/* * echoping : uses the TCP echo (or other TCP or UDP protocols) * service to measure (roughly) response times. * * Written by Stephane Bortzmeyer . See * the AUTHORS file for other contributors. * * $Id$ * * */ char *progname; #include "echoping.h" /* * An option to define only if you want to drive echoping from another * process. Useless but harmless otherwise. In practice, while OSF/1 is happy * with it, SunOS refuses to use fflush on a NULL and Linux fails. */ #undef FLUSH_OUTPUT /* Not really supported, see the TODO */ /* Global variables for main and printstats */ int return_code = 0; int rc; unsigned int number = 1; struct timeval max, min, total, median, stddev, temp; struct timeval conntv, connectedtv, sendtv, recvtv; unsigned int successes, attempts = 0; unsigned int size = DEFLINE; unsigned int j = 0; int family = PF_UNSPEC; struct result results[MAX_ITERATIONS]; struct timeval good_results[MAX_ITERATIONS]; extern int tvcmp (); int main (argc, argv) int argc; const char *argv[]; { int result; int remaining = argc; char **leftover; int sockfd; struct addrinfo hints, hints_numeric, *res; int error; char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST], pbuf[NI_MAXSERV]; #ifdef NI_WITHSCOPEID const int niflags = NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV | NI_WITHSCOPEID; #else const int niflags = NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV; #endif FILE *files = NULL; CHANNEL channel; int verbose = FALSE; int module_find = FALSE; int n, nr = 0; #ifdef OPENSSL int sslcode; char rand_file[MAX_LINE]; #endif char *sendline, recvline[MAX_LINE + 1]; #ifdef ICP char retcode[DEFLINE]; int length; #endif struct timeval newtv, oldtv; void printstats (); #ifdef HAVE_USLEEP double wait = 1.0; #else unsigned int wait = 1; #endif unsigned char fill = ' '; unsigned int fill_i; boolean fill_requested = 0; unsigned int i = 0; char *plugin_name, *complete_plugin_name = NULL; char *ext; void *plugin; int plugin_result; void to_alarm (); /* our alarm() signal handler */ void interrupted (); unsigned int timeout = 10; boolean timeout_requested = 0; boolean size_requested = 0; char *url = ""; #if USE_SIGACTION struct sigaction mysigaction; #endif char *plugin_port_name, *port_name; boolean plugin_raw; boolean port_to_use = USE_ECHO; boolean http = 0; boolean smtp = 0; boolean discard = 0; boolean chargen = 0; boolean udp = 0; boolean icp = 0; boolean nocache = 0; #ifdef ICP icp_opcode opcode = ICP_OP_QUERY; #endif boolean ttcp = 0; boolean tcp = 0; boolean ssl = 0; boolean stop_at_newlines = 1; #ifdef OPENSSL SSL_METHOD *meth; SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL; SSL *sslh = NULL; #endif #ifdef GNUTLS gnutls_session session; gnutls_certificate_credentials xcred; int tls_result; const int cert_type_priority[3] = { GNUTLS_CRT_X509, GNUTLS_CRT_OPENPGP, 0 }; #endif int priority; int priority_requested = 0; int tos; int tos_requested = 0; char *p; echoping_options global_options; /* popt variables */ const struct poptOption options[] = { {"verbose", 'v', POPT_ARG_NONE, &verbose, 'v'}, {"help", '?', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, '?'}, {"size", 's', POPT_ARG_INT, &size, 's'}, {"number", 'n', POPT_ARG_INT, &number, 'n'}, #ifdef HAVE_USLEEP {"wait", 'w', POPT_ARG_FLOAT, &wait, 'w'}, #else {"wait", 'w', POPT_ARG_INT, &wait, 'w'}, #endif {"discard", 'd', POPT_ARG_NONE, &discard, 'd'}, {"chargen", 'c', POPT_ARG_NONE, &chargen, 'c'}, {"http", 'h', POPT_ARG_STRING, &url, 'h'}, {"icp", 'i', POPT_ARG_STRING, &url, 'i'}, {"ttcp", 'r', POPT_ARG_NONE, &ttcp, 'r'}, {"udp", 'u', POPT_ARG_NONE, &udp, 'u'}, {"timeout", 't', POPT_ARG_INT, &timeout, 't'}, {"fill", 'f', POPT_ARG_INT, &fill_i, 'f'}, {"smtp", 'S', POPT_ARG_NONE, &smtp, 'S'}, {"ssl", 'C', POPT_ARG_NONE, &ssl, 'C'}, {"priority", 'p', POPT_ARG_INT, &priority, 'p'}, {"type-of-service", 'P', POPT_ARG_INT, &tos, 