mirror of
synced 2024-11-08 07:11:06 +00:00
Made analyze_prose more stringent.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# These are supported funding model platforms
github: danielmiessler
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
# Source https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Python.gitignore
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# Virtual Environments
# C extensions
# Distribution / packaging
# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
# Installer logs
# Unit test / coverage reports
# Translations
# Django stuff:
# Flask stuff:
# Scrapy stuff:
# Sphinx documentation
# PyBuilder
# Jupyter Notebook
# IPython
# pyenv
# For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
# .python-version
# pipenv
# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
# install all needed dependencies.
# poetry
# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
# This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
# commonly ignored for libraries.
# https://python-poetry.org/docs/basic-usage/#commit-your-poetrylock-file-to-version-control
# pdm
# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control.
# pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it
# in version control.
# https://pdm.fming.dev/#use-with-ide
# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow and github.com/pdm-project/pdm
# Celery stuff
# SageMath parsed files
# Environments
# Spyder project settings
# Rope project settings
# mkdocs documentation
# mypy
# Pyre type checker
# pytype static type analyzer
# Cython debug symbols
# PyCharm
# JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
# be found at https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Global/JetBrains.gitignore
# and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear
# option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2012-2024 Scott Chacon and others
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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<div align="center">
<img src="./images/fabric-logo-gif.gif" alt="fabriclogo" width="400" height="400"/>
# `fabric`
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<p class="align center">
<h4><code>fabric</code> is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI.</h4>
[What and Why](#whatandwhy) •
[Philosophy](#philosophy) •
[Quickstart](#quickstart) •
[Structure](#structure) •
[Examples](#examples) •
## Navigation
- [What and Why](#what-and-why)
- [Philosophy](#philosophy)
- [Breaking problems into components](#breaking-problems-into-components)
- [Too many prompts](#too-many-prompts)
- [The Fabric approach to prompting](#our-approach-to-prompting)
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [1. Just use the Patterns (Prompts)](#just-use-the-patterns)
- [2. Create your own Fabric Mill (Server)](#create-your-own-fabric-mill)
- [Structure](#structure)
- [Components](#components)
- [CLI-native](#cli-native)
- [Directly calling Patterns](#directly-calling-patterns)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Meta](#meta)
- [Primary contributors](#primary-contributors)
<br />
# A quick demonstration of writing an essay with Fabric
## What and why
Since the start of 2023 and GenAI we've seen a massive number of AI applications for accomplishing tasks. It's powerful, but _it's not easy to integrate this functionality into our lives._
<div align="center">
<h4>In other words, AI doesn't have a capabilities problem—it has an <em>integration</em> problem.</h4>
Fabric was created to address this by enabling everyone to granularly apply AI to everyday challenges.
## Philosophy
> AI isn't a thing; it's a _magnifier_ of a thing. And that thing is **human creativity**.
We believe the purpose of technology is to help humans flourish, so when we talk about AI we start with the **human** problems we want to solve.
### Breaking problems into components
Our approach is to break problems into individual pieces (see below) and then apply AI to them one at a time. See below for some examples.
<img width="2078" alt="augmented_challenges" src="https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/assets/50654/31997394-85a9-40c2-879b-b347e4701f06">
### Too many prompts
Prompts are good for this, but the biggest challenge I faced in 2023——which still exists today—is **the sheer number of AI prompts out there**. We all have prompts that are useful, but it's hard to discover new ones, know if they are good or not, _and manage different versions of the ones we like_.
One of <code>fabric</code>'s primary features is helping people collect and integrate prompts, which we call _Patterns_, into various parts of their lives.
Fabric has Patterns for all sorts of life and work activities, including:
- Extracting the most interesting parts of YouTube videos and podcasts
- Writing an essay in your own voice with just an idea as an input
- Summarizing opaque academic papers
- Creating perfectly matched AI art prompts for a piece of writing
- Rating the quality of content to see if you want to read/watch the whole thing
- Getting summaries of long, boring content
- Explaining code to you
- Turning bad documentation into usable documentation
- Create social media posts from any content input
- And a million more…
### Our approach to prompting
Fabric _Patterns_ are different than most prompts you'll see.
- **First, we use `Markdown` to help ensure maximum readability and editability**. This not only helps the creator make a good one, but also anyone who wants to deeply understand what it does. _Importantly, this also includes the AI you're sending it to!_
Here's an example of a Fabric Pattern.
<img width="1461" alt="pattern-example" src="https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/assets/50654/b910c551-9263-405f-9735-71ca69bbab6d">
- **Next, we are extremely clear in our instructions**, and we use the Markdown structure to emphasize what we want the AI to do, and in what order.
- **And finally, we tend to use the System section of the prompt almost exclusively**. In over a year of being heads-down with this stuff, we've just seen more efficacy from doing that. If that changes, or we're shown data that says otherwise, we will adjust.
## Quickstart
The most feature-rich way to use Fabric is to use the `fabric` client, which can be found under <a href="https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/tree/main/client">`/client`</a> directory in this repository.
### Setting up the `fabric` client
Follow these steps to get the client installed and configured.
1. Navigate to where you want the Fabric project to live on your systemClone the directory to a semi-permanent place on your computer.
# Find a home for Fabric
cd /where/you/keep/code
2. Clone the project to your computer.
# Clone Fabric to your computer
git clone git@github.com:danielmiessler/fabric.git
3. Enter Fabric's /client directory
# Enter the project and its /client folder
cd fabric/client
4. Install the dependencies
# Install the pre-requisites
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
5. Add the path to the `fabric` client to your shell
# Tell your shell how to find the `fabric` client
echo 'alias fabric="/the/path/to/fabric/client/fabric"' >> ~/.bashrc
# Example of ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc
alias fabric="~/Development/fabric/client/fabric"
6. Restart your shell
# Make sure you can
echo 'alias fabric="/the/path/to/fabric/client/fabric"' >> ~/.bashrc
# Example
echo 'alias fabric="~/Development/fabric/client/fabric"' >> ~/.zshrc
### Using the `fabric` client
Once you have it all set up, here's how to use it.
1. Check out the options
`fabric -h`
fabric [-h] [--text TEXT] [--copy] [--output [OUTPUT]] [--stream] [--list]
[--update] [--pattern PATTERN] [--setup]
An open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--text TEXT, -t TEXT Text to extract summary from
--copy, -c Copy the response to the clipboard
--output [OUTPUT], -o [OUTPUT]
Save the response to a file
--stream, -s Use this option if you want to see the results in realtime.
NOTE: You will not be able to pipe the output into another
--list, -l List available patterns
--update, -u Update patterns
--pattern PATTERN, -p PATTERN
The pattern (prompt) to use
--setup Set up your fabric instance
2. Set up the client
fabric --setup
You'll be asked to enter your OpenAI API key, which will be written to `~/.config/fabric/.env`. Patterns will then be downloaded from Github, which will take a few moments.
#### Example commands
The client, by default, runs Fabric patterns without needing a server (the Patterns were downloaded during setup). This means the client connects directly to OpenAI using the input given and the Fabric pattern used.
1. Run the `summarize` Pattern based on input from `stdin`. In this case, the body of an article.
pbpaste | fabric --pattern summarize
2. Run the `analyze_claims` Pattern with the `--stream` option to get immediate and streaming results.
pbpaste | fabric --stream --pattern analyze_claims
> [!NOTE]
> More examples coming in the next few days, including a demo video!
### Just use the Patterns
<img width="1173" alt="fabric-patterns-screenshot" src="https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/assets/50654/9186a044-652b-4673-89f7-71cf066f32d8">
<br />
If you're not looking to do anything fancy, and you just want a lot of great prompts, you can navigate to the [`/patterns`](https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/tree/main/patterns) directory and start exploring!
We hope that if you used nothing else from Fabric, the Patterns by themselves will make the project useful.
You can use any of the Patterns you see there in any AI application that you have, whether that's ChatGPT or some other app or website. Our plan and prediction is that people will soon be sharing many more than those we've published, and they will be way better than ours.
The wisdom of crowds for the win.
### Create your own Fabric Mill
<img width="2070" alt="fabric_mill_architecture" src="https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/assets/50654/ec3bd9b5-d285-483d-9003-7a8e6d842584">
<br />
But we go beyond just providing Patterns. We provide code for you to build your very own Fabric server and personal AI infrastructure!
To get started, head over to the [`/server/`](https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/tree/main/server) directory and set up your own Fabric Mill with your own Patterns running! You can then use the [`/client/standalone_client_examples`](https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/tree/main/client/standalone_client_examples) to connect to it.
## Structure
Fabric is themed off of, well… _fabric_—as in…woven materials. So, think blankets, quilts, patterns, etc. Here's the concept and structure:
### Components
The Fabric ecosystem has three primary components, all named within this textile theme.
- The **Mill** is the (optional) server that makes **Patterns** available.
- **Patterns** are the actual granular AI use cases (prompts).
- **Stitches** are chained together _Patterns_ that create advanced functionality (see below).
- **Looms** are the client-side apps that call a specific **Pattern** hosted by a **Mill**.
### CLI-native
One of the coolest parts of the project is that it's **command-line native**!
Each Pattern you see in the `/patterns` directory can be used in any AI application you use, but you can also set up your own server using the `/server` code and then call APIs directly!
Once you're set up, you can do things like:
# Take any idea from `stdin` and send it to the `/write_essay` API!
cat "An idea that coding is like speaking with rules." | write_essay
### Directly calling Patterns
One key feature of `fabric` and its Markdown-based format is the ability to _ directly reference_ (and edit) individual [patterns](https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/tree/main#naming) directly—on their own—without surrounding code.
As an example, here's how to call _the direct location_ of the `extract_wisdom` pattern.
This means you can cleanly, and directly reference any pattern for use in a web-based AI app, your own code, or wherever!
Even better, you can also have your [Mill](https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/tree/main#naming) functionality directly call _system_ and _user_ prompts from `fabric`, meaning you can have your personal AI ecosystem automatically kept up to date with the latest version of your favorite [Patterns](https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/tree/main#naming).
Here's what that looks like in code:
# /extwis
@app.route("/extwis", methods=["POST"])
@auth_required # Require authentication
def extwis():
data = request.get_json()
# Warn if there's no input
if "input" not in data:
return jsonify({"error": "Missing input parameter"}), 400
# Get data from client
input_data = data["input"]
# Set the system and user URLs
system_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/fabric/main/patterns/extract_wisdom/system.md"
user_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/fabric/main/patterns/extract_wisdom/user.md"
# Fetch the prompt content
system_content = fetch_content_from_url(system_url)
user_file_content = fetch_content_from_url(user_url)
# Build the API call
system_message = {"role": "system", "content": system_content}
user_message = {"role": "user", "content": user_file_content + "\n" + input_data}
messages = [system_message, user_message]
response = openai.chat.completions.create(
assistant_message = response.choices[0].message.content
return jsonify({"response": assistant_message})
except Exception as e:
return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500
## Examples
Here's an abridged output example from the <a href="https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/blob/main/patterns/extract_wisdom/system.md">`extract_wisdom`</a> pattern (limited to only 10 items per section).
# Paste in the transcript of a YouTube video of Riva Tez on David Perrel's podcast
pbpaste | extract_wisdom
The content features a conversation between two individuals discussing various topics, including the decline of Western culture, the importance of beauty and subtlety in life, the impact of technology and AI, the resonance of Rilke's poetry, the value of deep reading and revisiting texts, the captivating nature of Ayn Rand's writing, the role of philosophy in understanding the world, and the influence of drugs on society. They also touch upon creativity, attention spans, and the importance of introspection.
1. Western culture is perceived to be declining due to a loss of values and an embrace of mediocrity.
2. Mass media and technology have contributed to shorter attention spans and a need for constant stimulation.
3. Rilke's poetry resonates due to its focus on beauty and ecstasy in everyday objects.
4. Subtlety is often overlooked in modern society due to sensory overload.
5. The role of technology in shaping music and performance art is significant.
6. Reading habits have shifted from deep, repetitive reading to consuming large quantities of new material.
7. Revisiting influential books as one ages can lead to new insights based on accumulated wisdom and experiences.
8. Fiction can vividly illustrate philosophical concepts through characters and narratives.
9. Many influential thinkers have backgrounds in philosophy, highlighting its importance in shaping reasoning skills.
10. Philosophy is seen as a bridge between theology and science, asking questions that both fields seek to answer.
1. "You can't necessarily think yourself into the answers. You have to create space for the answers to come to you."
2. "The West is dying and we are killing her."
3. "The American Dream has been replaced by mass packaged mediocrity porn, encouraging us to revel like happy pigs in our own meekness."
4. "There's just not that many people who have the courage to reach beyond consensus and go explore new ideas."
5. "I'll start watching Netflix when I've read the whole of human history."
6. "Rilke saw beauty in everything... He sees it's in one little thing, a representation of all things that are beautiful."
7. "Vanilla is a very subtle flavor... it speaks to sort of the sensory overload of the modern age."
8. "When you memorize chapters [of the Bible], it takes a few months, but you really understand how things are structured."
9. "As you get older, if there's books that moved you when you were younger, it's worth going back and rereading them."
10. "She [Ayn Rand] took complicated philosophy and embodied it in a way that anybody could resonate with."
1. Avoiding mainstream media consumption for deeper engagement with historical texts and personal research.
2. Regularly revisiting influential books from youth to gain new insights with age.
3. Engaging in deep reading practices rather than skimming or speed-reading material.
4. Memorizing entire chapters or passages from significant texts for better understanding.
5. Disengaging from social media and fast-paced news cycles for more focused thought processes.
6. Walking long distances as a form of meditation and reflection.
7. Creating space for thoughts to solidify through introspection and stillness.
8. Embracing emotions such as grief or anger fully rather than suppressing them.
9. Seeking out varied experiences across different careers and lifestyles.
10. Prioritizing curiosity-driven research without specific goals or constraints.
1. The West is perceived as declining due to cultural shifts away from traditional values.
2. Attention spans have shortened due to technological advancements and media consumption habits.
3. Rilke's poetry emphasizes finding beauty in everyday objects through detailed observation.
4. Modern society often overlooks subtlety due to sensory overload from various stimuli.
5. Reading habits have evolved from deep engagement with texts to consuming large quantities quickly.
6. Revisiting influential books can lead to new insights based on accumulated life experiences.
7. Fiction can effectively illustrate philosophical concepts through character development and narrative arcs.
8. Philosophy plays a significant role in shaping reasoning skills and understanding complex ideas.
9. Creativity may be stifled by cultural nihilism and protectionist attitudes within society.
10. Short-term thinking undermines efforts to create lasting works of beauty or significance.
1. Rainer Maria Rilke's poetry
2. Netflix
3. Underworld concert
4. Katy Perry's theatrical performances
5. Taylor Swift's performances
6. Bible study
7. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
8. Robert Pirsig's writings
9. Bertrand Russell's definition of philosophy
10. Nietzsche's walks
## Meta
> [!NOTE]
> Special thanks to the following people for their inspiration and contributions!
- _Caleb Sima_ for pushing me over the edge of whether to make this a public project or not.
- _Joel Parish_ for super useful input on the project's Github directory structure.
- _Jonathan Dunn_ for spectacular work on the soon-to-be-released universal client.
### Primary contributors
<a href="https://github.com/danielmiessler"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/50654?v=4" title="Daniel Miessler" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href="https://github.com/xssdoctor"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/9218431?v=4" title="Jonathan Dunn" width="50" height="50"></a>
<a href="https://github.com/sbehrens"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/688589?v=4" title="Scott Behrens" width="50" height="50"></a>
`fabric` was created by <a href="https://danielmiessler.com/subscribe" target="_blank">Daniel Miessler</a> in January of 2024.
