More on closures + iterators

Dhghomon 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 21ae205eff
commit c4cb3c1ac1
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ It is now late July, and *Easy Rust* is about 200 pages long. I am still writing
- [How an iterator works](#how-an-iterator-works)
- [Closures](#closures)
- [|_| in a closure](#_-in-a-closure)
- [The dbg! macro and .inspect](#the-dbg-macro-and-inspect)
- [Helpful methods for closures and iterators](#helpful-methods-for-closures-and-iterators)
- [The dbg! macro and .inspect](#the-dbg-macro-and-inspect)
- [Types of &str](#types-of-str)
- [Lifetimes](#lifetimes)
- [Interior mutability](#interior-mutability)
@ -4870,7 +4871,93 @@ help: consider changing the closure to take and ignore the expected argument
This is good advice. If you change `||` to `|_|` then it will work.
### The dbg! macro and .inspect
### Helpful methods for closures and iterators
Rust becomes a very fun to language once you become comfortable with closures. With closures you can *chain* methods to each other and do a lot of things with very little code. Here are some closures and methods used with closures that we didn't see yet.
`.filter()`: This lets you keep the items in an iterator that you want to keep. Let's filter the months of the year.
fn main() {
let months = vec!["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
let filtered_months = months
.into_iter() // make an iter
.filter(|month| month.len() < 5) // We don't want months more than 5 bytes in length.
// We know that each letter is one byte so .len() is fine
.filter(|month| month.contains("u")) // Also we only like months with the letter u
println!("{:?}", filtered_months);
This prints `["June", "July"]`.
`.filter_map()`. This is called `filter_map()` because it does `.filter()` and `.map()`. The closure must return an `Option<T>`, and then `` takes the value out of each `Option` if it is `Some`. So for example if you were to `.filter_map()` a `vec![Some(9), None, Some(3)]`, it would return `[2, 3]`.
We will write an example with a `Company` struct. Each company has a `name` so that field is `String`, but the CEO might have recently quit. So the `ceo` field is `Some<String>`. We will `.filter_map()` over some companies to just keep the CEO names.
struct Company {
name: String,
ceo: Option<String>,
impl Company {
fn new(name: &str, ceo: &str) -> Self {
let ceo = match ceo {
"" => None,
name => Some(name.to_string()),
}; // ceo is decided, so now we return Self
Self {
name: name.to_string(),
fn get_ceo(&self) -> Option<String> { // Just returns a clone of the CEO (struct is not Copy)
fn main() {
let company_vec = vec![
Company::new("Umbrella Corporation", "Unknown"),
Company::new("Ovintiv", "Doug Suttles"),
Company::new("The Red-Headed League", ""),
Company::new("Stark Enterprises", ""),
let all_the_ceos = company_vec
.filter_map(|company| company.get_ceo()) // filter_map needs Option<T>
println!("{:?}", all_the_ceos);
Since `.filter_map()` needs an `Option`, what about `Result`? No problem: there is a method called `.ok()` that turns `Option` into `Result`. It is called `.ok()` because all it can send is the `Ok` result. You remember that `Option` is `Option<T>` while `Result` is `Result<T, E>` with information for both `Ok` and `Err`. So when you use `.ok()`, any `Err` information is lost and it becomes `None`.
Using `parse.()` is an easy example for this, where we try to parse some user input. `.parse()` takes a `&str` and tries to turn it into an `f32`. It returns a `Result`, but we are using `filter_map()` so we just throw out the errors. Anything that is `Err` becomes `None` and is filtered out by `.filter_map()`.
fn main() {
let user_input = vec!["8.9", "Nine point nine five", "8.0", "7.6", "eleventy-twelve"];
let actual_numbers = user_input
.filter_map(|input| input.parse::<f32>().ok())
println!("{:?}", actual_numbers);
## The dbg! macro and .inspect
`dbg!` is a very useful macro that prints quick information. Sometimes you use it instead of `println!` because it is faster to type:
