Start testing

Dhghomon 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 48c9fbd7a0
commit fa41a486c7
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ It is now early August, and *Easy Rust* is almost 300 pages long. I am still wri
- [Default and the builder pattern](#default-and-the-builder-pattern)
- [Deref and DerefMut](#deref-and-derefmut)
- [Crates and modules](#crates-and-modules)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Test-driven development](#test-driven-development)
## Rust Playground
@ -9168,3 +9170,278 @@ fn main() {
print_city("Korea", "Gyeonggi-do", "Gwangju"); // Now it's less work to use it again
## Testing
Testing is a good subject to learn now that we understand modules. Testing your code is very easy in Rust, because you can write tests right next to your code.
The easiest way to start testing is to add `#[test]` above a function. Here is a simple one:
fn two_is_two() {
assert_eq!(2, 2);
But if you try to run it in the Playground, it gives an error: `error[E0601]: `main` function not found in crate `playground``. That's because you don't use Run for tests, you use Test. Also, you don't use a `main()` function for tests - they go outside. To run this in the Playground, click on `···` next to RUN and change it to Test. Now if you click on it, it will run the test. Here is the output:
running 1 test
test two_is_two ... ok
test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
Let's change `2, 2` to `2, 3` and see what we get. When a test fails you get a lot more information:
running 1 test
test two_is_two ... FAILED
---- two_is_two stdout ----
thread 'two_is_two' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
left: `2`,
right: `3`', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
`(left == right)` is the main way to test a function in Rust. If it doesn't work, it will show the different values: left has 2, but right has 3.
What does `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` mean? This is a setting on your computer to give a lot more information about errors. Luckily the Playground has it too: click on `···` next to `STABLE` and set backtrace to `ENABLED`. If you do that, it will give you a *lot* of information:
running 1 test
test two_is_two ... FAILED
---- two_is_two stdout ----
thread 'two_is_two' panicked at 'assertion failed: 2 == 3', src/
stack backtrace:
0: backtrace::backtrace::libunwind::trace
at /cargo/registry/src/
1: backtrace::backtrace::trace_unsynchronized
at /cargo/registry/src/
2: std::sys_common::backtrace::_print_fmt
at src/libstd/sys_common/
3: <std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::DisplayBacktrace as core::fmt::Display>::fmt
at src/libstd/sys_common/
4: core::fmt::write
at src/libcore/fmt/
5: std::io::Write::write_fmt
at /rustc/c367798cfd3817ca6ae908ce675d1d99242af148/src/libstd/io/
6: std::io::impls::<impl std::io::Write for alloc::boxed::Box<W>>::write_fmt
at src/libstd/io/
7: std::sys_common::backtrace::_print
at src/libstd/sys_common/
8: std::sys_common::backtrace::print
at src/libstd/sys_common/
9: std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}
at src/libstd/
10: std::panicking::default_hook
at src/libstd/
11: std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook
at src/libstd/
12: std::panicking::begin_panic
at /rustc/c367798cfd3817ca6ae908ce675d1d99242af148/src/libstd/
13: playground::two_is_two
at src/
14: playground::two_is_two::{{closure}}
at src/
15: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
at /rustc/c367798cfd3817ca6ae908ce675d1d99242af148/src/libcore/ops/
16: <alloc::boxed::Box<F> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<A>>::call_once
at /rustc/c367798cfd3817ca6ae908ce675d1d99242af148/src/liballoc/
17: <std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe<F> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<()>>::call_once
at /rustc/c367798cfd3817ca6ae908ce675d1d99242af148/src/libstd/
18: std::panicking::try::do_call
at /rustc/c367798cfd3817ca6ae908ce675d1d99242af148/src/libstd/
19: std::panicking::try
at /rustc/c367798cfd3817ca6ae908ce675d1d99242af148/src/libstd/
20: std::panic::catch_unwind
at /rustc/c367798cfd3817ca6ae908ce675d1d99242af148/src/libstd/
21: test::run_test_in_process
at src/libtest/
22: test::run_test::run_test_inner::{{closure}}
at src/libtest/
note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.
test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
You don't need to use a backtrace unless you really can't find where the problem is. But luckily you don't need to understand it all either. If you keep reading, you will eventually see line 13 where it says `playground` - that's where it talks about your code. Everything else is about what Rust is doing in other libraries to run your program. But these two lines show you that it looked at line 2 and line 3 of playground, which is a hint to check there.