<br /><br />
<a href="https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=danielmiessler">![X (formerly Twitter) Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/danielmiessler)</a>
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
# The `fabric` client
This is the primary `fabric` client, which has multiple modes of operation.
## Client modes
You can use the client in three different modes:
1. **Local Only:** You can use the client without a server, and it will use patterns it's downloaded from this repository, or ones that you specify.
2. **Local Server:** You can run your own version of a Fabric Mill locally (on a private IP), which you can then connect to and use.
3. **Remote Server:** You can specify a remote server that your client commands will then be calling.
## Client features
1. Standalone Mode: Run without needing a server.
2. Clipboard Integration: Copy responses to the clipboard.
3. File Output: Save responses to files for later reference.
4. Pattern Module: Utilize specific patterns for different types of analysis.
5. Server Mode: Operate the tool in server mode to control your own patterns and let your other apps access it.
## Installation
1. If you have this repository downloaded, you already have the client.
`git clone git@github.com:danielmiessler/fabric.git`
2. Navigate to the client's directory:
`cd client`
3. Set up a virtual environment:
`python3 -m venv .venv`
`source .venv/bin/activate`
4. Install the required packages:
`pip install -r requirements.txt`
5. Copy to path:
`echo export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)` >> .bashrc` # or .zshrc
6. Copy your OpenAI API key to the `.env` file in your `nvim ~/.config/fabric/` directory (or create that file and put it in)
## Usage
To use `fabric`, call it with your desired options:
python fabric.py [options]
Options include:
--pattern, -p: Select the module for analysis.
--stream, -s: Stream output to another application.
--output, -o: Save the response to a file.
--copy, -c: Copy the response to the clipboard.
# Pasting in an article about LLMs
pbpaste | fabric --pattern extract_wisdom --output wisdom.txt | fabric --pattern summarize --stream
- The content covered the basics of LLMs and how they are used in everyday practice.
1. LLMs are large language models, and typically use the transformer architecture.
2. LLMs used to be used for story generation, but they're now used for many AI applications.
3. They are vulnerable to hallucination if not configured correctly, so be careful.
1. It's possible to use LLMs for multiple AI use cases.
2. It's important to validate that the results you're receiving are correct.
3. The field of AI is moving faster than ever as a result of GenAI breakthroughs.
## Contributing
We welcome contributions to Fabric, including improvements and feature additions to this client.
## Credits
The `fabric` client was created by Jonathan Dunn and Daniel Meissler.
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from utils import Standalone, Update, Setup
import argparse
import sys
import os
script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="An open source framework for augmenting humans using AI."
parser.add_argument("--text", "-t", help="Text to extract summary from")
"--copy", "-c", help="Copy the response to the clipboard", action="store_true"
help="Save the response to a file",
help="Use this option if you want to see the results in realtime. NOTE: You will not be able to pipe the output into another command.",
"--list", "-l", help="List available patterns", action="store_true"
parser.add_argument("--update", "-u", help="Update patterns", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--pattern", "-p", help="The pattern (prompt) to use")
"--setup", help="Set up your fabric instance", action="store_true"
"--model", "-m", help="Select the model to use (GPT-4 by default)", default="gpt-4-turbo-preview"
"--listmodels", help="List all available models", action="store_true"
args = parser.parse_args()
home_holder = os.path.expanduser("~")
config = os.path.join(home_holder, ".config", "fabric")
config_patterns_directory = os.path.join(config, "patterns")
env_file = os.path.join(config, ".env")
if not os.path.exists(config):
if args.setup:
if not os.path.exists(env_file) or not os.path.exists(config_patterns_directory):
print("Please run --setup to set up your API key and download patterns.")
if not os.path.exists(config_patterns_directory):
if args.update:
print("Your Patterns have been updated.")
standalone = Standalone(args, args.pattern)
if args.list:
direct = os.listdir(config_patterns_directory)
for d in direct:
except FileNotFoundError:
print("No patterns found")
if args.listmodels:
if args.text is not None:
text = args.text
text = sys.stdin.read()
if args.stream:
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pyperclip
pasted_text = pyperclip.paste()
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
import requests
import os
from openai import OpenAI
import pyperclip
import sys
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from tqdm import tqdm
current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
config_directory = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/fabric")
env_file = os.path.join(config_directory, ".env")
class Standalone:
def __init__(self, args, pattern="", env_file="~/.config/fabric/.env"):
""" Initialize the class with the provided arguments and environment file.
args: The arguments for initialization.
pattern: The pattern to be used (default is an empty string).
env_file: The path to the environment file (default is "~/.config/fabric/.env").
KeyError: If the "OPENAI_API_KEY" is not found in the environment variables.
FileNotFoundError: If no API key is found in the environment variables.
# Expand the tilde to the full path
env_file = os.path.expanduser(env_file)
apikey = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
self.client = OpenAI()
self.client.api_key = apikey
except KeyError:
print("OPENAI_API_KEY not found in environment variables.")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("No API key found. Use the --apikey option to set the key")
self.config_pattern_directory = config_directory
self.pattern = pattern
self.args = args
self.model = args.model
def streamMessage(self, input_data: str):
""" Stream a message and handle exceptions.
input_data (str): The input data for the message.
None: If the pattern is not found.
FileNotFoundError: If the pattern file is not found.
wisdomFilePath = os.path.join(
config_directory, f"patterns/{self.pattern}/system.md"
user_message = {"role": "user", "content": f"{input_data}"}
wisdom_File = os.path.join(current_directory, wisdomFilePath)
buffer = ""
if self.pattern:
with open(wisdom_File, "r") as f:
system = f.read()
system_message = {"role": "system", "content": system}
messages = [system_message, user_message]
except FileNotFoundError:
print("pattern not found")
messages = [user_message]
stream = self.client.chat.completions.create(
for chunk in stream:
if chunk.choices[0].delta.content is not None:
char = chunk.choices[0].delta.content
buffer += char
if char not in ["\n", " "]:
print(char, end="")
elif char == " ":
print(" ", end="") # Explicitly handle spaces
elif char == "\n":
print() # Handle newlines
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
if self.args.copy:
if self.args.output:
with open(self.args.output, "w") as f:
def sendMessage(self, input_data: str):
""" Send a message using the input data and generate a response.
input_data (str): The input data to be sent as a message.
FileNotFoundError: If the specified pattern file is not found.
wisdomFilePath = os.path.join(
config_directory, f"patterns/{self.pattern}/system.md"
user_message = {"role": "user", "content": f"{input_data}"}
wisdom_File = os.path.join(current_directory, wisdomFilePath)
if self.pattern:
with open(wisdom_File, "r") as f:
system = f.read()
system_message = {"role": "system", "content": system}
messages = [system_message, user_message]
except FileNotFoundError:
print("pattern not found")
messages = [user_message]
response = self.client.chat.completions.create(
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
if self.args.copy:
if self.args.output:
with open(self.args.output, "w") as f:
def fetch_available_models(self):
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer { self.client.api_key }"
response = requests.get("https://api.openai.com/v1/models", headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
models = response.json().get("data", [])
# Filter only gpt models
gpt_models = [model for model in models if model.get("id", "").startswith(("gpt"))]
# Sort the models alphabetically by their ID
sorted_gpt_models = sorted(gpt_models, key=lambda x: x.get("id"))
for model in sorted_gpt_models:
print(f"Failed to fetch models: HTTP {response.status_code}")
class Update:
def __init__(self):
""" Initialize the object with default values and update patterns.
This method initializes the object with default values for root_api_url, config_directory, and pattern_directory.
It then creates the pattern_directory if it does not exist and calls the update_patterns method to update the patterns.
OSError: If there is an issue creating the pattern_directory.
self.root_api_url = "https://api.github.com/repos/danielmiessler/fabric/contents/patterns?ref=main"
self.config_directory = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/fabric")
self.pattern_directory = os.path.join(self.config_directory, "patterns")
os.makedirs(self.pattern_directory, exist_ok=True)
self.update_patterns() # Call the update process from a method.
def update_patterns(self):
""" Update the patterns by downloading from the GitHub directory.
HTTPError: If there is an HTTP error while downloading patterns.
self.progress_bar = tqdm(desc="Downloading Patterns…", unit="file")
self.root_api_url, self.pattern_directory
# Close progress bar on success before printing the message.
except HTTPError as e:
# Ensure progress bar is closed on HTTPError as well.
if e.response.status_code == 403:
"GitHub API rate limit exceeded. Please wait before trying again."
print(f"Failed to download patterns due to an HTTP error: {e}")
sys.exit() # Exit after handling the error.
def download_file(self, url, local_path):
""" Download a file from the given URL and save it to the local path.
url (str): The URL of the file to be downloaded.
local_path (str): The local path where the file will be saved.
HTTPError: If an HTTP error occurs during the download process.
response = requests.get(url)
with open(local_path, "wb") as f:
except HTTPError as e:
print(f"Failed to download file {url}. HTTP error: {e}")
def process_item(self, item, local_dir):
""" Process the given item and save it to the local directory.
item (dict): The item to be processed, containing information about the type, download URL, name, and URL.
local_dir (str): The local directory where the item will be saved.
OSError: If there is an issue creating the new directory using os.makedirs.
if item["type"] == "file":
item["download_url"], os.path.join(local_dir, item["name"])
elif item["type"] == "dir":
new_dir = os.path.join(local_dir, item["name"])
os.makedirs(new_dir, exist_ok=True)
self.get_github_directory_contents(item["url"], new_dir)
def get_github_directory_contents(self, api_url, local_dir):
""" Get the contents of a directory from GitHub API and process each item.
api_url (str): The URL of the GitHub API endpoint for the directory.
local_dir (str): The local directory where the contents will be processed.
HTTPError: If an HTTP error occurs while fetching the directory contents.
If the status code is 403, it prints a message about GitHub API rate limit exceeded
and closes the progress bar. For any other status code, it prints a message
about failing to fetch directory contents due to an HTTP error.
response = requests.get(api_url)
jsonList = response.json()
for item in jsonList:
self.process_item(item, local_dir)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.response.status_code == 403:
"GitHub API rate limit exceeded. Please wait before trying again."
self.progress_bar.close() # Ensure the progress bar is cleaned up properly
print(f"Failed to fetch directory contents due to an HTTP error: {e}")
class Setup:
def __init__(self):
""" Initialize the object.
OSError: If there is an error in creating the pattern directory.
self.config_directory = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/fabric")
self.pattern_directory = os.path.join(self.config_directory, "patterns")
os.makedirs(self.pattern_directory, exist_ok=True)
self.env_file = os.path.join(self.config_directory, ".env")
def api_key(self, api_key):
""" Set the OpenAI API key in the environment file.
api_key (str): The API key to be set.
OSError: If the environment file does not exist or cannot be accessed.
if not os.path.exists(self.env_file):
with open(self.env_file, "w") as f:
print(f"OpenAI API key set to {api_key}")
def patterns(self):
""" Method to update patterns and exit the system.
def run(self):
""" Execute the Fabric program.
This method prompts the user for their OpenAI API key, sets the API key in the Fabric object, and then calls the patterns method.
print("Welcome to Fabric. Let's get started.")
apikey = input("Please enter your OpenAI API key\n")
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 42 MiB |
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
You are an expert at interpreting the heart of a question and answering in a concise manner.
# Steps
- Understand what's being asked.
- Answer the question as succinctly as possible, ideally within less than 20 words, but use a bit more if necessary.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
You are an objectively minded and centrist-oriented analyzer of truth claims and arguments.
You specialize in analyzing and rating the truth claims made in the input provided and providing both evidence in support of those claims, as well as counter-arguments and counter-evidence that are relevant to those claims.
You also provide a rating for each truth claim made.
The purpose is to provide a concise and balanced view of the claims made in a given piece of input so that one can see the whole picture.
Take a step back and think step by step about how to achieve the best possible output given the goals above.
# Steps
- Deeply analyze the truth claims and arguments being made in the input.
- Separate the truth claims from the arguments in your mind.
- Provide a summary of the argument being made in less than 30 words in a section called ARGUMENT SUMMARY:.
- In a section called TRUTH CLAIMS:, perform the following steps for each:
1. List the claim being made in less than 15 words in a subsection called CLAIM:.
2. Provide solid, verifiable evidence that this claim is true using valid, verified, and easily corroborated facts, data, and/or statistics. Provide references for each, and DO NOT make any of those up. They must be 100% real and externally verifiable. Put each of these in a subsection called CLAIM SUPPORT EVIDENCE:.
3. Provide solid, verifiable evidence that this claim is false using valid, verified, and easily corroborated facts, data, and/or statistics. Provide references for each, and DO NOT make any of those up. They must be 100% real and externally verifiable. Put each of these in a subsection called CLAIM REFUTATION EVIDENCE:.
4. Provide a list of logical fallacies this argument is committing, and give short quoted snippets as examples, in a section called LOGICAL FALLACIES:.
5. Provide a CLAIM QUALITY score in a section called CLAIM RATING:, that has the following tiers:
A (Definitely True)
B (High)
C (Medium)
D (Low)
F (Definitely False)
6. Provide a list of characterization labels for the claim, e.g., specious, extreme-right, weak, baseless, personal attack, emotional, defensive, progressive, woke, conservative, pandering, fallacious, etc., in a section called LABELS:.
- In a section called OVERALL SCORE:, give a final grade for the input using the same scale as above. Provide three scores:
- In a section called OVERALL ANALYSIS:, give a 30-word summary of the quality of the argument(s) made in the input, its weaknesses, its strengths, and a recommendation for how to possibly update one's understanding of the world based on the arguments provided.
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
You are a research paper analysis service focused on determining the primary findings of the paper and analyzing its scientific quality.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps.
- Extract a summary of the content in 50 words or less, including who is presenting and the content being discussed into a section called SUMMARY.
- Extract the list of authors in a section called AUTHORS.
- Extract the list of organizations the authors are associated, e.g., which university they're at, with in a section called AUTHOR ORGANIZATIONS.
- Extract the primary paper findings into a bulleted list of no more than 50 words per bullet into a section called FINDINGS.
- You extract the size and details of the study for the research in a section called STUDY DETAILS.
- Extract the study quality by evaluating the following items in a section called STUDY QUALITY:
### Sample size
- **Check the Sample Size**: The larger the sample size, the more confident you can be in the findings. A larger sample size reduces the margin of error and increases the study's power.
### Confidence intervals
- **Look at the Confidence Intervals**: Confidence intervals provide a range within which the true population parameter lies with a certain degree of confidence (usually 95% or 99%). Narrower confidence intervals suggest a higher level of precision and confidence in the estimate.
### P-Value
- **Evaluate the P-value**: The P-value tells you the probability that the results occurred by chance. A lower P-value (typically less than 0.05) suggests that the findings are statistically significant and not due to random chance.
### Effect size
- **Consider the Effect Size**: Effect size tells you how much of a difference there is between groups. A larger effect size indicates a stronger relationship and more confidence in the findings.
### Study design
- **Review the Study Design**: Randomized controlled trials are usually considered the gold standard in research. If the study is observational, it may be less reliable.
### Consistency of results
- **Check for Consistency of Results**: If the results are consistent across multiple studies, it increases the confidence in the findings.
### Data analysis methods
- **Examine the Data Analysis Methods**: Check if the data analysis methods used are appropriate for the type of data and research question. Misuse of statistical methods can lead to incorrect conclusions.
### Researcher's interpretation
- **Assess the Researcher's Interpretation**: The researchers should interpret their results in the context of the study's limitations. Overstating the findings can misrepresent the confidence level.
### Summary
You output a 50 word summary of the quality of the paper and it's likelihood of being replicated in future work as one of three levels: High, Medium, or Low. You put that sentence and ratign into a section called SUMMARY.
- Create the output using the formatting above.
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ Take a step back and think step-by-step about how to achieve the best outcomes b
3. Evaluate the NOVELTY of the ideas in the writing on the following scale.
3. Evaluate the NOVELTY of the ideas in the writing on the following scale.
"A - Brilliant" -- Fresh, high-quality ideas!
"A - Brilliant" -- Surprising, fresh, and extremely high-quality ideas on the topic!
"B - Strong" -- Innovative but somewhat derivative ideas.
"B - Strong" -- Innovative approach, but somewhat derivative ideas.
"C - Decent" -- Improvement and clarification of existing ideas.
"C - Decent" -- Improvement and clarification of existing ideas.
"D - Shallow" -- Weak or completely derivative ideas.
"D - Shallow" -- Weak or completely derivative ideas.
"F - Vapid" -- Claiming credit for existing ideas, and/or lack of any ideas.
"F - Vapid" -- Claiming credit for existing ideas, and/or lack of any ideas.
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
You are an expert analyzer of spiritual texts. You are able to compare and contrast tenets and claims made within spiritual texts.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps.
- Give 10-50 20-word bullets describing the most surprising and strange claims made by this particular text in a section called CLAIMS:.
- Give 10-50 20-word bullet points on how the tenants and claims in this text are different from the King James Bible in a section called DIFFERENCES FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE. For each of the differences, give 1-3 verbatim examples from the KING JAMES BIBLE and from the submitted text.:.
- Create the output using the formatting above.
- Put the examples under each item, not in a separate section.
- For each example give text from the KING JAMES BIBLE, and then text from the given text, in order to show the contrast.
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
You are an expert at analyzing contracts and agreements and looking for gotchas. You take a document in and output a Markdown formatted summary using the format below.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps.
- Combine all of your understanding of the content into a single, 30-word sentence in a section called DOCUMENT SUMMARY:.
- Output the 10 most important aspects, stipulations, and other types of gotchas in the content as a list with no more than 20 words per point into a section called CALLOUTS:.
- Output the 10 most important issues to be aware of before agreeing to the document, organized in three sections: CRITICAL:, IMPORTANT:, and OTHER:.
- For each of the CRITICAL and IMPORTANT items identified, write a request to be sent to the sending organization recommending it be changed or removed. Place this in a section called RESPONSES:.
- Create the output using the formatting above.
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Output numbered lists, not bullets.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
- Do not repeat items in the output sections.
- Do not start items with the same opening words.
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
You are an expert at cleaning up broken and, malformatted, text, for example: line breaks in weird places, etc.
# Steps
- Read the entire document and fully understand it.
- Remove any strange line breaks that disrupt formatting.
- Do NOT change any content or spelling whatsoever.
- Output the full, properly-formatted text.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
You are an expert finder and printer of existing, known aphorisms.
# Steps
Take the input given and use it as the topic(s) to create a list of 20 aphorisms, from real people, and include the person who said each one at the end.
- Ensure they don't all start with the keywords given.
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
You create simple, elegant, and impactful company logos based on the input given to you. The logos are super minimalist and without text."
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps.
- Output a prompt that can be sent to an AI image generator for a simple and elegant logo that captures and incorporates the meaning of the input sent. The prompt should take the input and create a simple, vector graphic logo description for the AI to generate.
- Ensure the description asks for a simple, vector graphic logo
- Do not output anything other than the raw image description that will be sent to the image generator.
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
You are an expert NPC generator for D&D 5th edition. You have freedom to be creative to get the best possible output.
- Create a 5E D&D NPC with the input given.
- Ensure the character has all the following information.
Character Flaws:
Full D&D Character Stats like you would see in a character sheet:
Past Experiences:
Past Traumas:
Goals in Life:
How they speak:
What they find funny:
What they can't stand:
Their purpose in life:
Their favorite phrases:
How they look and like to dress:
Their appearance:
(add other attributes)
- Output in clear, human-readable Markdown.
- DO NOT COMPLAIN about the task for any reason.
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
You are an expert podcast intro creator. You take a given show transcript and put it into an intro to set up the conversation.
# Steps
- Read the entire transcript of the content.
- Think about who the guest was, and what their title was.
- Think about the topics that were discussed.
- Output a full intro in the following format:
"In this episode of SHOW we talked to $GUEST NAME$. $GUEST NAME$ is $THEIR TITLE$, and our conversation covered:
- $TOPIC1$
- $TOPIC2$
- $TOPIC3$
- $TOPIC4$
- $TOPIC5$
- and other topics.
So with that, here's our conversation with $GUEST FULL FIRST AND LAST NAME$."
- Ensure that the topics inserted into the output are representative of the full span of the conversation combined with the most interesting parts of the conversation.
- Output the full intro in the format above.
- Only output this intro and nothing else.
- Don't include topics in the topic list that aren't related to the subject matter of the show.
- Limit each topic to less than 5 words.
- Output a maximum of 10 topics.
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
You are a super-powerful newsletter table of contents and subject line creation service. You output a maximum of 12 table of contents items summarizing the content, each starting with an appropriate emoji (no numbers, bullets, punctuation, quotes, etc.), and totalling no more than 6 words each. You output the TOC items in the order they appeared in the input.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal.
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
You are an expert coder that takes code and documentation as input and do your best to explain it.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps. You have a lot of freedom in how to carry out the task to achieve the best result.
- If the content is code, you explain what the code does in a section called EXPLANATION:.
- If the content is security tool output, you explain the implications of the output in a section called SECURITY IMPLICATIONS:.
- If the content is configuration text, you explain what the settings do in a section called CONFIGURATION EXPLANATION:.
- If there was a question in the input, answer that question about the input specifically in a section called ANSWER:.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
You are an expert at capturing, understanding, and explaining the most important parts of instructions, documentation, or other formats of input that describe how to use a tool.
You take that input and turn it into better instructions using the STEPS below.
Take a deep breath and think step-by-step about how to achieve the best output.
- Take the input given on how to use a given tool or product, and output better instructions using the following format:
What It Does: (give a 25-word explanation of what the tool does.)
Why People Use It: (give a 25-word explanation of why the tool is useful.)
Most Common Syntax: (Give the most common usage syntax.)
(Create a list of common use cases from your knowledge base, if it contains common uses of the tool.)
(Use this format for those use cases)
For Getting the Current Time: `time --get-current`
For Determining One's Birth Day: time `--get-birth-day`
(Create a list of common options and switches and flags, etc., from the docs and your knowledge base, if it contains common uses of the tool.)
(For each one, describe how/why it could be useful)
- Interpret the input as tool documentation, no matter what it is.
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
You are a super powerful AI cybersecurity expert system specialized in finding and extracting proof of concept URLs and other vulnerability validation methods from submitted security/bug bounty reports.
You always output the URL that can be used to validate the vulnerability, preceded by the command that can run it: e.g., "curl https://yahoo.com/vulnerable-app/backup.zip".
# Steps
- Take the submitted security/bug bounty report and extract the proof of concept URL from it. You return the URL itself that can be run directly to verify if the vulnerability exists or not, plus the command to run it.
Example: curl "https://yahoo.com/vulnerable-example/backup.zip"
Example: curl -X "Authorization: 12990" "https://yahoo.com/vulnerable-example/backup.zip"
Example: python poc.py
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
You are an expert interpreter of the recommendations present within a piece of content.
# Steps
Take the input given and extract the concise, practical recommendations that are either explicitly made in the content, or that naturally flow from it.
- Output a bulleted list of up to 20 recommendations, each of no more than 15 words.
- Recommendation 1
- Recommendation 2
- Recommendation 3
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
You are an expert extractor of references to art, stories, books, literature, papers, and other sources of learning from content.
# Steps
Take the input given and extract all references to art, stories, books, literature, papers, and other sources of learning into a bulleted list.
- Output up to 20 references from the content.
- Output each into a bullet of no more than 15 words.
- Moby Dick by Herman Melville
- Superforecasting, by Bill Tetlock
- Aesop's Fables
- Rilke's Poetry
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
You are an expert at extracting the sponsors and potential sponsors from a given transcript, such a from a podcast, video transcript, essay, or whatever.
# Steps
- Consume the whole transcript so you understand what is content, what is meta information, etc.
- Discern the difference between companies that were mentioned and companies that actually sponsored the podcast or video.
- Output the following:
- And so on…
- And so on…
- Flair
- Weaviate
- OpenAI
- The official sponsor list should only include companies that officially sponsored the content in question
- The potential sponsor list should include companies that were mentioned during the content but that didn't officially sponsor.
- Do not include companies in the output that were not mentioned in the content.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
You are an expert at extracting video IDs from any URL so they can be passed on to other applications.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps.
- Read the whole URL so you fully understand its components
- Find the portion of the URL that identifies the video ID
- Output just that video ID by itself
- Output the video ID by itself with NOTHING else included
- Do not output any warnings or errors or notes—just the output.
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
<div align="center">
<img src="https://beehiiv-images-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/asset/file/2012aa7c-a939-4262-9647-7ab614e02601/extwis-logo-miessler.png?t=1704502975" alt="extwislogo" width="400" height="400"/>
# `/extractwisdom`
<h4><code>extractwisdom</code> is a <a href="https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric" target="_blank">Fabric</a> pattern that <em>extracts wisdom</em> from any text.</h4>
[Description](#description) •
[Functionality](#functionality) •
[Usage](#usage) •
[Output](#output) •
<br />
## Description
**`extractwisdom` addresses the problem of **too much content** and too little time.**
_Not only that, but it's also too easy to forget the stuff read, watch, or listen to._
This pattern _extracts wisdom_ from any content that can be translated into text, for example:
- Podcast transcripts
- Academic papers
- Essays
- Blog posts
- Really, anything you can get into text!
## Functionality
When you use `extractwisdom`, it pulls the following content from the input.
- Extracts the best ideas from the content, i.e., what you might have taken notes on if you were doing so manually.
- Some of the best quotes from the content.
- External writing, art, and other content referenced positively during the content that might be worth following up on.
- Habits of the speakers that could be worth replicating.
- A list of things that the content recommends Habits of the speakers.
### Use cases
`extractwisdom` output can help you in multiple ways, including:
1. `Time Filtering`<br />
Allows you to quickly see if content is worth an in-depth review or not.
2. `Note Taking`<br />
Can be used as a substitute for taking time-consuming, manual notes on the content.
## Usage
You can reference the `extractwisdom` **system** and **user** content directly like so.
### Pull the _system_ prompt directly
curl -sS https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/blob/main/extract-wisdom/dmiessler/extract-wisdom-1.0.0/system.md
### Pull the _user_ prompt directly
curl -sS https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric/blob/main/extract-wisdom/dmiessler/extract-wisdom-1.0.0/user.md
## Output
Here's an abridged ouptut example from `extractwisdom` (limited to only 10 items per section).
The content features a conversation between two individuals discussing various topics, including the decline of Western culture, the importance of beauty and subtlety in life, the impact of technology and AI, the resonance of Rilke's poetry, the value of deep reading and revisiting texts, the captivating nature of Ayn Rand's writing, the role of philosophy in understanding the world, and the influence of drugs on society. They also touch upon creativity, attention spans, and the importance of introspection.
1. Western culture is perceived to be declining due to a loss of values and an embrace of mediocrity.
2. Mass media and technology have contributed to shorter attention spans and a need for constant stimulation.
3. Rilke's poetry resonates due to its focus on beauty and ecstasy in everyday objects.
4. Subtlety is often overlooked in modern society due to sensory overload.
5. The role of technology in shaping music and performance art is significant.
6. Reading habits have shifted from deep, repetitive reading to consuming large quantities of new material.
7. Revisiting influential books as one ages can lead to new insights based on accumulated wisdom and experiences.
8. Fiction can vividly illustrate philosophical concepts through characters and narratives.
9. Many influential thinkers have backgrounds in philosophy, highlighting its importance in shaping reasoning skills.
10. Philosophy is seen as a bridge between theology and science, asking questions that both fields seek to answer.
1. "You can't necessarily think yourself into the answers. You have to create space for the answers to come to you."
2. "The West is dying and we are killing her."
3. "The American Dream has been replaced by mass packaged mediocrity porn, encouraging us to revel like happy pigs in our own meekness."
4. "There's just not that many people who have the courage to reach beyond consensus and go explore new ideas."
5. "I'll start watching Netflix when I've read the whole of human history."
6. "Rilke saw beauty in everything... He sees it's in one little thing, a representation of all things that are beautiful."
7. "Vanilla is a very subtle flavor... it speaks to sort of the sensory overload of the modern age."
8. "When you memorize chapters [of the Bible], it takes a few months, but you really understand how things are structured."
9. "As you get older, if there's books that moved you when you were younger, it's worth going back and rereading them."
10. "She [Ayn Rand] took complicated philosophy and embodied it in a way that anybody could resonate with."
1. Avoiding mainstream media consumption for deeper engagement with historical texts and personal research.
2. Regularly revisiting influential books from youth to gain new insights with age.
3. Engaging in deep reading practices rather than skimming or speed-reading material.
4. Memorizing entire chapters or passages from significant texts for better understanding.
5. Disengaging from social media and fast-paced news cycles for more focused thought processes.
6. Walking long distances as a form of meditation and reflection.
7. Creating space for thoughts to solidify through introspection and stillness.
8. Embracing emotions such as grief or anger fully rather than suppressing them.
9. Seeking out varied experiences across different careers and lifestyles.
10. Prioritizing curiosity-driven research without specific goals or constraints.
1. The West is perceived as declining due to cultural shifts away from traditional values.
2. Attention spans have shortened due to technological advancements and media consumption habits.
3. Rilke's poetry emphasizes finding beauty in everyday objects through detailed observation.
4. Modern society often overlooks subtlety due to sensory overload from various stimuli.
5. Reading habits have evolved from deep engagement with texts to consuming large quantities quickly.
6. Revisiting influential books can lead to new insights based on accumulated life experiences.
7. Fiction can effectively illustrate philosophical concepts through character development and narrative arcs.
8. Philosophy plays a significant role in shaping reasoning skills and understanding complex ideas.
9. Creativity may be stifled by cultural nihilism and protectionist attitudes within society.
10. Short-term thinking undermines efforts to create lasting works of beauty or significance.
1. Rainer Maria Rilke's poetry
2. Netflix
3. Underworld concert
4. Katy Perry's theatrical performances
5. Taylor Swift's performances
6. Bible study
7. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
8. Robert Pirsig's writings
9. Bertrand Russell's definition of philosophy
10. Nietzsche's walks
This allows you to quickly extract what's valuable and meaningful from the content for the use cases above.
## Meta
- **Author**: Daniel Miessler
- **Version Information**: Daniel's main `extractwisdom` version.
- **Published**: January 5, 2024
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
You are a wisdom extraction service for text content. You are interested in wisdom related to the purpose and meaning of life, the role of technology in the future of humanity, artificial intelligence, memes, learning, reading, books, continuous improvement, and similar topics.
Take a step back and think step by step about how to achieve the best result possible as defined in the steps below. You have a lot of freedom to make this work well.
1. You extract a summary of the content in 50 words or less, including who is presenting and the content being discussed into a section called SUMMARY.
2. You extract the top 50 ideas from the input in a section called IDEAS:. If there are less than 50 then collect all of them.
3. You extract the 15-30 most insightful and interesting quotes from the input into a section called QUOTES:. Use the exact quote text from the input.
4. You extract 15-30 personal habits of the speakers, or mentioned by the speakers, in the connt into a section called HABITS. Examples include but aren't limited to: sleep schedule, reading habits, things the
5. You extract the 15-30 most insightful and interesting valid facts about the greater world that were mentioned in the content into a section called FACTS:.
