package main import ( "embed" "errors" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "os/signal" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "syscall" "text/template" "time" "" "" "" ) // Embed all static assets //go:embed assets var assets embed.FS // Define global exit function, so unit tests can override this var exit = os.Exit // Define global state for slice of WIP transformation jobs, used by signalHandler() var wipJobs = make(map[string]transformationJob) var wipJobMutex = sync.Mutex{} // configuration state is stored in this struct type configuration struct { files struct { originalDir string fullsizeDir string thumbnailDir string directoryMode os.FileMode fileMode os.FileMode imageExtension string videoExtension string } assets struct { assetsDir string htmlFile string backIcon string folderIcon string playIcon string htmlTemplate string manifestFile string manifestTemplate string } media struct { thumbnailWidth int thumbnailHeight int fullsizeMaxWidth int fullsizeMaxHeight int videoMaxSize int } concurrency int } // initialize the configuration with hardcoded defaults func initializeConfig() (config configuration) { config.files.originalDir = "_original" config.files.fullsizeDir = "_fullsize" config.files.thumbnailDir = "_thumbnail" config.files.directoryMode = 0755 config.files.fileMode = 0644 config.files.imageExtension = ".jpg" config.files.videoExtension = ".mp4" config.assets.assetsDir = "assets" config.assets.htmlFile = "index.html" config.assets.htmlTemplate = "gallery.gohtml" config.assets.backIcon = "back.png" config.assets.folderIcon = "folder.png" config.assets.playIcon = "playbutton.png" config.assets.manifestFile = "manifest.json" config.assets.manifestTemplate = "manifest.json.tmpl" = 280 = 210 = 1920 = 1080 = 640 // TODO adjust based on cores config.concurrency = 4 return config } // file struct represents an individual media file // relPath is the relative path to from source/gallery root directory. // For source files, exists marks whether it exists in the gallery and doesn't need to be copied. // In this case, gallery has all three transformed files (original, full-size and thumbnail) and // the thumbnail's modification date isn't before the original source file's. // For gallery files, exists marks whether all three gallery files are in place (original, full-size // and thumbnail) and there's a corresponding source file. type file struct { name string relPath string absPath string modTime time.Time exists bool } // directory struct is one directory, which contains files and subdirectories // relPath is the relative path from source/gallery root directory // For source directories, exists reflects whether the directory exists in the gallery // For gallery directories, exists reflects whether there's a corresponding source directory type directory struct { name string relPath string absPath string modTime time.Time files []file subdirectories []directory exists bool } // htmlData struct is loaded with all the information required to generate the html from template // TODO refactor structure inside only function where its used type htmlData struct { Title string Subdirectories []string Files []struct { Filename string Thumbnail string Fullsize string Original string } CSS []string JS []string FolderIcon string BackIcon string } // transformationJob struct is used to communicate needed image/video transformations to // individual concurrent goroutines type transformationJob struct { filename string sourceFilepath string thumbnailFilepath string fullsizeFilepath string originalFilepath string } // exists checks whether given file, directory or symlink exists func exists(filepath string) bool { if _, err := os.Stat(filepath); os.IsNotExist(err) { return false } return true } // isDirectory checks whether provided path is a directory or symlink to one // resolves symlinks only one level deep func isDirectory(directory string) bool { filestat, err := os.Stat(directory) if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false } if filestat.IsDir() { return true } if filestat.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 { realDirectory, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(directory) if err != nil { log.Printf("error: %s\n", err.Error()) return false } realFilestat, err := os.Stat(realDirectory) if err != nil { log.Printf("error: %s\n", err.Error()) return false } if realFilestat.IsDir() { return true } } return false } // Validate that source and gallery directories given as parameters // are valid directories. Return absolue path of source and gallery func validateSourceAndGallery(source string, gallery string) (string, string) { var err error source, err = filepath.Abs(source) if err != nil { log.Println("error:", err.Error()) exit(1) } if !isDirectory(source) { log.Println("Source directory doesn't exist:", source) exit(1) } gallery, err = filepath.Abs(gallery) if err != nil { log.Println("error:", err.Error()) exit(1) } if !isDirectory(gallery) { // Ok, gallery isn't a directory but check whether the parent directory is // and we're supposed to create gallery there during runtime galleryParent, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(gallery, "/../")) if err != nil { log.Println("error:", err.Error()) exit(1) } if !isDirectory(galleryParent) { log.Println("Neither gallery directory or it's parent directory exist:", gallery) exit(1) } } return source, gallery } // Checks whether directory has media files, or subdirectories with media files. // If there's a subdirectory that's empty or that has directories or files which // aren't media files, we leave that out of the directory tree. func dirHasMediafiles(directory string, noVideos bool) (isEmpty bool) { list, err := os.ReadDir(directory) if err != nil { // If we can't read the directory contents, it doesn't have media files in it return false } if len(list) == 0 { // If it's empty, it doesn't have media files return false } for _, entry := range list { entryAbsPath := filepath.Join(directory, entry.Name()) if entry.IsDir() { // Recursion to subdirectories if dirHasMediafiles(entryAbsPath, noVideos) { return true } } else if isMediaFile(entryAbsPath, noVideos) { // We found at least one media file, return true return true } } // Didn't find at least one media file return false } // Check whether given path is a video file func isVideoFile(filename string) bool { switch filepath.Ext(strings.ToLower(filename)) { case ".mp4", ".mov", ".3gp", ".avi", ".mts", ".m4v", ".mpg": return true default: return false } } // Check whether given path is an image file func isImageFile(filename string) bool { switch filepath.Ext(strings.ToLower(filename)) { case ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".heic", ".png", ".gif", ".tif", ".tiff": return true case ".cr2", ".raw", ".arw": return true default: return false } } // Check whether given absolute path is a media file func isMediaFile(filename string, noVideos bool) bool { if isImageFile(filename) { return true } if !noVideos && isVideoFile(filename) { return true } return false } // isSymlinkDir checks if given directory entry is symbolic link to a directory func isSymlinkDir(targetPath string) (is bool) { entry, err := os.Lstat(targetPath) if err != nil { log.Println("Couldn't lstat dir path:", targetPath, err.Error()) exit(1) } if entry.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 { realPath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(targetPath) if err != nil { return false } realEntry, err := os.Lstat(realPath) if err != nil { log.Println("Couldn't lstat file path:", targetPath) exit(1) } if realEntry.IsDir() { return true } } return false } // Create a recursive directory struct by traversing the directory absoluteDirectory. // The function calls itself recursively, carrying state in the relativeDirectory parameter. func createDirectoryTree(absoluteDirectory string, parentDirectory string, noVideos bool) (tree directory) { // In case the target directory doesn't exist, it's the gallery directory // which hasn't been created yet. We'll just create a dummy tree and return it. if !exists(absoluteDirectory) && parentDirectory == "" { = filepath.Base(absoluteDirectory) tree.relPath = parentDirectory tree.absPath, _ = filepath.Abs(absoluteDirectory) return } // Fill in the directory name and other basic info = filepath.Base(absoluteDirectory) tree.absPath, _ = filepath.Abs(absoluteDirectory) tree.relPath = parentDirectory absoluteDirectoryStat, _ := os.Stat(absoluteDirectory) tree.modTime = absoluteDirectoryStat.ModTime() // List directory contents list, err := os.ReadDir(absoluteDirectory) if err != nil { log.Println("Couldn't read directory contents:", absoluteDirectory) exit(1) } // If it's a directory and it has media files somewhere, add it to directories // If it's a media file, add it to the files for _, entry := range list { entryAbsPath := filepath.Join(absoluteDirectory, entry.Name()) entryRelPath := filepath.Join(parentDirectory, entry.Name()) if entry.IsDir() || isSymlinkDir(entryAbsPath) { if dirHasMediafiles(entryAbsPath, noVideos) { entrySubTree := createDirectoryTree(entryAbsPath, entryRelPath, noVideos) tree.subdirectories = append(tree.subdirectories, entrySubTree) } } else if isMediaFile(entryAbsPath, noVideos) { entryFileInfo, err := entry.Info() if err != nil { log.Println("Couldn't stat file information for media file:", entry.Name()) exit(1) } entryFile := file{ name: entry.Name(), relPath: entryRelPath, absPath: entryAbsPath, modTime: entryFileInfo.ModTime(), exists: false, } tree.files = append(tree.files, entryFile) } } return } // stripExtension strips the filename extension and returns the basename func stripExtension(filename string) string { extension := filepath.Ext(filename) return filename[0 : len(filename)-len(extension)] } // reservedDirectory takes a path and checks whether it's a reserved name, // i.e. one of the internal directories used by fastgallery func reservedDirectory(path string, config configuration) bool { if path == config.files.thumbnailDir { return true } if path == config.files.fullsizeDir { return true } if path == config.files.originalDir { return true } return false } // reservedFile takes a path and checks whether it's a reserved file, // such as one of our asset files func reservedFile(path string, config configuration) bool { if path == config.assets.backIcon { return true } if path == config.assets.folderIcon { return true } if path == config.assets.manifestFile { return true } return false } // hasDirectoryChanged checks whether the gallery directory has changed and thus // the HTML file needs to be updated. Could be due to: // At least one non-existent source file or directory (will be created in gallery) // We're doing a cleanup, and at least one non-existent gallery file or directory (will be removed from gallery) func hasDirectoryChanged(source directory, gallery directory, cleanUp bool, config configuration) bool { for _, sourceFile := range source.files { if !sourceFile.exists { return true } } for _, sourceDir := range source.subdirectories { if !sourceDir.exists { return true } } // TODO recurse gallery simultaneously with source, nil if not available if cleanUp { for _, galleryFile := range gallery.files { if !reservedFile(, config) && !galleryFile.exists { return true } } for _, galleryDir := range gallery.subdirectories { if !galleryDir.exists { return true } } } htmlPath := filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, source.relPath, config.assets.htmlFile) if _, err := os.Stat(htmlPath); os.IsNotExist(err) { return true } return false } // compareDirectoryTrees compares two directory trees (source and gallery) and marks // each file that exists in both func compareDirectoryTrees(source *directory, gallery *directory, config configuration) { // If we are comparing two directories, we know they both exist so we can set the // directory struct exists boolean source.exists = true gallery.exists = true // TODO fix bug where two source files with different extensions clash // Iterate over each file in source directory to see whether it exists in gallery for i, sourceFile := range source.files { sourceFileBasename := stripExtension( var thumbnailFile, fullsizeFile, originalFile *file // Go through all subdirectories, and check the ones that match // the thumbnail, full-size or original subdirectories. // Simultaneously, mark any gallery files which exist in source, // so any clean-up doesn't inadvertently delete them. for h, subDir := range gallery.subdirectories { if == config.files.thumbnailDir { for i, outputFile := range gallery.subdirectories[h].files { outputFileBasename := stripExtension( if sourceFileBasename == outputFileBasename { thumbnailFile = &gallery.subdirectories[h].files[i] thumbnailFile.exists = true } } } else if == config.files.fullsizeDir { for j, outputFile := range gallery.subdirectories[h].files { outputFileBasename := stripExtension( if sourceFileBasename == outputFileBasename { fullsizeFile = &gallery.subdirectories[h].files[j] fullsizeFile.exists = true } } } else if == config.files.originalDir { for k, outputFile := range gallery.subdirectories[h].files { outputFileBasename := stripExtension( if sourceFileBasename == outputFileBasename { originalFile = &gallery.subdirectories[h].files[k] originalFile.exists = true } } } } // If all of thumbnail, full-size and original files exist in gallery, and they're // modified after the source file, the source file exists and is up to date. // Otherwise we overwrite gallery files in case source file's been updated since the thumbnail // was created. if thumbnailFile != nil && fullsizeFile != nil && originalFile != nil { if thumbnailFile.modTime.After(sourceFile.modTime) { source.files[i].exists = true } } } // After checking all the files in this directory, recurse into each subdirectory and do the same for k, inputDir := range source.subdirectories { if !reservedDirectory(, config) { for l, outputDir := range gallery.subdirectories { if == { compareDirectoryTrees(&(source.subdirectories[k]), &(gallery.subdirectories[l]), config) } } } } } func countChanges(source directory, config configuration) (outputChanges int) { outputChanges = 0 for _, file := range source.files { if !file.exists && !reservedFile(, config) { outputChanges++ } } for _, dir := range source.subdirectories { outputChanges = outputChanges + countChanges(dir, config) } return outputChanges } func findMissingHTMLFiles(gallery directory, config configuration) bool { htmlPath := filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, config.assets.htmlFile) if _, err := os.Stat(htmlPath); os.IsNotExist(err) { return true } for _, dir := range gallery.subdirectories { if !reservedDirectory(, config) { if findMissingHTMLFiles(dir, config) { return true } } } return false } func createDirectory(destination string, dryRun bool, dirMode os.FileMode) { if _, err := os.Stat(destination); os.IsNotExist(err) { if dryRun { log.Println("Would create directory:", destination) } else { err := os.Mkdir(destination, dirMode) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't create directory", destination, err.Error()) exit(1) } log.Println("Created directory:", destination) } } } func symlinkFile(source string, destination string) error { if _, err := os.Stat(destination); err == nil { err := os.Remove(destination) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't remove symlink:", source, destination) return err } } err := os.Symlink(source, destination) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't symlink:", source, destination) return err } return nil } // TODO add copyFile and option to use in lieu of symlinking /* func copyFile(source string, destination string) { _, err := os.Stat(sourceFilename) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't copy source file:", sourceFilename, err.Error()) exit(1) } sourceHandle, err := os.Open(sourceFilename) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't open source file for copy:", sourceFilename, err.Error()) exit(1) } defer sourceHandle.Close() destHandle, err := os.Create(destFilename) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't create dest file:", destFilename, err.Error()) exit(1) } defer destHandle.Close() _, err = io.Copy(destHandle, sourceHandle) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't copy file:", sourceFilename, destFilename, err.Error()) exit(1) } } */ // getIconSize returns a square size (e.g. 48x48) of an icon based on its filename // Icon filename must have a substring starting with a string of numbers followed by a consequential // letter x and a string of more numbers func getIconSize(iconPath string) (size string, err error) { iconPath = path.Base(iconPath) re := regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9]+x[0-9]+`) size = re.FindString(iconPath) if size == "" { err = errors.New("size not found in path: " + iconPath) return size, err } return size, nil } // getIconType returns icon file format type (e.g. image/png) of an icon based on its filename func getIconType(iconPath string) (filetype string, err error) { iconPath = path.Base(iconPath) switch filepath.Ext(iconPath) { case ".png": return "image/png", nil } err = errors.New("could not decide icon filetype: " + iconPath) return "", err } // createPWAManifest creates a customized manifest.json for a PWA if PWA url is supplied in args func createPWAManifest(gallery directory, source directory, dryRun bool, config configuration) { // TODO Fill in data structure, load template and execute it // TODO Iterate over icons, grab size from filename // TODO Add manifest link to HTMLs // TODO Add apple-touch-icon to HTML // TODO register service worker in HTML, add manifest and apple-touch-icon links to head var PWAData = struct { Shortname string Icons []struct { Src string Size string Type string } }{ Shortname:, } assetDirectoryListing, err := assets.ReadDir(config.assets.assetsDir) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't open embedded assets:", err.Error()) exit(1) } re := regexp.MustCompile(`^icon`) for _, entry := range assetDirectoryListing { if !entry.IsDir() { filename := filepath.Base(entry.Name()) // check if asset filename starts with the string "icon" if re.MatchString(filename) { iconSize, err := getIconSize(filename) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't define icon size:", err.Error()) exit(1) } iconType, err := getIconType(filename) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't define icon type:", err.Error()) exit(1) } PWAData.Icons = append(PWAData.Icons, struct { Src string Size string Type string }{ Src: filename, Size: iconSize, Type: iconType, }) } } } manifestFilePath := filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, config.assets.manifestFile) if dryRun { log.Println("Would create web app manifest file:", manifestFilePath) } else { templatePath := filepath.Join(config.assets.assetsDir, config.assets.manifestTemplate) cookedTemplate, err := template.ParseFS(assets, templatePath) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't parse manifest template", templatePath, ":", err.Error()) exit(1) } manifestFileHandle, err := os.Create(manifestFilePath) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't create manifest file", manifestFilePath, ":", err.Error()) exit(1) } err = cookedTemplate.Execute(manifestFileHandle, PWAData) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't execute manifest template", manifestFilePath, ":", err.Error()) exit(1) } manifestFileHandle.Sync() manifestFileHandle.Close() log.Println("Created manifest file:", manifestFilePath) } } // copyRootAssets copies all the embedded assets to the root directory of the gallery func copyRootAssets(gallery directory, dryRun bool, config configuration) { assetDirectoryListing, err := assets.ReadDir(config.assets.assetsDir) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't open embedded assets:", err.Error()) exit(1) } // Iterate through all the embedded assets // TODO only update assets if they're not up to date // TODO then add logging for created assets for _, entry := range assetDirectoryListing { if !entry.IsDir() { switch filepath.Ext(strings.ToLower(entry.Name())) { // Copy all javascript and CSS files case ".js", ".css", ".png": if dryRun { log.Println("Would copy JS/CSS/PNG file", entry.Name(), "to", gallery.absPath) } else { if entry.Name() == config.assets.playIcon { break } assetPath := filepath.Join(config.assets.assetsDir, entry.Name()) filebuffer, err := assets.ReadFile(assetPath) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't open embedded asset:", assetPath, ":", err.Error()) exit(1) } targetPath := filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, entry.Name()) err = os.WriteFile(targetPath, filebuffer, config.files.fileMode) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't write embedded