improve readme

Toni Melisma 4 years ago
parent 10bdaf23c5
commit f95d9f6482

@ -1,23 +1,41 @@
# gogallery - Static photo gallery generator
Creates a static gallery of your photo and video library.
- Super fast (100% Go, concurrent, uses fastest image/video libraries, 4-8 times faster than others)
- Both photo and video support
- Deals with any file formats (ncluding HEIC, HEVC)
- Only updates changed files
- Uses relative paths (safe for subdirectories or S3)
N.B. deletes all unused media files in output directory
N.B. deletes all unused media files in gallery directory
## Install
apt-get install libvips42
For dependencies, on Ubuntu, install libvips42 and ffmpeg
apt-get install libvips42 ffmpeg
Image and video format support will depend on the support compiled in these libraries. For HEIC+HEVC support check out my PPA for a recompiled libvips42 (to be published...)
## Usage
VIPS_WARNING=0 gogallery -o /var/www/html ~/Dropbox/Pictures
## FAQ
Why do I need to set the VIPS_WARNING environment variable to suppress warnings?
Unfortunately the excellent bimg image manipulation library doesn't have full support for the underlying VIPS library and doesn't have capabilities to properly manage its logging. See issue XXX
## Backlog
Before 0.1 beta release, still to do:
- HTML templates
- Rudimentary lightbox JS
- Clean up half-finished thumbnail/fullsize/symlink if program is halted midway
- Use all of thumb/full/symlink in detecting changes required
- Packaging for Ubuntu
- Set up Ubuntu repository (Github? PPA?)
Other stuff on the roadmap:
- Allow copying instead of symlinking originals
- Lots of options / config file to tweak defaults
- Patch bimg library so it doesn't log to console without VIPS_WARNING
- Add logging to file, better bimg and ffmpeg error handling, when to panic
- Add 'force_divisible_by=2' to ffmpeg encoding (when feature is available in next ffmpeg release)
- Go through the rest of the minor annoyances (TODOs in code)


@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
1. create symlinks in gallery
2. create full-size photos/videos in gallery
3. create thumbnails in gallery
4. create directory index.html:s in gallery for changed directories and where doesn't exist
5. delete old redundant gallery files (those that don't exist)
- prettier HTML template
- Javascript
release 2
- Add 'force_divisible_by=2' to ffmpeg encoding (in next ffmpeg version when released)
- Add logging to file, better error detection for bimg and ffmpeg
- Patch bimg to not send warnings on console
- check that each of symlink, fullsize and thumbnail exist
- how to quickly check emptiness of directory?
- TODO go through all the todo stuff