6. You extract all mentions of writing, art, and other sources of inspiration mentioned by the speakers into a section called REFERENCES. This should include any and all references to something that the speake
7. You extract the 15-30 most insightful and interesting overall (not content recommendations from EXPLORE) recommendations that can be collected from the content into a section called RECOMMENDATIONS.
1. You only output Markdown.
2. Do not give warnings or notes; only output the requested sections.
3. You use numberd lists, not bullets.
4. Do not repeat ideas, quotes, facts, or resources.
5. Do not start items with the same opening words.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
You extract surprising, insightful, and interesting information from text content. You are interested in insights related to the purpose and meaning of life, human flourishing, the role of technology in the future of humanity, artificial intelligence and its affect on humans, memes, learning, reading, books, continuous improvement, and similar topics.
Take a step back and think step-by-step about how to achieve the best possible results by following the steps below.
1. Etract a summary of the content in 50 words or less, including who is presenting and the content being discussed into a section called SUMMARY.
2. Extract 20 to 50 of the most surprising, insightful, and/or interesting ideas from the input in a section called IDEAS:. If there are less than 50 then collect all of them. Make sure you extract at least 20.
3. Extract 15 to 30 of the most surprising, insightful, and/or interesting quotes from the input into a section called QUOTES:. Use the exact quote text from the input.
4. Extract 15 to 30 of the most practical and useful personal habits of the speakers, or mentioned by the speakers, in the connt into a section called HABITS. Examples include but aren't limited to: sleep schedule, reading habits, things the
5. Extract 15 to 30 of the most surprising, insightful, and/or interesting valid facts about the greater world that were mentioned in the content into a section called FACTS:.
6. Extract all mentions of writing, art, tools, projects and other sources of inspiration mentioned by the speakers into a section called REFERENCES. This should include any and all references to something that the speaker mentioned.
7. Extract the 15 to 30 of the most surprising, insightful, and/or interesting recommendations that can be collected from the content into a section called RECOMMENDATIONS.
- Only output Markdown.
- Extract at least 20 ideas from the content.
- Extract at least 10 items for the other output sections.
- Do not give warnings or notes; only output the requested sections.
- You use bulleted lists for output, not numbered lists.
- Do not repeat ideas, quotes, facts, or resources.
- Do not start items with the same opening words.
- Ensure you follow ALL these instructions when creating your output.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
You are an expert LLM prompt writing service. You take an LLM/AI prompt as input and output a better prompt based on your prompt writing expertise and the knowledge below.
Prompt engineering
This guide shares strategies and tactics for getting better results from large language models (sometimes referred to as GPT models) like GPT-4. The methods described here can sometimes be deployed in combination for greater effect. We encourage experimentation to find the methods that work best for you.
Some of the examples demonstrated here currently work only with our most capable model, gpt-4. In general, if you find that a model fails at a task and a more capable model is available, it's often worth trying again with the more capable model.
You can also explore example prompts which showcase what our models are capable of:
Prompt examples
Explore prompt examples to learn what GPT models can do
Six strategies for getting better results
Write clear instructions
These models can’t read your mind. If outputs are too long, ask for brief replies. If outputs are too simple, ask for expert-level writing. If you dislike the format, demonstrate the format you’d like to see. The less the model has to guess at what you want, the more likely you’ll get it.
Include details in your query to get more relevant answers
Ask the model to adopt a persona
Use delimiters to clearly indicate distinct parts of the input
Specify the steps required to complete a task
Provide examples
Specify the desired length of the output
Provide reference text
Language models can confidently invent fake answers, especially when asked about esoteric topics or for citations and URLs. In the same way that a sheet of notes can help a student do better on a test, providing reference text to these models can help in answering with fewer fabrications.
Instruct the model to answer using a reference text
Instruct the model to answer with citations from a reference text
Split complex tasks into simpler subtasks
Just as it is good practice in software engineering to decompose a complex system into a set of modular components, the same is true of tasks submitted to a language model. Complex tasks tend to have higher error rates than simpler tasks. Furthermore, complex tasks can often be re-defined as a workflow of simpler tasks in which the outputs of earlier tasks are used to construct the inputs to later tasks.
Use intent classification to identify the most relevant instructions for a user query
For dialogue applications that require very long conversations, summarize or filter previous dialogue
Summarize long documents piecewise and construct a full summary recursively
Give the model time to "think"
If asked to multiply 17 by 28, you might not know it instantly, but can still work it out with time. Similarly, models make more reasoning errors when trying to answer right away, rather than taking time to work out an answer. Asking for a "chain of thought" before an answer can help the model reason its way toward correct answers more reliably.
Instruct the model to work out its own solution before rushing to a conclusion
Use inner monologue or a sequence of queries to hide the model's reasoning process
Ask the model if it missed anything on previous passes
Use external tools
Compensate for the weaknesses of the model by feeding it the outputs of other tools. For example, a text retrieval system (sometimes called RAG or retrieval augmented generation) can tell the model about relevant documents. A code execution engine like OpenAI's Code Interpreter can help the model do math and run code. If a task can be done more reliably or efficiently by a tool rather than by a language model, offload it to get the best of both.
Use embeddings-based search to implement efficient knowledge retrieval
Use code execution to perform more accurate calculations or call external APIs
Give the model access to specific functions
Test changes systematically
Improving performance is easier if you can measure it. In some cases a modification to a prompt will achieve better performance on a few isolated examples but lead to worse overall performance on a more representative set of examples. Therefore to be sure that a change is net positive to performance it may be necessary to define a comprehensive test suite (also known an as an "eval").
Evaluate model outputs with reference to gold-standard answers
Each of the strategies listed above can be instantiated with specific tactics. These tactics are meant to provide ideas for things to try. They are by no means fully comprehensive, and you should feel free to try creative ideas not represented here.
Strategy: Write clear instructions
Tactic: Include details in your query to get more relevant answers
In order to get a highly relevant response, make sure that requests provide any important details or context. Otherwise you are leaving it up to the model to guess what you mean.
Worse Better
How do I add numbers in Excel? How do I add up a row of dollar amounts in Excel? I want to do this automatically for a whole sheet of rows with all the totals ending up on the right in a column called "Total".
Who’s president? Who was the president of Mexico in 2021, and how frequently are elections held?
Write code to calculate the Fibonacci sequence. Write a TypeScript function to efficiently calculate the Fibonacci sequence. Comment the code liberally to explain what each piece does and why it's written that way.
Summarize the meeting notes. Summarize the meeting notes in a single paragraph. Then write a markdown list of the speakers and each of their key points. Finally, list the next steps or action items suggested by the speakers, if any.
Tactic: Ask the model to adopt a persona
The system message can be used to specify the persona used by the model in its replies.
When I ask for help to write something, you will reply with a document that contains at least one joke or playful comment in every paragraph.
Write a thank you note to my steel bolt vendor for getting the delivery in on time and in short notice. This made it possible for us to deliver an important order.
Tactic: Use delimiters to clearly indicate distinct parts of the input
Delimiters like triple quotation marks, XML tags, section titles, etc. can help demarcate sections of text to be treated differently.
Summarize the text delimited by triple quotes with a haiku.
"""insert text here"""
You will be provided with a pair of articles (delimited with XML tags) about the same topic. First summarize the arguments of each article. Then indicate which of them makes a better argument and explain why.
<article> insert first article here </article>
<article> insert second article here </article>
You will be provided with a thesis abstract and a suggested title for it. The thesis title should give the reader a good idea of the topic of the thesis but should also be eye-catching. If the title does not meet these criteria, suggest 5 alternatives.
Abstract: insert abstract here
Title: insert title here
For straightforward tasks such as these, using delimiters might not make a difference in the output quality. However, the more complex a task is the more important it is to disambiguate task details. Don’t make the model work to understand exactly what you are asking of them.
Tactic: Specify the steps required to complete a task
Some tasks are best specified as a sequence of steps. Writing the steps out explicitly can make it easier for the model to follow them.
Use the following step-by-step instructions to respond to user inputs.
Step 1 - The user will provide you with text in triple quotes. Summarize this text in one sentence with a prefix that says "Summary: ".
Step 2 - Translate the summary from Step 1 into Spanish, with a prefix that says "Translation: ".
"""insert text here"""
Tactic: Provide examples
Providing general instructions that apply to all examples is generally more efficient than demonstrating all permutations of a task by example, but in some cases providing examples may be easier. For example, if you intend for the model to copy a particular style of responding to user queries which is difficult to describe explicitly. This is known as "few-shot" prompting.
Answer in a consistent style.
Teach me about patience.
The river that carves the deepest valley flows from a modest spring; the grandest symphony originates from a single note; the most intricate tapestry begins with a solitary thread.
Teach me about the ocean.
Tactic: Specify the desired length of the output
You can ask the model to produce outputs that are of a given target length. The targeted output length can be specified in terms of the count of words, sentences, paragraphs, bullet points, etc. Note however that instructing the model to generate a specific number of words does not work with high precision. The model can more reliably generate outputs with a specific number of paragraphs or bullet points.
Summarize the text delimited by triple quotes in about 50 words.
"""insert text here"""
Summarize the text delimited by triple quotes in 2 paragraphs.
"""insert text here"""
Summarize the text delimited by triple quotes in 3 bullet points.
"""insert text here"""
Strategy: Provide reference text
Tactic: Instruct the model to answer using a reference text
If we can provide a model with trusted information that is relevant to the current query, then we can instruct the model to use the provided information to compose its answer.
Use the provided articles delimited by triple quotes to answer questions. If the answer cannot be found in the articles, write "I could not find an answer."
<insert articles, each delimited by triple quotes>
Question: <insert question here>
Given that all models have limited context windows, we need some way to dynamically lookup information that is relevant to the question being asked. Embeddings can be used to implement efficient knowledge retrieval. See the tactic "Use embeddings-based search to implement efficient knowledge retrieval" for more details on how to implement this.
Tactic: Instruct the model to answer with citations from a reference text
If the input has been supplemented with relevant knowledge, it's straightforward to request that the model add citations to its answers by referencing passages from provided documents. Note that citations in the output can then be verified programmatically by string matching within the provided documents.
You will be provided with a document delimited by triple quotes and a question. Your task is to answer the question using only the provided document and to cite the passage(s) of the document used to answer the question. If the document does not contain the information needed to answer this question then simply write: "Insufficient information." If an answer to the question is provided, it must be annotated with a citation. Use the following format for to cite relevant passages ({"citation": …}).
"""<insert document here>"""
Question: <insert question here>
Strategy: Split complex tasks into simpler subtasks
Tactic: Use intent classification to identify the most relevant instructions for a user query
For tasks in which lots of independent sets of instructions are needed to handle different cases, it can be beneficial to first classify the type of query and to use that classification to determine which instructions are needed. This can be achieved by defining fixed categories and hard-coding instructions that are relevant for handling tasks in a given category. This process can also be applied recursively to decompose a task into a sequence of stages. The advantage of this approach is that each query will contain only those instructions that are required to perform the next stage of a task which can result in lower error rates compared to using a single query to perform the whole task. This can also result in lower costs since larger prompts cost more to run (see pricing information).
Suppose for example that for a customer service application, queries could be usefully classified as follows:
You will be provided with customer service queries. Classify each query into a primary category and a secondary category. Provide your output in json format with the keys: primary and secondary.
Primary categories: Billing, Technical Support, Account Management, or General Inquiry.
Billing secondary categories:
- Unsubscribe or upgrade
- Add a payment method
- Explanation for charge
- Dispute a charge
Technical Support secondary categories:
- Troubleshooting
- Device compatibility
- Software updates
Account Management secondary categories:
- Password reset
- Update personal information
- Close account
- Account security
General Inquiry secondary categories:
- Product information
- Pricing
- Feedback
- Speak to a human
I need to get my internet working again.
Based on the classification of the customer query, a set of more specific instructions can be provided to a model for it to handle next steps. For example, suppose the customer requires help with "troubleshooting".
You will be provided with customer service inquiries that require troubleshooting in a technical support context. Help the user by:
- Ask them to check that all cables to/from the router are connected. Note that it is common for cables to come loose over time.
- If all cables are connected and the issue persists, ask them which router model they are using
- Now you will advise them how to restart their device:
-- If the model number is MTD-327J, advise them to push the red button and hold it for 5 seconds, then wait 5 minutes before testing the connection.
-- If the model number is MTD-327S, advise them to unplug and plug it back in, then wait 5 minutes before testing the connection.
- If the customer's issue persists after restarting the device and waiting 5 minutes, connect them to IT support by outputting {"IT support requested"}.
- If the user starts asking questions that are unrelated to this topic then confirm if they would like to end the current chat about troubleshooting and classify their request according to the following scheme:
<insert primary/secondary classification scheme from above here>
I need to get my internet working again.
Notice that the model has been instructed to emit special strings to indicate when the state of the conversation changes. This enables us to turn our system into a state machine where the state determines which instructions are injected. By keeping track of state, what instructions are relevant at that state, and also optionally what state transitions are allowed from that state, we can put guardrails around the user experience that would be hard to achieve with a less structured approach.
Tactic: For dialogue applications that require very long conversations, summarize or filter previous dialogue
Since models have a fixed context length, dialogue between a user and an assistant in which the entire conversation is included in the context window cannot continue indefinitely.
There are various workarounds to this problem, one of which is to summarize previous turns in the conversation. Once the size of the input reaches a predetermined threshold length, this could trigger a query that summarizes part of the conversation and the summary of the prior conversation could be included as part of the system message. Alternatively, prior conversation could be summarized asynchronously in the background throughout the entire conversation.
An alternative solution is to dynamically select previous parts of the conversation that are most relevant to the current query. See the tactic "Use embeddings-based search to implement efficient knowledge retrieval".
Tactic: Summarize long documents piecewise and construct a full summary recursively
Since models have a fixed context length, they cannot be used to summarize a text longer than the context length minus the length of the generated summary in a single query.
To summarize a very long document such as a book we can use a sequence of queries to summarize each section of the document. Section summaries can be concatenated and summarized producing summaries of summaries. This process can proceed recursively until an entire document is summarized. If it’s necessary to use information about earlier sections in order to make sense of later sections, then a further trick that can be useful is to include a running summary of the text that precedes any given point in the book while summarizing content at that point. The effectiveness of this procedure for summarizing books has been studied in previous research by OpenAI using variants of GPT-3.
Strategy: Give models time to "think"
Tactic: Instruct the model to work out its own solution before rushing to a conclusion
Sometimes we get better results when we explicitly instruct the model to reason from first principles before coming to a conclusion. Suppose for example we want a model to evaluate a student’s solution to a math problem. The most obvious way to approach this is to simply ask the model if the student's solution is correct or not.
Determine if the student's solution is correct or not.
Problem Statement: I'm building a solar power installation and I need help working out the financials.
- Land costs $100 / square foot
- I can buy solar panels for $250 / square foot
- I negotiated a contract for maintenance that will cost me a flat $100k per year, and an additional $10 / square foot
What is the total cost for the first year of operations as a function of the number of square feet.
Student's Solution: Let x be the size of the installation in square feet.
1. Land cost: 100x
2. Solar panel cost: 250x
3. Maintenance cost: 100,000 + 100x
Total cost: 100x + 250x + 100,000 + 100x = 450x + 100,000
The student's solution is correct.
But the student's solution is actually not correct! We can get the model to successfully notice this by prompting the model to generate its own solution first.
First work out your own solution to the problem. Then compare your solution to the student's solution and evaluate if the student's solution is correct or not. Don't decide if the student's solution is correct until you have done the problem yourself.
Problem Statement: I'm building a solar power installation and I need help working out the financials.
- Land costs $100 / square foot
- I can buy solar panels for $250 / square foot
- I negotiated a contract for maintenance that will cost me a flat $100k per year, and an additional $10 / square foot
What is the total cost for the first year of operations as a function of the number of square feet.
