Start Result

Dhghomon 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent cb1373fc12
commit a7c026d38f
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -2173,3 +2173,85 @@ fn take_fifth(value: Vec<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
## Result
Result is similar to Option, but here is the difference:
* Option is about Some or None (value or no value),
* Result is about Ok or Err (okay result, or error result).
To compare, here are the signatures for Option and Result.
enum Option<T> {
enum Result<T, E> {
So Result has a value inside of Ok, and a value inside of Err. That is because errors usually have information, because there are many types of errors.
```Result<T, E>``` means you need to think of what you want to return for Ok, and what you want to return for Err. Actually, you can decide anything. Even this is okay:
fn main() {
fn check_error() -> Result<(), ()> {
```check_error``` says "return () if we get Ok, and return () if we get Err". Then we return Ok with a ().
Sometimes a function with Result will use a ```String``` for the Err value. This is not the best method to use, but sometimes it is okay.
fn main() {
let mut result_vec = Vec::new(); // Create a new vec for the results
for number in 2..7 {
result_vec.push(check_if_five(number)); // push each result into the vec
println!("{:?}", result_vec);
fn check_if_five(number: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
match number {
5 => Ok(number),
_ => Err("Sorry, the number wasn't five.".to_string()), // This is our error message
Our vec prints:
[Err("Sorry, the number wasn\'t five."), Err("Sorry, the number wasn\'t five."), Err("Sorry, the number wasn\'t five."), Ok(5),
Err("Sorry, the number wasn\'t five.")]
Just like Option, .unwrap() on Err will panic.
fn main() {
let error_value: Result<i32, &str> = Err("There was an error"); // Create a Result that is already an Err
println!("{}", error_value.unwrap()); // Unwrap it
The program panics, and prints:
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "There was an error"', src\
This information helps you fix your code. src\ means "inside in directory src, on line 30 and column 20". So you can go there to look at your code and fix the problem.