'P'}, {"check-original", 'a', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'a'}, {"ignore-cache", 'A', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'A'}, {"ipv4", '4', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, '4'}, {"ipv6", '6', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, '6'}, {"module", 'm', POPT_ARG_STRING, &plugin_name, 'm'}, POPT_TABLEEND }; poptContext poptcon; global_options.udp = 0; global_options.verbose = 0; null_timeval.tv_sec = 0; null_timeval.tv_usec = 0; max_timeval.tv_sec = 1000000000; max_timeval.tv_usec = 999999; return_code = 0; number = 1; total = null_timeval; median = null_timeval; max = null_timeval; min = max_timeval; stddev = null_timeval; port_name = malloc (NI_MAXSERV); strcpy (port_name, ECHO_TCP_PORT); for (i = 0; i <= MAX_ITERATIONS; i++) { results[i].valid = 0; } progname = (char *) argv[0]; poptcon = poptGetContext (NULL, argc, argv, options, POPT_CONTEXT_POSIXMEHARDER); while ((result = poptGetNextOpt (poptcon)) != -1) { if (result < -1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", poptBadOption (poptcon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror (result)); usage (poptcon); } remaining--; switch ((char) result) { case '?': poptPrintHelp (poptcon, stdout, 0); fprintf (stdout, " hostname [plugin-options...]\n"); exit (0); case 'v': break; case 'r': break; case 'u': break; case 'C': break; case 'd': strcpy (port_name, DISCARD_TCP_PORT); port_to_use = USE_DISCARD; break; case 'c': strcpy (port_name, CHARACTER_GENERATOR_TCP_PORT); port_to_use = USE_CHARGEN; stop_at_newlines = 0; break; case 'i': remaining--; strcpy (port_name, DEFAULT_ICP_UDP_PORT); port_to_use = USE_ICP; udp = 1; icp = 1; break; case 'h': remaining--; strcpy (port_name, DEFAULT_HTTP_TCP_PORT); port_to_use = USE_HTTP; http = 1; break; case 'a': nocache = 1; break; case 'A': nocache = 2; break; case 'f': remaining--; fill = (char) fill_i; fill_requested = 1; break; case 'S': strcpy (port_name, "smtp"); port_to_use = USE_SMTP; break; case 'p': remaining--; priority_requested = 1; break; case 'P': remaining--; tos_requested = 1; break; case 's': remaining--; if (size > MAX_LINE) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: packet size too large, max is %d.\n", progname, MAX_LINE); exit (1); } if (size <= 0) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal packet size.\n", progname); exit (1); } size_requested = 1; break; case 't': remaining--; timeout_requested = 1; if (size <= 0) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal timeout.\n", progname); exit (1); } break; case 'n': remaining--; if (number > MAX_ITERATIONS) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: number of iterations too large, max is %d.\n", progname, MAX_ITERATIONS); exit (1); } if (number <= 0) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal number of iterations.\n", progname); exit (1); } break; case 'w': remaining--; if (wait <= 0) /* atoi returns zero when there is an error. So we cannot use '-w 0' to specify no waiting. */ { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal waiting time.\n", progname); exit (1); } break; case '4': family = AF_INET; break; case '6': family = AF_INET6; break; case 'm': remaining--; module_find = TRUE; break; default: printf ("Unknown character option %d (%c)", result, (char) result); usage (poptcon); } } if (udp && ((port_to_use == USE_CHARGEN) || (port_to_use == USE_HTTP) || (port_to_use == USE_SMTP))) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: I don't know how to use this port with UDP.\n", progname); exit (1); } if ((http || smtp) && (fill_requested)) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: Filling incompatible with HTTP connections.\n", progname); exit (1); } #ifndef USE_TTCP if (ttcp) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: not compiled with T/TCP support.