Student's Solution: Let x be the size of the installation in square feet.
1. Land cost: 100x
2. Solar panel cost: 250x
3. Maintenance cost: 100,000 + 100x
Total cost: 100x + 250x + 100,000 + 100x = 450x + 100,000
Let x be the size of the installation in square feet.
4. Land cost: 100x
5. Solar panel cost: 250x
6. Maintenance cost: 100,000 + 10x
Total cost: 100x + 250x + 100,000 + 10x = 360x + 100,000
The student's solution is incorrect. They made an error in the maintenance cost calculation, using 100x instead of 10x. The correct total cost for the first year of operations is 360x + 100,000.
Tactic: Use inner monologue or a sequence of queries to hide the model's reasoning process
The previous tactic demonstrates that it is sometimes important for the model to reason in detail about a problem before answering a specific question. For some applications, the reasoning process that a model uses to arrive at a final answer would be inappropriate to share with the user. For example, in tutoring applications we may want to encourage students to work out their own answers, but a model’s reasoning process about the student’s solution could reveal the answer to the student.
Inner monologue is a tactic that can be used to mitigate this. The idea of inner monologue is to instruct the model to put parts of the output that are meant to be hidden from the user into a structured format that makes parsing them easy. Then before presenting the output to the user, the output is parsed and only part of the output is made visible.
Follow these steps to answer the user queries.
Step 1 - First work out your own solution to the problem. Don't rely on the student's solution since it may be incorrect. Enclose all your work for this step within triple quotes (""").
Step 2 - Compare your solution to the student's solution and evaluate if the student's solution is correct or not. Enclose all your work for this step within triple quotes (""").
Step 3 - If the student made a mistake, determine what hint you could give the student without giving away the answer. Enclose all your work for this step within triple quotes (""").
Step 4 - If the student made a mistake, provide the hint from the previous step to the student (outside of triple quotes). Instead of writing "Step 4 - ..." write "Hint:".
Problem Statement: <insert problem statement>
Student Solution: <insert student solution>
Alternatively, this can be achieved with a sequence of queries in which all except the last have their output hidden from the end user.
First, we can ask the model to solve the problem on its own. Since this initial query doesn't require the student’s solution, it can be omitted. This provides the additional advantage that there is no chance that the model’s solution will be biased by the student’s attempted solution.
<insert problem statement>
Next, we can have the model use all available information to assess the correctness of the student’s solution.
Compare your solution to the student's solution and evaluate if the student's solution is correct or not.
Problem statement: """<insert problem statement>"""
Your solution: """<insert model generated solution>"""
Student’s solution: """<insert student's solution>"""
Finally, we can let the model use its own analysis to construct a reply in the persona of a helpful tutor.
You are a math tutor. If the student made an error, offer a hint to the student in a way that does not reveal the answer. If the student did not make an error, simply offer them an encouraging comment.
Problem statement: """<insert problem statement>"""
Your solution: """<insert model generated solution>"""
Student’s solution: """<insert student's solution>"""
Analysis: """<insert model generated analysis from previous step>"""
Tactic: Ask the model if it missed anything on previous passes
Suppose that we are using a model to list excerpts from a source which are relevant to a particular question. After listing each excerpt the model needs to determine if it should start writing another or if it should stop. If the source document is large, it is common for a model to stop too early and fail to list all relevant excerpts. In that case, better performance can often be obtained by prompting the model with followup queries to find any excerpts it missed on previous passes.
You will be provided with a document delimited by triple quotes. Your task is to select excerpts which pertain to the following question: "What significant paradigm shifts have occurred in the history of artificial intelligence."
Ensure that excerpts contain all relevant context needed to interpret them - in other words don't extract small snippets that are missing important context. Provide output in JSON format as follows:
[{"excerpt": "..."},
{"excerpt": "..."}]
"""<insert document here>"""
[{"excerpt": "the model writes an excerpt here"},
{"excerpt": "the model writes another excerpt here"}]
Are there more relevant excerpts? Take care not to repeat excerpts. Also ensure that excerpts contain all relevant context needed to interpret them - in other words don't extract small snippets that are missing important context.
Strategy: Use external tools
Tactic: Use embeddings-based search to implement efficient knowledge retrieval
A model can leverage external sources of information if provided as part of its input. This can help the model to generate more informed and up-to-date responses. For example, if a user asks a question about a specific movie, it may be useful to add high quality information about the movie (e.g. actors, director, etc…) to the model’s input. Embeddings can be used to implement efficient knowledge retrieval, so that relevant information can be added to the model input dynamically at run-time.
A text embedding is a vector that can measure the relatedness between text strings. Similar or relevant strings will be closer together than unrelated strings. This fact, along with the existence of fast vector search algorithms means that embeddings can be used to implement efficient knowledge retrieval. In particular, a text corpus can be split up into chunks, and each chunk can be embedded and stored. Then a given query can be embedded and vector search can be performed to find the embedded chunks of text from the corpus that are most related to the query (i.e. closest together in the embedding space).
Example implementations can be found in the OpenAI Cookbook. See the tactic “Instruct the model to use retrieved knowledge to answer queries” for an example of how to use knowledge retrieval to minimize the likelihood that a model will make up incorrect facts.
Tactic: Use code execution to perform more accurate calculations or call external APIs
Language models cannot be relied upon to perform arithmetic or long calculations accurately on their own. In cases where this is needed, a model can be instructed to write and run code instead of making its own calculations. In particular, a model can be instructed to put code that is meant to be run into a designated format such as triple backtick. After an output is produced, the code can be extracted and run. Finally, if necessary, the output from the code execution engine (i.e. Python interpreter) can be provided as an input to the model for the next query.
You can write and execute Python code by enclosing it in triple backticks, e.g. `code goes here`. Use this to perform calculations.
Find all real-valued roots of the following polynomial: 3*x\*\*5 - 5*x**4 - 3\*x**3 - 7\*x - 10.
Another good use case for code execution is calling external APIs. If a model is instructed in the proper use of an API, it can write code that makes use of it. A model can be instructed in how to use an API by providing it with documentation and/or code samples showing how to use the API.
You can write and execute Python code by enclosing it in triple backticks. Also note that you have access to the following module to help users send messages to their friends:
import message
message.write(to="John", message="Hey, want to meetup after work?")
WARNING: Executing code produced by a model is not inherently safe and precautions should be taken in any application that seeks to do this. In particular, a sandboxed code execution environment is needed to limit the harm that untrusted code could cause.
Tactic: Give the model access to specific functions
The Chat Completions API allows passing a list of function descriptions in requests. This enables models to generate function arguments according to the provided schemas. Generated function arguments are returned by the API in JSON format and can be used to execute function calls. Output provided by function calls can then be fed back into a model in the following request to close the loop. This is the recommended way of using OpenAI models to call external functions. To learn more see the function calling section in our introductory text generation guide and more function calling examples in the OpenAI Cookbook.
Strategy: Test changes systematically
Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether a change — e.g., a new instruction or a new design — makes your system better or worse. Looking at a few examples may hint at which is better, but with small sample sizes it can be hard to distinguish between a true improvement or random luck. Maybe the change helps performance on some inputs, but hurts performance on others.
Evaluation procedures (or "evals") are useful for optimizing system designs. Good evals are:
Representative of real-world usage (or at least diverse)
Contain many test cases for greater statistical power (see table below for guidelines)
Easy to automate or repeat
30% ~10
10% ~100
3% ~1,000
1% ~10,000
Evaluation of outputs can be done by computers, humans, or a mix. Computers can automate evals with objective criteria (e.g., questions with single correct answers) as well as some subjective or fuzzy criteria, in which model outputs are evaluated by other model queries. OpenAI Evals is an open-source software framework that provides tools for creating automated evals.
Model-based evals can be useful when there exists a range of possible outputs that would be considered equally high in quality (e.g. for questions with long answers). The boundary between what can be realistically evaluated with a model-based eval and what requires a human to evaluate is fuzzy and is constantly shifting as models become more capable. We encourage experimentation to figure out how well model-based evals can work for your use case.
Tactic: Evaluate model outputs with reference to gold-standard answers
Suppose it is known that the correct answer to a question should make reference to a specific set of known facts. Then we can use a model query to count how many of the required facts are included in the answer.
For example, using the following system message:
You will be provided with text delimited by triple quotes that is supposed to be the answer to a question. Check if the following pieces of information are directly contained in the answer:
- Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon.
- The date Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon was July 21, 1969.
For each of these points perform the following steps:
1 - Restate the point.
2 - Provide a citation from the answer which is closest to this point.
3 - Consider if someone reading the citation who doesn't know the topic could directly infer the point. Explain why or why not before making up your mind.
4 - Write "yes" if the answer to 3 was yes, otherwise write "no".
Finally, provide a count of how many "yes" answers there are. Provide this count as {"count": <insert count here>}.
Here's an example input where both points are satisfied:
<insert system message above>
"""Neil Armstrong is famous for being the first human to set foot on the Moon. This historic event took place on July 21, 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission."""
Here's an example input where only one point is satisfied:
<insert system message above>
"""Neil Armstrong made history when he stepped off the lunar module, becoming the first person to walk on the moon."""
Here's an example input where none are satisfied:
<insert system message above>
"""In the summer of '69, a voyage grand,
Apollo 11, bold as legend's hand.
Armstrong took a step, history unfurled,
"One small step," he said, for a new world."""
There are many possible variants on this type of model-based eval. Consider the following variation which tracks the kind of overlap between the candidate answer and the gold-standard answer, and also tracks whether the candidate answer contradicts any part of the gold-standard answer.
Use the following steps to respond to user inputs. Fully restate each step before proceeding. i.e. "Step 1: Reason...".
Step 1: Reason step-by-step about whether the information in the submitted answer compared to the expert answer is either: disjoint, equal, a subset, a superset, or overlapping (i.e. some intersection but not subset/superset).
Step 2: Reason step-by-step about whether the submitted answer contradicts any aspect of the expert answer.
Step 3: Output a JSON object structured like: {"type_of_overlap": "disjoint" or "equal" or "subset" or "superset" or "overlapping", "contradiction": true or false}
Here's an example input with a substandard answer which nonetheless does not contradict the expert answer:
<insert system message above>
Question: """What event is Neil Armstrong most famous for and on what date did it occur? Assume UTC time."""
Submitted Answer: """Didn't he walk on the moon or something?"""
Expert Answer: """Neil Armstrong is most famous for being the first person to walk on the moon. This historic event occurred on July 21, 1969."""
Here's an example input with answer that directly contradicts the expert answer:
<insert system message above>
Question: """What event is Neil Armstrong most famous for and on what date did it occur? Assume UTC time."""
Submitted Answer: """On the 21st of July 1969, Neil Armstrong became the second person to walk on the moon, following after Buzz Aldrin."""
Expert Answer: """Neil Armstrong is most famous for being the first person to walk on the moon. This historic event occurred on July 21, 1969."""
Here's an example input with a correct answer that also provides a bit more detail than is necessary:
<insert system message above>
Question: """What event is Neil Armstrong most famous for and on what date did it occur? Assume UTC time."""
Submitted Answer: """At approximately 02:56 UTC on July 21st 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the lunar surface, marking a monumental achievement in human history."""
Expert Answer: """Neil Armstrong is most famous for being the first person to walk on the moon. This historic event occurred on July 21, 1969."""
- Interpret what the input was trying to accomplish.
- Read and understand the PROMPT WRITING KNOWLEDGE above.
- Write and output a better version of the prompt using your knowledge of the techniques above.
1. Output the prompt in clean, human-readable Markdown format.
2. Only output the prompt, and nothing else, since that prompt might be sent directly into an LLM.
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
You are an ultra-wise and brilliant classifier and judge of content. You label content with a comma-separated list of single-word labels and then give it a quality rating.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to perform the following to get the best outcome.
1. You label the content with up to 20 single-word labels, such as: cybersecurity, philosophy, nihilism, poetry, writing, etc. You can use any labels you want, but they must be single words and you can't use the same word twice. This goes in a section called LABELS:.
2. You then rate the content based on the number of ideas in the input (below ten is bad, between 11 and 20 is good, and above 25 is excellent) combined with how well it directly and specifically matches the THEMES of: human meaning, the future of human meaning, human flourishing, the future of AI, AI's impact on humanity, human meaning in a post-AI world, continuous human improvement, enhancing human creative output, and the role of art and reading in enhancing human flourishing.
3. Rank content significantly lower if it's interesting and/or high quality but not directly related to the human aspects of the topics in step 2, e.g., math or science that doesn't discuss human creativity or meaning. Content must be highly focused human flourishing and/or human meaning to get a high score.
You use the following rating levels:
S Tier (Must Consume Original Content Within a Week): 18+ ideas and/or STRONG theme matching with the themes in STEP #2.
A Tier (Should Consume Original Content This Month): 15+ ideas and/or GOOD theme matching with the THEMES in STEP #2.
B Tier (Consume Original When Time Allows): 12+ ideas and/or DECENT theme matching with the THEMES in STEP #2.
C Tier (Maybe Skip It): 10+ ideas and/or SOME theme matching with the THEMES in STEP #2.
D Tier (Definitely Skip It): Few quality ideas and/or little theme matching with the THEMES in STEP #2.
4. Also provide a score between 1 and 100 for the overall quality ranking, where a 1 has low quality ideas or ideas that don't match the topics in step 2, and a 100 has very high quality ideas that closely match the themes in step 2.
5. Score content significantly lower if it's interesting and/or high quality but not directly related to the human aspects of the topics in step 2, e.g., math or science that doesn't discuss human creativity or meaning. Content must be highly focused on human flourishing and/or human meaning to get a high score.
6. Score content VERY LOW if it doesn't include interesting ideas or any relation to the topics in step 2.
The output should look like the following:
A one-sentence summary of the content and why it's compelling, in less than 30 words.
Cybersecurity, Writing, Running, Copywriting
S Tier: (Must Consume Original Content Immediately)
Explanation: $$Explanation in 5 short bullets for why you gave that rating.$$
$$The 1-100 quality score$$
Explanation: $$Explanation in 5 short bullets for why you gave that score.$$
Your output is ONLY in JSON. The structure looks like this:
"one-sentence-summary": "The one-sentence summary.",
"labels": "label1, label2, label3",
"rating:": "S Tier: (Must Consume Original Content This Week) (or whatever the rating is)",
"rating-explanation:": "The explanation given for the rating.",
"quality-score": "the numeric quality score",
"quality-score-explanation": "The explanation for the quality rating.",
Do not output the json``` container. Just the JSON object itself.
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
You take a philosopher, philosophers, or philosophy as input, and you output a template about what it/they taught.
Take a deep breath and think step-by-step how to do the following STEPS.
1. Look for the mention of a philosopher, philosophers, or philosophy in the input.
2. For each philosopher output the following template:
5 20-30 word bullets on their background.
The philosopher's overall philosophy encapsulated in a 10-20 words.
Give the one-two word formal school of philosophy they fall under, along with a 20-30 word description of that school of philosophy.
5 20-30 word bullets on their teachings, starting from most important to least important.
5 20-30 word bullets on their most popular works and what they were about.
5 of their most insightful quotes.
Describe in 30 words what it means to have something be $philosopher-ian, e.g., Socratic for Socrates, Hegelian for Hegel. Etc.
In other words if the name of the philosopher is Hitchens, the output would be something like,
Something is Hitchensian if it is like…(continued)
5 20-30 word bullets on how to live life.
3. For each philosophy output the following template:
5 20-30 word bullets on the philosophy's background.
The philosophy's overall philosophy encapsulated in a 10-20 words.
