You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

438 lines
8.8 KiB

9 years ago
package main
import (
_ ""
var globalDB *sql.DB
var globalOpts Options
9 years ago
// const orderby = "-frequency, -mark, CASE WHEN updated_at IS NULL THEN created_at ELSE updated_at END DESC"
const orderby = "CASE WHEN updated_at IS NULL THEN created_at ELSE updated_at END DESC"
const defaultEditor = "vi"
9 years ago
func cmdShow(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
if len(opts.IDs) == 0 && len(opts.Aliases) == 0 {
opts.IDs = append(opts.IDs, int64(getLastAttrID(db)))
for _, id := range opts.IDs {
attr := findAttributeByID(db, id)
for _, alias := range opts.Aliases {
attr := findAttributeByAlias(db, alias, false)
9 years ago
return true
func cmdCat(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
if len(opts.IDs) == 0 && len(opts.Aliases) == 0 {
opts.IDs = append(opts.IDs, int64(getLastAttrID(db)))
for _, id := range opts.IDs {
attr := findAttributeByID(db, id)
for _, alias := range opts.Aliases {
attr := findAttributeByAlias(db, alias, false)
9 years ago
return true
func cmdMount(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
log.Println("Not implemented yet")
globalDB = db
globalOpts = opts
globalOpts.Offset = 0
globalOpts.Limit = 40
9 years ago
return true
func cmdAddFiles(db *sql.DB, files []string) bool {
tx, err := db.Begin()
// stmt, err := tx.Prepare("INSERT INTO attributes (name, pwd, value_text, value_blob) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")
stmt, err := tx.Prepare("INSERT INTO attributes (name, value_text, value_blob) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
if err != nil {
defer stmt.Close()
if err != nil {
for _, file := range files {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
fileAbsPath, err := filepath.Abs(file)
// fileRelPath, err := filepath.Rel(pwd, fileAbsPath)
if err != nil {
//_, err = stmt.Exec("file", pwd, fileRelPath, content)
_, err = stmt.Exec("file", fileAbsPath, content)
if err != nil {
return true
func cmdLs(db *sql.DB, w *tabwriter.Writer, opts Options) bool {
attrs := listWithFilters(db, opts)
for _, attr := range attrs {
if opts.ListFilepaths {
} else {
attr.Print(w, opts.Recursive, opts.Indent, opts.Filters, opts.AfterLinesCount)
return true
func cmdNew(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
var value_text string
if opts.FromStdin {
lines := make([]string, 0, 0)
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
go func() {
for _ = range c {
// CTRL-c
// Do nothing, this will continue executing the rest of the code
for {
line, _, err := reader.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
// EOF
lines = append(lines, string(line))
9 years ago
if opts.Verbose {
log.Printf("%s\n", prettyAttr("eton", string(line)))
9 years ago
value_text = strings.Join(lines, "\n")
} else if len(opts.Note) > 0 {
value_text = opts.Note
} else {
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "eton-edit")
9 years ago
9 years ago
if openEditor(f.Name()) == false {
return false
9 years ago
value_text = readFile(f.Name())
9 years ago
lastInsertId := saveString(db, value_text)
if lastInsertId > 0 && opts.Verbose {
fmt.Printf("New note ID:%d\n", lastInsertId)
9 years ago
return true
func cmdAdd(db *sql.DB, id int, attrs []string) bool {
return false
func cmdAddAttr(db *sql.DB, id int, attrs []string) bool {
var stmt *sql.Stmt
tx, err := db.Begin()
if id == -1 {
stmt, err = tx.Prepare("INSERT INTO attributes (name, value_text) VALUES (?, ?)")
