# Extract TOTP/HOTP secret keys from Google Authenticator Extract two-factor authentication (2FA, TFA) secret keys from export QR codes of "Google Authenticator" app ## Testing Status [![extract_otp_secret_keys](https://github.com/scito/extract_otp_secret_keys/actions/workflows/extract_otp_secret_keys.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/scito/extract_otp_secret_keys/actions/workflows/extract_otp_secret_keys.yml) ## Usage 1. Export the QR codes from "Google Authenticator" app 2. Read QR codes with QR code reader 3. Save the captured QR codes in a text file. Save each QR code on a new line. (The captured QR codes look like `otpauth-migration://offline?data=...`) 4. Call this script with the file as input: python extract_otp_secret_keys.py -p example_export.txt ## Dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt Known to work with * Python 3.10.6, protobuf 4.21.5, qrcode 7.3.1, and pillow 9.2 ### Optional For printing QR codes, the qrcode module is required, otherwise it can be omitted. pip install qrcode[pil] ## Technical background The export QR code of "Google Authenticator" contains the URL `otpauth-migration://offline?data=...`. The data parameter is a base64 encoded proto3 message (Google Protocol Buffers). Command for regeneration of Python code from proto3 message definition file (only necessary in case of changes of the proto3 message definition or new protobuf versions): protoc --python_out=protobuf_generated_python google_auth.proto The generated protobuf Python code was generated by protoc 21.5 (https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/tag/v21.5). ## References * Proto3 documentation: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/pythontutorial * Template code: https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis/pull/406 ## Alternative installation methods ### venv Alternatively, you can use a python virtual env for the dependencies: python -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements-buildenv.txt pip install -r requirements.txt The requirements\*.txt files contain all the dependencies (also the optional ones). To leave the python virtual env just call `deactivate`. ### devbox Install [devbox](https://github.com/jetpack-io/devbox), which is a wrapper for nix. Then enter the environment with Python and the packages installed with: ``` devbox shell ``` ## Tests ### unittest There are basic unit tests, see `unittest_extract_otp_secret_keys.py`. Run unit tests: ``` python -m unittest ``` ### PyTest There are basic pytests, see `test_extract_otp_secret_keys.py`. Run pytests: ``` pytest unittest ``` or ``` python -m pytest ```