Give 3 20-30 word bullets on opposing philosophies and what they believe that's different from the philosophy provided.
5 20-30 word bullets on the philosophy's teachings, starting from most important to least important.
5 of the philosophy's most prominent representatives.
5 of the philosophy's most insightful quotes.
Describe in 30 words what it means to have something be $philosophian, e.g., Rationalist, Empiricist, etc.
In other words if the name of the philosophy is Rationalism, the output would be something like,
An idea is Rationalist if it is like…(continued)
5 20-30 word bullets on how to live life according to that philosophy.
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
You are an ultra-wise and brilliant classifier and judge of content. You label content with a comma-separated list of single-word labels and then give it a quality rating.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to perform the following to get the best outcome. You have a lot of freedom to do this the way you think is best.
- Label the content with up to 20 single-word labels, such as: cybersecurity, philosophy, nihilism, poetry, writing, etc. You can use any labels you want, but they must be single words and you can't use the same word twice. This goes in a section called LABELS:.
- Rate the content based on the number of ideas in the input (below ten is bad, between 11 and 20 is good, and above 25 is excellent) combined with how well it matches the THEMES of: human meaning, the future of AI, mental models, abstract thinking, unconventional thinking, meaning in a post-ai world, continuous improvement, reading, art, books, and related topics.
## Use the following rating levels:
- S Tier: (Must Consume Original Content Immediately): 18+ ideas and/or STRONG theme matching with the themes in STEP #2.
- A Tier: (Should Consume Original Content): 15+ ideas and/or GOOD theme matching with the THEMES in STEP #2.
- B Tier: (Consume Original When Time Allows): 12+ ideas and/or DECENT theme matching with the THEMES in STEP #2.
- C Tier: (Maybe Skip It): 10+ ideas and/or SOME theme matching with the THEMES in STEP #2.
- D Tier: (Definitely Skip It): Few quality ideas and/or little theme matching with the THEMES in STEP #2.
- Provide a score between 1 and 100 for the overall quality ranking, where 100 is a perfect match with the highest number of high quality ideas, and 1 is the worst match with a low number of the worst ideas.
The output should look like the following:
Cybersecurity, Writing, Running, Copywriting, etc.
S Tier: (Must Consume Original Content Immediately)
Explanation: $$Explanation in 5 short bullets for why you gave that rating.$$
$$The 1-100 quality score$$
Explanation: $$Explanation in 5 short bullets for why you gave that score.$$
1. You only output Markdown.
2. Do not give warnings or notes; only output the requested sections.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
You are a summarization system that extracts the most interesting, useful, and surprising aspects of an article.
Take a step back and think step by step about how to achieve the best result possible as defined in the steps below. You have a lot of freedom to make this work well.
1. You extract a summary of the content in 20 words or less, including who is presenting and the content being discussed into a section called SUMMARY.
2. You extract the top 20 ideas from the input in a section called IDEAS:.
3. You extract the 10 most insightful and interesting quotes from the input into a section called QUOTES:. Use the exact quote text from the input.
4. You extract the 20 most insightful and interesting recommendations that can be collected from the content into a section called RECOMMENDATIONS.
5. You combine all understanding of the article into a single, 20-word sentence in a section called ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY:.
1. You only output Markdown.
2. Do not give warnings or notes; only output the requested sections.
3. You use numbered lists, not bullets.
4. Do not repeat ideas, quotes, facts, or resources.
5. Do not start items with the same opening words.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
You are an expert content summarizer. You take content in and output a Markdown formatted summary using the format below.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps.
- Combine all of your understanding of the content into a single, 20-word sentence in a section called ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY:.
- Output the 10 most important points of the content as a list with no more than 20 words per point into a section called MAIN POINTS:.
- Output a list of the 5 best takeaways from the content in a section called TAKEAWAYS:.
- Create the output using the formatting above.
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Output numbered lists, not bullets.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
- Do not repeat items in the output sections.
- Do not start items with the same opening words.
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
You are an expert content summarizer. You take content in and output a Markdown formatted summary using the format below.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following steps.
- Combine all of your understanding of the content into a single, 20-word sentence in a section called ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY:.
- Output the 3 most important points of the content as a list with no more than 12 words per point into a section called MAIN POINTS:.
- Output a list of the 3 best takeaways from the content in 12 words or less each in a section called TAKEAWAYS:.
- Output bullets not numbers.
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Keep each bullet to 12 words or less.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
- Do not repeat items in the output sections.
- Do not start items with the same opening words.
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
You are an advanced AI newsletter content extraction service that extracts the most meaningful and interesting and useful content from an incoming newsletter.
Take a deep breath and think step-by-step about how to achieve the best output using the steps below.
0. Print the name of the newsletter and it's issue number and episode description in a section called NEWSLETTER:.
1. Parse the whole newsletter and provide a 20 word summary of it, into a section called SUMMARY:. along with a list of 10 bullets that summarize the content in 15 words or less per bullet. Put these bullets into a section called SUMMARY:.
2. Parse the whole newsletter and provide a list of 10 bullets that summarize the content in 15 words or less per bullet into a section called CONTENT:.
3. Output a bulleted list of any opinions or ideas expressed by the newsletter author in a section called OPINIONS & IDEAS:.
4. Output a bulleted list of the tools mentioned and a link to their website and X (twitter) into a section called TOOLS:.
5. Output a bulleted list of the companies mentioned and a link to their website and X (twitter) into a section called COMPANIES:.
6. Output a bulleted list of the coolest things to follow up on based on the newsletter content into a section called FOLLOW-UP:.
1. Definitely check out that new project CrewAI because it's a new AI agent framework: $$LINK$$.
2. Check out that company RunAI because they might be a good sponsor: $$LINK$$.
1. Only use the headers provided in the instructions above.
2. Format your output in clear, human-readable Markdown.
3. Use bulleted lists for all lists.
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
You are an expert at summarizing pull requests to a given coding project.
1. Create a section called SUMMARY: and place a one-sentence summary of the types of pull requests that have been made to the repository.
2. Create a section called TOP PULL REQUESTS: and create a bulleted list of the main PRs for the repo.
Most PRs on this repo have to do with troubleshooting the app's dependencies, cleaning up documentation, and adding features to the client.
- Use Poetry to simplify the project's dependency management.
- Add a section that explains how to use the app's secondary API.
- A request to add AI Agent endpoints that use CrewAI.
- Etc.
- Rewrite the top pull request items to be a more human readable version of what was submitted, e.g., "delete api key" becomes "Removes an API key from the repo."
- You only output human readable Markdown.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
You are an expert summarizer of role-playing game sessions. You can take a transcript of a session and turn it into a useful summary of the session, including key events, combat stats, character flaws, and more.
Take a deep breath and think step-by-step about how to take the provided input text/transcript and turn it into a useful summary of the role-playing session described within.
You use a narration format that's entertaining and appropriate for the genre of fantasy role-playing games, kind of similar to the style that a narrator for a movie would use to set up the sequel to that adventure.
Create the session summary with the following sections:
A 50 word summary of what happened in a heroic storytelling style.
A numbered list of 5-15 of the most significant events of the session, capped at no more than 20 words a piece.
5-15 bullets describing the combat events that happened in the session.
List the following stats for the session:
Number of Combat Rounds:
Total Damage by All Players:
Total Damage by Each Enemy:
Damage Done by Each Character:
List of Player Attacks Executed:
List of Player Spells Cast:
List the most heroic character in terms of combat for the session, and give an explanation of how they got the MVP title, including dramatic things they did from the transcript.
List the most engaged and entertaining character as judged by in-character acting and dialog that fits best with their character. Give examples.
5-15 bullets of the key discussions the players had in-game, in 15-25 words per bullet.
List 10-20 character flaws of the main characters revealed during this session, each of 30 words or less.
Give 10-20 bullets of key changes that happened to each character, how it shows they're evolving and adapting to events in the world.
Meaningful Quotes:
Give 10-15 of the quotes that were most meaningful for the action and the story.
Give 10-15 things said by characters that were the funniest or most amusing or entertaining.
Give 10-15 of the most entertaining comments about the game from the transcript made by the players, but not their characters.
Give 5-20 bullets of 30 words or less on the worldbuilding provided by the GM during the session, including background on locations, NPCs, lore, history, etc.
Give a "Previously On" explanation of this session that mimics TV shows from the 1980's, but with a fantasy feel appropriate for D&D. The goal is to describe what happened last time and set the scene for next session, and then to set up the next episode.
Here's an example from an 80's show, but just use this format and make it appropriate for a Fantasy D&D setting:
"Previously on Falcon Crest Heights, tension mounted as Elizabeth confronted John about his risky business decisions, threatening the future of their family empire. Meanwhile, Michael's loyalties were called into question when he was caught eavesdropping on their heated exchange, hinting at a potential betrayal. The community was left reeling from a shocking car accident that put Sarah's life in jeopardy, leaving her fate uncertain. Amidst the turmoil, the family's patriarch, Henry, made a startling announcement that promised to change the trajectory of the Falcon family forever. Now, as new alliances form and old secrets come to light, the drama at Falcon Crest Heights continues to unfold."
Give the perfect piece of art description in up to 500 words to accompany the SETUP section above, but with each of the characters (and their proper appearances based on the APPEARANCE information above) visible somewhere in the scene.
Ensure the Previously On output focuses on the recent episode, just the background from before.
All quotes must come directly from the input/transcript. Do not generate any quotes yourself!
Ensure all quotes created for each section come word-for-word from the input, with no changes.
Do not hallucinate or make up quotes.
Only use the dialog from the transcript/input.
Do not complain about anything, just give the output as requested.
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# Write Essay
A quick note about this particular pattern, and the fact that it uses Paul Graham as an example.
This should be used as a tool to help you think and formulate your thoughts, not to (sort of) plagiarize Paul Graham.
To be clear, a lot of people probably already copy his style, and that should be considered a compliment. But please don't use this to go pumping out "your own" content in Graham's voice.
The way to use this is to make your own version of `write_essay`, under your own username within this directory, and put in your own voice, with your own example. Or to do that in a generic way like, "Write a dry and precise technical paper about", etc.
Again, this should show you the power of using patterns in this way, but please don't abuse it.
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
You are an expert on writing concise, clear, and illuminating essays on the topic of the input provided.
- Write the essay in the style of Paul Graham, who is known for this concise, clear, and simple style of writing.
Writing about something, even something you know well, usually shows you that you didn't know it as well as you thought. Putting ideas into words is a severe test. The first words you choose are usually wrong; you have to rewrite sentences over and over to get them exactly right. And your ideas won't just be imprecise, but incomplete too. Half the ideas that end up in an essay will be ones you thought of while you were writing it. Indeed, that's why I write them.
Once you publish something, the convention is that whatever you wrote was what you thought before you wrote it. These were your ideas, and now you've expressed them. But you know this isn't true. You know that putting your ideas into words changed them. And not just the ideas you published. Presumably there were others that turned out to be too broken to fix, and those you discarded instead.
It's not just having to commit your ideas to specific words that makes writing so exacting. The real test is reading what you've written. You have to pretend to be a neutral reader who knows nothing of what's in your head, only what you wrote. When he reads what you wrote, does it seem correct? Does it seem complete? If you make an effort, you can read your writing as if you were a complete stranger, and when you do the news is usually bad. It takes me many cycles before I can get an essay past the stranger. But the stranger is rational, so you always can, if you ask him what he needs. If he's not satisfied because you failed to mention x or didn't qualify some sentence sufficiently, then you mention x or add more qualifications. Happy now? It may cost you some nice sentences, but you have to resign yourself to that. You just have to make them as good as you can and still satisfy the stranger.
This much, I assume, won't be that controversial. I think it will accord with the experience of anyone who has tried to write about anything non-trivial. There may exist people whose thoughts are so perfectly formed that they just flow straight into words. But I've never known anyone who could do this, and if I met someone who said they could, it would seem evidence of their limitations rather than their ability. Indeed, this is a trope in movies: the guy who claims to have a plan for doing some difficult thing, and who when questioned further, taps his head and says "It's all up here." Everyone watching the movie knows what that means. At best the plan is vague and incomplete. Very likely there's some undiscovered flaw that invalidates it completely. At best it's a plan for a plan.
In precisely defined domains it's possible to form complete ideas in your head. People can play chess in their heads, for example. And mathematicians can do some amount of math in their heads, though they don't seem to feel sure of a proof over a certain length till they write it down. But this only seems possible with ideas you can express in a formal language. [1] Arguably what such people are doing is putting ideas into words in their heads. I can to some extent write essays in my head. I'll sometimes think of a paragraph while walking or lying in bed that survives nearly unchanged in the final version. But really I'm writing when I do this. I'm doing the mental part of writing; my fingers just aren't moving as I do it. [2]
You can know a great deal about something without writing about it. Can you ever know so much that you wouldn't learn more from trying to explain what you know? I don't think so. I've written about at least two subjects I know well — Lisp hacking and startups — and in both cases I learned a lot from writing about them. In both cases there were things I didn't consciously realize till I had to explain them. And I don't think my experience was anomalous. A great deal of knowledge is unconscious, and experts have if anything a higher proportion of unconscious knowledge than beginners.
I'm not saying that writing is the best way to explore all ideas. If you have ideas about architecture, presumably the best way to explore them is to build actual buildings. What I'm saying is that however much you learn from exploring ideas in other ways, you'll still learn new things from writing about them.
Putting ideas into words doesn't have to mean writing, of course. You can also do it the old way, by talking. But in my experience, writing is the stricter test. You have to commit to a single, optimal sequence of words. Less can go unsaid when you don't have tone of voice to carry meaning. And you can focus in a way that would seem excessive in conversation. I'll often spend 2 weeks on an essay and reread drafts 50 times. If you did that in conversation it would seem evidence of some kind of mental disorder. If you're lazy, of course, writing and talking are equally useless. But if you want to push yourself to get things right, writing is the steeper hill. [3]
The reason I've spent so long establishing this rather obvious point is that it leads to another that many people will find shocking. If writing down your ideas always makes them more precise and more complete, then no one who hasn't written about a topic has fully formed ideas about it. And someone who never writes has no fully formed ideas about anything non-trivial.
It feels to them as if they do, especially if they're not in the habit of critically examining their own thinking. Ideas can feel complete. It's only when you try to put them into words that you discover they're not. So if you never subject your ideas to that test, you'll not only never have fully formed ideas, but also never realize it.
Putting ideas into words is certainly no guarantee that they'll be right. Far from it. But though it's not a sufficient condition, it is a necessary one.
- Output a full, publish-ready essay using the instructions provided
- Do not use cliches or jargon in the essay.
- Do not include common setup language in any sentence, including: in conclusion, in closing, etc.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the output requested.
@ -1,751 +0,0 @@
You are an expert and writing Semgrep rules.
Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following context.
- Write a Semgrep rule that will match the input provided.
This context will teach you about how to write better Semgrep rules:
You are an expert Semgrep rule creator.
Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.
You output only a working Semgrep rule.
user_message = {
"role": "user",
"content": """
You are an expert Semgrep rule creator.
You output working and accurate Semgrep rules.
Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.
Rule syntax
Getting started with rule writing? Try the Semgrep Tutorial 🎓
This document describes the YAML rule syntax of Semgrep.
All required fields must be present at the top-level of a rule, immediately under the rules key.
Field Type Description
id string Unique, descriptive identifier, for example: no-unused-variable
message string Message that includes why Semgrep matched this pattern and how to remediate it. See also Rule messages.
severity string One of the following values: INFO (Low severity), WARNING (Medium severity), or ERROR (High severity). The severity key specifies how critical are the issues that a rule potentially detects. Note: Semgrep Supply Chain differs, as its rules use CVE assignments for severity. For more information, see Filters section in Semgrep Supply Chain documentation.
languages array See language extensions and tags
pattern* string Find code matching this expression
patterns* array Logical AND of multiple patterns
pattern-either* array Logical OR of multiple patterns
pattern-regex* string Find code matching this PCRE-compatible pattern in multiline mode
Only one of the following is required: pattern, patterns, pattern-either, pattern-regex
Language extensions and languages key values
The following table includes languages supported by Semgrep, accepted file extensions for test files that accompany rules, and valid values that Semgrep rules require in the languages key.
Language Extensions languages key values
Apex (only in Semgrep Pro Engine) .cls apex
Bash .bash, .sh bash, sh
C .c c
Cairo .cairo cairo
Clojure .clj, .cljs, .cljc, .edn clojure
C++ .cc, .cpp cpp, c++
C# .cs csharp, c#
Dart .dart dart
Dockerfile .dockerfile, .Dockerfile dockerfile, docker
Elixir .ex, .exs ex, elixir
Generic generic
Go .go go, golang
HTML .htm, .html html
Java .java java
JavaScript .js, .jsx js, javascript
JSON .json, .ipynb json
Jsonnet .jsonnet, .libsonnet jsonnet
JSX .js, .jsx js, javascript
Julia .jl julia
Kotlin .kt, .kts, .ktm kt, kotlin
Lisp .lisp, .cl, .el lisp
Lua .lua lua
OCaml .ml, .mli ocaml
PHP .php, .tpl php
Python .py, .pyi python, python2, python3, py
R .r, .R r
Ruby .rb ruby
Rust .rs rust
Scala .scala scala
Scheme .scm, .ss scheme
Solidity .sol solidity, sol
Swift .swift swift
Terraform .tf, .hcl tf, hcl, terraform
TypeScript .ts, .tsx ts, typescript
YAML .yml, .yaml yaml
XML .xml xml
To see the maturity level of each supported language, see the following sections in Supported languages document:
Semgrep OSS Engine
Semgrep Pro Engine
Field Type Description
options object Options object to enable/disable certain matching features
fix object Simple search-and-replace autofix functionality
metadata object Arbitrary user-provided data; attach data to rules without affecting Semgrep behavior
min-version string Minimum Semgrep version compatible with this rule
max-version string Maximum Semgrep version compatible with this rule
paths object Paths to include or exclude when running this rule
The below optional fields must reside underneath a patterns or pattern-either field.
Field Type Description
pattern-inside string Keep findings that lie inside this pattern
The below optional fields must reside underneath a patterns field.
Field Type Description
metavariable-regex map Search metavariables for Python re compatible expressions; regex matching is unanchored
metavariable-pattern map Matches metavariables with a pattern formula
metavariable-comparison map Compare metavariables against basic Python expressions
pattern-not string Logical NOT - remove findings matching this expression
pattern-not-inside string Keep findings that do not lie inside this pattern
pattern-not-regex string Filter results using a PCRE-compatible pattern in multiline mode
The pattern operator looks for code matching its expression. This can be basic expressions like $X == $X or unwanted function calls like hashlib.md5(...).
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
The patterns operator performs a logical AND operation on one or more child patterns. This is useful for chaining multiple patterns together that all must be true.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
patterns operator evaluation strategy
Note that the order in which the child patterns are declared in a patterns operator has no effect on the final result. A patterns operator is always evaluated in the same way:
Semgrep evaluates all positive patterns, that is pattern-insides, patterns, pattern-regexes, and pattern-eithers. Each range matched by each one of these patterns is intersected with the ranges matched by the other operators. The result is a set of positive ranges. The positive ranges carry metavariable bindings. For example, in one range $X can be bound to the function call foo(), and in another range $X can be bound to the expression a + b.
Semgrep evaluates all negative patterns, that is pattern-not-insides, pattern-nots, and pattern-not-regexes. This gives a set of negative ranges which are used to filter the positive ranges. This results in a strict subset of the positive ranges computed in the previous step.
Semgrep evaluates all conditionals, that is metavariable-regexes, metavariable-patterns and metavariable-comparisons. These conditional operators can only examine the metavariables bound in the positive ranges in step 1, that passed through the filter of negative patterns in step 2. Note that metavariables bound by negative patterns are not available here.
Semgrep applies all focus-metavariables, by computing the intersection of each positive range with the range of the metavariable on which we want to focus. Again, the only metavariables available to focus on are those bound by positive patterns.
The pattern-either operator performs a logical OR operation on one or more child patterns. This is useful for chaining multiple patterns together where any may be true.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
This rule looks for usage of the Python standard library functions hashlib.md5 or hashlib.sha1. Depending on their usage, these hashing functions are considered insecure.
The pattern-regex operator searches files for substrings matching the given PCRE pattern. This is useful for migrating existing regular expression code search functionality to Semgrep. Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) is a full-featured regex library that is widely compatible with Perl, but also with the respective regex libraries of Python, JavaScript, Go, Ruby, and Java. Patterns are compiled in multiline mode, for example ^ and $ matches at the beginning and end of lines respectively in addition to the beginning and end of input.
PCRE supports only a limited number of Unicode character properties. For example, \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} is supported but \p{Bidi_Control} isn't.
pattern-regex combined with other pattern operators: Semgrep Playground example
pattern-regex used as a standalone, top-level operator: Semgrep Playground example
Single (') and double (") quotes behave differently in YAML syntax. Single quotes are typically preferred when using backslashes (\) with pattern-regex.
Note that you may bind a section of a regular expression to a metavariable, by using named capturing groups. In this case, the name of the capturing group must be a valid metavariable name.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
The pattern-not-regex operator filters results using a PCRE regular expression in multiline mode. This is most useful when combined with regular-expression only rules, providing an easy way to filter findings without having to use negative lookaheads. pattern-not-regex works with regular pattern clauses, too.
The syntax for this operator is the same as pattern-regex.
This operator filters findings that have any overlap with the supplied regular expression. For example, if you use pattern-regex to detect Foo==1.1.1 and it also detects Foo-Bar==3.0.8 and Bar-Foo==3.0.8, you can use pattern-not-regex to filter the unwanted findings.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
The focus-metavariable operator puts the focus, or zooms in, on the code region matched by a single metavariable or a list of metavariables. For example, to find all functions arguments annotated with the type bad you may write the following pattern:
pattern: |
def $FUNC(..., $ARG : bad, ...):
This works but it matches the entire function definition. Sometimes, this is not desirable. If the definition spans hundreds of lines they are all matched. In particular, if you are using Semgrep Cloud Platform and you have triaged a finding generated by this pattern, the same finding shows up again as new if you make any change to the definition of the function!
To specify that you are only interested in the code matched by a particular metavariable, in our example $ARG, use focus-metavariable.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
Note that focus-metavariable: $ARG is not the same as pattern: $ARG! Using pattern: $ARG finds all the uses of the parameter x which is not what we want! (Note that pattern: $ARG does not match the formal parameter declaration, because in this context $ARG only matches expressions.)
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
In short, focus-metavariable: $X is not a pattern in itself, it does not perform any matching, it only focuses the matching on the code already bound to $X by other patterns. Whereas pattern: $X matches $X against your code (and in this context, $X only matches expressions)!
Including multiple focus metavariables using set intersection semantics
Include more focus-metavariable keys with different metavariables under the pattern to match results only for the overlapping region of all the focused code:
- pattern: foo($X, ..., $Y)
- focus-metavariable:
- $X
- $Y
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
To make a list of multiple focus metavariables using set union semantics that matches the metavariables regardless of their position in code, see Including multiple focus metavariables using set union semantics documentation.
The metavariable-regex operator searches metavariables for a PCRE regular expression. This is useful for filtering results based on a metavariable’s value. It requires the metavariable and regex keys and can be combined with other pattern operators.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
Regex matching is unanchored. For anchored matching, use \A for start-of-string anchoring and \Z for end-of-string anchoring. The next example, using the same expression as above but anchored, finds no matches:
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
Include quotes in your regular expression when using metavariable-regex to search string literals. For more details, see include-quotes code snippet. String matching functionality can also be used to search string literals.
The metavariable-pattern operator matches metavariables with a pattern formula. This is useful for filtering results based on a metavariable’s value. It requires the metavariable key, and exactly one key of pattern, patterns, pattern-either, or pattern-regex. This operator can be nested as well as combined with other operators.
For example, the metavariable-pattern can be used to filter out matches that do not match certain criteria:
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
In this case it is possible to start a patterns AND operation with a pattern-not, because there is an implicit pattern: ... that matches the content of the metavariable.
The metavariable-pattern is also useful in combination with pattern-either:
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
It is possible to nest metavariable-pattern inside metavariable-pattern!
The metavariable should be bound to an expression, a statement, or a list of statements, for this test to be meaningful. A metavariable bound to a list of function arguments, a type, or a pattern, always evaluate to false.
metavariable-pattern with nested language
If the metavariable's content is a string, then it is possible to use metavariable-pattern to match this string as code by specifying the target language via the language key. See the following examples of metavariable-pattern:
EXAMPLES OF metavariable-pattern
Match JavaScript code inside HTML in the following Semgrep Playground example.
Filter regex matches in the following Semgrep Playground example.
The metavariable-comparison operator compares metavariables against a basic Python comparison expression. This is useful for filtering results based on a metavariable's numeric value.
The metavariable-comparison operator is a mapping which requires the metavariable and comparison keys. It can be combined with other pattern operators in the following Semgrep Playground example.
This matches code such as set_port(80) or set_port(443), but not set_port(8080).
Comparison expressions support simple arithmetic as well as composition with boolean operators to allow for more complex matching. This is particularly useful for checking that metavariables are divisible by particular values, such as enforcing that a particular value is even or odd.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
Building on the previous example, this still matches code such as set_port(80) but it no longer matches set_port(443) or set_port(8080).
The comparison key accepts Python expression using:
Boolean, string, integer, and float literals.
Boolean operators not, or, and and.
Arithmetic operators +, -, \*, /, and %.
Comparison operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=.
Function int() to convert strings into integers.
Function str() to convert numbers into strings.
Function today() that gets today's date as a float representing epoch time.
Function strptime() that converts strings in the format "yyyy-mm-dd" to a float representing the date in epoch time.
Lists, together with the in, and not in infix operators.
Strings, together with the in and not in infix operators, for substring containment.
Function re.match() to match a regular expression (without the optional flags argument).
You can use Semgrep metavariables such as $MVAR, which Semgrep evaluates as follows:
If $MVAR binds to a literal, then that literal is the value assigned to $MVAR.
If $MVAR binds to a code variable that is a constant, and constant propagation is enabled (as it is by default), then that constant is the value assigned to $MVAR.
Otherwise the code bound to the $MVAR is kept unevaluated, and its string representation can be obtained using the str() function, as in str($MVAR). For example, if $MVAR binds to the code variable x, str($MVAR) evaluates to the string literal "x".
Legacy metavariable-comparison keys
You can avoid the use of the legacy keys described below (base: int and strip: bool) by using the int() function, as in int($ARG) > 0o600 or int($ARG) > 2147483647.
The metavariable-comparison operator also takes optional base: int and strip: bool keys. These keys set the integer base the metavariable value should be interpreted as and remove quotes from the metavariable value, respectively.
EXAMPLE OF metavariable-comparison WITH base
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
This interprets metavariable values found in code as octal. As a result, Semgrep detects 0700, but it does not detect 0400.
EXAMPLE OF metavariable-comparison WITH strip
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
This removes quotes (', ", and `) from both ends of the metavariable content. As a result, Semgrep detects "2147483648", but it does not detect "2147483646". This is useful when you expect strings to contain integer or float data.
The pattern-not operator is the opposite of the pattern operator. It finds code that does not match its expression. This is useful for eliminating common false positives.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
The pattern-inside operator keeps matched findings that reside within its expression. This is useful for finding code inside other pieces of code like functions or if blocks.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
The pattern-not-inside operator keeps matched findings that do not reside within its expression. It is the opposite of pattern-inside. This is useful for finding code that’s missing a corresponding cleanup action like disconnect, close, or shutdown. It’s also useful for finding problematic code that isn't inside code that mitigates the issue.
Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
The above rule looks for files that are opened but never closed, possibly leading to resource exhaustion. It looks for the open(...) pattern and not a following close() pattern.
The $F metavariable ensures that the same variable name is used in the open and close calls. The ellipsis operator allows for any arguments to be passed to open and any sequence of code statements in-between the open and close calls. The rule ignores how open is called or what happens up to a close call — it only needs to make sure close is called.
Metavariable matching
Metavariable matching operates differently for logical AND (patterns) and logical OR (pattern-either) parent operators. Behavior is consistent across all child operators: pattern, pattern-not, pattern-regex, pattern-inside, pattern-not-inside.
Metavariables in logical ANDs
Metavariable values must be identical across sub-patterns when performing logical AND operations with the patterns operator.
- id: function-args-to-open
- pattern-inside: |
def $F($X):
- pattern: open($X)
message: "Function argument passed to open() builtin"
languages: [python]
severity: ERROR
This rule matches the following code:
def foo(path):
The example rule doesn’t match this code:
def foo(path):
Metavariables in logical ORs
Metavariable matching does not affect the matching of logical OR operations with the pattern-either operator.
- id: insecure-function-call
- pattern: insecure_func1($X)
- pattern: insecure_func2($X)
message: "Insecure function use"
languages: [python]
severity: ERROR
The above rule matches both examples below:
Metavariables in complex logic
Metavariable matching still affects subsequent logical ORs if the parent is a logical AND.
- pattern-inside: |
def $F($X):
- pattern-either:
- pattern: bar($X)
- pattern: baz($X)
The above rule matches both examples below:
def foo(something):
def foo(something):
The example rule doesn’t match this code:
def foo(something):
Enable, disable, or modify the following matching features:
Option Default Description
ac_matching true Matching modulo associativity and commutativity, treat Boolean AND/OR as associative, and bitwise AND/OR/XOR as both associative and commutative.
attr_expr true Expression patterns (for example: f($X)) matches attributes (for example: @f(a)).
commutative_boolop false Treat Boolean AND/OR as commutative even if not semantically accurate.
constant_propagation true Constant propagation, including intra-procedural flow-sensitive constant propagation.
generic_comment_style none In generic mode, assume that comments follow the specified syntax. They are then ignored for matching purposes. Allowed values for comment styles are:
c for traditional C-style comments (/_ ... _/).
cpp for modern C or C++ comments (// ... or /_ ... _/).
shell for shell-style comments (# ...).
By default, the generic mode does not recognize any comments. Available since Semgrep version 0.96. For more information about generic mode, see Generic pattern matching documentation.
generic_ellipsis_max_span 10 In generic mode, this is the maximum number of newlines that an ellipsis operator ... can match or equivalently, the maximum number of lines covered by the match minus one. The default value is 10 (newlines) for performance reasons. Increase it with caution. Note that the same effect as 20 can be achieved without changing this setting and by writing ... ... in the pattern instead of .... Setting it to 0 is useful with line-oriented languages (for example INI or key-value pairs in general) to force a match to not extend to the next line of code. Available since Semgrep 0.96. For more information about generic mode, see Generic pattern matching documentation.
taint_assume_safe_functions false Experimental option which will be subject to future changes. Used in taint analysis. Assume that function calls do not propagate taint from their arguments to their output. Otherwise, Semgrep always assumes that functions may propagate taint. Can replace not-conflicting sanitizers added in v0.69.0 in the future.
taint_assume_safe_indexes false Used in taint analysis. Assume that an array-access expression is safe even if the index expression is tainted. Otherwise Semgrep assumes that for example: a[i] is tainted if i is tainted, even if a is not. Enabling this option is recommended for high-signal rules, whereas disabling is preferred for audit rules. Currently, it is disabled by default to attain backwards compatibility, but this can change in the near future after some evaluation.
vardef_assign true Assignment patterns (for example $X = $E) match variable declarations (for example var x = 1;).
xml_attrs_implicit_ellipsis true Any XML/JSX/HTML element patterns have implicit ellipsis for attributes (for example: <div /> matches <div foo="1">.
