framework: crewai topic: 'give me the complete voting record of senator marco rubio ' roles: data_researcher: backstory: Skilled in using various data search tools to find accurate information. goal: Gather relevant data on Senator Marco Rubio's voting record role: Data Researcher tasks: data_collection: description: Use provided search tools to collect voting records of Senator Marco Rubio from different sources. expected_output: A collection of CSV, XML or other data files containing the required information. tools: - '' data_processor: backstory: Expert in processing and cleaning raw data, preparing it for analysis or presentation. goal: Process and format collected data into a readable output role: Data Processor tasks: data_processing: description: Clean and process the collected voting records into a structured JSON format. expected_output: A JSON file containing Senator Marco Rubio's complete voting record. tools: - '' presenter: backstory: Skilled in extracting and summarizing information, presenting it in a clear and concise format. goal: Generate the final output for user consumption role: Presenter tasks: presentation_creation: description: Create an easily digestible presentation from the processed data on Senator Marco Rubio's voting record. expected_output: A well-structured text or multimedia output that highlights key aspects of Senator Marco Rubio's voting history. tools: - '' dependencies: []