\n", progname); exit (1); } #endif #if ! (defined(OPENSSL) || defined(GNUTLS)) if (ssl) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: not compiled with SSL/TLS support.\n", progname); exit (1); } #endif #ifndef HTTP if (http) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: Not compiled with HTTP support.\n", progname); exit (1); } #endif #ifndef SMTP if (smtp) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: Not compiled with SMTP support.\n", progname); exit (1); } #endif #ifndef ICP if (icp) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: Not compiled with ICP support.\n", progname); exit (1); } #endif if ((http || smtp) && size_requested) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s and message size specification are incompatible.\n", http ? "HTTP" : "SMTP", progname); exit (1); } if (ssl && !http) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: SSL is only supported for HTTP requests.\n", progname); exit (1); } if (udp && ttcp) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: UDP and T/TCP are incompatible.\n", progname); exit (1); } if (ssl && http) { strcpy (port_name, DEFAULT_HTTPS_TCP_PORT); } #ifndef USE_TOS if (tos_requested) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: Not compiled with Type Of Service support.\n", progname); exit (1); } #endif #ifndef USE_PRIORITY if (priority_requested) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: Not compiled with socket priority support.\n", progname); exit (1); } #endif remaining--; /* No argv[0] this time */ leftover = (char **) &argv[argc - remaining]; if (plugin_name) { ext = strstr (plugin_name, ".so"); if ((ext == NULL) || (strcmp (ext, ".so") != 0)) sprintf (plugin_name, "%s.so", plugin_name); plugin = dlopen (plugin_name, RTLD_NOW); if (!plugin) { /* retries with the absolute name */ complete_plugin_name = (char *) malloc (MAX_LINE); sprintf (complete_plugin_name, "%s/%s", PLUGINS_DIR, plugin_name); plugin = dlopen (complete_plugin_name, RTLD_NOW); } if (!plugin) { err_sys ("Cannot load \"%s\" (I tried the short name, then the complete name in \"%s\"): %s", plugin_name, PLUGINS_DIR, dlerror ()); } plugin_init = dlsym (plugin, "init"); if (!plugin_init) { err_sys ("Cannot find init in %s: %s", plugin_name, dlerror ()); } global_options.udp = udp; global_options.verbose = verbose; if (family == AF_INET) global_options.only_ipv4 = 1; else global_options.only_ipv4 = 0; if (family == AF_INET6) global_options.only_ipv6 = 1; else global_options.only_ipv6 = 0; plugin_port_name = plugin_init (remaining, (const char **) leftover, global_options); if (plugin_port_name != NULL) { strcpy (port_name, plugin_port_name); plugin_raw = FALSE; plugin_start = dlsym (plugin, "start"); if (!plugin_start) { err_sys ("Cannot find start in %s: %s", plugin_name, dlerror ()); } } else { port_name = 0; plugin_raw = TRUE; plugin_raw_start = dlsym (plugin, "start_raw"); if (!plugin_raw_start) { err_sys ("Cannot find start_raw in %s: %s", plugin_name, dlerror ()); } } plugin_execute = dlsym (plugin, "execute"); if (!plugin_execute) { err_sys ("Cannot find execute in %s: %s", plugin_name, dlerror ()); } plugin_terminate = dlsym (plugin, "terminate"); if (!plugin_terminate) { err_sys ("Cannot find terminate in %s: %s", plugin_name, dlerror ()); } } if (!udp && !ttcp) { tcp = 1; } if (remaining == 0) usage (poptcon); if (!module_find && remaining != 1) { printf ("%d args remaining, should be 1\n", remaining); usage (poptcon); } if (verbose) { printf ("\nThis is %s, version %s.\n\n", progname, VERSION); } server = leftover[0]; #ifdef LIBIDN locale_server = server; utf8_server = stringprep_locale_to_utf8 (server); if (utf8_server) server = utf8_server; else err_quit ("Cannot convert %s to UTF-8 encoding: wrong locale (%s)?", server, stringprep_locale_charset ()); #endif if (!http && !icp) { for (p = server; *p && (*p != ':'); p++) { } if (*p && (*p == ':')) { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: The syntax hostname:port is only for HTTP or ICP\n", progname); exit (1); } } signal (SIGINT, interrupted); memset (&hints, 0, sizeof (hints)); hints.ai_family = family; hints.ai_socktype = udp ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM; #ifdef HTTP if (http || icp) { char *text_port = NULL; if (*server == '[') { /* RFC 2732 */ server++; for (p = server; *p && *p != ']'; p++) { } p++; if (*p == ':') { p--; *p = 0; text_port = p + 2; strncpy (port_name, text_port, NI_MAXSERV); } else { p--; if (*p == ']') { /* No port number */ *p = 0; } else { (void) fprintf (stderr, "%s: Invalid syntax for IPv6 address.\n", progname); exit (1); } } } else { for (p = server; *p; p++) { if (*p == ':') { *p = 0; text_port = p + 1; strncpy (port_name, text_port, NI_MAXSERV); } } } if (text_port == NULL) { error = getaddrinfo (server, port_name, &hints, &res); if (error) { if (error == EAI_SERVICE) { if (strcmp (port_name, DEFAULT_HTTP_TCP_PORT) == 0) { strcpy (port_name, "80"); } else if (strcmp (port_name, DEFAULT_HTTPS_TCP_PORT) == 0) { strcpy (port_name, "443"); } else if (strcmp (port_name, DEFAULT_ICP_UDP_PORT) == 0) { strcpy (port_name, "3130"); } } } } } #endif #ifdef LIBIDN /* Check if it is an address or a name (libidn will have trouble with IPv6 addresses otherwise) */ memset (&hints_numeric, 0, sizeof (hints_numeric)); hints_numeric.ai_family = family; hints_numeric.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; error = getaddrinfo (server, port_name, &hints_numeric, &res); if (error && error == EAI_NONAME) /* A name, not an address */ { if ((result = idna_to_ascii_8z (utf8_server, &ace_server, IDNA_USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES)) != IDNA_SUCCESS) { if (result == IDNA_CONTAINS_LDH) err_quit ("Illegal name for host: %s", server); /* foo@bar or similar errors */ else err_quit ("IDN error for host: %s %d", server, result); } if (strcmp (utf8_server, ace_server)) { if (verbose) printf ("ACE name of the server: %s\n", ace_server); server = ace_server; } } /* Else it is an address, do not IDNize it */ #endif if (!plugin || !plugin_raw) { error = getaddrinfo (server, port_name, &hints, &res); if (error) { err_quit ("getaddrinfo error for host: %s %s", server, gai_strerror (error)); } if (getnameinfo (res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, hbuf, sizeof (hbuf), pbuf, sizeof (pbuf), niflags) != 0) { strcpy (hbuf, "?"); strcpy (pbuf, "?"); } } if (plugin) { if (verbose) { printf ("Running start() for the plugin %s...\n", plugin_name); } if (plugin_raw) plugin_raw_start (); else plugin_start (res); } #ifdef HTTP if (http) { sendline = make_http_sendline (url, server, atoi (pbuf), nocache); } else #endif #ifdef SMTP if (smtp) { sendline = "QUIT\r\n"; /* Surprises some SMTP servers which log a frightening NOQUEUE. Anyone knows better? */ } else #endif #ifdef ICP if (icp) { if (res->ai_family == AF_INET) { sendline = make_icp_sendline (url, &(res->ai_addr), opcode, &length); } else { /* TODO: we should be able to create a ICP hostid for IPv6 addresses... See the Squid IPv6 patch at http://devel.squid-cache.org/projects.html#ipv6, for instance the following code. */ sendline = make_icp_sendline (url, (void *) NULL, opcode, &length); /* - headerp->shostid = theOutICPAddr.s_addr; + ** FIXME ** we should get more unique data from IPv6 address +xmemcpy (&headerp->shostid, &theOutICPAddr, sizeof (headerp->shostid)); */ } } else #endif if (!fill_requested) { sendline = random_string (size); } else { sendline = (char *) malloc (size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) sendline[i] = fill; } n = strlen (sendline); #ifdef OPENSSL if (ssl) { SSL_load_error_strings (); SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms (); /* The following RAND_ calls are only for systems insecure