asset:", targetPath, ":", err.Error()) exit(1) } } } } } } // createHTML creates an HTML file in the gallery directory, by filling in the thisHTML struct // with all the required information, combining it with the HTML template and saving it in the file func createHTML(depth int, source directory, galleryDirectory string, dryRun bool, config configuration) { // create the thisHTML struct and start filling it with the relevant data var thisHTML htmlData // The page title will be the directory name thisHTML.Title = // Go through each directory and file and add them to the slices for _, subdir := range source.subdirectories { thisHTML.Subdirectories = append(thisHTML.Subdirectories, } for _, file := range source.files { thumbnailFilename, fullsizeFilename := getGalleryFilenames(, config) thisHTML.Files = append(thisHTML.Files, struct { Filename string Thumbnail string Fullsize string Original string }{ Filename:, Thumbnail: filepath.Join(config.files.thumbnailDir, thumbnailFilename), Fullsize: filepath.Join(config.files.fullsizeDir, fullsizeFilename), Original: filepath.Join(config.files.originalDir,, }) } // We'll use relative paths to refer to the root direct assets such as icons, JS and CSS. // The depth parameter is used to figure out how deep in a subdirectory we are rootEscape := "" for i := 0; i < depth; i = i + 1 { rootEscape = rootEscape + "../" } assetDirectoryListing, err := assets.ReadDir(config.assets.assetsDir) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't list embedded assets:", err.Error()) exit(1) } // Go through the embedded assets and add all JS and CSS files, link them for _, entry := range assetDirectoryListing { if !entry.IsDir() { switch filepath.Ext(strings.ToLower(entry.Name())) { // Copy all javascript and CSS files case ".js": thisHTML.JS = append(thisHTML.JS, filepath.Join(rootEscape, entry.Name())) case ".css": thisHTML.CSS = append(thisHTML.CSS, filepath.Join(rootEscape, entry.Name())) } } } // If we're not in the root directory, link the back icon and show it in the HTML page if depth > 0 { thisHTML.BackIcon = filepath.Join(rootEscape, config.assets.backIcon) } // Generic folder icon to be used for each subfolder thisHTML.FolderIcon = filepath.Join(rootEscape, config.assets.folderIcon) // thisHTML struct has been filled in successfully, parse the HTML template, // fill in the data and write it to the correct file htmlFilePath := filepath.Join(galleryDirectory, config.assets.htmlFile) if dryRun { log.Println("Would create HTML file:", htmlFilePath) } else { templatePath := filepath.Join(config.assets.assetsDir, config.assets.htmlTemplate) cookedTemplate, err := template.ParseFS(assets, templatePath) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't parse HTML template", templatePath, ":", err.Error()) exit(1) } htmlFileHandle, err := os.Create(htmlFilePath) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't create HTML file", htmlFilePath, ":", err.Error()) exit(1) } err = cookedTemplate.Execute(htmlFileHandle, thisHTML) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't execute HTML template", htmlFilePath, ":", err.Error()) exit(1) } htmlFileHandle.Sync() htmlFileHandle.Close() log.Println("Created HTML file:", htmlFilePath) } } // getGalleryDirectoryNames parses the names for subdirectories for thumbnail, full size // and original pictures in the gallery directory func getGalleryDirectoryNames(galleryDirectory string, config configuration) (thumbnailGalleryDirectory string, fullsizeGalleryDirectory string, originalGalleryDirectory string) { thumbnailGalleryDirectory = filepath.Join(galleryDirectory, config.files.thumbnailDir) fullsizeGalleryDirectory = filepath.Join(galleryDirectory, config.files.fullsizeDir) originalGalleryDirectory = filepath.Join(galleryDirectory, config.files.originalDir) return } func transformImage(source string, fullsizeDestination string, thumbnailDestination string, config configuration) error { if config.files.imageExtension == ".jpg" { // First create full-size image image, err := vips.NewImageFromFile(source) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't open full-size image:", source, err.Error()) return err } err = image.AutoRotate() if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't autorotate full-size image:", source, err.Error()) return err } // Calculate the scaling factor used to make the image smaller scale := float64( / float64(image.Width()) if (scale * float64(image.Height())) > float64( { // If the image is tall vertically, use height instead of width to recalculate scaling factor scale = float64( / float64(image.Height()) } // TODO don't enlarge the file by accident err = image.Resize(scale, vips.KernelAuto) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't resize full-size image:", source, err.Error()) return err } ep := vips.NewDefaultJPEGExportParams() fullsizeBuffer, _, err := image.Export(ep) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't export full-size image:", source, err.Error()) return err } err = os.WriteFile(fullsizeDestination, fullsizeBuffer, config.files.fileMode) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't write full-size image:", fullsizeDestination, err.Error()) return err } // After full-size image, create thumbnail