# pytest for extract_otp_secret_keys.py # Run tests: # pytest # Author: Scito (https://scito.ch) # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from utils import read_csv, read_csv_str, read_json, read_json_str, remove_files, remove_dir_with_files, read_file_to_str, file_exits from os import path from pytest import raises, mark from io import StringIO from sys import platform import extract_otp_secret_keys def test_extract_stdout(capsys): # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['example_export.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == EXPECTED_STDOUT_FROM_EXAMPLE_EXPORT assert captured.err == '' def test_extract_stdin_stdout(capsys, monkeypatch): # Arrange monkeypatch.setattr('sys.stdin', StringIO(read_file_to_str('example_export.txt'))) # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == EXPECTED_STDOUT_FROM_EXAMPLE_EXPORT assert captured.err == '' def test_extract_csv(capsys): # Arrange cleanup() # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-q', '-c', 'test_example_output.csv', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert expected_csv = read_csv('example_output.csv') actual_csv = read_csv('test_example_output.csv') assert actual_csv == expected_csv captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == '' assert captured.err == '' # Clean up cleanup() def test_extract_csv_stdout(capsys): # Arrange cleanup() # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-c', '-', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert assert not file_exits('test_example_output.csv') captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_csv = read_csv('example_output.csv') actual_csv = read_csv_str(captured.out) assert actual_csv == expected_csv assert captured.err == '' # Clean up cleanup() def test_extract_stdin_and_csv_stdout(capsys, monkeypatch): # Arrange cleanup() monkeypatch.setattr('sys.stdin', StringIO(read_file_to_str('example_export.txt'))) # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-c', '-', '-']) # Assert assert not file_exits('test_example_output.csv') captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_csv = read_csv('example_output.csv') actual_csv = read_csv_str(captured.out) assert actual_csv == expected_csv assert captured.err == '' # Clean up cleanup() def test_keepass_csv(capsys): '''Two csv files .totp and .htop are generated.''' # Arrange cleanup() # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-q', '-k', 'test_example_keepass_output.csv', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert expected_totp_csv = read_csv('example_keepass_output.totp.csv') expected_hotp_csv = read_csv('example_keepass_output.hotp.csv') actual_totp_csv = read_csv('test_example_keepass_output.totp.csv') actual_hotp_csv = read_csv('test_example_keepass_output.hotp.csv') assert actual_totp_csv == expected_totp_csv assert actual_hotp_csv == expected_hotp_csv assert not file_exits('test_example_keepass_output.csv') captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == '' assert captured.err == '' # Clean up cleanup() def test_keepass_csv_stdout(capsys): '''Two csv files .totp and .htop are generated.''' # Arrange cleanup() # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-k', '-', 'test/example_export_only_totp.txt']) # Assert expected_totp_csv = read_csv('example_keepass_output.totp.csv') expected_hotp_csv = read_csv('example_keepass_output.hotp.csv') assert not file_exits('test_example_keepass_output.totp.csv') assert not file_exits('test_example_keepass_output.hotp.csv') assert not file_exits('test_example_keepass_output.csv') captured = capsys.readouterr() actual_totp_csv = read_csv_str(captured.out) assert actual_totp_csv == expected_totp_csv assert captured.err == '' # Clean up cleanup() def test_single_keepass_csv(capsys): '''Does not add .totp or .hotp pre-suffix''' # Arrange cleanup() # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-q', '-k', 'test_example_keepass_output.csv', 'test/example_export_only_totp.txt']) # Assert expected_totp_csv = read_csv('example_keepass_output.totp.csv') actual_totp_csv = read_csv('test_example_keepass_output.csv') assert actual_totp_csv == expected_totp_csv assert not file_exits('test_example_keepass_output.totp.csv') assert not file_exits('test_example_keepass_output.hotp.csv') captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == '' assert captured.err == '' # Clean up cleanup() def test_extract_json(capsys): # Arrange cleanup() # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-q', '-j', 'test_example_output.json', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert expected_json = read_json('example_output.json') actual_json = read_json('test_example_output.json') assert actual_json == expected_json captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == '' assert captured.err == '' # Clean up cleanup() def test_extract_json_stdout(capsys): # Arrange cleanup() # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-j', '-', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert expected_json = read_json('example_output.json') assert not file_exits('test_example_output.json') captured = capsys.readouterr() actual_json = read_json_str(captured.out) assert actual_json == expected_json assert captured.err == '' # Clean up cleanup() def test_extract_not_encoded_plus(capsys): # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['test/test_plus_problem_export.