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2363 lines
34 KiB

5 years ago
node {
name: "data"
op: "Placeholder"
attr {
key: "dtype"
value {
type: DT_FLOAT
node {
name: "data_bn/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "FusedBatchNorm"
input: "data:0"
input: "data_bn/gamma"
input: "data_bn/beta"
input: "data_bn/mean"
input: "data_bn/std"
attr {
key: "epsilon"
value {
f: 1.00099996416e-05
node {
name: "data_scale/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "data_bn/FusedBatchNorm"
input: "data_scale/mul"
node {
name: "data_scale/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "data_scale/Mul"
input: "data_scale/add"
node {
name: "SpaceToBatchND/block_shape"
op: "Const"
attr {
key: "value"
value {
tensor {
dtype: DT_INT32
tensor_shape {
dim {
size: 2
int_val: 1
int_val: 1
node {
name: "SpaceToBatchND/paddings"
op: "Const"
attr {
key: "value"
value {
tensor {
dtype: DT_INT32
tensor_shape {
dim {
size: 2
dim {
size: 2
int_val: 3
int_val: 3
int_val: 3
int_val: 3
node {
name: "Pad"
op: "SpaceToBatchND"
input: "data_scale/BiasAdd"
input: "SpaceToBatchND/block_shape"
input: "SpaceToBatchND/paddings"
node {
name: "conv1_h/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Pad"
input: "conv1_h/weights"
attr {
key: "dilations"
value {
list {
i: 1
i: 1
i: 1
i: 1
attr {
key: "padding"
value {
s: "VALID"
attr {
key: "strides"
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i: 2
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node {
name: "conv1_h/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "conv1_h/Conv2D"
input: "conv1_h/bias"
node {
name: "BatchToSpaceND"
op: "BatchToSpaceND"
input: "conv1_h/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "conv1_bn_h/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "FusedBatchNorm"
input: "BatchToSpaceND"
input: "conv1_bn_h/gamma"
input: "conv1_bn_h/beta"
input: "conv1_bn_h/mean"
input: "conv1_bn_h/std"
attr {
key: "epsilon"
value {
f: 1.00099996416e-05
node {
name: "conv1_scale_h/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "conv1_bn_h/FusedBatchNorm"
input: "conv1_scale_h/mul"
node {
name: "conv1_scale_h/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "conv1_scale_h/Mul"
input: "conv1_scale_h/add"
node {
name: "Relu"
op: "Relu"
input: "conv1_scale_h/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "conv1_pool/MaxPool"
op: "MaxPool"
input: "Relu"
attr {
key: "ksize"
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i: 1
i: 3
i: 3
i: 1
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key: "padding"
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s: "SAME"
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i: 1
i: 2
i: 2
i: 1
node {
name: "layer_64_1_conv1_h/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "conv1_pool/MaxPool"
input: "layer_64_1_conv1_h/weights"
attr {
key: "dilations"
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key: "padding"
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s: "SAME"
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node {
name: "layer_64_1_bn2_h/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_64_1_conv1_h/Conv2D"
input: "layer_64_1_conv1_h/Conv2D_bn_offset"
node {
name: "layer_64_1_scale2_h/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "layer_64_1_bn2_h/FusedBatchNorm"
input: "layer_64_1_scale2_h/mul"
node {
name: "layer_64_1_scale2_h/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_64_1_scale2_h/Mul"
input: "layer_64_1_scale2_h/add"
node {
name: "Relu_1"
op: "Relu"
input: "layer_64_1_scale2_h/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "layer_64_1_conv2_h/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Relu_1"
input: "layer_64_1_conv2_h/weights"
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key: "dilations"
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name: "add"
op: "Add"
input: "layer_64_1_conv2_h/Conv2D"
input: "conv1_pool/MaxPool"
node {
name: "layer_128_1_bn1_h/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "FusedBatchNorm"
input: "add"
input: "layer_128_1_bn1_h/gamma"
input: "layer_128_1_bn1_h/beta"
input: "layer_128_1_bn1_h/mean"
input: "layer_128_1_bn1_h/std"
attr {
key: "epsilon"
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f: 1.00099996416e-05
node {
name: "layer_128_1_scale1_h/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "layer_128_1_bn1_h/FusedBatchNorm"
input: "layer_128_1_scale1_h/mul"
node {
name: "layer_128_1_scale1_h/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_128_1_scale1_h/Mul"
input: "layer_128_1_scale1_h/add"
node {
name: "Relu_2"
op: "Relu"