err = image.Thumbnail(,, vips.InterestingAttention) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't crop thumbnail:", err.Error()) return err } thumbnailBuffer, _, err := image.Export(ep) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't export thumbnail image:", source, err.Error()) return err } err = os.WriteFile(thumbnailDestination, thumbnailBuffer, config.files.fileMode) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't write thumbnail image:", thumbnailDestination, err.Error()) return err } } else { log.Println("Can't figure out what format to convert full size image to:", source) return errors.New("invalid target format for full-size image") } return nil } func transformVideo(source string, fullsizeDestination string, thumbnailDestination string, config configuration) error { // Resize full-size video ffmpegCommand := exec.Command("ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", source, "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-vcodec", "libx264", "-acodec", "aac", "-movflags", "faststart", "-r", "24", "-vf", "scale='min("+strconv.Itoa(",iw)':'min("+strconv.Itoa(",ih)':force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease:force_divisible_by=2", "-crf", "28", "-loglevel", "error", fullsizeDestination) commandOutput, err := ffmpegCommand.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { log.Println("Could not get ffmpeg fullsize output:", err) } if len(commandOutput) > 0 { log.Println("ffmpeg output for fullsize operation:", source) log.Println(ffmpegCommand.Args) log.Println(string(commandOutput)) } if err != nil { return err } // Create thumbnail image of video ffmpegCommand2 := exec.Command("ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", source, "-ss", "00:00:00", "-vframes", "1", "-vf", fmt.Sprintf("scale=%d:%d:force_original_aspect_ratio=increase:force_divisible_by=2,crop=%d:%d",,,,, "-loglevel", "error", thumbnailDestination) commandOutput2, err := ffmpegCommand2.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { log.Println("Could not get ffmpeg thumbnail output:", err) } if len(commandOutput2) > 0 { log.Println("ffmpeg output for thumbnail operation:", source) log.Println(ffmpegCommand2.Args) log.Println(string(commandOutput2)) } if err != nil { return err } // Take thumbnail and overlay triangle image on top of it image, err := vips.NewImageFromFile(thumbnailDestination) if err != nil { log.Println("Could not open video thumbnail:", thumbnailDestination) return err } playbuttonAssetPath := filepath.Join(config.assets.assetsDir, config.assets.playIcon) playbuttonOverlayBuffer, err := assets.ReadFile(playbuttonAssetPath) if err != nil { log.Println("Could not read play button overlay asset") return err } playbuttonOverlayImage, err := vips.NewImageFromBuffer(playbuttonOverlayBuffer) if err != nil { log.Println("Could not open play button overlay asset") return err } // Overlay play button in the middle of thumbnail picture err = image.Composite(playbuttonOverlayImage, vips.BlendModeOver, (, ( if err != nil { log.Println("Could not composite play button overlay on top of:", thumbnailDestination) return err } ep := vips.NewDefaultJPEGExportParams() imageBytes, _, err := image.Export(ep) if err != nil { log.Println("Could not export video thumnail:", thumbnailDestination) return err } err = os.WriteFile(thumbnailDestination, imageBytes, config.files.fileMode) if err != nil { log.Println("Could not write video thumnail:", thumbnailDestination) return err } return nil } func createOriginal(source string, destination string) error { // TODO add option to copy return symlinkFile(source, destination) } func getGalleryFilenames(sourceFilename string, config configuration) (thumbnailFilename string, fullsizeFilename string) { thumbnailFilename = stripExtension(sourceFilename) + config.files.imageExtension if isImageFile(sourceFilename) { fullsizeFilename = stripExtension(sourceFilename) + config.files.imageExtension } else if isVideoFile(sourceFilename) { fullsizeFilename = stripExtension(sourceFilename) + config.files.videoExtension } else { log.Println("could not infer whether file is image or video:", sourceFilename) exit(1) } return } func cleanWipFiles(sourceFilepath string) { wipJobMutex.Lock() os.Remove(wipJobs[sourceFilepath].thumbnailFilepath) os.Remove(wipJobs[sourceFilepath].fullsizeFilepath) os.Remove(wipJobs[sourceFilepath].originalFilepath) delete(wipJobs, sourceFilepath) wipJobMutex.Unlock() } // transformFile takes a transformation job (an image or video) and creates a thumbnail, full-size // image and a copy of the original func transformFile(thisJob transformationJob, progressBar *pb.ProgressBar, config configuration) { // Before we begin work, add all work-in-progress files to wipSlice // In case the program is killed before we're finished, signalHandler() deletes all the wip files. // This way, no half-finished files will stay on the hard drive wipJobMutex.Lock() wipJobs[thisJob.sourceFilepath] = thisJob wipJobMutex.Unlock() // Do the actual transformation and increment the progress bar if isImageFile(thisJob.filename) { err := transformImage(thisJob.sourceFilepath, thisJob.fullsizeFilepath, thisJob.thumbnailFilepath, config) if err != nil { cleanWipFiles(thisJob.sourceFilepath) if progressBar != nil { progressBar.Increment() } return } } else if isVideoFile(thisJob.filename) { err := transformVideo(thisJob.sourceFilepath, thisJob.fullsizeFilepath, thisJob.thumbnailFilepath, config) if err != nil { cleanWipFiles(thisJob.sourceFilepath) if progressBar != nil { progressBar.Increment() } return } } else { log.Println("could not infer whether file is image or video(2):", thisJob.sourceFilepath) exit(1) } err := createOriginal(thisJob.sourceFilepath, thisJob.originalFilepath) if err != nil { cleanWipFiles(thisJob.sourceFilepath) if progressBar != nil { progressBar.Increment() } return } if progressBar != nil { progressBar.Increment() } wipJobMutex.Lock() delete(wipJobs, thisJob.sourceFilepath) wipJobMutex.Unlock() log.Println("Converted media file:", thisJob.sourceFilepath) } // This is the main concurrent goroutine that takes care of the parallelisation. A big bunch of them // are created in a worker pool and they're fed new images/videos to transform via a channel. func transformationWorker(thisDirectoryWG *sync.WaitGroup, thisDirectoryJobs chan transformationJob, progressBar *pb.ProgressBar, config configuration) { defer thisDirectoryWG.Done() for thisJob := range thisDirectoryJobs { transformFile(thisJob, progressBar, config) runtime.GC() } } // createMedia takes the source directory, and creates a thumbnail, full-size // version and original of each non-existing file to the respective gallery directory. func createMedia(source directory, gallerySubdirectory string, dryRun bool, config configuration, progressBar *pb.ProgressBar) { thumbnailGalleryDirectory, fullsizeGalleryDirectory, originalGalleryDirectory := getGalleryDirectoryNames(gallerySubdirectory, config) // Create subdirectories in gallery directory for thumbnails, full-size and original pics createDirectory(thumbnailGalleryDirectory, dryRun, config.files.directoryMode) createDirectory(fullsizeGalleryDirectory, dryRun, config.files.directoryMode) createDirectory(originalGalleryDirectory, dryRun, config.files.directoryMode) // This is the concurrency part of the function. Set up a worker pool, channel to communicate with them, // and a wait group to block in the end. thisDirectoryJobs := make(chan transformationJob, 10000) var thisDirectoryWG sync.WaitGroup for i := 1; i <= config.concurrency; i = i + 1 { thisDirectoryWG.Add(1) go transformationWorker(&thisDirectoryWG, thisDirectoryJobs, progressBar, config) } // Here ends the concurrency code. Below we loop through the files, pushing them as // new jobs via the channel to the worker pool, and in the end of the function we // have code to wrap-up the concurrency. for _, file := range source.files { if !file.exists { var thisJob transformationJob thisJob.filename = thisJob.sourceFilepath = filepath.Join(source.absPath, thumbnailFilename, fullsizeFilename := getGalleryFilenames(, config) thisJob.thumbnailFilepath = filepath.Join(thumbnailGalleryDirectory, thumbnailFilename) thisJob.fullsizeFilepath = filepath.Join(fullsizeGalleryDirectory, fullsizeFilename) thisJob.originalFilepath = filepath.Join(originalGalleryDirectory, if dryRun { log.Println("Would convert:", thisJob.sourceFilepath, thisJob.thumbnailFilepath, thisJob.fullsizeFilepath, thisJob.originalFilepath) } else { thisDirectoryJobs <- thisJob } } } // Here we have the tail end of the concurrency code. The main thread blocks here to wait // for all the workers to have transformed all the image and video jobs given to them in the loop // above. We close the channel to clarify to the workers there's no more stuff to do. close(thisDirectoryJobs) thisDirectoryWG.Wait() } // cleanUp cleans stale files and directories from the gallery recursively func cleanUp(gallery directory, dryRun bool, config configuration) { cleanDirectory(gallery, dryRun, config) for _, subdir := range gallery.subdirectories { cleanUp(subdir, dryRun, config) } } // Clean gallery directory of any directories or files which don't exist in source func cleanDirectory(gallery directory, dryRun bool, config configuration) { for _, file := range gallery.files { if !file.exists && !reservedFile(, config) { stalePath := filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, if dryRun { log.Println("would clean up file:", stalePath) } else { err := os.RemoveAll(stalePath) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't delete stale gallery file", stalePath, ":", err.Error()) } log.Println("Cleaned up file:", stalePath) } } } for _, dir := range gallery.subdirectories { if !reservedDirectory(, config) && !dir.exists { stalePath := filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, if dryRun { log.Println("would clean up dir:", stalePath) } else { err := os.RemoveAll(stalePath) if err != nil { log.Println("couldn't delete stale gallery directory", stalePath, ":", err.Error()) } log.Println("Cleaned up directory:", stalePath) } } } } func updateHTMLFiles(depth int, source directory, gallery directory, dryRun bool, cleanUp bool, config configuration) { galleryDirectory := filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, source.relPath) if hasDirectoryChanged(source, gallery, cleanUp, config) { createHTML(depth, source, galleryDirectory, dryRun, config) } for _, subdir := range source.subdirectories { updateHTMLFiles(depth+1, subdir, gallery, dryRun, cleanUp, config) } } func updateMediaFiles(depth int, source directory, gallery directory, dryRun bool, cleanUp bool, config configuration, progressBar *pb.ProgressBar) { // TODO generalize directory recursion algorithm for media creation, HTML creation and clean-ups // TODO make generalized function recurse simultaneously source and gallery structs galleryDirectory := filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, source.relPath) if hasDirectoryChanged(source, gallery, cleanUp, config) { createMedia(source, galleryDirectory, dryRun, config, progressBar) } for _, subdir := range source.subdirectories { // Create respective source subdirectory also in gallery subdirectory gallerySubdir := filepath.Join(gallery.absPath, subdir.relPath) createDirectory(gallerySubdir, dryRun, config.files.directoryMode) // Recurse updateMediaFiles(depth+1, subdir, gallery, dryRun, cleanUp, config, progressBar) } } func setupSignalHandler() { signalChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(signalChan, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) go signalHandler(signalChan) } func signalHandler(signalChan chan os.Signal) { <-signalChan log.Println("Ctrl-C received, cleaning up and aborting...") wipJobMutex.Lock() for _, job := range wipJobs { os.Remove(job.thumbnailFilepath) os.Remove(job.fullsizeFilepath) os.Remove(job.originalFilepath) } exit(0) } func main() { // Define command-line arguments var args struct { Source string `arg:"positional,required" help:"Source directory for images/videos"` Gallery string `arg:"positional,required" help:"Destination directory to create gallery in"` Verbose bool `arg:"-v,--verbose" help:"verbosity level"` DryRun bool `arg:"--dry-run" help:"dry run; don't change anything, just print what would be done"` CleanUp bool `arg:"-c,--cleanup" help:"cleanup, delete files and directories in gallery which don't exist in source"` NoVideos bool `arg:"--no-videos" help:"ignore videos, only include images"` Logfile string `arg:"-l,--log" help:"recommended: log file to save errors and failed filenames to instead of stdout"` } // TODO implement verbose // TODO fix stdout vs logging output throughout // Parse command-line arguments arg.MustParse(&args) // Validate source and gallery arguments, make paths absolute args.Source, args.Gallery = validateSourceAndGallery(args.Source, args.Gallery) // Initialize configuration (assets, directories, file types) config := initializeConfig() // Open log file if parameter provided if args.Logfile != "" { fmt.Println("Logfile:", args.Logfile) logHandle, err := os.OpenFile(args.Logfile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, config.files.fileMode) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error opening logfile:", args.Logfile) exit(1) } defer logHandle.Close() log.SetOutput(logHandle) } fmt.Println("Creating gallery, source:", args.Source, "gallery:", args.Gallery) fmt.Println("Finding all media files...") // Creating a directory struct of both source as well as gallery directories source := createDirectoryTree(args.Source, "", args.NoVideos) gallery := createDirectoryTree(args.Gallery, "", args.NoVideos) // Check which source media exists in gallery compareDirectoryTrees(&source, &gallery, config) // If there are changes in the source, update the media files newSourceFiles := countChanges(source, config) if newSourceFiles > 0 { log.Println("Updating", newSourceFiles, "media files.") if !exists(gallery.absPath) { createDirectory(gallery.absPath, args.DryRun, config.files.directoryMode) } var progressBar *pb.ProgressBar if !args.DryRun { progressBar = pb.StartNew(newSourceFiles) if args.Verbose { vips.LoggingSettings(nil, vips.LogLevelDebug) vips.Startup(&vips.Config{ CacheTrace: false, CollectStats: false, ReportLeaks: true}) } else { vips.LoggingSettings(nil, vips.LogLevelError) vips.Startup(nil) } defer vips.Shutdown() } // Copy updated web assets (JS, CSS, icons, etc) into gallery root copyRootAssets(gallery, args.DryRun, config) // Copy PWA web manifest and fill-in relevant details createPWAManifest(gallery, source, args.DryRun, config) // Handle ctrl-C or other signals setupSignalHandler() updateMediaFiles(0, source, gallery, args.DryRun, args.CleanUp, config, progressBar) if !args.DryRun { progressBar.Finish() } fmt.Println("All media files updated!") } else { fmt.Println("All media files already up to date!") } // Update HTML index files, if any new source media files, removed gallery media files // or missing HTML files staleGalleryFiles := countChanges(gallery, config) missingHTMLFiles := findMissingHTMLFiles(gallery, config) if newSourceFiles > 0 || staleGalleryFiles > 0 || missingHTMLFiles { fmt.Println("Updating HTML files...") updateHTMLFiles(0, source, gallery, args.DryRun, args.CleanUp, config) fmt.Println("All HTML files updated!") } else { fmt.Println("All HTML files already up to date!") } // Clean up any removed gallery media files if args.CleanUp { fmt.Println("Cleaning up gallery...") // TODO restructure cleanUp to check here whether there's stale files, for better output cleanUp(gallery, args.DryRun, config) fmt.Println("Gallery clean!") } }