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_stdout = '''Name: SerenityLabs:test1@serenitylabs.co.uk Secret: A4RFDYMF4GSLUIBQV4ZP67OJEZ2XUQVM Issuer: SerenityLabs Type: totp Name: SerenityLabs:test2@serenitylabs.co.uk Secret: SCDDZ7PW5MOZLE3PQCAZM7L4S35K3UDX Issuer: SerenityLabs Type: totp Name: SerenityLabs:test3@serenitylabs.co.uk Secret: TR76272RVYO6EAEY2FX7W7R7KUDEGPJ4 Issuer: SerenityLabs Type: totp Name: SerenityLabs:test4@serenitylabs.co.uk Secret: N2ILWSXSJUQUB7S6NONPJSC62NPG7EXN Issuer: SerenityLabs Type: totp ''' assert captured.out == expected_stdout assert captured.err == '' def test_extract_printqr(capsys): # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-p', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_stdout = read_file_to_str('test/printqr_output.txt') assert captured.out == expected_stdout assert captured.err == '' def test_extract_saveqr(capsys): # Arrange cleanup() # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-q', '-s', 'testout/qr/', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == '' assert captured.err == '' assert path.isfile('testout/qr/1-piraspberrypi-raspberrypi.png') assert path.isfile('testout/qr/2-piraspberrypi.png') assert path.isfile('testout/qr/3-piraspberrypi.png') assert path.isfile('testout/qr/4-piraspberrypi-raspberrypi.png') # Clean up cleanup() def test_extract_verbose(capsys): # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-v', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_stdout = read_file_to_str('test/print_verbose_output.txt') assert captured.out == expected_stdout assert captured.err == '' def test_extract_debug(capsys): # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-vv', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_stdout = read_file_to_str('test/print_verbose_output.txt') assert len(captured.out) > len(expected_stdout) assert "DEBUG: " in captured.out assert captured.err == '' def test_extract_help(capsys): with raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e: # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-h']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() assert len(captured.out) > 0 assert "-h, --help" in captured.out and "--verbose, -v" in captured.out assert captured.err == '' assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 0 def test_extract_no_arguments(capsys): # Act with raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e: extract_otp_secret_keys.main([]) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_err_msg = 'error: the following arguments are required: infile' assert expected_err_msg in captured.err assert captured.out == '' def test_verbose_and_quiet(capsys): with raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e: # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['-v', '-q', 'example_export.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() assert len(captured.err) > 0 assert 'error: argument --quiet/-q: not allowed with argument --verbose/-v' in captured.err assert captured.out == '' def test_wrong_data(capsys): with raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e: # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['test/test_export_wrong_data.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_stderr = ''' ERROR: Cannot decode otpauth-migration migration payload. data=XXXX ''' assert captured.err == expected_stderr assert captured.out == '' def test_wrong_content(capsys): with raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e: # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['test/test_export_wrong_content.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_stderr = ''' WARN: line is not a otpauth-migration:// URL input file: test/test_export_wrong_content.txt line "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua." Probably a wrong file was given ERROR: no data query parameter in input URL input file: test/test_export_wrong_content.txt line "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua." Probably a wrong file was given ''' assert captured.out == '' assert captured.err == expected_stderr def test_wrong_prefix(capsys): # Act extract_otp_secret_keys.main(['test/test_export_wrong_prefix.txt']) # Assert captured = capsys.readouterr() expected_stderr = ''' WARN: line is not a otpauth-migration:// URL input file: test/test_export_wrong_prefix.txt line "QR-Code:otpauth-migration://offline?data=CjUKEPqlBekzoNEukL7qlsjBCDYSDnBpQHJhc3BiZXJyeXBpGgtyYXNwYmVycnlwaSABKAEwAhABGAEgACjr4JKK%2B%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F8B" Probably a wrong file was given ''' expected_stdout = '''Name: pi@raspberrypi Secret: 7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY Issuer: raspberrypi Type: totp ''' assert captured.out == expected_stdout assert captured.err == expected_stderr def test_add_pre_suffix(capsys): assert extract_otp_secret_keys.add_pre_suffix("name.csv", "totp") == "name.totp.csv" assert extract_otp_secret_keys.add_pre_suffix("name.csv", "") == "name..csv" assert extract_otp_secret_keys.add_pre_suffix("name", "totp") == "name.totp" def cleanup(): remove_files('test_example_*.csv') remove_files('test_example_*.json') remove_dir_with_files('testout/') EXPECTED_STDOUT_FROM_EXAMPLE_EXPORT = '''Name: pi@raspberrypi Secret: 7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY Issuer: raspberrypi Type: totp Name: pi@raspberrypi Secret: 7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY Type: totp Name: pi@raspberrypi Secret: 7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY Type: totp Name: pi@raspberrypi Secret: 7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY Issuer: raspberrypi Type: totp Name: hotp demo Secret: 7KSQL2JTUDIS5EF65KLMRQIIGY Type: hotp Counter: 4 '''