enough to fail to have /dev/urandom. Bug #132001 */ RAND_file_name (rand_file, sizeof (rand_file)); RAND_write_file (rand_file); RAND_load_file (rand_file, 1024); meth = SSLv23_client_method (); if ((ctx = SSL_CTX_new (meth)) == NULL) err_sys ("Cannot create a new SSL context"); } #endif #ifdef GNUTLS if (ssl) { gnutls_global_init (); gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials (&xcred); /* gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(xcred, CAFILE, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); */ } #endif for (i = 1; i <= number; i++) { if (i > 1) { #ifdef HAVE_USLEEP usleep (wait * 1000000); #else sleep (wait); #endif } attempts++; #ifdef OPENSSL if (ssl) /* Despite what the OpenSSL documentation says, we must allocate a new SSL structure at each iteration, otherwise, *some* SSL servers fail at the second iteration with: error:1406D0D9:SSL routines:GET_SERVER_HELLO:reuse cert type not zero Bug #130151 */ if ((sslh = SSL_new (ctx)) == NULL) err_sys ("Cannot initialize SSL context"); #endif /* * Open a socket. */ if (!plugin) { if ((sockfd = socket (res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol)) < 0) err_sys ("Can't open socket"); if (udp) { struct addrinfo hints2, *res2; memset (&hints2, 0, sizeof (hints2)); hints2.ai_family = res->ai_family; hints2.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; hints2.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; error = getaddrinfo (NULL, "0", &hints2, &res2); if (error) { err_sys ("getaddrinfo error"); } if (bind (sockfd, res2->ai_addr, res2->ai_addrlen) < 0) { err_sys ("bind error"); } } #ifdef USE_PRIORITY if (priority_requested) { if (verbose) { printf ("Setting socket priority to %d (0x%02x)\n", priority, (unsigned int) priority); } if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PRIORITY, (void *) &priority, (socklen_t) sizeof (priority))) { err_sys ("Failed setting socket priority"); } } #endif #if USE_TOS if (tos_requested) { if (verbose) { printf ("Setting IP type of service octet to %d (0x%02x)\n", tos, (unsigned int) tos); } if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_IP, IP_TOS, (void *) &tos, (socklen_t) sizeof (tos))) { err_sys ("Failed setting IP type of service octet"); } } #endif } if (verbose) { if (!plugin) { if (tcp) { printf ("Trying to connect to internet address %s %s to transmit %u bytes...\n", hbuf, pbuf, n); } #ifdef ICP if (icp) { printf ("Trying to send an ICP packet of %u bytes to the internet address %s...\n", length, hbuf); } #endif else { printf ("Trying to send %u bytes to internet address %s...\n", size, hbuf); } } else { if (plugin_raw) printf ("Trying to call plugin %s...\n", plugin_name); else printf ("Trying to call plugin %s for internet address %s %s...\n", plugin_name, hbuf, pbuf); } } #ifdef FLUSH_OUTPUT if (fflush ((FILE *) NULL) != 0) { err_sys ("I cannot flush"); } #endif if ((tcp || plugin) && timeout_requested) /* echoping's timeout has a different semantic in TCP and UDP */ { #ifdef USE_SIGACTION mysigaction.sa_handler = to_alarm; sigemptyset (&mysigaction.sa_mask); /* Default behavior doesn't seem portable? */ #ifdef SA_INTERRUPT mysigaction.sa_flags = SA_INTERRUPT; #else mysigaction.sa_flags = (int) 0; #endif if ((sigaction (SIGALRM, &mysigaction, NULL)) < 0) err_sys ("Cannot set signal handler"); #else signal (SIGALRM, to_alarm); #endif timeout_flag = 0; /* for signal handler */ alarm (timeout); } (void) gettimeofday (&oldtv, (struct timezone *) NULL); if (plugin) { plugin_result = plugin_execute (); if (plugin_result == -2) err_quit (""); } else { if (!ttcp && !icp) { /* * Connect to the server. */ (void) gettimeofday (&conntv, (struct timezone *) NULL); if (connect (sockfd, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) { if ((errno == EINTR) && (timeout_flag)) { printf ("Timeout while connecting\n"); close (sockfd); continue; #ifdef FLUSH_OUTPUT if (fflush ((FILE *) NULL) != 0) { err_sys ("I cannot flush"); } #endif } else err_sys ("Can't connect to server"); } else { if (tcp) { (void) gettimeofday (&connectedtv, (struct timezone *) NULL); temp = connectedtv; tvsub (&temp, &conntv); if (verbose) { printf ("Connected...\n"); printf ("TCP Latency: %d.%06d seconds\n", (int) temp.tv_sec, (int) temp.tv_usec); } } } if (verbose && tcp) { #ifdef FLUSH_OUTPUT if (fflush ((FILE *) NULL) != 0) { err_sys ("I cannot flush"); } #endif } if (!udp && !ssl) if ((files = fdopen (sockfd, "r")) == NULL) err_sys ("Cannot fdopen"); #ifdef OPENSSL if (ssl) { SSL_set_fd (sslh, sockfd); if (SSL_connect (sslh) == -1) if ((errno == EINTR) && (timeout_flag)) { printf ("Timeout while starting SSL\n"); close (sockfd); continue; } if (verbose) printf ("SSL connection using %s\n", SSL_get_cipher (sslh)); /* We could check the server's certificate or other funny things */ } #endif #ifdef GNUTLS if (ssl) { tls_result = gnutls_init (&session, GNUTLS_CLIENT); if (tls_result != 0) err_sys ("Cannot create a new TLS session"); gnutls_set_default_priority (session); gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority (session, cert_type_priority); gnutls_credentials_set (session, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, xcred); gnutls_transport_set_ptr (session, (gnutls_transport_ptr) sockfd); tls_result = gnutls_handshake (session); if (tls_result < 0) { if ((errno == EINTR) && (timeout_flag)) { printf ("Timeout while starting TLS\n"); close (sockfd); continue; } else { err_sys ("Cannot start the TLS session: %s", gnutls_strerror (tls_result)); } } if (verbose) printf ("TLS connection using \"%s\"\n", gnutls_cipher_get_name (gnutls_cipher_get (session))); /* We could check the server's certificate or other funny things. See http://www.gnu.org/software/gnutls/documentation/gnutls/gnutls.html#SECTION00622000000000000000 */ } #endif } /* Not T/TCP */ else { /* No initial connection */ } if ((port_to_use == USE_ECHO) || (port_to_use == USE_DISCARD) || (port_to_use == USE_HTTP) || (port_to_use == USE_ICP) || (port_to_use == USE_SMTP)) { #ifdef USE_TTCP if (ttcp) { if (sendto (sockfd, sendline, n, MSG_EOF, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) != n) err_sys ("sendto error on socket"); if (verbose) { printf ("T/TCP connection done\n"); } } else #endif if (!udp) { if (!ssl) { /* Write something to the server */ if (writen (sockfd, sendline, n) != n) { if ((nr < 0 || nr != n) && timeout_flag) { nr = n; printf ("Timeout while writing\n"); close (sockfd); continue; } else err_sys ("writen error on socket"); } } #ifdef OPENSSL else { if ((rc = SSL_write (sslh, sendline, n)) != n) { if ((nr < 0 || nr != n) && timeout_flag) { nr = n; printf ("Timeout while writing\n"); close (sockfd); continue; } else { sslcode = ERR_get_error (); err_sys ("SSL_write error on socket: %s", ERR_error_string (sslcode, NULL)); } } } #endif #ifdef GNUTLS else { if ((rc = gnutls_record_send (session, sendline, strlen (sendline))) != n) { if ((nr < 0 || nr != n) && timeout_flag) { nr = n; printf ("Timeout while writing\n"); close (sockfd); continue; } else { err_sys ("gnutls_record_send error %d on socket: %s", rc, gnutls_strerror (rc)); } } } #endif /* Write something to the server */ if (writen (sockfd, sendline, n) != n) { if ((nr < 0 || nr != n) && timeout_flag) { nr = n; printf ("Timeout while writing\n"); close (sockfd); continue; } else err_sys ("writen error on socket"); } } else { #ifdef ICP if (icp) { if (sendto (sockfd, sendline, length, 0, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) != length) err_sys ("sendto error on socket"); } else #endif /* * if (sendto(sockfd, sendline, n, 0, * &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) != n) * err_sys("sendto error on socket"); */ if (send (sockfd, sendline, n, 0) != n) err_sys ("send error on socket"); } if (verbose) { (void) gettimeofday (&sendtv, (struct timezone *) NULL); #ifdef ICP if (icp) printf ("Sent (%d bytes)...\n", length); else #endif printf ("Sent (%d bytes)...\n", n); #ifdef FLUSH_OUTPUT if (fflush ((FILE *) NULL) != 0) { err_sys ("I cannot flush"); } #endif } } if (tcp && !discard) { fd_set mask; int n = 0; FD_ZERO (&mask); if (!(http && ssl)) n = fileno (files); #ifdef OPENSSL else { n = SSL_get_fd (sslh); } #endif #ifdef GNUTLS else { n = sockfd; } #endif FD_SET (n, &mask); if (select (n + 1, &mask, 0, 0, NULL) > 0) { (void) gettimeofday (&recvtv, (struct timezone *) NULL); temp = recvtv; tvsub (&temp, &sendtv); if (verbose) printf ("Application Latency: %d.%06d seconds\n", (int) temp.tv_sec, (int) temp.tv_usec); } } if ((port_to_use == USE_ECHO) || (port_to_use == USE_CHARGEN) || (port_to_use == USE_HTTP) || (port_to_use == USE_ICP) || (port_to_use == USE_SMTP)) { if (!udp) { if (!http && !smtp && !discard) { /* Read from the server */ nr = readline (files, recvline, n, stop_at_newlines); } else if (discard) { /* No reply, no read */ } #ifdef HTTP else if (http) { if (!ssl) channel.fs = files; #ifdef OPENSSL else channel.ssl = sslh; #endif #ifdef GNUTLS else channel.tls = session; #endif nr = read_from_server (channel, ssl); } #endif #ifdef SMTP else if (smtp) { nr = smtp_read_response_from_server (files); } #endif } else { #ifdef USE_SIGACTION mysigaction.sa_handler = to_alarm; sigemptyset (&mysigaction.sa_mask); #ifdef SA_INTERRUPT mysigaction.sa_flags = SA_INTERRUPT; #else mysigaction.sa_flags = (int) 0; #endif if ((sigaction (SIGALRM, &mysigaction, NULL)) < 0) err_sys ("Cannot set signal handler"); #else signal (SIGALRM, to_alarm); #endif timeout_flag = 0; /* for signal handler */ alarm (timeout); #ifdef ICP if (icp) { nr = recv_icp (sockfd, recvline, retcode); if (verbose) { printf ("%s\n", retcode); } } else { #endif nr = recv (sockfd, recvline, n, 0); /* * nr = recvfrom(sockfd, recvline, n, 0, * (struct sockaddr *) 0, (int *) 0); * recvfrom fails on SunOS on connected * sockets. */ /* * Todo: in UDP, we should loop to read: we * can have several reads necessary. */ alarm (0); if ((nr < 0) && (errno == EINTR) && (timeout_flag)) { nr = n; printf ("Timeout\n"); #ifdef FLUSH_OUTPUT if (fflush ((FILE *) NULL) != 0) { err_sys ("I cannot flush"); } #endif } #ifdef ICP } #endif } if (!http && !icp && !smtp && !discard) { if ((nr < 0 || nr != n) && timeout_flag) /* if ((nr < 0 || nr != n) && (errno == EINTR) && timeout_flag) */ { printf ("Timeout while reading (%d byte(s) read)\n", (nr == -1) ? 0 : nr); nr = n; #ifdef FLUSH_OUTPUT if (fflush ((FILE *) NULL) != 0) { err_sys ("I cannot flush"); } #endif close (sockfd); continue; } if (nr < 0 || nr != n) err_sys ("readline error: %d bytes read, %d bytes requested", nr, n); } else /* This is probably HTTP */ { if ((nr < 0) && (errno == EINTR) && (timeout_flag)) { printf ("Timeout while reading (%d byte(s) read)\n", (nr == -1) ? 0 : nr); #ifdef FLUSH_OUTPUT if (fflush ((FILE *) NULL) != 0) { err_sys ("I cannot flush"); } #endif close (sockfd); continue; } if (nr < 0) { err_ret ("Error reading HTTP reply"); } } if (verbose) printf ("%d bytes read from server.\n", nr); } } /* That's all, folks */ if (tcp) alarm (0); if (http) { #ifdef OPENSSL if (ssl) SSL_shutdown (channel.ssl); else #endif #ifdef GNUTLS if (ssl) shutdown (sockfd, SHUT_RDWR); else #endif fclose (channel.fs); } close (sockfd); (void) gettimeofday (&newtv, (struct timezone *) NULL); temp = newtv; tvsub (&temp, &oldtv); if (!timeout_flag) { tvadd (&total, &temp); /* Check */ if (!plugin) { if (port_to_use == USE_ECHO) { if (strcmp (sendline, recvline) != 0) { printf (" I wrote:\n%s\n", sendline); printf (" and I got back:\n%s\n", recvline); err_quit ("Strange server"); } if (verbose) { printf ("Checked\n"); #ifdef FLUSH_OUTPUT if (fflush ((FILE *) NULL) != 0) { err_sys ("I cannot flush"); } #endif } } if (port_to_use == USE_CHARGEN) { sendline = CHARGENERATED; recvline[strlen (sendline)] = 0; if (strcmp (sendline, recvline) != 0) { /* TODO: it does not work if the size is lower than the length of CHARGENERATED */ printf (" I got back:\n%s\n", recvline); printf (" instead of the most common:\n%s\n", sendline); err_ret ("Strange server"); } if (verbose) { printf ("Checked\n"); } } } tvsub (&newtv, &oldtv); tvmin (&min, &newtv); tvmax (&max, &newtv); printf ("Elapsed time: %d.