// check that the HTML page including us has set the pictures array if (typeof pictures == 'undefined') { throw new Error("pictures array not defined") } // Hard-coded configuration const videoExtension = "mp4" const videoMIMEType = "video/mp4" // global variable maintains currently shown picture number (pictures[] array) var currentPicture // create hover effect shadow for all box elements const hoverOnBox = (event) => { event.target.classList.remove("box-shadow") event.target.classList.remove("border-gray") event.target.classList.add("box-shadow-large") event.target.classList.add("border-gray-dark") } const hoverOffBox = (event) => { event.target.classList.remove("border-gray-dark") event.target.classList.remove("box-shadow-large") event.target.classList.add("box-shadow") event.target.classList.add("border-gray") } const registerBoxEventHandlers = (element) => { element.addEventListener("mouseenter", hoverOnBox) element.addEventListener("mouseleave", hoverOffBox) } var boxes = document.getElementsByClassName("box") for (let box of boxes) { registerBoxEventHandlers(box) } // create hover effect for modal navigation elements // const hoverOnNav = (event) => {} // logic to show and hide picture modal const displayModal = (display) => { if (display) { document.getElementById("modal").hidden = false document.getElementById("thumbnails").hidden = true } else { document.getElementById("thumbnails").hidden = false document.getElementById("modal").hidden = true document.getElementById("modalMedia").innerHTML = "" window.location.hash = "" } } // TODO add swipe support https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2264072/detect-a-finger-swipe-through-javascript-on-the-iphone-and-android // modal previous and next picture button logic const preload = (number) => { var preloadLink = document.createElement("link") preloadLink.rel = "prefetch" preloadLink.href = encodeURI(pictures[number].fullsize) const fileExtension = preloadLink.href.split("\.").pop() if (fileExtension == videoExtension) { preloadLink.as = "video" } else { preloadLink.as = "image" } document.head.appendChild(preloadLink) } const prevPicture = () => { changePicture(getPrevPicture()) preload(getPrevPicture()) } const getPrevPicture = () => { if (!isNaN(currentPicture)) { if (currentPicture === 0) { return (pictures.length - 1) } else if (currentPicture < 0 || currentPicture >= pictures.length) { console.error("Invalid currentPicture, 0.." + pictures.length - 1 + ": " + currentPicture) } else { return (currentPicture - 1) } } else { console.error("Invalid currentPicture, NaN: " + currentPicture) } } const nextPicture = () => { changePicture(getNextPicture()) preload(getNextPicture()) } const getNextPicture = () => { if (!isNaN(currentPicture)) { if (currentPicture === pictures.length - 1) { return (0) } else if (currentPicture < 0 || currentPicture >= pictures.length) { console.error("Invalid currentPicture, 0.." + pictures.length - 1 + ": " + currentPicture) } else { return (currentPicture + 1) } } else { console.error("Invalid currentPicture, NaN: " + currentPicture) } } // function to change picture in modal, used by hashNavigate, and next/prevPicture const changePicture = (number) => { thumbnailFilename = pictures[number].thumbnail window.location.hash = pictures[number].filename const fileExtension = pictures[number].fullsize.split("\.").pop() if (fileExtension == videoExtension) { document.getElementById("modalMedia").innerHTML = "" } else { document.getElementById("modalMedia").innerHTML = "\""" } document.getElementById("modalDescription").innerHTML = pictures[number].filename document.getElementById("modalDownload").href = pictures[number].original currentPicture = number } // if URL links directly to thumbnail via hash link, open modal for that pic on page load const hashNavigate = () => { if (window.location.hash) { const filename = decodeURI(window.location.hash.substring(1)) id = pictures.findIndex(item => item.filename == filename) if (id != -1 && id >= 0 && id < pictures.length) { changePicture(id) displayModal(true) } else { displayModal(false) console.error("Invalid thumbnail link provided after # in URI") } } else { displayModal(false) } } const checkKey = (event) => { if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") { prevPicture() } else if (event.key === "ArrowRight") { nextPicture() } else if (event.key === "Escape") { displayModal(false) } } document.onkeydown = checkKey window.onpopstate = hashNavigate