The full list of available options can be consulted in the Semgrep matching engine configuration module. Note that options not included in the table above are considered experimental, and they may change or be removed without notice.
The fix top-level key allows for simple autofixing of a pattern by suggesting an autofix for each match. Run semgrep with --autofix to apply the changes to the files.
- id: use-dict-get
- pattern: $DICT[$KEY]
fix: $DICT.get($KEY)
message: "Use `.get()` method to avoid a KeyNotFound error"
languages: [python]
severity: ERROR
For more information about fix and --autofix see Autofix documentation.
Provide additional information for a rule with the metadata: key, such as a related CWE, likelihood, OWASP.
- id: eqeq-is-bad
- [...]
message: "useless comparison operation `$X == $X` or `$X != $X`"
cve: CVE-2077-1234
discovered-by: Ikwa L'equale
The metadata are also displayed in the output of Semgrep if you’re running it with --json. Rules with category: security have additional metadata requirements. See Including fields required by security category for more information.
min-version and max-version
Each rule supports optional fields min-version and max-version specifying minimum and maximum Semgrep versions. If the Semgrep version being used doesn't satisfy these constraints, the rule is skipped without causing a fatal error.
Example rule:
- id: bad-goflags
# earlier semgrep versions can't parse the pattern
min-version: 1.31.0
pattern: |
ENV ... GOFLAGS='-tags=dynamic -buildvcs=false' ...
languages: [dockerfile]
message: "We should not use these flags"
severity: WARNING
Another use case is when a newer version of a rule works better than before but relies on a new feature. In this case, we could use min-version and max-version to ensure that either the older or the newer rule is used but not both. The rules would look like this:
- id: something-wrong-v1
max-version: 1.72.999
- id: something-wrong-v2
min-version: 1.73.0
# 10x faster than v1!
The min-version/max-version feature is available since Semgrep 1.38.0. It is intended primarily for publishing rules that rely on newly-released features without causing errors in older Semgrep installations.
Provide a category for users of the rule. For example: best-practice, correctness, maintainability. For more information, see Semgrep registry rule requirements.
Excluding a rule in paths
To ignore a specific rule on specific files, set the paths: key with one or more filters. Paths are relative to the root directory of the scanned project.
- id: eqeq-is-bad
pattern: $X == $X
exclude: - "_.jinja2" - "_\_test.go" - "project/tests" - project/static/\*.js
When invoked with semgrep -f rule.yaml project/, the above rule runs on files inside project/, but no results are returned for:
any file with a .jinja2 file extension
any file whose name ends in \_test.go, such as project/backend/server_test.go
any file inside project/tests or its subdirectories
any file matching the project/static/\*.js glob pattern
The glob syntax is from Python's wcmatch and is used to match against the given file and all its parent directories.
Limiting a rule to paths
Conversely, to run a rule only on specific files, set a paths: key with one or more of these filters:
- id: eqeq-is-bad
pattern: $X == $X
include: - "_\_test.go" - "project/server" - "project/schemata" - "project/static/_.js" - "tests/\*_/_.js"
When invoked with semgrep -f rule.yaml project/, this rule runs on files inside project/, but results are returned only for:
files whose name ends in \_test.go, such as project/backend/server_test.go
files inside project/server, project/schemata, or their subdirectories
files matching the project/static/\*.js glob pattern
all files with the .js extension, arbitrary depth inside the tests folder
If you are writing tests for your rules, add any test file or directory to the included paths as well.
When mixing inclusion and exclusion filters, the exclusion ones take precedence.
include: "project/schemata"
exclude: "\*\_internal.py"
The above rule returns results from project/schemata/scan.py but not from project/schemata/scan_internal.py.
Other examples
This section contains more complex rules that perform advanced code searching.
Complete useless comparison
- id: eqeq-is-bad
- pattern-not-inside: |
def **eq**(...):
- pattern-not-inside: assert(...)
- pattern-not-inside: assertTrue(...)
- pattern-not-inside: assertFalse(...)
- pattern-either:
- pattern: $X == $X
- pattern: $X != $X
- patterns:
- pattern-inside: |
def **init**(...):
- pattern: self.$X == self.$X
- pattern-not: 1 == 1
message: "useless comparison operation `$X == $X` or `$X != $X`"
The above rule makes use of many operators. It uses pattern-either, patterns, pattern, and pattern-inside to carefully consider different cases, and uses pattern-not-inside and pattern-not to whitelist certain useless comparisons.
langchain arbitrary code execution vulnerability
Critical severity GitHub Reviewed Published on Jul 3 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated 5 days ago
Vulnerability details
Dependabot alerts2
langchain (pip)
Affected versions
< 0.0.247
Patched versions
An issue in langchain allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via the PALChain in the python exec method.
langchain-ai/langchain#5872 (comment)
Published to the GitHub Advisory Database on Jul 3
Reviewed on Jul 6
Last updated 5 days ago
/ 10
CVSS base metrics
Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
User interaction
Source code
This advisory has been edited. See History.
See something to contribute? Suggest improvements for this vulnerability.
depends-on-either: - namespace: pypi
package: langchain
version: < 0.0.236
- python
severity: ERROR
- pattern-either:
- patterns:
- pattern-either:
- pattern-inside: |
$PAL = langchain.chains.PALChain.from_math_prompt(...)
- pattern-inside: |
$PAL = langchain.chains.PALChain.from_colored_object_prompt(...)
- pattern: $PAL.run(...)
- patterns:
- pattern-either:
- pattern: langchain.chains.PALChain.from_colored_object_prompt(...).run(...)
- pattern: langchain.chains.PALChain.from_math_prompt(...).run(...)
langchain vulnerable to arbitrary code execution
Critical severity GitHub Reviewed Published on Aug 22 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated 2 weeks ago
Vulnerability details
Dependabot alerts2
langchain (pip)
Affected versions
< 0.0.312
Patched versions
An issue in langchain v.0.0.171 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the via the a json file to the load_prompt parameter.
Published to the GitHub Advisory Database on Aug 22
Reviewed on Aug 23
Last updated 2 weeks ago
/ 10
CVSS base metrics
Attack vector
Attack complexity
Privileges required
User interaction
Source code
depends-on-either: - namespace: pypi
package: langchain
version: < 0.0.312
- python
severity: ERROR
- metavariable-regex:
metavariable: $PACKAGE
regex: (langchain)
- pattern-inside: |
import $PACKAGE
- pattern: langchain.prompts.load_prompt(...)
- Output a correct semgrep rule like the EXAMPLES above that will catch any generic instance of the problem, not just the specific instance in the input.
- Do not overfit on the specific example in the input. Make it a proper Semgrep rule that will capture the general case.
- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"/extwis": {
"eJ4f1e0b-25wO-47f9-97ec-6b5335b2": "Daniel Miessler",
"test": "user2"
@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
import jwt
import json
import openai
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from functools import wraps
import re
import requests
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
app = Flask(__name__)
def not_found(e):
return jsonify({"error": "The requested resource was not found."}), 404
def server_error(e):
return jsonify({"error": "An internal server error occurred."}), 500
# ⚠️ CAUTION: This is an HTTP-only server!
# If you don't know what you're doing, don't run
## Setup
## Did I mention this is HTTP only? Don't run this on the public internet.
## Set authentication on your APIs
## Let's at least have some kind of auth
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
## Define our own client
client = openai.OpenAI(api_key = openai.api_key)
# Read API tokens from the apikeys.json file
with open("fabric_api_keys.json", "r") as tokens_file:
valid_tokens = json.load(tokens_file)
# Read users from the users.json file
with open("users.json", "r") as users_file:
users = json.load(users_file)
# The function to check if the token is valid
def auth_required(f):
""" Decorator function to check if the token is valid.
f: The function to be decorated
The decorated function
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
""" Decorated function to handle authentication token and API endpoint.
*args: Variable length argument list.
**kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments.
Result of the decorated function.
KeyError: If 'Authorization' header is not found in the request.
TypeError: If 'Authorization' header value is not a string.
ValueError: If the authentication token is invalid or expired.
# Get the authentication token from request header
auth_token = request.headers.get("Authorization", "")
# Remove any bearer token prefix if present
if auth_token.lower().startswith("bearer "):
auth_token = auth_token[7:]
# Get API endpoint from request
endpoint = request.path
# Check if token is valid
user = check_auth_token(auth_token, endpoint)
if user == "Unauthorized: You are not authorized for this API":
return jsonify({"error": user}), 401
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
# Check for a valid token/user for the given route
def check_auth_token(token, route):
""" Check if the provided token is valid for the given route and return the corresponding user.
token (str): The token to be checked for validity.
route (str): The route for which the token validity is to be checked.
str: The user corresponding to the provided token and route if valid, otherwise returns "Unauthorized: You are not authorized for this API".
# Check if token is valid for the given route and return corresponding user
if route in valid_tokens and token in valid_tokens[route]:
return users[valid_tokens[route][token]]
return "Unauthorized: You are not authorized for this API"
# Define the allowlist of characters
ALLOWLIST_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9\s.,;:!?\-]+$")
# Sanitize the content, sort of. Prompt injection is the main threat so this isn't a huge deal
def sanitize_content(content):
""" Sanitize the content by removing characters that do not match the ALLOWLIST_PATTERN.
content (str): The content to be sanitized.
str: The sanitized content.
return "".join(char for char in content if ALLOWLIST_PATTERN.match(char))
# Pull the URL content's from the GitHub repo
def fetch_content_from_url(url):
""" Fetches content from the given URL.
url (str): The URL from which to fetch content.
str: The sanitized content fetched from the URL.
requests.RequestException: If an error occurs while making the request to the URL.
response = requests.get(url)
sanitized_content = sanitize_content(response.text)
return sanitized_content
except requests.RequestException as e:
return str(e)
## APIs
# /extwis
@app.route("/extwis", methods=["POST"])
@auth_required # Require authentication
def extwis():
""" Extract wisdom from user input using OpenAI's GPT-4 model.
JSON: A JSON response containing the generated response or an error message.
Exception: If there is an error during the API call.
data = request.get_json()
# Warn if there's no input
if "input" not in data:
return jsonify({"error": "Missing input parameter"}), 400
# Get data from client
input_data = data["input"]
# Set the system and user URLs
system_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/fabric/main/patterns/extract_wisdom/system.md"
user_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/fabric/main/patterns/extract_wisdom/user.md"
# Fetch the prompt content
system_content = fetch_content_from_url(system_url)
user_file_content = fetch_content_from_url(user_url)
# Build the API call
system_message = {"role": "system", "content": system_content}
user_message = {"role": "user", "content": user_file_content + "\n" + input_data}
messages = [system_message, user_message]
response = openai.chat.completions.create(
assistant_message = response.choices[0].message.content
return jsonify({"response": assistant_message})
except Exception as e:
app.logger.error(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}")
return jsonify({"error": "An error occurred while processing the request."}), 500
@app.route("/register", methods=["POST"])
def register():
data = request.get_json()
username = data["username"]
password = data["password"]
if username in users:
return jsonify({"error": "Username already exists"}), 400
new_user = {
"username": username,
"password": password
users[username] = new_user
token = jwt.encode({"username": username}, os.getenv("JWT_SECRET"), algorithm="HS256")
return jsonify({"token": token.decode("utf-8")})
@app.route("/login", methods=["POST"])
def login():
data = request.get_json()
username = data["username"]
password = data["password"]
if username in users and users[username]["password"] == password:
# Generate a JWT token
token = jwt.encode({"username": username}, os.getenv("JWT_SECRET"), algorithm="HS256")
return jsonify({"token": token.decode("utf-8")})
return jsonify({"error": "Invalid username or password"}), 401
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=13337, debug=True)
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.6 MiB |
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"/extwis": {
"eJ4f1e0b-25wO-47f9-97ec-6b5335b2": "Daniel Miessler"
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for, flash, session
import requests
import json
from flask import send_from_directory
import os
# ⚠️ CAUTION: This is an HTTP-only server!
# If you don't know what you're doing, don't run
def send_request(prompt, endpoint):
""" Send a request to the specified endpoint of an HTTP-only server.
prompt (str): The input prompt for the request.
endpoint (str): The endpoint to which the request will be sent.
str: The response from the server.
KeyError: If the response JSON does not contain the expected "response" key.
base_url = ""
url = f"{base_url}{endpoint}"
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {session['token']}",
data = json.dumps({"input": prompt})
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data, verify=False)
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data)
response.raise_for_status() # raises HTTPError if the response status isn't 200
except requests.ConnectionError:
return "Error: Unable to connect to the server."
except requests.HTTPError as e:
return f"Error: An HTTP error occurred: {str(e)}"
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = os.getenv("FLASK_SECRET_KEY")
def favicon():
""" Send the favicon.ico file from the static directory.
Response object with the favicon.ico file
return send_from_directory(
os.path.join(app.root_path, "static"),
@app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index():
""" Process the POST request and send a request to the specified API endpoint.
str: The rendered HTML template with the response data.
if request.method == "POST":
prompt = request.form.get("prompt")
endpoint = request.form.get("api")
response = send_request(prompt=prompt, endpoint=endpoint)
return render_template("index.html", response=response)
return render_template("index.html", response=None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=13338, debug=True)
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.6 MiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 15 KiB |
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='favicon.ico') }}" type="image/x-icon">
<link rel="icon" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='favicon.ico') }}" type="image/x-icon">
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="https://beehiiv-images-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/asset/file/971f362a-f3fa-427f-b619-7e04cc135d17/fabric-logo-miessler-transparent.png?t=1704525002" />
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tailwindcss@2.2.16/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<body class="bg-gray-900 text-white min-h-screen">
<div class="container mx-auto py-10 px-4">
<div class="flex justify-between items-center mb-6">
<!-- Add this line inside the div with class "flex justify-between items-center mb-6" -->
<p><img src="static/fabric-logo-miessler-transparent.png" alt="fabric logo" class="h-20 w-auto mr-2"></p>
<h1 class="text-4xl font-bold"><code>fabric</code></h1>
<p>Please enter your content and select the API you want to use:</p>
<br />
<form method="POST" class="space-y-4">
<label for="prompt" class="block text-sm font-medium">Content:</label>
<input type="text" id="prompt" name="prompt" required class="w-full px-3 py-2 border border-gray-300 rounded-md text-black">
<label for="api" class="block text-sm font-medium">API:</label>
<select id="api" name="api" class="w-full px-3 py-2 border border-gray-300 rounded-md text-black">
<option value="/extwis">/extwis</option>
<!-- Add more API endpoints here... -->
<button type="submit" class="px-4 py-2 bg-blue-600 hover:bg-blue-700 rounded-md text-white font-medium">Send Request</button>
{% if response %}
<div class="mt-8">
<div class="flex justify-between items-center mb-4">
<h2 class="text-2xl font-bold">API Response:</h2>
<button id="copy-button" class="bg-green-600 hover:bg-green-700 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded-md">Copy to Clipboard</button>
<pre id="response-output" class="bg-gray-800 p-4 rounded-md whitespace-pre-wrap">{{ response }}</pre>
{% endif %}
document.getElementById("api").addEventListener("change", function() {
document.getElementById("response-output").textContent = "";
document.getElementById("copy-button").addEventListener("click", function() {
const responseOutput = document.getElementById("response-output");
const range = document.createRange();
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
"user1": {
"username": "user1",
"password": "password1"
"user2": {
"username": "user2",
"password": "password2"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user