input: "layer_128_1_scale1_h/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "layer_128_1_conv_expand_h/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Relu_2"
input: "layer_128_1_conv_expand_h/weights"
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key: "dilations"
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i: 1
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node {
name: "layer_128_1_conv1_h/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Relu_2"
input: "layer_128_1_conv1_h/weights"
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key: "dilations"
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node {
name: "layer_128_1_bn2/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_128_1_conv1_h/Conv2D"
input: "layer_128_1_conv1_h/Conv2D_bn_offset"
node {
name: "layer_128_1_scale2/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "layer_128_1_bn2/FusedBatchNorm"
input: "layer_128_1_scale2/mul"
node {
name: "layer_128_1_scale2/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_128_1_scale2/Mul"
input: "layer_128_1_scale2/add"
node {
name: "Relu_3"
op: "Relu"
input: "layer_128_1_scale2/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "layer_128_1_conv2/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Relu_3"
input: "layer_128_1_conv2/weights"
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node {
name: "add_1"
op: "Add"
input: "layer_128_1_conv2/Conv2D"
input: "layer_128_1_conv_expand_h/Conv2D"
node {
name: "layer_256_1_bn1/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "FusedBatchNorm"
input: "add_1"
input: "layer_256_1_bn1/gamma"
input: "layer_256_1_bn1/beta"
input: "layer_256_1_bn1/mean"
input: "layer_256_1_bn1/std"
attr {
key: "epsilon"
value {
f: 1.00099996416e-05
node {
name: "layer_256_1_scale1/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "layer_256_1_bn1/FusedBatchNorm"
input: "layer_256_1_scale1/mul"
node {
name: "layer_256_1_scale1/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_256_1_scale1/Mul"
input: "layer_256_1_scale1/add"
node {
name: "Relu_4"
op: "Relu"
input: "layer_256_1_scale1/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "SpaceToBatchND_1/paddings"
op: "Const"
attr {
key: "value"
value {
tensor {
dtype: DT_INT32
tensor_shape {
dim {
size: 2
dim {
size: 2
int_val: 1
int_val: 1
int_val: 1
int_val: 1
node {
name: "layer_256_1_conv_expand/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Relu_4"
input: "layer_256_1_conv_expand/weights"
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key: "dilations"
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i: 2
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node {
name: "conv4_3_norm/l2_normalize"
op: "L2Normalize"
input: "Relu_4:0"
input: "conv4_3_norm/l2_normalize/Sum/reduction_indices"
node {
name: "conv4_3_norm/mul_1"
op: "Mul"
input: "conv4_3_norm/l2_normalize"
input: "conv4_3_norm/mul"
node {
name: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "conv4_3_norm/mul_1"
input: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc/weights"
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name: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc/Conv2D"
input: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc/bias"
node {
name: "flatten/Reshape"
op: "Flatten"
input: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "conv4_3_norm/mul_1"
input: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf/weights"
attr {
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node {
name: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf/Conv2D"
input: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf/bias"
node {
name: "flatten_6/Reshape"
op: "Flatten"
input: "conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "Pad_1"
op: "SpaceToBatchND"
input: "Relu_4"
input: "SpaceToBatchND/block_shape"
input: "SpaceToBatchND_1/paddings"
node {
name: "layer_256_1_conv1/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Pad_1"
input: "layer_256_1_conv1/weights"
attr {
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s: "VALID"
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i: 1
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i: 2
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node {
name: "layer_256_1_bn2/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_256_1_conv1/Conv2D"
input: "layer_256_1_conv1/Conv2D_bn_offset"
node {
name: "BatchToSpaceND_1"
op: "BatchToSpaceND"
input: "layer_256_1_bn2/FusedBatchNorm"
node {
name: "layer_256_1_scale2/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "BatchToSpaceND_1"
input: "layer_256_1_scale2/mul"
node {
