err) for _, entry := range list { if entry.Name() == optSymlinkDir || entry.Name() == optFullsizeDir || entry.Name() == optThumbnailDir { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Source directory root cannot contain file or folder with\n") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "reserved names '%s', '%s' or '%s'\n", optSymlinkDir, optFullsizeDir, optThumbnailDir) os.Exit(1) } } } func main() { var inputDirectory string var outputDirectory string var gallery directory var source directory // parse command-line args and set HTML template ready outputDirectory, inputDirectory = parseArgs() fmt.Println(os.Args[0], ": Creating photo gallery") fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("Gathering photos and videos from:", inputDirectory) fmt.Println("Creating static gallery in:", outputDirectory) if optDryRun { fmt.Println("Only dry run, not actually changing anything") } fmt.Println("") // check that source directory doesn't have reserved directory or file names checkReservedNames(inputDirectory) // create directory structs by recursing through source and gallery directories gallery = recurseDirectory(outputDirectory, "") source = recurseDirectory(inputDirectory, "") // check whether gallery already has up-to-date pictures of sources, // mark existing pictures in structs for _, dir := range gallery.subdirectories { if == optSymlinkDir { compareDirectories(&source, &dir) } } for _, dir := range gallery.subdirectories { if == optFullsizeDir { compareDirectories(&source, &dir) } } for _, dir := range gallery.subdirectories { if == optThumbnailDir { compareDirectories(&source, &dir) } } changes := countChanges(source) if changes > 0 { var progressBar *pb.ProgressBar if !optDryRun { progressBar = pb.StartNew(changes) } fullsizeImageJobs := make(chan job, 100000) thumbnailImageJobs := make(chan job, 100000) fullsizeVideoJobs := make(chan job, 100000) thumbnailVideoJobs := make(chan job, 100000) var wg sync.WaitGroup for i := 1; i <= imageWorkerPoolSize; i++ { wg.Add(2) go fullsizeImageWorker(&wg, fullsizeImageJobs, progressBar) go thumbnailImageWorker(&wg, thumbnailImageJobs) } if !optIgnoreVideos { for i := 1; i <= videoWorkerPoolSize; i++ { wg.Add(2) go fullsizeVideoWorker(&wg, fullsizeVideoJobs, progressBar) go thumbnailVideoWorker(&wg, thumbnailVideoJobs) } } // create the gallery createGallery(source,, gallery, fullsizeImageJobs, thumbnailImageJobs, fullsizeVideoJobs, thumbnailVideoJobs) close(fullsizeImageJobs) close(fullsizeVideoJobs) close(thumbnailImageJobs) close(thumbnailVideoJobs) wg.Wait() if !optDryRun { progressBar.Finish() } fmt.Println("Gallery created!") } else { fmt.Println("No pictures to update!") } // delete stale pictures fmt.Println("\nCleaning up...") cleanGallery(gallery) fmt.Println("\nDone!") }