removed add-context

pull/836/head 2.0
Jonathan Dunn 1 month ago
parent f054a3c40c
commit b01bedb54a

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ type Flags struct {
ListAllContexts bool `short:"x" long:"listcontexts" description:"List all contexts"`
ListAllSessions bool `short:"X" long:"listsessions" description:"List all sessions"`
UpdatePatterns bool `short:"U" long:"updatepatterns" description:"Update patterns"`
AddContext bool `short:"A" long:"addcontext" description:"Add a context"`
Message string `hidden:"true" description:"Message to send to chat"`
Copy bool `short:"c" long:"copy" description:"Copy to clipboard"`
Model string `short:"m" long:"model" description:"Choose model"`