name: "layer_256_1_scale2/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_256_1_scale2/Mul"
input: "layer_256_1_scale2/add"
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name: "Relu_5"
op: "Relu"
input: "layer_256_1_scale2/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "layer_256_1_conv2/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Relu_5"
input: "layer_256_1_conv2/weights"
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node {
name: "add_2"
op: "Add"
input: "layer_256_1_conv2/Conv2D"
input: "layer_256_1_conv_expand/Conv2D"
node {
name: "layer_512_1_bn1/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "FusedBatchNorm"
input: "add_2"
input: "layer_512_1_bn1/gamma"
input: "layer_512_1_bn1/beta"
input: "layer_512_1_bn1/mean"
input: "layer_512_1_bn1/std"
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key: "epsilon"
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f: 1.00099996416e-05
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name: "layer_512_1_scale1/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "layer_512_1_bn1/FusedBatchNorm"
input: "layer_512_1_scale1/mul"
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name: "layer_512_1_scale1/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_512_1_scale1/Mul"
input: "layer_512_1_scale1/add"
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name: "Relu_6"
op: "Relu"
input: "layer_512_1_scale1/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "layer_512_1_conv_expand_h/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Relu_6"
input: "layer_512_1_conv_expand_h/weights"
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name: "layer_512_1_conv1_h/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "Relu_6"
input: "layer_512_1_conv1_h/weights"
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key: "dilations"
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i: 1
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name: "layer_512_1_bn2_h/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_512_1_conv1_h/Conv2D"
input: "layer_512_1_conv1_h/Conv2D_bn_offset"
node {
name: "layer_512_1_scale2_h/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "layer_512_1_bn2_h/FusedBatchNorm"
input: "layer_512_1_scale2_h/mul"
node {
name: "layer_512_1_scale2_h/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
input: "layer_512_1_scale2_h/Mul"
input: "layer_512_1_scale2_h/add"
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name: "Relu_7"
op: "Relu"
input: "layer_512_1_scale2_h/BiasAdd"
node {
name: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/convolution/SpaceToBatchND"
op: "SpaceToBatchND"
input: "Relu_7"
input: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/convolution/SpaceToBatchND/block_shape"
input: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/convolution/SpaceToBatchND/paddings"
node {
name: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/convolution"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/convolution/SpaceToBatchND"
input: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/weights"
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name: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/convolution/BatchToSpaceND"
op: "BatchToSpaceND"
input: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/convolution"
input: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/convolution/BatchToSpaceND/block_shape"
input: "layer_512_1_conv2_h/convolution/BatchToSpaceND/crops"
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name: "add_3"
op: "Add"
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input: "layer_512_1_conv_expand_h/Conv2D"
node {
name: "last_bn_h/FusedBatchNorm"
op: "FusedBatchNorm"
input: "add_3"
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input: "last_bn_h/beta"
input: "last_bn_h/mean"
input: "last_bn_h/std"
attr {
key: "epsilon"
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f: 1.00099996416e-05
node {
name: "last_scale_h/Mul"
op: "Mul"
input: "last_bn_h/FusedBatchNorm"
input: "last_scale_h/mul"
node {
name: "last_scale_h/BiasAdd"
op: "BiasAdd"
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node {
name: "last_relu"
op: "Relu"
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name: "conv6_1_h/Conv2D"
op: "Conv2D"
input: "last_relu"
input: "conv6_1_h/weights"
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op: "Relu"
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name: "Pad_2"
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name: "conv8_1_h/Conv2D"
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