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#include "card.h"
#ifdef __linux__
# include "linux/types.h"
# include <stdint.h>
typedef uint64_t __u64;
typedef uint32_t __u32;
typedef int32_t __s32;
typedef uint16_t __u16;
typedef uint8_t __u8;
struct mmc_ioc_cmd {
int write_flag;
int is_acmd;
__u32 opcode;
__u32 arg;
__u32 response[4];
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int blksz;
unsigned int blocks;
unsigned int postsleep_min_us;
unsigned int postsleep_max_us;
unsigned int data_timeout_ns;
unsigned int cmd_timeout_ms;
__u32 __pad;
__u64 data_ptr;
#define mmc_ioc_cmd_set_data(ic, ptr) ic.data_ptr = (__u64)(unsigned long) ptr
#define MMC_IOC_CMD _IOWR(MMC_BLOCK_MAJOR, 0, struct mmc_ioc_cmd)
struct mmc_ioc_cmd_extend {
struct sd_ssr ssr;
u32 ccs;
u32 capacity_of_protected_area_in_byte;
u32 card_status;
u32 capacity;
#define MMC_IOC_CMD_EXTEND _IOR(MMC_BLOCK_MAJOR, 1, struct mmc_ioc_cmd_extend)
#define MMC_IOC_MAX_BYTES (512L * 256)