13: playground::two_is_two
at src/
14: playground::two_is_two::{{closure}}
at src/
So let's turn backtrace off again and return to regular tests. Now we'll write some other functions, and use test functions to test them. Here are a few:
fn return_two() -> i8 {
fn it_returns_two() {
assert_eq!(return_two(), 2);
fn return_six() -> i8 {
4 + return_two()
fn it_returns_six() {
assert_eq!(return_six(), 6)
Now it runs both:
running 2 tests
test it_returns_two ... ok
test it_returns_six ... ok
test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
That's not too hard.
Usually you will want to put your tests in their own module. To do this, use the same `mod` keyword and add `#[cfg(test)]` above it (remember: `cfg` means "configure). You also want to continue to write `#[test]` above each test. This is because later on when you install Rust, you can do more complicated testing. You will be able to run one test, or all of them, or run a few. Also don't forget to write `use super::*;` because the test module needs to use the functions above it. Now it will look like this:
fn return_two() -> i8 {
fn return_six() -> i8 {
4 + return_two()
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn it_returns_six() {
assert_eq!(return_six(), 6)
fn it_returns_two() {
assert_eq!(return_two(), 2);
### Test-driven development
You might see the words "test-driven development" when reading about Rust or another programming language. It's one way to write programs, and some people like it while others prefer something else. "Test-driven development" means "writing tests first, then writing the code". When you do this, you will have a lot of tests for everything you want your code to do. Then you start writing the code, and run the tests to see if you did it right. This is pretty easy in Rust because the compiler gives a lot of information about what to fix. Let's write a small example of test-driven development and see what it looks like.
Let's imagine a calculator that takes user input. It can add (+) and it can subtract (-). If the user writes "5 + 6" it should return 11, if the user writes "5 + 6 - 7" it should return 4, and so on. So we'll start with test functions. You can also see that function names in tests are usually quite long. That is because you might run a lot of tests, and you want to understand which tests have failed.
We'll imagine that a single function called `math()` will do everything. It will return an `i32` (we won't use floats). Because it needs to return something, we'll just return `6` every time. Then we will write three test functions. They will all fail, of course. Now the code looks like this:
fn math(input: &str) -> i32 {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn one_plus_one_is_two() {
assert_eq!(math("1 + 1"), 2);
fn one_minus_two_is_minus_one() {
assert_eq!(math("1 - 2"), -1);
fn one_minus_minus_one_is_two() {
assert_eq!(math("1 - -1), 2);
It gives us this information:
running 3 tests
test tests::one_minus_minus_one_is_two ... FAILED
test tests::one_minus_two_is_minus_one ... FAILED
test tests::one_plus_one_is_two ... FAILED
and all the information about `thread 'tests::one_plus_one_is_two' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)``. We don't need to print it all here.
Now to think about how to make the calculator. We will accept any number, and the symbols `+-`. We will allow spaces, but nothing else. So let's start with a `const` that contains all the values. Then we will use `.chars()` to iterate by character, and `.all()` to make sure they are all inside.
Then we will add a tast that should panic. To do that, add `#[should_panic]`: now if it panics it will succeed.
Now the code looks like this:
const OKAY_CHARACTERS: &str = "1234567890+- "; // Don't forget the space at the end
fn math(input: &str) -> i32 {
if let false = input.chars().all(|character| OKAY_CHARACTERS.contains(character)) {
panic!("Please only input numbers, +-, or spaces");
6 // we still return a 6 for now
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn one_plus_one_is_two() {
assert_eq!(math("1 + 1"), 2);
fn one_minus_two_is_minus_one() {
assert_eq!(math("1 - 2"), -1);
fn one_minus_minus_one_is_two() {
assert_eq!(math("1 - -1), 2);
#[should_panic] // Here is our new test - it should panic
fn panics_when_characters_not_right() {
math("7 + seven");
Now when we run the tests we get this result:
running 4 tests
test tests::one_minus_two_is_minus_one ... FAILED
test tests::one_minus_minus_one_is_two ... FAILED
test tests::panics_when_characters_not_right ... ok
test tests::one_plus_one_is_two ... FAILED
One succeeded! Our `math()` function will only accept good input now.
