#!/usr/bin/env bash # Execute this script to generate a mdBook version from the single Readme.md file present in this repository. # Usage: ./createBookFromReadme.sh # -------------------- Utility Methods -------------------- # Cleanup the src directory before starting function cleanupBeforeStarting(){ rm -rf ./src mkdir src } # Splits the Readme.md file based on the header in markdown and creates chapters # Note: # Get gcsplit via homebrew on mac: brew install coreutils function splitIntoChapters(){ gcsplit --prefix='Chapter_' --suffix-format='%d.md' --elide-empty-files README.md '/^# /' '{*}' -q } # Moves generated chapters into src directory function moveChaptersToSrcDir(){ for f in Chapter_*.md; do mv $f src/$f done } # Creates the summary from the generated chapters function createSummary(){ cd ./src touch SUMMARY.md echo '# Summary' > SUMMARY.md echo "" >> SUMMARY.md for f in $(ls -tr | grep Chapter_); do # Get the first line of the file local firstLine=$(sed -n '1p' $f) local cleanTitle=$(echo $firstLine | cut -c 3-) echo "- [$cleanTitle](./$f)" >> SUMMARY.md; done cd .. } # Builds the mdBook version from src directory and starts serving locally. # Note: # Install mdBook as per instructions in their repo https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook function buildAndServeBookLocally(){ mdBook build && mdBook serve } # -------------------- Steps to create the mdBook version -------------------- cleanupBeforeStarting splitIntoChapters moveChaptersToSrcDir createSummary buildAndServeBookLocally