%06d seconds\n", (int) newtv.tv_sec, (int) newtv.tv_usec); #ifdef FLUSH_OUTPUT if (fflush ((FILE *) NULL) != 0) { err_sys ("I cannot flush"); } #endif results[i - 1].valid = 1; results[i - 1].timevalue = newtv; successes++; } if (number > 1) { #ifdef OPENSSL if (ssl) { /* SSL_clear (sslh); No, we have to free. Bug #130151 */ SSL_free (sslh); } #endif #ifdef GNUTLS if (ssl) { gnutls_bye (channel.tls, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR); gnutls_deinit (session); /* gnutls_certificate_free_credentials(xcred); */ } #endif } } /* End of main loop */ /* Clean */ if (plugin) plugin_terminate (); /* It would be nice to clean here for OpenSSL */ #ifdef GNUTLS if (ssl) { gnutls_global_deinit (); } #endif printstats (); if (successes >= 1) exit (0); else exit (1); } void printstats () { int i; /* if ((number > 1) && ((!udp) || (successes > 0))) { */ if (successes > 1) { printf ("---\n"); if (successes < attempts) printf ("Warning: %d message(s) lost (%d %%)\n", attempts - successes, ((attempts - successes) * 100) / attempts); printf ("Minimum time: %d.%06d seconds (%.0f bytes per sec.)\n", (int) min.tv_sec, (int) min.tv_usec, (double) size / tv2double (min)); printf ("Maximum time: %d.%06d seconds (%.0f bytes per sec.)\n", (int) max.tv_sec, (int) max.tv_usec, (double) size / tv2double (max)); tvavg (&total, successes); printf ("Average time: %d.%06d seconds (%.0f bytes per sec.)\n", (int) total.tv_sec, (int) total.tv_usec, (double) size / tv2double (total)); /* The number of bytes/second, as printed above, is not really meaningful: size does not reflect the number of bytes exchanged. With echo, N = 2*size, with discard, N = size, with http, N = size + (response)... */ tvstddev (&stddev, successes, total, results); printf ("Standard deviation: %d.%06d\n", (int) stddev.tv_sec, (int) stddev.tv_usec); for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { if (results[i].valid) good_results[j++] = results[i].timevalue; } if (successes != j) /* Todo: bug! */ err_quit ("successes (%d) is different from j (%d)", successes, j); qsort (good_results, successes, sizeof (struct timeval), tvcmp); /* * for (i = 1; i <= number; i++) { printf("---\nTime %d th: * %d.%06d seconds\n", i, results[i-1].tv_sec, * results[i-1].tv_usec); } */ if ((successes % 2) == 1) { /* * printf("Searching good_results[%d]\n", (successes * + 1) / 2 - 1); */ median = good_results[((successes + 1) / 2 - 1)]; } else { /* * printf("Searching good_results[%d] and [%d]\n", * (successes / 2) - 1, successes / 2); */ tvadd (&median, &good_results[(successes / 2) - 1]); tvadd (&median, &good_results[successes / 2]); tvavg (&median, 2); } printf ("Median time: %d.%06d seconds (%.0f bytes per sec.)\n", (int) median.tv_sec, (int) median.tv_usec, (double) size / tv2double (median)); } } /* * Signal handler for timeouts (SIGALRM). This function is called when the * alarm() value that was set counts down to zero. This indicates that we * haven't received a response from the server to the last datagram we sent. * All we do is set a flag and return from the signal handler. The occurrence * of the signal interrupts the recvfrom() system call (errno = EINTR) above, * and we then check the timeout_flag flag. */ void to_alarm () { timeout_flag = 1; /* set flag for function above */ } void interrupted () { printf ("Interrupted by user\n"); printstats (); exit (1); }