} else {
stmt, err = tx.Prepare("INSERT INTO attributes (name, value_text, parent_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
if err != nil {
defer stmt.Close()
if err != nil {
for _, attr := range attrs {
name := ""
value := ""
nameValuePair := strings.SplitN(attr, ":", 2)
switch len(nameValuePair) {
case 1:
value = nameValuePair[0]
case 2:
name = nameValuePair[0]
value = nameValuePair[1]
if id == -1 {
_, err = stmt.Exec(name, value)
} else {
_, err = stmt.Exec(name, value, id)
if err != nil {
return true
func cmdUnalias(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
attr := findAttributeByAlias(db, opts.Alias, true)
9 years ago
if attr.GetID() == -1 {
log.Fatalf("alias \"%s\" not found", opts.Alias)
} else {
attr.SetAlias(db, "")
return true
func cmdAlias(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
if !(opts.ID > 0 && len(opts.Alias1) > 0 || len(opts.Alias2) > 0) && !(len(opts.Alias1) > 0 && len(opts.Alias2) > 0) {
return false
var attr Attr
if opts.ID > 0 {
attr = findAttributeByID(db, opts.ID)
if len(opts.Alias1) > 0 {
attr.SetAlias(db, opts.Alias1)
} else if len(opts.Alias2) > 0 {
attr.SetAlias(db, opts.Alias2)
} else if len(opts.Alias1) > 0 && len(opts.Alias2) > 0 {
attr1 := findAttributeByAlias(db, opts.Alias1, true)
attr2 := findAttributeByAlias(db, opts.Alias2, true)
9 years ago
if attr1.GetID() > 0 && attr2.GetID() <= 0 {
attr1.SetAlias(db, opts.Alias2)
} else if attr1.GetID() <= 0 && attr2.GetID() > 0 {
attr2.SetAlias(db, opts.Alias1)
} else {
log.Println("not changing anything", attr1.GetID(), attr2.GetID())
return true
func cmdEdit(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
var totalUpdated int64
if len(opts.IDs) == 0 && len(opts.Aliases) == 0 {
opts.IDs = append(opts.IDs, int64(getLastAttrID(db)))
for _, id := range opts.IDs {
attr := findAttributeByID(db, id)
totalUpdated += attr.Edit(db)
for _, alias := range opts.Aliases {
attr := findAttributeByAlias(db, alias, false)
9 years ago
totalUpdated += attr.Edit(db)
9 years ago
if opts.Verbose {
9 years ago
fmt.Println(totalUpdated, "records updated")
return true
func cmdRm(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
var totalUpdated int64
for _, id := range opts.IDs {
attr := findAttributeByID(db, id)
totalUpdated += attr.Rm(db)
for _, alias := range opts.Aliases {
attr := findAttributeByAlias(db, alias, true)
9 years ago
totalUpdated += attr.Rm(db)
if totalUpdated > 0 {
fmt.Println(totalUpdated, "deleted")
return true
func cmdUnrm(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
var totalUpdated int64
for _, id := range opts.IDs {
attr := findAttributeByID(db, id)
totalUpdated += attr.Unrm(db)
for _, alias := range opts.Aliases {
attr := findAttributeByAlias(db, alias, true)
9 years ago
totalUpdated += attr.Unrm(db)
if totalUpdated > 0 {
fmt.Println(totalUpdated, "recovered")
return true
func cmdInit(db *sql.DB) bool {
return true
func cmdMark(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
var totalUpdated int64
for _, id := range opts.IDs {
attr := findAttributeByID(db, id)
totalUpdated += attr.SetMark(db, 1)
for _, alias := range opts.Aliases {
attr := findAttributeByAlias(db, alias, false)
9 years ago
totalUpdated += attr.SetMark(db, 1)
fmt.Println(totalUpdated, "marked")
return true
func cmdUnmark(db *sql.DB, opts Options) bool {
var totalUpdated int64
for _, id := range opts.IDs {
attr := findAttributeByID(db, id)
totalUpdated += attr.SetMark(db, 0)
for _, alias := range opts.Aliases {
attr := findAttributeByAlias(db, alias, false)
9 years ago
totalUpdated += attr.SetMark(db, 0)
fmt.Println(totalUpdated, "marked")
return true
func openEditor(filepath string) bool {
var cmd *exec.Cmd
editor := os.Getenv("EDITOR")
if len(editor) > 0 {
cmd = exec.Command(editor, filepath)
} else {
if _, err := os.Stat("/usr/bin/sensible-editor"); err == nil {
cmd = exec.Command("/usr/bin/sensible-editor", filepath)
} else {
cmd = exec.Command("/usr/bin/env", defaultEditor, filepath)
9 years ago
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
return false
return true
9 years ago
func readFile(filepath string) string {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath)
return string(data)
func check(e error) {
if e != nil {
// log.Fatal(e)
func printToLess(text string) {
// declare your pager
cmd := exec.Command("/usr/bin/env", "less")
// create a pipe (blocking)
r, stdin := io.Pipe()
// Set your i/o's
cmd.Stdin = r
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
// Create a blocking chan, Run the pager and unblock once it is finished
c := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(c)
// Pass anything to your pipe
fmt.Fprintf(stdin, text)
// Close stdin (result in pager to exit)
// Wait for the pager to be finished